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One Hundred and Twenty Seventh Chapter Scroll

  "Ziying, you have done a very good job, but you still need to think more carefully about some methods." Ye Xianggao smiled and glanced at Qi Yongtai, who had never spoken, "Ruling the world with the scholar-bureaucrats, the court treats the gentry preferentially, you govern the country

Being too harsh and harsh will not be good for your reputation."

Feng Ziying smiled bitterly, and he also knew that Ye Xianggao had good intentions, "Master Chief Assistant, I don't want to be like this, but the situation in Yongping sometimes forces the governor and I to make dangerous moves. I know

Many people also have some connections in the capital. It is inevitable that they will have someone to criticize and slander some of the measures taken by the prefect and me in the capital. I am prepared for this, but what if I don’t do some things? It just so happens that both Duke Han and Duke Bo Xiao are here today.

Here, I would also like to mention in passing that Changli Huimin Salt Field and Changludu Salt Transfer Department have sent documents to the government many times, and the Ministry of Revenue and the Metropolitan Procuratorate have also sent documents to the government. But what is the situation so far?"

Zheng Jizhi’s face turned particularly ugly when the Huimin Salt Field was mentioned, and he couldn’t help but interject: “The security in Yongping Prefecture is not peaceful, and chaos often breaks out, resulting in the Huimin Salt Field being abandoned to this day, which is really annoying!”

Fang Congzhe's expression was equally ugly, "Ziying, Yongping Prefecture should investigate the matter of Huimin Saltworks. These Japanese pirates come and go without a trace. Is it really that powerful? Isn't it said that the activities of Japanese pirates are basically limited to the Yangtze River Estuary now?"

?How come you haven’t heard of it in Shandong yet, but it’s appeared in Beizhi?”

Fang Congzhe and Zheng Jizhi are responsible for the finances and are naturally very concerned about the salt affairs, but the other people don't know much about it.

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Qi Yongtai couldn't help but ask: "Ziying, how could the Huimin Salt Field be attacked by Japanese pirates? Can the salt field be moved away by Japanese pirates?"

Feng Ziying smiled bitterly, "The salt fields cannot be moved, but the Japanese pirates have repeatedly attacked, causing salt households to flee. Now the salt fields in the salt field have been divided up by the local gentry in Changli, and the county is helpless..."


 “Isn’t that true?”

Not only Qi Yongtai, but also Li Sancai suddenly changed their expressions. Ye Xianggao and Li Tingji also had angry expressions, while Fang Congzhe and Zheng Jizhi also had gloomy expressions.

Here, except for Fang Congzhe and Zheng Jizhi, who know a little bit about it, everyone else doesn't know much about the specific situation, but they are all discerning people. The Japanese pirates invaded, causing the saltworks to be abandoned, and then the rich gentry from Changli came to take over and carve it up. Fools can do it

Understand what's going on inside.

Salt class is the most important and stable income of the Great Zhou Dynasty, which can be regarded as the financial lifeline. In the previous dynasties, salt and iron wire tea were specially sold, but in the Great Zhou Dynasty, only salt and iron were sold initially.

Later, even the negotiation and sale of iron was cancelled, but the negotiation and sale of salt never wavered. In addition, the salt transfer department of the Huaihe River and the Huaihe River entered the emperor's inner treasury, so the salt department of the salt transfer department of the other three major capitals

The income is the most stable income for the imperial court, and it can be called the treasure of the treasury.

 Everything else has its ups and downs, but this salt lesson is basically relatively stable every year. As long as the people are still alive, they have to eat salt.

If anyone wants to make salt, he really needs to dig into the roots of the household department.

“Ziying, are you telling the truth?” Ye Xianggao’s face was cold and his eyes were like daggers.

"Bo Xiaogong should know something about it. Ziying also went to Changli last month to understand the situation, and she received many warnings, telling me to keep to myself and not touch things that have nothing to do with me, otherwise I will be attacked.

I can't move even an inch in Yongping Mansion." Feng Ziying also sneered.

“Bo Xiao, is what Ziying said true?” Ye Xianggao turned to Zheng Jizhi.

Zheng Jizhi thought for a while and then said: "It's basically true. The Huimin Salt Field was destroyed by Japanese pirates three years ago. The salt field suffered great losses. The Changludu Salt Transfer Department spent a huge amount of money to rebuild it. Unexpectedly, it was destroyed again the year before last.

The Ministry of Finance allocated special funds to rebuild it, but it was still destroyed last year. The salt households were scattered everywhere. Later, the Ministry of Household Affairs put it on hold. It really couldn't withstand such repeated tossing. Money was spent like a sea, but there was no profit. Changlu all transferred salt.

The commander-in-chief couldn’t bear it. Later, I only knew that some local salt farmers were drying salt on the original site, but I don’t know the details..."

Zheng Jizhi’s words are euphemistic, but they basically confirm that this is true.

"Didn't the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of War react at all? Did Yongping Mansion just sit back and do nothing?" Ye Xianggao was a little angry. This kind of thing has happened, so what else can he not dare to do? "The Ministry of Husbandry is planning to

Just give up?!"

"Master Chief Assistant, Japanese pirates come from the sea and are in large numbers. Few officers and soldiers will not help, but if there are many Japanese pirates, they will flee. Without the help of the navy, it is difficult to eradicate them." Feng Ziying interjected: "What should you do about the situation in Yongping?

I know a little bit that the local police patrols are not going to help at all. To mobilize troops, you have to go through the Military Preparation Road to write documents to borrow troops. The Yongping Military Preparation Road is an empty frame, and the troops in Jizhen are far to the north. They have to go south.

Changli, I'm afraid the local government has already heard the news, the Japanese pirates are obviously connected with the local government, and they have fled long ago after receiving the news."

This method of the enemy advancing and the enemy retreating and the enemy retreating and advancing is indeed quite perfect for this kind of Japanese pirates. There is no naval fleet in Beizhi, and this small group of several hundred Japanese pirates is the most difficult to guard against.


Ye Xianggao glanced around and said, "This is not a reason. If the court allows this kind of thing to happen, the general will not be able to conquer the country!"

It is said to be so serious, but how to deal with it is also very difficult. But does this have something to do with the big households in Changli? Everyone has a strong balance in their hearts.

"There are difficulties in seconding Ji Zhen soldiers now. The news from the grassland outside the border wall is that Lin Dan Batur is very ambitious this time. It may be that the attitude of Inner Khalkha is more submissive, and even Outer Khalkha is also controlled by Lin Dan Khan.

If you are tempted by persuasion, you will send troops here. Once you really invade the south, it may be the largest southward invasion in the past twenty years."

Zhang Jingqiu, who had been silent, interjected: "Under this situation, You Shigong is still deploying troops to Liaodong, and has no spare power to take care of local affairs. If it is a small force of two to three hundred people, I am afraid that it will be difficult to deal with this

The Japanese pirates who come from the sea and run away with one strike are of little use, and they may even be attacked by the enemy if you are not careful."

Ye Xianggao frowned. Military discussions were not suitable for discussions in front of foreign officials such as Feng Ziying. Even though Feng Ziying's father was the governor of Ji Liao and he knew the situation better, the rules could not be broken, which made him even more dissatisfied with Zhang Jingqiu.

 Zhang Jingqiu naturally makes sense when he says this.

Feng Ziying has a close relationship with Ji Zhen. Judging from the current situation, the trend of the Mongolian left wing's southward invasion is becoming more and more obvious. Ji Zhen may face considerable pressure, but the Ministry of War may only be able to protect the front line of Tianfu. It must ensure that the capital city cannot

If the Ming Dynasty is threatened and cannot lead the Tatar tribes to attack the capital, then it is very likely that they will give up Yongping Mansion, at least they will not devote all their efforts to the defense of Yongping Mansion.

But Feng Ziying is the only son of Feng Tang. If there are any shortcomings in his tenure in Yongping Mansion, then Feng Tang will definitely be angry with himself, the Minister of War. In the future, he, the Minister of War, will want Feng Tang's support in troop mobilization and war preparations.

Don't even think about it.

 So he wanted to remind Feng Ziying not to focus solely on making achievements, but to be fully prepared.

"We will discuss the military discussion in the future. Ziying, the Yongping Mansion needs to pay attention to the matter of the Huimin Salt Farm. This is the basis of the imperial taxation. If we let it do whatever it wants, I am afraid that there will be huge consequences. Do you, the Yongping Mansion, have any considerations?"

After seeing Ye Xianggao's gloomy expression, Li San answered the question in an interesting tone.

Zhang Jingqiu was not convinced by him, the elder in charge of military affairs, and Li Sancai knew it very well.

Originally, they were all the same six ministers. Even Zhang Jingqiu had been the minister earlier and was the emperor's favorite candidate. But in the end, he took the position. No one could make Zhang Jingqiu feel comfortable.

 But Li Sancai doesn’t think he is worse than Zhang Jingqiu.

 I also started working step by step. When Zhang Jingqiu was idle in Nanjing, I had already been working in various positions.

In terms of the achievements made by the governor of water transportation alone, Li Sancai believed that there were few previous governors who could compare with him.

 Fortunately, although Zhang Jingqiu is not convinced by himself, he has not been hindered in major matters. On the surface, the relationship can still be maintained, and everyone maintains a certain amount of face.

"Master Daofu, to be honest, it's really a bit tricky. I wanted to investigate first to see what's going on inside, but this year is also a troubled year. As Mr. Zhang said just now, the Mongolian invasion to the south is imminent, and Yongping Mansion will bear the brunt.

Maybe our efforts for a year may be in vain, but we can't just do nothing now just because the Mongols are going to invade the south, right?"

Feng Ziying smiled bitterly and said: "But if we want to solve the problem of Japanese pirates behind the Huimin Salt Field, we will definitely need the support of the Ministry of War. Therefore, today I also request the Ministry of War in front of all of you to give permission to act expediently. If there is a need to garrison the troops, I will

Please order the Ministry of War to provide cooperation and support."

This is not a problem, several cabinet elders and Zhang Jingqiu all nodded in approval.

This Wenyuan Pavilion political inquiry seemed a bit uneventful, and Feng Ziying herself felt it was dull and boring.

Maybe it was just curiosity. The ministers in the cabinet were quite curious about how a young boy who had just graduated from the Hanlin Academy went to Yongping Mansion to stir up such a big Feng Lang. In addition, some unexpected actions made them curious.

, but after asking about it, I seemed to feel that it was nothing more than that, and I felt more at ease.

This is what Feng Ziying wants. He doesn't want to be regarded as an alternative by others. Basically, everything he does is within the rules. At most, it is just on the edge of the rules. This is what Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia have repeatedly warned.

my own.

No matter how talented you are, no matter how talented or capable you are, as long as you don’t break the bottom line of the rules, the court will not tolerate it. Now, I don’t have the strength to break the rules.

This chapter has been completed!
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