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Volume B, The Dew Waiting For The Sun, Section 4: A Political Genius?

 And what Feng Ziying said today was more like suddenly lifting away the veil that had been half-hidden and half-visible in front of her.

Qi Yongtai believed that the emperor had actually noticed a lot of things, but in this specific situation, he could not do much.

It seems that only Li Sancai was promoted, but in fact he was promoted from the censor of Youqiandu to the censor of Youfudu, and also served as the governor of the river. The governor of the river was actually something that had been agreed upon long ago, but there was no such thing.

He will also be responsible for the civil uprising in Shandong.

Only the right deputy censor recognized his performance.

However, there was no movement on Qiao Yingjia, the "hero". Now it seems that this is also the emperor's intention to downplay the influence in this regard to avoid unnecessary speculation, but the high praise for Feng Ziying is even more meaningful.

After this guy is Wu Xun, everyone knows that Wu Xun is the foundation of the Supreme Emperor, and his performance means nothing no matter how much the court praises him.

But now this person has come to Qingtan Academy to study again, which again makes people think a lot.

All in all, this guy has now become an extremely unique being. Every move he makes can attract careful scrutiny from all parties.

After thinking about this, Qi Yongtai had to admire his fellow student's skill in recommending Feng Ziying to Qingtan Academy.

Nodding slightly, Qi Yongtai's eyes were quite appreciative, but he also knew that this son's arrival at Qingtan Academy was a double-edged sword.

It doesn't seem like much now, but Qi Yongtai believes that many people are already paying attention to this son's trip to study at Qingtan Academy. In the future, every detail of this son's study at Qingtan Academy will probably be spread to all parties.

It's just that Qi Yongtai has never been afraid of these things. Now that he has become the headmaster of Qingtan Academy, he has already been mentally prepared to face everything.

"Then based on what you saw and heard during your trip to Shandong, have you ever felt the shortcomings of our Zhou Dynasty?" Qi Yongtai's tone became sharper, and he looked directly at the other party with eyes like a torch.

He also wanted to test the son's courage. This courage was not simply the courage to fight with bravery, but the political courage behind his political insight.

This question was a tricky and powerful question, which made it difficult for Feng Ziying to answer.

If he said he found nothing, I'm afraid it would make Qi Yongtai a little disappointed and he would feel timid. If he said he found something, I'm afraid Qi Yongtai would make more demands, and once word spreads in the academy, it will also bring

A lot of unnecessary trouble.

Feng Ziying had never expected that Qingtan Academy would be a pool of still water. The surface of the water may seem quiet, but there may be too many waves hidden under the water.

After thinking for a while, Feng Ziying also knew that there was no way to avoid this question, but he needed to think carefully about how to answer it to achieve the best results.

"Shan Chief, I think this problem is not actually a problem. Which place dares to say that there is no problem at all? And many problems are definitely not caused by any one person or official. The so-called three feet of ice is not a day's cold, which causes these problems

There are many factors,..."

Feng Ziying did not dare to go into detail, and if she went on to elaborate, she would only use two aspects of materialist dialectics. Then Qi Yongtai would probably wonder if he was a political opponent who had ulterior motives and was specially sent to say this.

No twelve-year-old can achieve such a profound insight into politics. Although for Feng Ziying, who has studied political economics, many principles are actually commonplace in later generations, but now, they are shocking and shocking.


But Qi Yongtai was not satisfied with these words, which were too vague and ambiguous.

If an old official said this, no problem, but why did this guy learn this trick when he was only twelve or thirteen years old?

Seeing Qi Yongtai frowning, Feng Ziying also knew that her words would not satisfy him.

It seems that he has to put down some practical information, otherwise he will be sorry for Qiao Yingjia's high praise for him in the letter, and it will also be detrimental to his ability to quickly open up the situation in the academy and establish his own status in the future.

"Chief, I will simply share my opinions on some things I encountered during my trip to Shandong. They may not be correct or accurate, so please just listen to them." Feng Ziying cleared her throat, "First of all, it is the dispute between the imperial court and the local government.

The cooperation is uncoordinated and the rift is deepening..."

"..., taking the establishment of the tax supervisor as an example, I won't say whether the reasons for the establishment of the tax supervisor are correct and reasonable, but since the court has established it, how to coordinate with the local governments? Well, there is no communication mechanism and response mechanism at all, but each one goes his own way.

Dao, otherwise the signs of the Linqing Civil War would have already been there. The docks, weavers, kiln households, and merchants in Linqing City were all dissatisfied, and their grievances had been accumulated for a long time. It is impossible for the local yamen of Linqing Prefecture and Dongchang Prefecture not to know, and even

The Shandong Qing Li Department of the Ministry of Punishment also heard about it. I dare not say that they turned a blind eye, but at least they were negligent. Long Jinwei was arrogant and arrogant..., which caused a storm to turn from an ordinary civil uprising into a rebellion of religious bandits...


Feng Ziying didn't go into too much detail, just pointing out the specific situation.

He believed that Qi Yongtai was also a veteran in officialdom and knew these things well enough that there was no need to say more.

“..., in the face of the rigidity of the response mechanism to sudden civil unrest,..., for places that have been at peace for a long time, there should be a more flexible and simple way to quickly respond to the banditry that may be caused by civil unrest like this.

mechanism, and should not have to report to Jinan or even the Ministry of War. This is also the opinion I came up with when I was together with Cao Bing and Long Jinwei this time..."

"..., there is a lack of a complete system for collecting intelligence on civil society and public opinion. Long Jinwei, the Ministry of Punishment, the prefectural and county offices and even the inspection department all thought that suspicious signs should be discovered by each other, but they all believed that it was the responsibility of the other party and passed the blame to each other.

Gullibility leads to accidents..."

Feng Ziying had already noticed the change in Qi Yongtai's expression. He knew that if he continued to speak like this, something would really go wrong, but he was riding a tiger, so he could only bite the bullet and continue speaking.

Fortunately, he was very smart and didn't say a word about what to do. He just said that there was a problem here and there.

Qi Yongtai was really shocked.

If a thirty-year-old official could say something like this in front of him, he would give the other party a very good evaluation. At least he would have seen the many shortcomings and problems that existed through this incident.

But the problem is that this is a thirteen-year-old boy, well, he is actually thirteen years old.

Besides, after experiencing this turmoil personally, it is impossible for a young man who has never experienced officialdom and government affairs to have such profound insights, right?

Qi Yongtai could not control his expression. He was not a moody person, but today his expression suddenly changed.

"Ziying, is this what you observed during this trip? Have you ever had such an experience before?" Qi Yongtai couldn't believe it. He had to figure this out.

"Well, Commander, I used to follow my father in Datong, and I often watched him handle military affairs, and there were also local officials to coordinate affairs with the border troops. In addition, this time I went to Linqing with Duke Qiao and Duke Chen, and there was also Long

The forbidden captains Zhang Jin, Zhang Qianhu and Zhao Wenzhao and Zhao Baihu took me with them, and even later dealt with the Linqing Prefectural Government. What I saw and heard in the past few days was deeply felt, especially Qiao Gong and Zhao

I have benefited greatly from Baihu’s insights on many issues..."

This is also a cover. If there is no such reason, it will be difficult to relieve Qi Yongtai's inner doubts.

Needless to say, Qiao Yingjia, not all Jin Yiwei are drunkards, and Qi Yongtai is not the kind of extreme person who knocks over a whole boat of people with one stick. Although he is very disdainful of Jin Yiwei, he must admit that there are many capable people in Jin Yiwei.

For example, Lu Song, the current commander of the Jinyiwei, had collaborated with him when he was a military officer. He was a very powerful person.

This son happened to be involved in the Caoyun Yamen at the right time during the Shandong Civil War. Long Jinwei and Linqing Prefecture Yamen suppressed the entire civil uprising from the beginning to the later disposal. I am afraid that he has indeed gone through a lot. No wonder he can

Provided so many insights.

Of course, this must be due to the contributions of Qiao Yingjia and Long Jinwei.

But in any case, it is enough to show that the thirteen-year-old boy in front of him is very different from other people of the same age.

This chapter has been completed!
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