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Ji Zi Volume Chapter 143 Good words are hard to persuade, so it’s hard to persuade them.

 Sun Chengzong's words made everyone present take a breath of air-conditioning. Although everyone had already had this premonition, everyone couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling when they saw Sun Chengzong, who was known as the double wall of the Ministry of War, speaking with such certainty.

Yuan Keli pondered and said: "What Zhisheng said is also my point of view. Lindan Batur is very young. Even though he has some ambitions, he may not be able to reach this level in terms of strategy, wisdom and heart. There is no one among the Chahar people either."

He is a very outstanding person, and we feel that the person who is the go-between is probably Nurhaci!"

Chai Ke slightly nodded his head and said, "Donglu, the Mongolian left wing, the Yang family of Bozhou, and other sneaky things that we can't predict now may appear. The eight years of Yonglong will be difficult."

"Sir, there is news from the Xingren Division that the Horqin Tribe intends to marry Nurhaci. The two parties have been in frequent contact recently. The Zifang Division has passed the news to the Jiliao Governor's Mansion." Geng Ruqi said in a deep voice: "Now the Horqin Tribe has been communicating very frequently.

Among them, the one who is most inclined to turn to the Donglu is Ming'an, the leader of the Left-wing Hou Banner. It is said that Nurhachi has proposed to Ming'an that he would take his daughter Borzigit as his concubine. Ming'an is very moved, but he has not done so yet.

After making the final decision, our opinion is to let the Jiliao Governor-General's Office do its best to stop this matter, and not to allow the Horqin tribe and the Donglu tribe to form a stable alliance, otherwise the Yehe tribe and the Ula tribe will be in danger."

Only the Yehe tribe and the Ula tribe remain in the Haixi Jurchens. Among them, the Yehe tribe is still strong, but the Ula tribe is already on its last legs. If it were not for the full support of the Yehe tribe and Liaodong Town, it might have disappeared.

However, the position of the Ula tribe is too important. It happens to be at the contact node between the Jurchens of Jianzhou and the Jurchens of the East China Sea. Once the Ula tribe is annihilated, the Jurchens of Jianzhou can fully plot against the Jurchens of the East China Sea to the north. The threat to the Great Zhou Dynasty will increase sharply in the future.

Da, Da Zhou cannot tolerate this.

"Do you think Nurhachi is plotting against the Haixi Jurchens?" Zhang Jingqiu suddenly asked, "Or is it Shuerhaqi and his son?"

There was silence in the hall, everyone was weighing and thinking.

The Haixi Jurchens are in the west, close to the Horqin tribe, while the remnants recruited by the Jianzhou Right Guards Command carried by Shuerhaqi are distributed in the area between the Xiaoqing River and the Chai River to the north of the Hun River.

Under the protection of the right side of Kaiyuan Guard, it is adjacent to Guangshun Pass, Jingan Fort, Songshan Fort and Chaihe Fort.

Now the Jurchen forces in Jianzhou have extended from the Kuandian Liubao on the Yalu River to the Liaohe Tao area, and even squeezed the forces of the Chahar and Inner Khalkha tribes to the west. Because of this, the Horqin tribe

Will be so afraid of the Jianzhou Jurchen.

"It's all possible." Geng Ruqi hesitated for a moment and then expressed his judgment, "In fact, with the current strength of Donglu, it is not a problem to destroy the Ula tribe or Shuerhaqi and his son in one sentence. Faced with such a sudden attack, Liaodong Town will

We can't react too quickly. We can only watch helplessly and have no time to rescue. The key lies in whether Nurhachi is willing to risk a complete break with the Zhou Dynasty, or even become a life-and-death situation."

"In other words, once Nurhaci thinks that the conditions are ripe, he will not hesitate to destroy Shuerhaqi, his son and the Ula tribe in one fell swoop?" Zhang Jingqiu asked leisurely: "Then when will Nurhachi feel that the conditions are ripe?


"Sir, this question is not easy to answer." Geng Ruqi smiled bitterly and said: "But my subordinates think that this time it will be very dangerous. Once Nurhaci feels that it is difficult for Da Zhou to cope with the crisis in several aspects, I am afraid that he will make up his mind to go to war with Da Zhou.


Zhang Jingqiu took a deep breath. He also made the same judgment. He suspected that Nurhaci might be running a big game of chess. This move would probably shake the world.

But Nurhaci will not take this step easily.

He also needs to weigh the pros and cons and consider that once the relationship is completely broken, Dazhou will block, suppress and attack it from all aspects. After all, Dazhou is still the absolute overlord in the land of East Asia. Compared with Jianzhou Jurchen and Dazhou

, still too weak.

"In other words, if our poor performance in the joint siege against the Mongolian right wing, the Yang clan of Bozhou and the Donglu exceeds Nurhaci's cognitive bottom line, then he may change from what may have been just a normal bargain.

A "style robbery and annexation operation" turned into a charge to start an all-out war against the Great Zhou Dynasty." Chai Ke added and concluded: "These are two concepts and two natures. Once a breakthrough is made, there is no possibility of returning to the status quo ante."

Chai Ke's words were so categorical that everyone present was shocked.

No one expected that after analysis, the situation would be so severe, even far exceeding everyone's previous predictions. However, these analysis and judgments are well-founded and are not alarmist, and the probability of occurrence is even high.

"Ziying, you can foresee the changes in the situation in the southwest a year in advance. Now you are serving as a colleague in Yongping Mansion, which is the hub of Liaodong and the Central Plains. Do you have any comments or suggestions?" Zhang Jingqiu asked.

"My lords have already spoken in detail before, and I shouldn't say more about the reasoning. But Lord Chai also told me before that no matter how serious the adverse situation is, it is not too serious, but once it is ignored and underestimated, then

It may lead to irreversible disaster, so I still have to say something." Feng Ziying said solemnly: "I personally experienced the Linqing Civil War six years ago. Later, not much news came out about this matter, but I know

, the White Lotus Sect played a key instigating role in it, and the White Lotus Sect is found in almost every province in the Zhou Dynasty. Beizhi, Shandong, Nanzhi, Shaanxi, Shanxi and Henan are the main active areas. How harmful is it? Ministry of War

The Ministry of Justice and Punishment did not make accurate judgments one by one,..."

"..., local governments also have different attitudes when dealing with it. Some think it is an ordinary secret society and can be banned. Some think it is hidden and withered bones in the grave, not worth mentioning. But I think we may have underestimated it.

The White Lotus Sect and its variants, the Eastern Mahayana Sect, the Wenxiang Sect, the Hongyang Sect, the Wuwei Sect, and the Bangchui Sect, are harmful. These secret societies travel from village to village and have extensive connections. Some of them are even mixed up by ambitious people.

Among them, if it is not curbed as soon as possible, its involvement will inevitably be more widespread. And six years ago, I heard and saw with my own eyes that Japanese pirates were involved. Please note that they were not Japanese pirates, but samurai who were registered in the Tokugawa shogunate in Japan.

, Their purpose is to spy on and evaluate the strength of the White Lotus Sect, and their purpose is worrying..."

Feng Ziying's words made Zhang Jingqiu, Chai Ke, and even Sun Chengzong and Yuan Keli frown. It was obvious that Feng Ziying specially brought up the White Lotus Sect and emphasized it so solemnly, which made them feel a little incredible.

In their view, although the White Lotus Sect has some influence in the countryside, it is just a scabies problem. If these people want to cause trouble, as long as the local gentry raises their arms, it will disappear naturally.

As for individual ambitious people, such people exist everywhere, not only in the White Lotus Sect, but also in ordinary rural areas. Among ordinary people, there are still people who dream that they can be emperors. In the face of real government purges and gentry attacks, it is nothing more than

The snow was rolling in the water, and it was instantly annihilated in the grass and fields.

"Ziying, the Staff Department doesn't know much about the situation of the White Lotus Sect, but the Punishment Department does. According to our understanding, I'm afraid it's still not in the state you mentioned, right?" Yuan Keli said with a hint of his lips.

He looked unconcerned, but his tone was gentle, "Whether it's the White Lotus Sect, the Hongyang Sect, or the Wuwei Sect, they are just stupid men and women in the countryside being deceived. Although these people in the Great Zhou Dynasty are not

It's less, but it doesn't make a difference."

"Li Qinggong, the Taiping Dao of the Later Han Dynasty, and the Meng Yuan Ming Sect have all caused huge turmoil. We cannot take it lightly." In fact, Feng Ziying had already felt everyone's contempt for the White Lotus Sect, and he was sighing inwardly.

He was not from the Ministry of War, and if he said more, he would be annoying, but he had to say it.

After the Linqing uprising six years ago, and the constant feedback from the hidden lines that he had set up in the past few years, the White Lotus Sect and those mutant clubs have spread widely in the countryside of Northland, but it is true that not all of these clubs have

Many of the people who wanted to rebel were indeed seeking a spiritual sustenance by forming associations. However, once this kind of association was used by careerists, the power it unleashed was no less powerful than the Bozhou Chieftain Rebellion, but no one believed it now.

Yang Sichang couldn't help laughing, "Ziying, Dazhou is not the Later Han Dynasty and Meng Yuan. How can the White Lotus Sect, which relies on fooling and deceiving the stupid men and women in the countryside, compare with Taiping Taoism and Mingjiao? Both Taiping Taoism and Mingjiao are both.

With a fairly complete inheritance system and sectarian principles, people like the White Lotus Sect are not worthy of carrying shoes for Taiping Taoism and Mingjiao."

Yang Sichang finally found an opportunity to show his face.

Sun Chengzong, on the other hand, frowned. He was from Gaoyang County, Baoding Prefecture, and the activities of the White Lotus Sect in Baoding Prefecture were also quite rampant. He also had some understanding of this, "What Ziying said is not unreasonable. This year is going to be eventful, so we can't be careless in the slightest."

, we still need to be careful, and if possible, we should still send a message to various places through the Ministry of Punishment, demanding a strict investigation of the White Lotus Sect and its variant societies."

Chai Ke also nodded, "This matter can be reported to the Ministry of Punishment. After Chu Cai comes down, sort out the situation about the White Lotus Sect and hand it over to the Ministry of Punishment..."

This was a great honor to Feng Ziying, and Feng Ziying had nothing to say.

"Ziying, you are in Yongping, and you should have some understanding of the situation in Ji Town. The scale of the Mongolian invasion to the south is not small. I am afraid that Ji Town will inevitably lose sight of one thing and lose another. Liaodong is facing pressure from the Eastern invaders. You have

Any good advice?”

Chai Ke asked about the key point.

Feng Ziying also remembered the words of Emperor Yonglong in the afternoon and shook her head: "I can't say anything about this matter, but Liaodong may be better. Ji Town really needs reinforcements. Otherwise, once the Mongols fully break through, Yongping will not be guaranteed, and Mongolia

People can also go south to Hejian, or make a side attack from Fengrun and Liangcheng, and cut off the canal. By then, the capital will be shaken."

This chapter has been completed!
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