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Chapter 141: The devil calls out the expert

"Watch his knife!"

Zen Master Kurong shouted: "His sword is extremely sharp."

The original reason, the two monks of Benguan originally wanted to come forward, but after hearing the words, they hesitated for a while, and used the power of a Yang finger from afar to surge toward Xu Lang. The following, the original appearance, and the two monks of Bencan took out the swords in the temple and used

Duan Jiajian attacked from both sides.

Xu Lang held the dragon-slaying knife in his hand and rolled it forward. He only heard the two clangs of the dragon-slaying knife. He completely blocked Yiyang's finger force. He stepped forward with the long knife in his hand and used all his killing moves, intending to kill a

Way to go.

Seeing the irresistible swing of the dragon-slaying knife, Ben Yin Ben Guan saw this and refused to retreat. The force of a Yang finger was like a gust of wind and rain, shooting towards Xu Lang. Although they did not have sharp blades in their hands, at this time, the dragon-slaying knife

The knife also jingled.

This is the struggle between finger force and Xu Lang's sword.

It turns out that the two monks Ben Shen and Ben Shen had already killed him at this time with the sword skills of the Duan family. Their sword moves were powerful and powerful, but they were also stabbing at the vital part of Xu Lang's back.

Xu Lang turned over, and the long sword swept across. The dragon-slaying sword touched the long sword behind him. The long sword was twisted and blocked with the other long sword. There was only a crisp sound, and Xu Lang's dragon-slaying sword slashed horizontally.

Cut both long swords in half.

The dragon-slaying knife was about to take the life of the two monks, but the Yang Finger from behind had already quietly arrived. Only two muffled sounds were heard, and they all hit Xu Lang.

The force of the sword was choked, causing the two monks Ben Xiang and Ben Shen to retreat back, escaping the deadly sword.

At this time, the monks from Tianlong Temple surrounded the place, lighting up the torches one by one, and everyone could clearly see that on the ridge of the roof, Xu Lang, a man in black, stood in the middle.

After hitting two moves and one Yang Finger in a row, Xu Lang must have been injured now.


Monk Benyin shouted: "Put down your butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. This is a pure place for Buddhism. I hope the donor can dispel his anger and don't use swords rashly."

"Hmph, the enemy has already arrived at your door, why are you telling him this?"

The original monk said.

A sudden attack, severe damage to Ku Rong, and taking away the sword manual of the Six Meridians Divine Sword again, this kind of person should die in Tianlong Temple.

The most important mission of the monks at Tianlong Temple is to spread the Dharma and protect the country, but they are not compassionate.

"The donor's sword skills are quite complex just now. I wonder which sect he is a disciple of?"

Monk Benshen asked.

Xu Lang looked around and saw that these four monks were all standing in a corner of the hall, and they surrounded him in the hall. Many of the monks below also held weapons in their hands. This was already a dragnet for Tianlong Temple.


Xu Lang snorted coldly, and slashed at Ben Xiang with the long knife in his hand. Ben next to him saw this and immediately struck with a palm.

Ben Xiang's hand pointed at Xu Lang and hit him one after another without retreating, while Ben Shenye behind him had already hit Xu Lang's body with a palm.


Yiyang's finger force and heavy palm hit Xu Lang. Xu Lang didn't feel anything, but a piece of roof under his feet suddenly collapsed, and Xu Lang suddenly fell into the main hall.

"Surround the hall."

The surrounding monks shouted.

At this time, Xu Lang was already in the main hall, untying all the Six Meridian Divine Swords, and reading the sword manual from top to bottom.

Obtain [Six Meridians Divine Sword] [Orange] [Ancient Book] [Level 1] [Level 1].

The Six Meridians Divine Sword is actually an ancient book?

After entering it into the system, Xu Lang was stunned for a moment. When Xu Lang thought about it, the Six Meridians Divine Sword was just a set of orange martial arts, but the system's evaluation was at the level of an ancient book, which can be tied with the Taixuan Jing.

Xu Lang thought about the Taixuan Jing for a moment, and then looked at the Six Meridians Divine Sword. He felt that the Six Meridians Divine Sword was really rare in the world in attacking one line, and the Taixuan Jing was a relatively comprehensive set of martial arts.


Xu Lang suddenly realized that more than a hundred years later, this yang finger would be listed as one of the five unique martial arts together with the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Xiantian Kung Fu, and Toad Kung Fu. Most of them were also orange, and the Six Meridians Divine Sword was much higher than the yang finger.

, it seems that I am not interested enough in the transaction with Tianlong Temple a few days ago.

As for Qiao Feng who practiced the Twenty-eight Dragon Subduing Palms and was able to defeat five or six Duan Yanqing who practiced the One Yang Finger, this is entirely a human problem and martial arts does not take the blame.

"Your Excellency, this method of borrowing money is from the Murong family in Jiangnan?"

Zen Master Kurong shouted from outside: "Murong Bo died in Dali. Who are you from the Murong family?"

Xu Lang's successive moves finally made Zen Master Kurong focus on the Murong family.


Xu Lang sneered twice.

There were no lights in the main hall. People in Tianlong Temple were afraid of the sharp edge of Xu Lang's blade and did not dare to come in rashly. Xu Lang also rolled up all the sword manuals after seeing the Six Meridians Divine Sword.

"If you don't come out, we will burn this hall."

Zen Master Kurong said calmly outside.

As the national temple of Dali, they can build temples however they want. In comparison, human life is even more precious, so they will not use their lives to test or drive away.

Xu Lang used the Qinggong of the Murong family to jump out of the hole in the hall and stood on the ridge of the roof again. With a flick of his hand, he threw the Six Meridians Divine Sword towards the side of the original form.

Seeing this, I quickly reached out to get it. Ben Shen was at his side. He saw a loophole in the encirclement and immediately wanted to remedy it. At that moment, he saw another Six Meridians Divine Sword flying over.

Ben Yin and Ben Guan also stepped forward. Xu Lang threw out two more Six Meridian Divine Swords, leaped one after another, and easily left the surroundings of many monks.


Just when Xu Lang was about to escape, another Yang Finger poked him.

Xu Lang dodged sideways and saw Duan Yanqing coming forward with a cane in his hand. He immediately used his joined fingers to briefly dismantle it with Duan Yanqing. At the same time, he laughed in a low voice: "It's funny that a man who has always been evil actually gave up evil and followed good."

Duan Yanqing said nothing and stabbed Xu Lang with his male finger repeatedly, trying to keep Xu Lang behind.

The original cause, the original view, the original phase, and the original ginseng come together, and the four paths and one yang finger come together towards Xu Lang.

Xu Lang raised the dragon-slaying knife in his hand, and heard a series of sounds. He used the star move in mid-air, and took advantage of the momentum to drift away.


Duan Yanqing sighed and looked at these four books.

Seeing this, Siben was quite embarrassed. He flew up and wanted to continue chasing. Suddenly, he saw two scrolls of the Six Meridian Divine Sword thrown in front of him. One was towards the pond and the other towards the torch. They immediately started to rescue them.

The sword manual of the Six Meridians Divine Sword did not catch up.

After leaving Tianlong Temple, Xu Lang suddenly accelerated and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Back in Dali City, Ren Yingying was drinking ginseng tea. Everything was going as usual for her here. There were maids coming in and out bringing tea and water, and maids sweeping the bed and quilts. Nothing special happened.

I returned home, changed my clothes, and put away my dragon-slaying knife.

Xu Lang didn't fall asleep at home at night, so he lay outside all night. When he couldn't sleep, he took out a book from the bookshelf and read it. Just when he was about to go to bed, Zhennan Palace became a mess.

Xu Lang opened the door and saw Abbot Benyin in the courtyard.


Xu Lang clasped his hands together and called.

Xu Lang read Buddhist scriptures last night. Sakyamuni taught people not to carry the past, so Xu Lang has let go of everything from yesterday. The Xu Lang now is a brand new Xu Lang and has nothing to do with the Xu Lang of yesterday.

All the little devils call me experts.

"Mr. Xu."

Abbot Benyin looked at Xu Lang and said, "We have something we want to talk to you about."


Xu Lang was surprised, this all-purpose plan to blame Gusu Murong was no longer effective?

"After thinking about it all night, I still want to make a deal with Mr. Xu and exchange the Six Meridians Divine Sword for the Divine Illumination Sutra."

Ben said.

This is when you learn to repent after being beaten.

This chapter has been completed!
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