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Chapter 298 Is Xiong Ba your stage name?

"Oh shit!"

The general looked at Xu Lang playing tricks, and immediately broke through the defense, and then also broke the rules.

What does it mean to have rebelled early? When has he ever rebelled against God?

"Facing the Immortal God, I named myself God General. Do you know what this proves?"

The general looked at Xu Lang and asked.

"Good dog!"

Although Youruo didn't know the situation, he couldn't help but blurt out, "It's the same as Wen Chou Chou!"

Wen Chou Chou: "???"

Many people in the Tianxiahui present could not help but look at Wen Chou Chou.

Wen Chou Chou has mediocre martial arts qualifications, but he is able to be ranked lower than ten thousand people in the world because he knows how to lick the tyrants, such as Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, and Qin Shuang, who have entered the first floor in the world.

, should sit down, but Wen Chou Chou can't, he can only stand and kneel. He usually makes suggestions for Xiong Ba, but more often, he is the figure who flatters Xiong Ba.

Wen Chou Chou faced everyone with a smile on his face and followed Xiong Ba. Wen Chou Chou had already practiced various smiles and was able to laugh in various situations. Therefore, such situations could not embarrass Wen Chou Chou at all.

"Flattering one's superior will has existed since ancient times, but if one meets one's evil intentions, one's sins will be endless."

Wen Chou Chou covered his mouth with his fan and said with a smile: "The leader of the Xiong Gang upholds the destiny and establishes this hegemony. Wen Chou Chou flatters his superiors, which is really out of loyalty. But this dog general said something about the immortal god. He really flatters the evil spirit and deserves to be killed!"


Although we are all flatterers, there are still different levels. If I flatter the tyrant, that is good-natured. If you flatter the immortal god, that is malicious flattery.

Hearing this, Xiong Ba stroked his long beard with his hands and smiled on his face.

The general looked at You Ruo, licked the corner of his mouth and said, "Little girl, next time we meet, I will drink your brains!"

"What's the point of drinking brains?"

Xu Lang looked at the general and said, "I will let you see my brain right now!" As he spoke, Xu Lang flew down and flew towards the general.

Xueyuan and Xiaoqing looked at each other, both feeling troubled.

"Fire and thunder energy!"

The god general watched Xu Lang fly down, thunder and fire appeared in his hand, and bombarded Xu Lang from the air!


Just hearing a loud explosion, Xu Lang's figure had already landed in front of the god general. The fire and thunder energy surrounded Xu Lang, but it did not hurt Xu Lang at all. His hands were intertwined, and Xu Lang's hand formed a seal, facing the god.

Hit the chest hard!


In an instant, the Gang Qi dispersed, and the General Shen felt a force twisting in his body, causing his Gang Qi to disperse and his five internal organs to shift. Then the God General saw Xu Lang's hand falling on his chest.

At this moment, the god general felt as if his clothes had been stripped off, without any protection on his body, and when Xu Lang's hands grabbed the true essence of the world-destroying demon body, it seemed to be pulled into a ball, and from him

peeled off from his body.


When the god general saw this, he screamed and looked at Xu Lang, shocked and angry. Facing this person who wanted to rob his life, the god general's heart was full of anger, but after being unable to resist, there was only fear in his heart.

The true essence of the World-Destroying Demonic Body was plundered in the blink of an eye.

Xu Lang stretched out his hand and slapped the god general on the forehead. The god general felt a chill on his head, and his whole body suddenly collapsed to the ground. As he rolled, he saw the top of his head and the brain fluid flowing out of his head.

The god general had no chance to accept Duanlang as his disciple, so he died suddenly.

Xiongba, the man in purple saw that such a master as the god general could only make one move in Xu Lang's hands, so he became much more wary of Xu Lang.

"Leader Xiong, I heard that you have been looking for me."

Xu Lang looked at Xiong Ba and said with a smile: "Do you want to compete with me?"

Ever since Xu Lang took away the Snow Drinking Sword and the Fire Lin Sword, Tianxiahui has been looking for trouble for Xu Lang.

Xiongba looked at the withered god general, recalling all the strange things when he fought with the god general just now, and the scene where his father came to help and used the recovery blood hand to make a comeback. He smiled and said: "Maybe the people below are wrong.

I understand, I, Xiongba, heard about your urgent need in Tianshan. After rescuing Feng'er, I always wanted to get to know Mr., but I didn't expect that such thoughts actually caused friction with Mr. "

"I see."

Xu Lang nodded, looked at Xiongba with a smile, and said, "By the way, is the name Xiongba your stage name?"

"What stage name?"

Xiongba clasped his hands behind his back and frowned.

"There is a man named Xiong Wu. He is obviously not your brother, but his martial arts skills are exactly the same as yours, and his name is similar."

Xu Lang used Xiong Wu's story to stimulate Xiong Ba.

Xiong Wu and Xiong Ba are both disciples of Old Man Sanjue. Among them, Xiong Wu and Old Man Sanjue were both arranged to leave the stage by Xiong Ba. At this time, hearing Xu Lang's words made Xiong Ba frown... Could it be that Xiong Wu has returned?

"You have been chasing me for so long, do you want to apologize to me?"

Xu Lang looked at Xiongba and asked.

"What do you want, sir?"

Xiongba responded with a smile, his heart filled with coldness.

"your dad!"

Xu Lang looked at the man in purple and said to Xiong Ba: "You offended me, why don't you die?"


The man in purple clothes was about to get up when Xu Lang's figure suddenly appeared beside him. He reached out and struck the man in purple clothes hard with his palm. Then, like a phantom, he stabbed the man in purple clothes nineteen times in a row.

The purple-clothed man's internal energy was unable to circulate, and his whole body was carried limply by Xu Lang.


Xu Lang jumped up and warned Xiong Ba: "Next time you dare to offend me, your father will die."

As he spoke, Xu Lang had already taken Kong Ci and the purple-clothed man away like lightning, while Xueyuan and Xiaoqing flew behind them. They swept down from the Tianshan Mountains and flew directly out of Tianyin City. In the woods just now, they saw

When we arrived, Xu Lang and Kong Ci were waiting here.

"Why are you……"

As soon as she saw Xu Lang, Xue Yuan was about to question her, but before she could finish her words, she felt Xu Lang's hand fall on her forehead, and then the infinite essence of the world-destroying demon body was instilled into Xueyuan's body.

Xueyuan originally only had the Heaven-moving Divine Art, but now he has the essence of the World-Destroying Demon Body. Just like Bai Suzhen back then, he has the best of both methods. However, Xueyuan does not have the Art of the World-Destroying Demon Body.



Xu Lang told Xueyuan to shut up and said, "If I see you communicating with God behind my back, I will punish you severely and make you cry!"

When Xueyuan heard this, she immediately shut up. Although the World-Destroying Demonic Body's true energy was very powerful, she still regretted following Xiao Qing.

"You arrested Xiong Ba's father, and we immediately provoked the Tianxiahui. I'm afraid the road to Songshan will not be peaceful."

Xiaoqing said that although she didn't care at all about this kind of injustice.


Xu Lang said: "It is precisely because I captured Xiong Ba's father that everything will be peaceful along the way. Xiong Ba will never allow anyone to rescue his father." While speaking, Xu Lang looked at the man in purple and said:

"Guess what the reason is?"

"Fucking Wan Yan Gou..."

The man in purple immediately understood the reason and cursed loudly.

The existence of the man in purple has now affected Xiongba's power.

"It's good to know."

Xu Lang patted the man in purple and said, "Honestly pay for the blood debt fifty years ago."

With the man in purple as a stepping stone, the door to Mo Bai Suzhen has been opened.

This chapter has been completed!
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