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Chapter 331: Japan needs two love affairs

Inside Edo Castle.

There was the sound of the door being pushed open.

"But Xu Lang caught up?"

The headmaster's face was covered with sweat and he looked timid. He turned his head and looked at the person at the door. But at a glance, the headmaster was stunned immediately. He saw that the person who came in was none other than Hayato Tengyin, and he was holding a hand in his hand.

Take the fighting spirit.

"You are like a god, but you cannot accept any setbacks."

Hayato Amagaku held a knife in his hand, looked at the boss and laughed out loud.

"Hayato Tengyin, I never thought you would come back and die!"

The headmaster looked panicked when he saw Hayato Amagakure, and he quickly began to channel his energy to return to the void, trying to restore the movement of his hands and feet.

"Stop pretending, you are the boss."

Hayato Amagakure pulled out his fighting spirit, looked at the boss and said coldly: "Your acting level is nothing compared to my years of forbearance, and at this time, I will never miss this opportunity to kill you.

Opportunity!" As he spoke, Hayato Amagakure raised his fighting spirit high and watched as the master waved it down!

The boss fought with Xu Lang once, and after this failure, his price dropped severely. Now he is pale, shivering, and watching the sword strike with dull eyes.


The long knife struck the big master on the head, but it only left a shallow scar between the big master's eyebrows. This is because the big master's physical body is strong enough, and on the other hand, it is because of the strength in the fighting spirit.

The sword intent dissipated.

"This is……"

Hayato Amagakure raised his head, and what he sensed was an all-consuming and transcendent move. Under such a move, all the swords and swords in the sky and on the earth were dwarfed by comparison.

The fighting spirit in his hand was used by Yagyu Muji Broken Sword Twenty-Three. It contains Yagyu Muji’s lifelong intention and fighting spirit. But at this time, in Edo Castle, the sword intention in this fighting spirit is

This peerless invitation completely disappeared.

The fighting spirit became a mortal soldier.

There are many martial arts in Fengyun, and there are many miracles, but if you want to rank all the martial arts and all the moves, Qingcheng Love is the well-deserved number one.

Use one move to destroy the city immediately!

The sky and the earth were shaking at this time. Hayato Amagakure quickly jumped up and flew to the ridge of the roof. Looking towards the inviting position, he saw a ray of light blooming between the sky and the earth, and then in the brightest interior,

There is a darkness coming to the world.

A feeling that the world was about to be destroyed emerged in everyone's hearts.

The roof ridges were broken, the tiles flew away, the gables collapsed, and the doorposts rotated. Everything in Edo City that was originally orderly turned into a chaotic mess under this knife.

The history of the establishment of Edo Castle, what kind of past there was here, what kind of people there were here, the lives of the common people here, the romance of the rich, and even the hatred between Hayato Amakaku and the big boss.

, after this alluring love move, it was completely smoke and mirrors.

Power, wealth, love and hatred, all return to dust.

The eldest son of the emperor who wants to win the hearts of the people on the Edo Castle wall, the soldiers who want to be loyal to the country, the people in the city, and even Hayato Tengyin and the head of the family are all involved in the scope of the Alluring Love.

Under the attack, they had no room to resist and were swept away by the dark hole.

"I'm not willing to accept it..."

The big boss used Wandao Senluo to control everything around him, and he couldn't use Nie Feng's Qinggong to run as hard as he could. However, he could not stop the pull of the black hole despite everything he had. In a blink of an eye, the big boss and the entire Edo City were involved.


The temptation dissipates and the black hole disappears.

Everything in the world returned to its original state. Many mountains, rocks, and trees that had been pulled fell from the sky one after another at this time. After being pulled just now, the trees had dried up. When they fell, there was a slight friction, and a fire was immediately lit, and the clouds in the sky

Water vapor and the pulled mountains, rivers and lakes also poured down at this time.

A strong wind swept through.

It rained heavily.

But in this old Edo site, there are thick smoke and fire that are pouring down endlessly.

"This, this is..."

Seeing this situation, Bu Yuanting was extremely shocked. Since he abandoned Yu Nong and Bu Jingyun, he has been pretending to be in Edo City for many years and has completely transformed himself into a Japanese, an authentic Edo person.

Yu Dongying's home is here, and he is familiar with every street here, the owner of the tavern here, and the history of this place. But now, everything in this city has been wiped out like this.

Cries were heard from around Edo. There were also some villages near the city, and there were some people in the city who had gone out early and never came back. Now they saw the entire Edo city reduced to ashes, and looked at the ground, water, fire, and wind in front of them.

And they emerged, but they were homeless and their families were missing. They couldn't help but cry bitterly.

"What kind of martial arts is this?"

Buyuanting suppressed everything in his heart and finally asked.

"Martial Saint Guan Yu's martial arts are used to protect the family and the country."

Xu Lang looked at the Tian Congyun Sword in his hand, and heard something strange from inside. This Tian Congyun Sword could not withstand Qingcheng Love's sword moves and turned into ashes.

Originally, this martial arts move was limited to the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, because the Qinglong Yanyue Sword had no weight, so it could go faster than the speed of light. However, after Xu Lang fully understood this move for 10 years, this restriction was no longer there.

Bu Yuanting looked at the sword hilt in Xu Lang's hand absentmindedly.

"Go ahead."

Xu Lang looked at Buyuanting and said: "Follow these people to Kyoto, which is the Ping'an Capital in Japan. Tell the people over there everything about this place, and say that I will arrive in Ping'an Capital in three days."

"If you know what's going on, let them surrender immediately."

Xu Lang gave Japan an ultimatum.

"What if they don't surrender?"

Buyuanting asked.

"I also don't think they will surrender."

Xu Lang smiled and said: "They won't be honest if they don't suffer the second blow of love. If you pass the news here, if they want to resist, they will naturally gather experts. Then I will give you some advice."

They fell head-over-heels in love."

Japanese people like to bet on the fate of the country.

Xu Lang felt that they would probably bet on whether there would be a second love affair. After all, power is such a wonderful thing. Once you get it, you won't want to let it go.

Buyuanting looked at Xu Lang, cupped his hands, turned around and ran towards Kyoto.

Xu Lang took a deep breath, Maha Wuliang, God of War Illustration, and Xuantian Immortal Secret were all running together, causing the energy in Xu Lang's body to begin to fill up rapidly. With this move just now, even if Xu Lang used it, he felt that his body was drying up.

, but Xu Lang has too many Qi-returning martial arts, and superimposing them on Xuantian Changsheng's martial arts has even more miraculous effects. Now that he is breathing and breathing, his internal condition is greatly improved.

After three days, it won’t be a big problem to fall in love in Kyoto.

This chapter has been completed!
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