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Chapter 50 He is not afraid of pain

When Xu Lang and Yue Lingshan woke up, the sun was already flying in the sky, and the sun was shining through the screen window. Yue Lingshan looked ashamed, and no matter how hard it was to comply, the two people just stood up and became a de facto husband and wife. They walked hand in hand.

, looking at each other, they both felt a different emotion.

But just after they left the house, Xu Lang and Yue Lingshan had not even had time to order. They saw Mr. Mo Da under the tree in front of the inn, his face as golden as paper, sitting there regulating his breath. Next to Mr. Mo Da, there was an old man with a body.

There were multiple wounds, and he was trembling on the side.

"Mr. Mo Da, what's going on?"

Yue Lingshan saw Mr. Mo Da outside and hurriedly ran towards Mr. Mo Da. Xu Lang naturally followed. When he reached Mr. Mo Da's side, he stretched out his hand and pressed Mr. Mo Da's wrist, trying to use his inner strength to explore, feeling that Mr. Mo Da was inside the body.

If there is internal energy entanglement, use Shenzhao Sutra to overcome your own internal energy.

As soon as Mr. Mo Da was overcome by this inner energy, his complexion immediately became much better, and his breathing became evener.

After a while, Mr. Mo Da's condition gradually stabilized and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Thank you."

Mr. Mo Da looked at Xu Lang and Yue Lingshan and thanked them.

Xu Lang nodded and looked at the man next to him who had multiple wounds all over his body. The wounds on his body were not bleeding now. They were all restrained by acupuncture points. However, a few acupuncture points were involved too much, making him unable to move.

Xu Lang used his inner strength to test the person's condition and said: "Your wounds are all external injuries. Although bones are visible in these wounds, fortunately they did not hit any vital parts."

"I've brought some golden sore medicine here."

Yue Lingshan took out the medicinal powder from her arms, which was Huashan's secret elixir.

"Then let the doctor give him medicine."

Xu Lang took the medicine powder from Yue Lingshan, but didn't want to get his hands on it, so he called the waiter at the shop next to him, gave him some copper coins, and asked him to run an errand.


The wounded man whined.

Seeing this, Xu Lang reached out and opened the acupuncture point, and the wound on the man's body immediately began to bleed.

"May I have your name?"

Xu Lang asked.

"Lu Lianrong."

Lu Lianrong shouted: "Wild sumac tree, wine." After Lu Lianrong shouted, he shut up tightly. When Xu Lang saw this, he immediately closed Lu Lianrong's acupuncture points, and the wounds on his body stopped bleeding.


"The doctor will come over in a while. See if the doctor allows you to drink."

Xu Lang looked at Lu Lianrong and nodded. People in the world always drink when they are injured to show their heroism. Xu Lang has seen enough and understands this.

As for Lu Lianrong, Xu Lang had no impression of him.

"Let's go to the inn first."

Xu Lang called some more people, opened two more upper rooms in the inn where he was staying, and asked people to carry Mo Da and Lu Lianrong in.

When entering the inn, Mr. Mo Da's mouth twitched and his mentality changed slightly.

The doctor was quickly called over. He was about forty years old, carrying a medicine box on his back. After entering the room, he saw Lu Lianrong's injuries and asked Yue Lingshan to retreat to another room. The doctor then untied Lu Lianrong's clothes.

, first take off the uninjured limbs, and then take off the injured limbs, thus exposing all Lu Lianrong's wounds.

"His wounds are too deep and need to be stitched up."

As he spoke, the doctor opened the medicine box, took out his professional tools, and then ordered the waiter to bring boiling water and soju, one to clean the tools and the other to clean the wound.

Seeing how professional the doctor was, Xu Lang and Mo Dada also walked out.

"When Lingshan and I first came to Hangzhou, Mr. Mo Da warned me. I didn't understand it at the time. Can you elaborate on the details now?"

Xu Lang, Yue Lingshan and Mr. Mo Da were sitting in another room, Xu Lang asked.

Mr. Mo Da shook his head and said: "I also heard that Li Jingtong wanted to attack you, so I warned you in advance. But seeing your ability, I feel that even ten Li Jingtong will not be your opponent..."

It's Li Note again.

Xu Lang and Yue Lingshan looked at each other and said, "We were in Hangzhou and heard people mention that Li Jiaotong was targeting me... Were Mr. Mo Da's injuries caused by Li Jiaotong?"

The anti-evil sword manual can increase a high combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

For example, Lin Pingzhi had weak internal strength, but he was able to kill Yu Canghai and Mu Gaofeng after learning the evil sword skills. It is not surprising that Mr. Mo Da overturned and fell on Li Qiu.


Mr. Mo Da shook his head and said: "I was injured by Li Zhu's senior brother and the masters of Songshan Sect."

Xu Lang and the Songshan sect have already started killing each other.

Yue Lingshan is the daughter of Yue Buqun.

Mr. Mo Da spoke quickly and said: "When we were in Hengshan City, Junior Brother Liu accused the leader of the Zuo Alliance of having a good relationship with the evil star of Baiban. This kind of thing is unbelievable, and it also involves Hengshan and Songshan sects. Afterwards, I investigated carefully and went all the way.

Then we came to Hangzhou City, and during the investigation, we found out that Li Jiaoshen, Li Jiaoshen, and Qinghai Yixiao were all disciples of the same sect and came from the black sect, and White Banner Evil Star was a member of this sect."

Black religion?

The Blood Knife Ancestor is from this lineage.

"Junior brother Lu Lianrong was also spying secretly, and then he was discovered by Qinghai Yixiao. I drew my sword to save him, and attacked Qinghai Yixiao together with my junior brother. Who knew that people from the Songshan Sect came to help..."

Mr. Mo Da shook his head and said: "If it weren't for the people from Xichang who were chasing Li Chuan and happened to pass by here and scared away the Songshan sect, my junior brother and I would have ended up in a terrible situation."

While talking, Mr. Mo Da kept looking at Xu Lang and Yue Lingshan.

He was wandering around Hangzhou and saw Xu Lang and Yue Lingshan coming to the inn here. When they were under siege, Mo Dabian and Lu Lianrong came here.

After just walking around the inn, Xu Lang and Yue Lingshan were not seen coming out. Mr. Mo Da thought that the two of them had gone elsewhere, so they walked around nearby. However, the sound of swords clashing did not disturb Xu Lang and Yue Lingshan.

Yue Lingshan led him out.

He was also afraid of accidentally hurting others, so he never broke into the inn.

After dawn, Xu Lang and Yue Lingshan still walked out of the inn. His eyes were sharp and he saw the charming look on Yue Lingshan's face. Naturally, he knew that there was also a fight last night, but when he thought about this kind of thing, it was like

It's like squatting in a hut chewing sugar cane. The more you chew it, the less it tastes.

He had been fighting fiercely with others all night outside!

Ding Ding Dang ...

If you take the time to open a window and slap your hand, everything will be over...


They were still reminiscing over the past, but the doctor over there had already treated the wound. When he saw Xu Lang and Mo Da, he said, "I have never seen such a tough man. He suffered such a serious injury without even saying a word of pain.

Just let me sew at every turn."

Xu Lang and Mo Da both nodded.

People in the world are begging for food on the tip of a knife, this is nothing at all.


Xu Lang remembered something, looked at the doctor and asked: "Mr. Lu just now said that he wanted sumac to drink. Is this suitable for him to drink?"

Hearing this, the doctor hesitated for a moment and said, "The powder of sumac tree and wine have analgesic effect."




The three of them looked at each other.

"Are you useless?"

Xu Lang asked.

"I thought he wasn't afraid of pain."

The doctor shook his head.

Lu Lianrong's face in the room gradually became distorted.

This chapter has been completed!
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