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Chapter 621: The time traveler, the champion!

The champion Hou Yangan is a time traveler. The world he originally lived in was the Central World. The Zhongqian World opened up by Panhuang. The development of humanity in it has exceeded that of the Great Thousand World. Now it is gradually returning. Those who want to lead the Great Thousand World

Humanitarian trend.

The champion is also a representative of the ancient time travellers. He has great talents, great adventures, a lot of property, and many girls. He also wants to collect all the good things in the world.

Xu Lang smiled after hearing the champion's voice. In ancient times, time travelers were more high-profile, but now, each time traveler is more timid than the other, and each one is more capable than the last.

"You two go to the room over there and wait for now."

Xu Lang stretched out his hand to point out an apartment to Yang Pan and Hong Xuanji, and asked Yang Pan and Hong Xuanji to go in, and then have a good talk with the champion Hou Yang An.

Yang Pan frowned slightly. As an emperor, he had no reason to avoid others, but when Xu Lang pointed out his hand, he naturally had to obey him. He frowned at that moment, feeling that the champion had come at the wrong time.

Champion Hou Yang An is Yang Pan's illegitimate son, named An, just to let him live in peace when he comes.

When this extraterrestrial soul was reincarnated here, Yang Pan already knew about it, and even used a secret method to unite his spirit and body, making him unable to practice Taoism. However, he also taught the contents of the Book of Creation to Yang An, who was extremely talented.

When he was fifteen years old, he had already become a martial saint.

Not long after Yang Pan ducked in, champion Hou Yangan pushed open the door and came.

Along the way, Yang An just shouted outside the door, and then judged Xu Lang's position based on the reaction of the Taoist priests in Yujing Temple. With the power of the martial saint, he was not afraid of ghosts and immortals, and barged in forcefully.

This year's champion is seventeen years old. He has a straight face and an extraordinary appearance. His energy and blood are almost boiling. He is holding a jar of wine in his hand and walks in at a fast pace. When he reaches Xu Lang, he puts the jar of wine on the table.

As soon as he let it go, he said with a smile: "People in the army are impatient of vulgar etiquette and break down the door. Please don't blame me."

The champion's voice was as clear as pearls, and he saluted casually.

Along the way, the champion has also conquered many strong men, and he has a general understanding of the temperament of the strong. It was when he met the "Dream God Machine" that the champion used this unique method.

"Crossing a hundred thousand miles across a foreign land, he is the number one champion in the army."

Xu Lang looked at the champion and said with admiration: "He is indeed a young hero, he dares to break the goal." Xu Lang stretched out his hand and asked the champion to sit down.

"I was really drunk, so I was a little wild."

After the champion sat down, he patted the jar of wine in front of him and said: "This is the wine I improved. It is very strong. Compared with the wine in Yujing City, it is like water. I brought it here specially for Master Meng to taste.

Taste it." As he spoke, the champion opened the wine jar, and a strong smell of alcohol hit his face.

A classic, high-quality liquor for time travellers.

... Let’s talk about heroes by cooking wine. You can cook high-strength liquor for me? Won’t all the flavor of the wine disappear?

Xu Lang couldn't help laughing and said: "In addition to being a little stronger, your wine needs to be improved in other aspects. When I traveled around Tianwaitian, I tasted the white wine over there. Some white wines are soft, some are soft, and some are soft.

The liquor is fragrant and pure...but you have just started making liquor, so that's understandable."

This native has traveled to the outer world?

Champion Hou felt that the "Dream God Machine" was not simple, and it was different from the people he usually deceived.

"Drink from my cup."

Xu Lang stretched out his hand to grab something in the air, and a jar of wine appeared in his hand. He put it on the table and said, "This is the wine brewed by a man named Fairy Baigu when I was traveling around the world.

Ordinary grains can produce various flavors."

This is also the worst type of wine in Xu Lang's home.

Fairy Baigu was in a hurry to redeem the secret book in Samsara Square, and put all kinds of things on the table. In the end, this kind of wine was the worst, and she had a backlog of it. However, there was a spring spring in her home, and under the nourishment, the wine also had some changes.

The champion took the wine jar and looked at it carefully. Seeing the sweetness of the wine inside, and smelling the aroma of the wine, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"You're so arrogant, you've made a joke."

The champion raised his hand to Xu Lang, stretched out his hand and threw aside the wine jar he had brought. There was a crashing sound and the wine flowed all over the floor.

As a traveler from the Central World, Champion Hou has always looked at everything with a superior eye. He feels that even if the Meng Shenji has a higher cultivation level than him, it is just because the Meng Shenji has been practicing for too long and has lost his knowledge in terms of knowledge.

I should be inferior to him, but I didn't expect to be overpowered here.

Although this had little impact on his invincible character, it still made his thoughts somewhat unclear.


Xu Lang stretched out his hand, and the wine flowed out naturally, filling the champion's cup.

The champion picked up the wine glass and tasted it carefully. He realized that the wine had all kinds of flavors, so he swallowed it, looked at the "Dream God Machine" in front of him, and said, "Does the leader know the changes of dragons?"

"In ancient times, this world was the territory of dragons. Panhuang led the three marshals to fight against the dragon clan. The dragon clan used the Doomsday Dragon Clan Way and died together with the three marshals. Shilong wanted to use this method to kill Panhuang and was killed by Panhuang.

The emperor refined it into the Emperor Tianshi Dragon Armor."

Xu Lang said lightly: "I wonder what kind of change you are talking about?"

"That's not the change."

The champion said: "The dragon can be big or small. It can rise and disappear. When it is big, it stirs up clouds and spits out mist. When it is small, it hides and moves. When it rises, it soars into the universe. When it hides, it lurks within the waves. When the dragon rides on it, it changes.

When a man achieves his ambition and travels across the world, a dragon is a creature and should be compared to the heroes in the world!"

The champion prince put down his wine bowl, looked at Xu Lang with bright eyes, and said: "The leader has extensive experience, so he must know the heroes in this world."

The central world where the champion is located is very similar to the development of the earth. Many things on the earth can be found in the central world.

"It turns out that the champion has the ambition to become a dragon."

Xu Lang smiled and said, "Second Prince Zhuang, what do you think?"

"The trash standing in the limelight is vulnerable!"

Champions have their own domineering power.

Everyone listening in the house was speechless for a moment. Prince Zhuang blushed and felt stimulated.

"What do you think of the eighth prince and the prince recruiting talented people?"

Xu Lang asked again.

"He's just an insidious villain, nothing to worry about!"

Champion Hou said calmly.

At this time, the prince and his wife were also very warm.

"The fourth prince, Prince Yu, has a secret plan and occupies the household department. His plans are not small. What do you think?"

Xu Lang then asked.

"Just a housekeeper dog in name only."

The champion simply classified Prince Jade, who was in charge of the household department, as a household dog, and said: "But the brothel girl he wants to marry, Yun Qing, I heard that the information is indeed good, and I will meet her sooner or later!"

Prince Jade had no way of breaking his guard against the household dog. When he heard that the champion was planning on Yun Qing, he couldn't hold himself back.

The champion did not think so much, but looked at Xu Lang, letting Xu Lang discover that he looked very similar to Yang Pan, thus discovering his royal bloodline.


Xu Lang said: "After Hong Xuanji crushes the vacuum, he will definitely be able to resurrect the prince Yang Yuan. Can this prince Yang Yuan be considered a hero?"

Yang Pan and Hong Xuanji in the room looked at each other. Hong Xuanji's eyes were firm, saying that he would definitely be able to shatter the vacuum.

"After the Daluo sect was destroyed, Hong Xuanji lost his financial source and the opportunity to transform into a dragon. He was just a dog eating the emperor's food."

Champion Hou knew about Hong Xuanji's current situation and commented: "After all, he is my stepping stone! But he has a mistress, Yao Qinghui, and two daughters, Yao Yueting and Yao Yueru, both of whom are good-looking."

When Hong Xuanji heard the rest, he couldn't hold it in anymore.

This chapter has been completed!
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