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Chapter 636 Xu Lang wouldnt be like this

The supreme leader Meng Shenji survived eight thunder tribulations with almost no period of weakness, suppressing hundreds of schools of thought at the snap of a finger!

Leader Meng surrendered hundreds of schools of thought, and three Cao Cao investigated the case and found out that all the causes were caused by villains, and the instigator was Taizu Taizu of the Zhou Dynasty!

The cause of death of Saint Tuyuan of the Jingyuan Temple is unknown. According to the news from the Yuanqi God of the Jingyuan Temple of the Fire Kingdom: It was too fast, there was no time to bless him...

The ghost has the ability to move very quickly, and all kinds of news naturally spread very quickly. Zhengyi, even Daqian, large and small sects outside the territory, and hundreds of overseas countries all know about the Taishang leader's establishment of Zixiao Palace and the construction of Fenbao. Naturally, the news about Yan spread.

"Meng Shenji's Zixiao Palace wants to be the sect of ten thousand ways!"

In the palace of Yujing City, Yang Pan and Hong Xuanji, a pair of monarchs and ministers, deduced based on various news collected from all over the world.

"The Zixiao Palace has been built in an orderly manner on the Sky City."

Hong Xuanji said in a deep voice: "According to the news circulated in the Wu family, the Taoist temple in Zixiao Palace is quite grand. It has been said to be the best in the world throughout the ages."

Back then, the Wu family sent Butler Wu to lurk around Hong Xuanji. After Hong Xuanji instigated Butler Wu to rebel, he left many nails in the Wu family. Based on these things, Hong Xuanji was able to find out many things.

"A King of Artifacts is not that easy to build."

Yang Pan clenched his fist and said: "The eternal kingdom of Taishangdao is made of the sand of light in the long river of time. There is also the infinite hard work of the ancient Yang God in it, and the hundreds of schools of thought today are nothing compared to The medieval scholars are far inferior. Even if they gather their faith, they should not be able to create a king of artifacts."

There are artifacts in the world, and there are artifacts among artifacts.

The king of artifacts in the Yangshen world is, at this stage, the eternal kingdom of Tai Shang Dao and the boat of creation of the Dao of Creation. This thing can be called the king of artifacts because it adds too much combat power.

In the later period, Hong Yi was able to be invincible. The most important aspect was because he had condensed the king of artifacts called Temples. Therefore, when fighting, he was the one who used the equipment and the naked equipment. Hong Yi also calculated the difference between each other more than once. The difference in fighting power, the self-awareness of the flat state, is 50-50 against each other, but they can be mastered in a fight.

"But there are two things that are more worrying."

Hong Xuanji said: "One is that the Wang family among the hundreds of families should have a starry sky road map that can allow the Meng Shenji to enter the sun and the moon."

The continent of the Yangshen world is not a planet, but a piece of land, boundless. The sun and the moon are in two spaces, about the same size. They move out of the space and shine on the world.

And among the sun and moon, there are practitioners hiding in them, and there are all kinds of resources that are unimaginable.

The saint of the Wang family in the Middle Ages entered the sun and took away the concubine of the Shang Emperor.

"The other one is the Dragon Cemetery."

Hong Xuanji said: "There are also records about the Dragon Cemetery in the Fan family."

In the world of Yangshen in ancient times, dragons controlled everything. Panhuang led the human race to defeat the dragon clan, and then the human world came into existence. In the Dragon Cemetery, there are the corpses of the first dragon, the ancestral dragon, and many celestial dragon corpses. Dragon tooth rice, and other incalculable treasures.

Yang Pan and Hong Xuanji have been planning a big plan for many years, which is to blast through the Dragon Cemetery and take out everything inside.

Among them, dragon tooth rice is a treasure of heaven and earth. It contains extremely powerful energy. After a person eats it, it can be perfectly digested and transformed into body strength. As long as a martial saint eats dragon tooth rice, he can unconsciously

Progress and become a human being.

"Are we too slow, or is the Meng Shenji too fast..."

When Yang Pan heard this, he was unusually impatient and said: "Until now, I am not the Creator."

The general trend in the world is that one step is slow and one step is slow. Yang Pan feels that the chips in his hand are constantly decreasing, while Meng Shenji has more and more cards.

"For today's plan, we need to increase our investment in the future master!"

Yang Pan said again.

After the completion of the Future Inanimate Sutra, through many refinements, the immortal soul can become the master of the future and constantly calculate the future. This allows Yang Pan to escape from complex national affairs and can also help Yang Pan plan major world events.

Hong Xuanji nodded. Ever since he saw the Brahma Wheel on the sea, his wheel of life and death has been completed, and he has advanced rapidly. Now his demeanor is becoming more and more unpredictable, as if he is a god who moves the heavens.

Regarding Hong Xuanji entering the Shattering Vacuum, Hong Xuanji in Yangshen also said that he needs to fuse the essence and blood of the ancestral dragon and the first dragon. Without this essence and blood, he will probably have to practice for a hundred years...

City in the Sky, Zixiao Palace.

This city in the sky is the treasure of the sky path in ancient times. The entire city is filled with a smell of copper. But now, with hundreds of schools of thought building large-scale construction here, the smell of copper has been covered up, and what follows is

The majestic Taoist temple and the "Zixiao Palace" plaque hanging high.

Xu Lang stood in front of the plaque of Zixiao Palace and looked at everything around him.

"These wood and precious stones are all pulled from the palace of the Daqian Dynasty."

Xiao Anran said to Xu Lang: "The various schools of thought have also produced a lot of valuable materials, such as immortal wood, spiritual springs, and most importantly, the thunder pond they have laid here."

If the King of Artifacts is compared to a car, then the Thunder Pool is the engine inside, which is very important.

Not only that, if the thunder pool is refined and upgraded, it can turn thunder into water and gather the tribulation thunder. For example, Hong Yi's ninth thunder tribulation borrowed the power of thunder tribulation hidden in the thunder pool.

The cultivation of Long Ya Rice also requires the power of Lei Chi.

Xu Lang looked at the thunder pool prepared by various schools of thought, nodded, and said: "Although it is rough, it still looks like that, but overall, it lacks a few things than I planned."

While talking, Xu Lang took matters into his own hands and carved many inscriptions on the thunder pond.

The sizzling current bloomed at this moment, and suddenly it seemed to connect the heaven and the earth, and a pool of clear water gathered in the pool.

This is the water of the Thunder Pond, which turns the toughest things in the world into the softest.

At the same time, there seemed to be something hidden inside. After Xiao Anran saw it, he suddenly felt uneasy in his heart, and even felt a tremor from the depths of his soul.

"This is how we can do the business of approval."

Xu Lang looked at the thunder pool and said to himself.

Approval business?

Xiao Anran was a little confused.

"Let's go, let them build this place, and we will do a big thing."

Xu Lang turned around, satisfied with the construction of the thunder pool, and said to Xiao Anran: "You have already established a good relationship with Tang Hailong, right?"

Tang Hailong is a character in Yangshen. He has adventures and has a close relationship with the Maze of Moment. At the same time, Tang Hailong has a fiancée who is the most beautiful woman in the world in the early and mid-term.

Of course, Xu Lang would definitely not do anything like the behavior of a champion chasing a murderous husband and seizing someone's wife.

This chapter has been completed!
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