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Chapter 83 The Golden Snake is Crazy

Why did the servant in Liu Jin's mansion die suddenly on the street?

Why are there so many wailings in the empty room?

The nine treasure houses were stolen, who did it?

Is it the relocation of the fox demon's magic method, or is it a collective fraud by the insider?

Is it Liu Jin's personal hype, or is there another hidden agenda?

Things were complicated, discussions were in various forms, and all the forces in the capital, large and small, were observing.

In the Leopard Room.

Emperor Zhengde was very interested. He looked at Liu Jin, who was gray-haired and lifeless, and asked: "You said that not only the money at home was stolen, but also the silk and silk in your home were taken away and even hung in the corridor."

The roast goose on the table was half eaten?"


Liu Jin said in a hoarse voice.

He has been roaring since he discovered this problem last night. Until now, Liu Jin feels like he is in a dream. He hopes to wake up quickly and see that his jewelry is still there.

But obviously, this is the reality.

All his money is gone.

From yesterday to now, Liu Jin has interrogated everyone in the family. Only some people said that they saw a shadow in a trance. Most people asked questions and had no idea. The only clue was that the roast goose hanging in the corridor was eaten.


"There is no escape from Yang Yiqing and the others behind this matter. Please give me the authority to go to the homes of Yang Yiqing and the others. I will be able to find what I lost!"

Liu Jin saluted and said.

Everything in the house was lost, and Liu Jin felt more frightened than ever before. He also felt that he and these civil servants could no longer afford it, so he planned to break up and start taking action.

"How much money did Eunuch Liu lose?"

"Our family is clean and honest, and we live on our salaries. If Eunuch Liu comes to our house and makes random decisions, our family will not be safe."

"You don't understand. Hanging a goose in Eunuch Liu's house means hanging a goose to refuse a gift. This is imitating an upright official."

There is a legend in the Ming Dynasty about hanging a goose to refuse a gift. It is said that during the Yongle period, an official named Zhou Zhixin was an honest official and good at making decisions. Once someone asked him to do something and gave him a gift box, which contained a roast goose. This thing

Although it was small, Zhou Zhixin felt that it was no different than accepting a hundred gold bribes, so he hung the roasted goose in a conspicuous place in the Yamen, and marked the name of the gift giver on it.

In the future, if there was someone giving a gift, Zhou Zhixin would point his finger at it and the idea of ​​giving the gift would be given up.

After Zhou Zhixin's death, the people in Hangzhou respected him as the City God and continued to worship him.

Comparing this person with Liu Jin is completely ironic.

"Eunuch Liu, if you lose thirty-fifty taels of silver, we will donate a little to each of you, so there is no need to make a fuss in front of the emperor."

The civil servants said something to each other, and Liu Jin was so crowded that he had nothing to say. He could only turn his face and glare at these people.

After such commotion in the Leopard Room for a long time, Emperor Zhengde felt that it was boring and asked them all to retreat.

Not long after everyone here retreated, Lin Pingzhi, who was in the room, suddenly knelt down, holding a memorial in his hand, and reported Liu Jin directly.

"If there's anything else, let's talk about it another day."

When Emperor Zhengde saw this, he said displeasedly.

"Liu Jin is planning to rebel!"

Lin Pingzhi gritted his teeth and said.

"Then let him rebel."

Emperor Zhengde paid no attention to this and was even very dissatisfied with Lin Pingzhi's report.

Not long ago, Liu Jin brought him here and asked him to serve as a guard here. Now Lin Pingzhi stabbed Liu Jin. This is really ungrateful.

"If Liu Jin's rebellion succeeds, then there will be no place for you, Your Majesty."

Lin Pingzhi still held the memorial and said.

Only then did Zhengde realize that something was wrong. He took the memorial in Lin Pingzhi's hand and looked at it. They all detailed Liu Jin's crimes. They were full of literary talent, and each of them corresponded to some of Emperor Zhengde's affairs.


This made Zhengde think about Liu Jin.

"Then just surround him and check him out."

Emperor Zhengde said, his words were not harsh, and then the order went down.

In the capital, on top of the pavilion, two people were traveling quickly, and then they arrived at the Xuanwu Gate, which was also known as the Shenwu Gate in later generations. To the west of the west gate, there was a large hall with the "Innate Mirror" on the left and the "Tai Chi Immortal" on the right.

Forest", above which is the "Shiqing Dao Realm".

After entering the door, on the left is the Jiong {Read Yang} Ming Pavilion, and on the right is the 【水月】Lingxuan, in which the word water and moon combine, read Yin. Entering the hall, there is a Wushang Pavilion. After the two came here, in this Wushang Pavilion

In the pavilion, I saw an old man with white hair.

"Liu Jin's home was indeed stolen."

Among the two people who came in, one of them was the Dauchi expert who had been chasing Ren Yingying and was intimidated by Xu Lang. He had a fair face and reported to the people above him, saying: "All the property in the house has been looted, and everything inside and outside the capital has been looted."

, and there were no horse-drawn carriages running wildly, it was as if all these things had disappeared. According to folklore, it was God Ku who collected all his things."

At this time, people worshiped the Fox Fairy and the God of Treasures. Sometimes if they moved to a new home and worshiped the God of Treasures, they might dig out the money hidden by their predecessors in their new home.

"If there is no one outside to operate it, then this thing must be done by someone inside Liu Jin's family."

The old man said: "You absolutely can't run anywhere else."

"The Emperor is going to take action against Liu Jin."

The man with a fair face said.

Hearing this, the old man frowned and said: "The power in the hands of the emperor cannot control Liu Jin, Sun Kun, you keep an eye on Liu Jin, Li Meng, you go to Wang Yangming's home now and ask Wang Yangming to come here."

"But the investigation of Wang Yangming is not over yet."

Li Meng below said: "Are you going to tell him about the Great Shift of the Universe? Does this mean..."

"Can't hesitate any longer."

The old man said: "I have carefully inspected all the people in the world, and only one Yue Buqun caught my eye. He is the head of Huashan, so he is not suitable for my position. On the contrary, Wang Yangming, he is from the imperial court.

Officials... Well, if it weren't for my junior brother's constant threats, I could have waited a few more years to pass all this on to you."

When Sun Kun and Li Meng heard this, they didn't say a word.

The inheritance of their lineage can be said to be very important. They have always been responsible for protecting the royal family. Unfortunately, after Tumu Fort, they also had internal disputes. One wanted to protect the emperor, while the other looked down on him. Later, they were both killed by Zhu

Qizhen was driven out and the forces were dispersed.

Now that their line was threatened, and the forces in Beijing were quite complicated, the old man thought of finding someone else to stir up this line first to ensure the inheritance.

And the person they fancy is Wang Yangming.

"After passing all this stuff to Wang Yangming, I will fight with them."

The old man said.

Sun Kun and Li Meng bowed their heads, saluted, and walked out separately.

"Wait a moment."

The old man suddenly shouted, stretched out his hand to grab Li Meng, and took out a short note.

"I heard that you have a profound inheritance and many magical skills. I am eager for it. Tonight, I will step on the moon and understand the wonderful principles...Xu Lang."

This short note is simple, the words on it are quiet and delicate, and it seems to be written by a girl, but the name on it is a name that this old man has admired for a long time.

"Golden Snake Man..."

The old man smiled and said: "This man claimed to be the best in the world in front of Liu Jin, and now he wrote me a letter for you to send. He is really arrogant. Where did you meet him?"

Sun Kun and Li Meng were both shaking their heads.

"So...it seems like he was the one who broke Zhao Qian's Holy Fire Order that day."

The old man added: "He has some wit and strength."

ps: Thanks to book friend 20190308132024238, Original Sin Reincarnation Constellation, Jiuge Jade Screen, Xianyu Sheng for the reward. Please vote

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