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Chapter 28

"If you can't figure it out, everyone will stay here with you today and you are not allowed to leave!"

Ding Yi's words made everyone's hearts sink suddenly.

And Ning Han even called her beautiful, this is amazing! It elevated Chen Qiu personally to the entire class.

At first, everyone thought that Ding Yi was deliberately making things difficult for Chen Qiu, but now it’s different!

It was Chen Qiu's disguise that made everyone unable to leave!

For a time, many resentful eyes looked at Chen Qiu.

"I'm convinced, why pretend to be okay? Now it's better, we will suffer too."

"If you can't figure it out and delay my meal, I'm not done with you!"

"It's a miracle that he can solve it. Even those mathematical geniuses can't solve it. Why do you think he can?"

Ding Yi walked to the last row and whispered: "How about Master Ning, are you satisfied?"

Ning Han smiled evilly: "Teacher Ding, you did this beautifully."

Immediately, he poked the fat man next to him. The fat man understood immediately, slapped the table and said angrily: "Chen Qiu, if you can't figure it out, just apologize to Teacher Ding. Teacher Ding won't blame you."

"That's right." Ding Yi said calmly: "This question is very difficult. If you don't have the confidence to solve it, just apologize to me. There is no shame in it."

But Chen Qiu didn't say anything. He stared at the question on the blackboard and asked Ye Chuxia, "Do you find this question difficult?"

Ye Chuxia said displeased: "Why are you so annoying? It's you who makes everyone unable to eat."

Chen Qiu found it strange that he always felt comfortable being with Ye Chuxia, even though Ye Chuxia was indifferent to him.

It's like...a telepathic connection? It's a very subtle and weird feeling.

"How about you have lunch with me after you figure it out?" Chen Qiu asked.

Ye Chuxia instinctively wanted to refuse, but when she saw the topic on the blackboard, she said boredly: "Okay."

Chen Qiu smiled, stood up and walked onto the podium with the chalk. Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene.

"Chen Qiu is so confident, is it possible that he can really solve this problem? Really or not..."

"No, no, no, no one really thinks he can solve it, right?"

"I guess he must have written nonsense and then turned around and apologized. I had already thought out the lines for him."

Ning Han was a little panicked and whispered: "Teacher Ding, what's going on? Isn't this question difficult?"

Ding Yi said calmly: "Don't panic, no one has solved a problem for hundreds of years, why do you think he can solve it?"

"Oh." Ning Han breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Chen Qiu with a cold look: "I want to see how you embarrassed yourself."

Chen Qiu stepped onto the podium, pulled down the other blackboard, and immediately started waving the chalk.

Everyone was stunned, looking at the formulas and various patterns written by Chen Qiu, their eyes filled with confusion.

Even Ding Yi was stunned. There were many professional terms in the formula, which was beyond the ability of a student to write down.

When he was in Longming Mountain, Chen Qiu had to walk more than ten kilometers every time to go to school. He had to get up before the rooster crow to go to class, and when he came back at night, he had to practice martial arts. At that time, the supporting teacher in the mountain once praised Chen Qiu,

He is a rare mathematical genius.

Chen Qiu couldn't remember how many people had praised his talent. He agreed, but he didn't agree either.

It is undeniable that for many things, Chen Qiu is extremely talented. What others take a lifetime to understand, Chen Qiu may be able to learn with just a few glances.

What I don’t agree with is that he also works extremely hard, and works harder than anyone else. He has shed too much blood and tears, because he knows that when facing an enemy that cannot be resisted, only a little bit of hard work can make a difference.

Only by getting closer can you have a chance to defeat it!

People with talent are not scary, but people with talent and hard work are the most scary.

Line after line of formulas were written down by Chen Qiu heartily. Gradually, there was no sound in the class. Everyone opened their eyes wide and felt extremely shocked.

It wasn't until the entire blackboard was filled that Chen Qiu stopped. He turned around slowly and showed a harmless smile: "Teacher, I've finished writing. Do you think this answer is correct?"

Looking around, there are densely packed formulas, so many professional terms, and so many patterns that it makes people dizzy.

"No, this is impossible." Ding Yi dilated her pupils, unable to believe that this was written by a student.

"How is it impossible?" Chen Qiu raised his eyebrows and sneered: "Teacher, you haven't told everyone whether the answer to this question is correct or not."

Ding Yi’s mouth twitched!

This is Dinras Olympiad math problem!

The most difficult Mathematical Olympiad problem in the world has not been solved for hundreds of years. Top mathematicians at home and abroad are at a loss. How can she know whether the answer is correct?

Ding Yi's face was gloomy. Now all the students in the room were looking at her. She thought that Chen Qiu would admit his mistake and that the matter would be over as long as he gave in. But she didn't expect that he was so stubborn and wrote a lot.

"This answer... is correct." After a moment, Ding Yi said with a pale face. She had already seen that it was Chen Qiu's turn to make things difficult for her.

If it is wrong, then Chen Qiu will definitely ask Ding Yi to explain which step of the formula is wrong.

But how can she understand this dense and complicated formula?

"What?! Did Chen Qiu really solve the answer to a century-old mystery?"

Everyone was shocked, their eyes filled with disbelief.

"Is it really true?" Chen Qiu sneered; "I can solve a century-old problem by just scribbling. I am really a genius among geniuses."

What does this mean?

Cheng Zijian pushed up his glasses and frowned: "You mean, you wrote this randomly? It's not the correct answer at all?"

At this time, the bell rang, and usually everyone would rush out of the classroom and go to the cafeteria, but now, everyone was immersed in the unparalleled shock and couldn't extricate themselves.

Chen Qiu pouted: "If the teacher says it is right, then it is right! Are you questioning the teacher's level?"

"Those complicated formulas..." Cheng Zijian said in disbelief.

Chen Qiu smiled meaningfully: "I don't know you."

What a ridiculous thing.

Ning Han was furious, slapped the table and stood up: "Chen Qiu, how dare you lie to the teacher?"

Chen Qiu raised his eyebrows: "How could I lie to the teacher? It's a matter of luck. I just wrote randomly and happened to solve a century-old problem. After all, this answer is what the teacher agrees with, right?"

"Wait for me!" Ding Yi pointed angrily at Chen Qiu, snorted coldly and turned around to leave.

Shameful, so shameful!

Unexpectedly, he deliberately made things difficult for Chen Qiu, but ended up being made difficult by Chen Qiu.

Many people felt secretly happy when they saw Master Miejie leaving in embarrassment with such an ugly face.

Ning Han clenched his fists fiercely, his eyes were extremely cold, and he felt very aggrieved.

He glanced at Chen Qiu coldly, then turned and left.


Ding Yi thought it was so ridiculous and didn't know what she was afraid of.

She secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the answer was finally written by Chen Qiu. If it were true, it would be terrible.

Entering the office, everyone saw Ding Yi's sullen face, so they came up to her and asked, "Teacher Ding, why are you looking so sad?"

Ding Yi complained: "There is a thorn in our class. I asked him a difficult question, but he randomly wrote an answer to fool me. I was so angry."

"This student is so bad. Oh, by the way, Teacher Ding, did you know that the last Dinglas Olympiad problem was solved just half an hour ago."

"What?" Ding Yi was stunned and said: "I, I don't know."

"Here." Someone handed a tablet to her: "It turns out there is an answer to this question. I really can't imagine what kind of genius the person who solved this question is."

Ding Yi looked at it and was shocked to find that the answer on the tablet was exactly the same as Chen Qiu's.

The most horrifying thing is that Chen Qiu's answer is even simpler than the one on the tablet.

For a moment, Ding Yi's whole body seemed to be petrified, and she was stunned on the spot.


A limited-edition Ferrari sports car parked at the school gate, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

A cool-looking woman in a hip-hugging skirt got out of the car, exuding a unique charm.

She took off her sunglasses, her pretty face was as cold as an iceberg, she was none other than Gu Qing's sister, Gu Xi.

This chapter has been completed!
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