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Chapter 8 The peerless devil

"Punch your father!"

The unprepared Miao Mingliang was punched away and hit the ground heavily with a muffled sound.

His head was buzzing, his nose was bleeding rapidly, and his facial bones were somewhat sunken.

"Sneak attack, right?" After coming back to his senses, Miao Mingliang's eyes were filled with tears, and with overwhelming anger in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, you don't have martial ethics."

Chen Qiu said lightly: "Martial virtue? What is that? In a real duel, would your opponent tell you in advance that you should be careful, or that I am going to beat you?"

"Okay, very good." Miao Mingliang stood up slowly, his eyes suddenly became dull, and he said in a deep voice: "Congratulations, you successfully angered me. If I get angry, the consequences will be serious."

Miao Mingliang clenched his fists and spit blood on the ground. He felt very embarrassed.

He is the signature instructor of Jiangcheng Martial Arts Association! He attracts attention wherever he goes.

Now, in front of his nephew and many disciples, he was punched away by a young boy, and his face was instantly disgraced.

What a shame! Unforgivable!

"Uncle." Miao Kun said indignantly: "Use your true skills! Let this kid see what real martial arts is! What is a strong person!"

"Yes, teacher." Some disciples said: "This kid is so arrogant, we must let him know the price!"

"You know how to make a sneak attack, right? In a head-on confrontation, you may not even have a chance to get close."

"Teacher, let me do it. I feel like I can hold him with one hand. I don't know where he gets his confidence."

Miao Mingliang waved his hand, and the whole place fell silent for an instant. He stared at Chen Qiu and said sternly: "I wanted to torture you slowly so that my disciple can learn more skills."

"But it doesn't seem necessary now. I will let you realize the difference in strength between you and me! Let you repent in endless fear."

"Invisible fist!" Miao Mingliang shouted suddenly, and a violent breath burst out from his body.

He swept away his previous embarrassed posture and stood tall like a god of war standing tall against the sky and the earth, his eyes bloodshot and his aura imposing.

"It's an invisible fist!" A disciple said in shock: "The teacher is really serious and actually used his signature killing technique!"

The reason why Miao Mingliang became a teacher in the association was precisely because of this set of invisible fists that were as fast as lightning and powerful.

"You're just a loser. Isn't using the Invisible Fist overkill? This move is too perverted and we can't learn anything."

"As soon as the invisible fist comes out, this kid will definitely be defeated, but it's okay. If the master can use the invisible fist, he will die without regrets."

"Today is finally an eye-opener. I have always heard about the Invisible Fist, but I have never seen the master use it!"

Miao Kun was very excited. Although he didn't understand martial arts, he heard the discussion of this group of people and learned that the Invisible Boxing was Miao Mingliang's unique skill, and it must be very perverted and awesome, so he laughed and said:

"Haha, Chen Qiu, let's see if my uncle doesn't beat you to death! Fight with me? Do you have the strength? Who do you think you are!"

Su Waner and Su Haoran were extremely worried and said one after another: "Junior brother! Be careful!"

"Xiaoqiu, never underestimate the enemy!"

In the electric light and flint, Miao Mingming moved!

He turned his palms into fists, and those fists seemed to be condensed with infinite power. The most terrifying thing was that both speed and strength were very fast.

His figure flashed, and he rushed to Chen Qiu's side in an instant, and immediately his fists struck Chen Qiu like a violent storm.

"Hey! Ha!"

The fists were rustling, and each punch carried an overwhelming force. The speed was even more exaggerated, dazzling and overwhelming.

"The Invisible Fist Fruit is truly worthy of its reputation!" Everyone was shocked, and their hearts were filled with turmoil.

In the past, I had only heard about the invincibility of the invisible fist, but seeing it with my own eyes today, who knew it was even more amazing than the rumors.

Seeing Chen Qiu retreating one after another, Miao Kun was trembling with excitement: "You know how powerful my uncle is, right? Chen Qiu, if our Miao family wants to destroy you, it will be easy! When you fall, I will take Su Waner away. I

Let you watch helplessly how Master Gu plays with her."

The battle was going on in full swing. Chen Qiu frowned and stared at Miao Mingliang's fists. This guy was like a mad dog, constantly launching attacks.

"Hey! Ha!" he shouted, his momentum like a rainbow. Seeing Chen Qiu keep retreating, he couldn't help but sneered: "Why don't you make a sneak attack? Face me, face fear!"

Chen Qiu, who had not resisted or spoken until now, slowly said: "You can't do this invisible fist, it's just like playing tricks. Do you have any more ruthless moves?"

"What?!" Miao Mingliang suddenly froze, but soon he came back to his senses and said angrily: "Diversion of my attention?! Looking for death!"

Chen Qiu dodged the attack and said coldly: "The strength and speed are pretty good."

"Then you still dare to say no?" Miao Mingliang was furious.

"Why are you anxious?" Chen Qiu dodged it with ease and said calmly: "It's a pity that there is no defense. It seems that the attack is airtight, but in fact it is full of loopholes. It's just a trick. Your bottom is your weakness!"

"Next, I'll show you the real invisible fist!"

Having said that, Chen Qiu suddenly moved out, his fists roaring towards him. He imitated Miao Mingliang's posture, but both in terms of speed and strength, they were much more exaggerated than Miao Mingliang!

Miao Mingliang only focused on his fists, but Chen Qiu used both fists and kicks, so that Miao Mingliang was overwhelmed and completely ignored the threat posed by his lower body.

"Fuck you." Seeing that the situation was not right, Miao Kun was shocked and said, "Uncle, what's going on? Don't let me go, hit me, hit me hard."

Others were also dumbfounded. It was clear that Miao Mingliang had the upper hand, but in just a moment, from the moment Chen Qiu punched, the situation turned around instantly.

As a result, Miao Mingliang didn't even have a chance to fight back and allowed Chen Qiu to hit him in the chest with both fists.

In less than half a minute, Miao Mingliang couldn't hold on any longer. He was beaten until he was unconscious. He had just passed out and was punched awake by Chen Qiu. This repeated until the end, he completely lost his basic resistance, and his mouth was filled with tears.

Blood, he said vaguely: "Don't fight, don't fight."

Chen Qiu stopped his hand. At this moment, Miao Mingliang was covered in blood and flesh, and looked miserable.

The entire audience was silent. Miao Kun and many other disciples were already dumbfounded, somewhat at a loss.

The arrogant Miao Mingliang was defeated!

He was even helpless in front of Chen Qiu and was beaten until his teeth were all over the floor.

Miao Mingliang's nose was bruised and his face was swollen. He lay on the ground and stared at Chen Qiu in fear. What kind of strength is this? I'm afraid only the president can fight with it, right?

"What kind of martial arts are you using?" Miao Mingliang asked unclearly after a long time.

Miao Mingliang felt that he was very ridiculous, like an annoying fly, buzzing around Chen Qiu. When he was happy, he would let himself jump a few times, but when he finally got impatient, he would just raise his hand and slap him to death.


Chen Qiu chuckled and said: "Invisible Fist! However, your Invisible Fist is too bad and flashy. I have improved it a little. Why don't you name it Invisible Fist Supreme Invincible Plus Edition? What do you think?"

"Impossible!" Miao Mingliang's pupils suddenly shrank, he shook his head crazily, and murmured with trembling lips: "I, I have practiced for twenty years to reach this level, you just learned it after a few glances.

, or even improved?”

Miao Mingliang's heart was filled with turmoil, a look of disbelief on his face.

But Chen Qiu disagreed and scoffed: "It's just an inferior move. Besides, everyone's physique is different. What's so surprising about this?"

What's so surprising about this?

What’s so surprising about this??!!

As the instructor of Jiangcheng Martial Arts Association, Miao Mingliang has seen too many geniuses.

But facing Chen Qiu, those talented geniuses were not worth mentioning in front of him.

This is the devil! This is definitely a unique devil!

This chapter has been completed!
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