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Chapter 4 I will work hard!

Zhao Si was sitting in the Chengxin Pavilion of the palace. The table in front of him was piled with papers, but his eyes were looking through the window at the scenery of the back garden in a daze.

The looming crisis is temporarily abated.

I still guessed it right.

The official family attaches great importance to family ties, especially his younger brother, who is seven years older and grew up behind him, and has always treated him differently.

He directly gave his father's latent residence, Yingdi, to himself as a royal residence.

In the past, he was instigated by intentional people to admonish officials and censors, impeach himself on various charges, and almost became the number one demon king in the Song Dynasty.

However, these swords, wind and frost swords were all blocked by the emperor's brother, and he jumped to the present moment.

All this is seen by those who are interested.

Normally, the four brothers would be jealous at most. But in the past two years, things have been very different since they entered a sensitive period.

It has been fourteen years since the emperor's brother succeeded to the throne. He himself is twenty-four years old, but he has never had an heir. Moreover, he has been weak and sick since he was a child. He even coughed up blood when he was fifteen.

A certain imperial physician's assertion that he was not very old was widely circulated secretly among the government and the public.

Two years ago, ministers approached the Empress Dowager and requested that a virtuous person be chosen as the crown prince from among the emperor's younger brothers, just in case.

Since then, he has become a thorn in the flesh of the four brothers, a thorn in their side, and they are eager to get rid of them.

Duan Wang Zhao Ji, who deceived his predecessor into forming the Long Jie Army, was relatively "civilized".

Zhao Ji was not as cruel to him as his other brothers. He was more interested in currying favor with the Empress Dowager, making friends with famous people, and building momentum among the scholars and officials.

No matter what means he uses, he is his biggest opponent.

In January next year, when the emperor's brother dies of illness, he will personally recommend it to the Queen Mother, and with the support of Zeng Bu and other important ministers, he will ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor.

We must concentrate our firepower on him!

At the same time, don't take the other three brothers lightly.

I originally thought that traveling through time and becoming a prince would be like winning a small goal. From now on, I could just live in fine clothes and live happily. I didn't expect that there would be such high risks and such a big responsibility.

It seems that in addition to gravity, there is also involution across time and space.


A crisp bird call sounded in the air, and Zhao Si looked up after hearing the sound.

An unnamed bird flapped its wings and flew over the garden.

Looking at the wings flapping in the sun, Zhao seemed to know that following the bird, he was also eating and waiting to die, dreaming of becoming Prince Anle.

"Your Highness!" A voice sounded outside the door.

"Come in!"

Walking in were two chamberlains holding documents. The one in front was Li Fang, who was in her thirties. She had been taking care of Zhao Si since he was one year old.

He lowered his head, hunched his neck slightly, looked kind and kind, and took every step he took cautiously and respectfully, for fear of stepping on ants on the ground.

Following behind was Yu Huatian.

His original name was Yu San, but he was so handsome that he looked like the beauty of Prince Jian's palace. How could he be called Yu San?

So Zhao Si changed his name to him.

Now that we have Yu Huatian, we should have the East Factory and the West Factory. But we have to do it step by step.

Zhao Si established the East School Office, and you know the responsibilities. For the time being, Huatian is in charge, and Li Fang is in charge of the entire palace management and foreign affairs.

Well, there is no way, these two physically disabled and strong-willed people are the only confidants Zhao Si can use at the moment.

The ruthless and fierce counselors, the powerful generals who can defeat the enemy are all invisible for the time being.

Alas, I can only start from scratch.

"Your Highness, these are some of the newspapers that have been transcribed by the memorial hall, as well as the new tabloids that have been published in the past two days." Li Fang said respectfully.

"Well, the officials have agreed to this king and issued an edict to go to the Menxia Province, the Privy Council and the Secretariat Province to make a copy of some of the military and state's confidential documents to me. Mr. Li, please remember to hand them over."

Li Fang and Yu Huatian both showed joy on their faces, and they quickly responded: "Yes!"

"Huatian, move a chair for Mr. Li and yourself, and we can watch and talk at the same time."


These newspaper reports have been sorted out by the servants in the east school room, according to the contents, divided into six rooms: officials, households, etiquette, soldiers, punishments, and work.

Zhao Si is very convenient to read.

I have to say that the content of the newspaper for entering the memorial hall is quite rich.

What is most frequently published is the daily life of officials, including important speeches made by officials, meetings with ministers, and ceremonial events such as sacrifices, hunting, discussions on posthumous titles, and rewards.

Zhao seemed to understand.

By publishing the Di Bao all over the country, important instructions from officials were sent to every corner of the place, allowing local officials and gentry to know the court's trends in a timely manner.

The second largest content of the Di Bao is information on the selection, appointment and dismissal of officials, promotions, censures, rewards and punishments, and the death of ministers.

There is nothing wrong with this, personnel matters are politics.

Personnel power is one of the most important political powers. The imperial court demonstrates its authority by selecting, appointing, dismissing, removing, rewarding and punishing officials.

From this point of view, ancient and modern ideas and methods are of the same origin.

However, Zhao Si discovered that the memorials from the ministers occupied the largest space in the Di newspaper.

From the "Editor's Note" attached to Di Bao, we can see that these memorials were carefully selected and generally approved by officials.

Looking at these few but lengthy memorials, Zhao Si couldn't help but sigh, it was really the Song Dynasty where the literary style was at its peak. The ministers were all well-read poems and books, and they were full of wonderful pens.

If I don’t write a memorial of 1,000 or 800 words, I will be embarrassed to go out and say hello to people.

In addition, Zhao Si also found information on war successes, scientific research results, and the trial status of major cases in Di Bao.

It seems that the news in the newspapers is all about good news and not bad news.

"Huatian, is there any rules for the information published in this newspaper?" Zhao Si turned around and asked.

"When I got back to Your Highness, I asked about the rules of the Imperial Academy. There are Imperial Officers in the Imperial Academy, one for each state, who is responsible for communicating with each state."

Oh, Jinzouyuan also serves as the Beijing Office.

"The first draft of the Dibao edited by the Imperial Academy must first go through the 'judgement' of the Menxia Province to decide the choice of the manuscript. After that, it has to be reported to the Privy Council for final approval by the Privy Council. Only after the final version can the Dibao be distributed to various states and localities."


That’s right! Interesting.

Zhao Si continued to read through the collected tabloids.

I found that it was full of information that was not in the newspaper.

There are "secrets" of the court such as disasters in various places, military defeats, etc., as well as unpublished memorials of ministers, such as the impeachment of an important minister, which was suppressed by the officials. There are also "tad news" about the elders of the Eastern family, the short-term affairs of the Western family, and the high-ranking officials.


Good guy, this is all news that the Di newspaper dare not publish!

For Zhao Si, this information is also very important and is a very useful supplement.

"Huatian, what kind of rules do these tabloids have?"

"Back to Your Highness, these tabloids are printed in the capital and hawked around the streets. There are people with good eyes and hands who get all kinds of news from the officials of various states, or collect the secrets and interesting stories of various prefectures and yamen, and then report these to the mansion.

It is not published, but all the information that the people want to know is published. Many tabloids can publish a piece of paper very quickly."

Awesome! In addition to some shortcomings in the writing of these tabloids, missing words such as "See you on Monday" and "Shocked...", these tabloids seem to be timely and sensitive.

Through these newspapers and tabloids, as well as the memories he received, Zhao Si initially judged the current political situation and his own situation.

The political situation of the government is nothing more than that the new party is in charge, Zhang Dun is in power, and he is fully implementing his father's Xining New Law.

It's just that no matter how the government changes, it has little to do with me at the moment.

These elegant and pretentious civil servants absolutely look down on themselves now, and their own ideas are incompatible with them.

Different road non-phase plan.

In this case, why don't I secretly provoke these guys and let them carry forward the traditional skill of internal fighting.

Divert their attention so that I can seize the time to gather my team and take control of the army.

Well, there are also my four "brothers, friends and brothers".

From some clues, Zhao Si deduced that the twelfth brother, King Xin Zhaomata, was actually the most dangerous. He was three months older than him and had always been very scheming.

Jin Mingchi fell into the water on his own, apparently because of King Duan's instigation, but in fact the biggest culprit was the twelfth brother.

There are many other hidden arrows, probably all thanks to this twelfth brother.

If that's the case, then I won't be polite.

"Huatian, there are a few things I need you to do."

This chapter has been completed!
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