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Chapter 98 Why can't the king go?

Zhao Si glanced at Yao Lin, Gao Shixuan and several other Western Army generals, feeling a little disappointed.

They say that the Western Army, which is said to be the most powerful in the world, is so sharp and brave, but when you look at it yourself, it is nothing more than that.

It was much stronger than the other Song armies, but it was actually pretty crappy.

It is the tallest among the dwarfs that makes the Western Army so outstanding.

The three most fatal problems of the Song Army - chaotic command, corrupt military discipline, and disorganized military morale, were the same for the Western Army.

These have nothing to do with weapons and equipment, etc. They are all human problems.

Think about it, can a truly capable army be raised under a system like the one in the country?

Starting from Emperor Taizong, the god of carriages on the Gaoliang River, the officials and the imperial court were more concerned about national defense than resisting foreign enemies and protecting the country and the people. Instead, they were focusing on how to weaken the army and prevent warriors from threatening the civilized regime.

With dozens of iron chains tied to their bodies, it was indeed rare for the Western Army to withstand the impoverished Xia Army and maintain the status quo on the border.

How can it be possible if this continues?

Zhao Si asked everyone present with his eyes shining.

"Everyone, what do you think about the military situation Wang Fan mentioned?"

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, and finally focused on Yao Lin.

"Your Majesty, the general has also heard about Wang Fan's military situation. Indeed, as he said, the internal conflicts in the country of Xisiluo have been triggered, and many forces have separated themselves. They do not take blind conquests seriously. They defeat them one by one and make a quick victory.

It’s not difficult.”

Yao Lin stroked his beard and said: "But the biggest problem is how to hold Miaochuan, Zongge and Qingtang City after they are captured? The army is hanging alone outside, surrounded by Tibetan tribes. Who is good and who is bad, who is loyal and who is traitorous,

You can’t tell at all.”

"On the other side of the Six Ridges are the Zhuolu and Nanjian Military Divisions of the Hexi Family. Once there is a change, they can mobilize their troops south at any time to cooperate with the rebellious tribes inside and outside. If they are not careful, our troops in Miaochuan, Zongge and other places will

The whole army might be wiped out."

"When necessary, the Hexi family can also mobilize troops from the Xishou Baotai Supervisory Army Division two hundred miles to the east. Both of these locations are among the twelve supervisory military divisions of the Hexi Family, with tens of thousands of troops on hand all year round.

Not to be taken lightly..."

Yao Lin was worthy of being a veteran of the Western Army. He quickly analyzed the results and consequences of sending troops to Huangzhong and the Western Sea one by one, which was very pertinent.

"Your Majesty, what General Yao said is absolutely true. Miaochuan, Zongge, Qingtang and other cities are very easy to defeat with one blow. It is difficult to defend them. If they gain and lose again, it will be a big sin."

Wang Zhen also advised.

Zhao seemed to understand the meaning of his words.

Capturing Huangzhong, Xihai and other places, and expanding the territory, is indeed an exciting military achievement. The problem is that these territories and cities were lost before they were warmed up. Then there is no military merit, and there is a big burden to bear.


Many people in the court have long been displeased with him, and when the time comes, they will swarm him. No matter how partial the emperor is to him, it will be difficult for him to maintain his integrity.

Rather than stealing the chicken and losing the rice, it is better not to cause trouble and handle the major smuggling case safely. The Baiyuan case was handled solidly, which is still a great achievement.

But from Zhao Si's standpoint, he looks at the problem from a different perspective than Wang Zhen.

First, he needs a military exploit to establish his prestige in the Western Army.

It is now early August. According to the historical process, Lady Liu, who has been enthroned as queen, will give birth to a prince soon. In another month, the prince will die.

Under the heavy blow of losing his beloved son, the emperor's body will completely collapse. The battle for the throne will also become fierce.

If I can return to Beijing with this huge military achievement, I will not only have the "powerful" Western Army as external aid, but I will also be able to use this military achievement to resolve the huge resistance within the Gyeonggi Forbidden Army and thoroughly organize and train it.

He has complete control of the Gyeonggi Forbidden Army, and the Gyeonggi Police Department is quietly being established. With the power of the military and police in hand, he can be invincible.

Secondly, in the long run, if he successfully succeeds to the throne next year, the use of troops in the west will also be one of his top priorities.

Through the battles to capture Huangzhong and Xihai, we can gain a deeper understanding of the true strength of the Western Army and the Xixia Army. The future reorganization of the Western Army and the strategic deployment of the Xixia Army will be well-targeted.

These benefits are so tempting to me.

But once the bet is lost, the seriousness of the consequences is also obvious.

According to his own assessment of the Western Army, they can indeed defend the city wall and prevent the Xia Army from attacking. However, taking the initiative to attack and then fighting the Xia Army in Huangzhong and the West Sea may be a disaster.

Once Huangzhong, Xihai and other places are gained and lost, all the troops sent out will be wiped out, and oneself will have no merit and no fault.

How many people are waiting to add insult to injury?

At that time, if you return to Kaifeng City to participate in the battle for the throne, you will get twice the result with half the effort. All previous efforts will basically be in vain, and the advantage will be given to the eleventh brother Zhao Ji.

So should we take a gamble and adopt Wang Gan’s suggestion?

The room was very quiet, everyone was silent, staring at every change in Zhao Si's face, trying to find any clues from his expression.

Zhao Si's whole person was like Yuan Ting Yue Zhi, which made everyone feel at ease and worried at the same time.

After much calculation, Zhao Si discovered that there were two key points in this war.

One is the tribes in the Xihai and Huangzhong areas; the other is the reinforcements from the Xixia Kingdom.

If the hearts and minds of the tribes of the surrendered Zhisiluo Khanate cannot be collected as soon as possible, these rebellious guys will most likely have other ideas.

According to the current disorganized military discipline of the Western Army, as well as the current mentality of officers and generals at all levels, once they capture Huangzhong, Xihai and other places, they will most likely be tempted to let go and loot.

Over the years, the imperial court and civilian officials have treated the military personnel unfairly and oppressed them, causing them to develop the thinking habit of "not seeking meritorious service, but only seeking to make a fortune" and "rather than waiting for rewards from above, it is better to do it yourself".

Once there is any change among the tribes of the Ssiluo Khanate, the Xia army on the other side of Liuling will definitely take action. At that time, the two should cooperate internally and externally, and the Song army hanging on the outside will be difficult to stop even if Sun Wu is reborn or Bai Qi is reincarnated.

Return to the situation.

After Zhao Si found out the key points, he quickly reviewed his thoughts again, and the more he reviewed them, the clearer they became.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind, yes, why am I being restrained? If I still think about strategic and tactical issues according to the Song Dynasty's thinking, then wouldn't it be in vain for me to complain to people on the forum for so long?

Traveled through time?

"General Junrui, I would like to convene an enlarged meeting of the five armies along the border."

"Extended meeting?"

"Yes. I have a basic idea about the war in Zunsiluo Kingdom, but it still needs to be improved. So I need to listen to your opinions."

At this point, Zhao Si's thoughts became clearer, and the light in his eyes made everyone feel excited and confused.

What magical plan did His Highness King Jian have in mind?

"I know that you have fought with the Hexi family for many years and are very familiar with their strength, combat style, strategies and tactics. I need to ask you for advice. Once our army attacks Huangzhong, Xihai and other places, the Hexi family will

How many troops and horses will be mobilized from where, where the troops will be dispatched, how they will be dispatched, and other information."

"The people closest to the enemy should be the commanders of the war, because the information they tell is the most authentic and critical."

Zhao Si's words made Yao Lin's eyes light up. His Highness was about to perform a temple calculation.

His Majesty's temple is different from that of most civil servants in the past.

Those people boast that they have read thousands of books and will explain the truth tomorrow. They hold true or false information and talk about military affairs on paper. They only "strategize" according to their own thoughts and ideas, and never communicate with the soldiers on the front line.

If you lose, it means that the generals and officers did not follow military orders, missed the opportunity to fight, were greedy and timid... Anyway, there are a lot of crimes; if you win by luck, it is your own clever calculation.

The person closest to the enemy should be the commander of the war. Just by this sentence, Yao Lin felt that His Royal Highness King Jian was different.

This difference made Yao Lin feel a little excited.

"Your Majesty, how to hold this enlarged meeting? Where will it be held?"

"The generals need to guard all the armies on all sides and cannot escape easily." Zhao Si frowned slightly and finally said decisively.

"Then I will set off for various routes. First, I will chat with Qin Feng and the generals and commanders on the Jingyuan Road in Pingliang City. Then I will go to Qingzhou City and have a good time with my colleagues on the Huanqing and Yanyan Roads.

Let’s have a chat. Then we will go to Huanzhou, Pingxia City, Tiandu Mountain, Huizhou, Lanzhou, and then back to Xizhou. There we will have a meeting with the generals on Xining Road.”


As soon as Zhao Si finished speaking, Yao Lin, Wang Zhen, Gao Shixuan and others all exhorted him in unison.

"It's okay to go to Qingzhou City, but Huanzhou, Pingxia City, Tiandu Mountain, Huizhou, Lanzhou and other places are all dangerous places on the front line. Your Majesty, with his golden body, must not take risks."

"Are these places my Song Dynasty territory?"


"Are my soldiers from the Song Dynasty guarding it?"


"Then why can't I go?"
This chapter has been completed!
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