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Chapter 106: The Rain Is Coming

When news spread that 40,000 Western troops were besieged in Huangzhong, the entire city of Kaifeng exploded.

The most violent place is Taixue.

Bai Shizhong was dressed in casual clothes and walked among the Taixue halls. Everywhere he could see Taixue students from various states and counties, enthusiastic and enthusiastic.

On a towering tree, a Tai student climbed up to the tree, holding a copy of the postscript in his hand, and read loudly.

"Emperor Taizong Zeng said that princes of the royal family are not allowed to interfere in the affairs of the state. It is the law of the ancestors. King Jian Zhao Si is a brother of the official family. The sage is in the emperor, but he dares to be unscrupulous and disrupt the affairs of the state. He is nothing but the holy family..."

Hundreds of students were gathered below. When they heard something exciting, they shouted in unison and burst into cheers.

Bai Shizhong's eyes rolled around, and he mingled with the crowd and listened for a while. He felt that the literary talent was not bad, but he only focused on being impassioned and venting his emotions, but his words were unintentional and had no lethality.

Such impeachment posters were plastered all over the doors and walls of every house in Kaifeng City, but it was of no avail.

He shook his head slightly and ran to another place.

In front of the Fengsheng Church, there was a man in his twenties with a face that looked like a horse's face. He stood on a chair and read loudly to the two to three hundred Tai students gathered in front.

"A husband who favors you to the extreme will become arrogant, and too much kindness will lead to resentment!"

Upon hearing this first sentence, Bai Shizhong's eyes lit up.

This one has ingredients and sounds powerful.

So he stopped and blended in with the crowd.

"Zhao Si, the king of Jian Dynasty, announced his condolences to Shaanxi. The police shouted and shouted, and the roads were cleared of dust. People thought that the great driver was lucky. The feathers and green canopy were covered with protective rings, and he seemed to be riding in public. In the meantime, those who entered the curtain to serve the purpose and knocked on the horse to offer advice,

True tradition has its disciples..."

Bai Shizhong's eyes lit up when he heard this, like a pair of glass beads shining in the sun.

This guy is made to be a censor!

Everyone knows that when Zhao Si left the capital for Shaanxi, he traveled in simple clothes and in a hurry, passing through prefectures and counties, just like marching to fight. He traveled more than 2,000 miles and arrived in just ten days.

It’s just that facts are facts. If all impeachments are based on facts, how can the censor do his job?

The censor can impeach him upon hearing the news!

What is impeachment upon hearing? It means that as long as you hear news of violations of laws and disciplines, you can be impeached. As for where you heard it from, that is out of control.

Therefore, use your imagination, make up random things, take the blame randomly, and wear hats randomly. This is the specialty of some censors.

"Jian Wangsi is called Xuan Wei Shaanxi, but in fact it is disturbing the prefectures and counties and plundering the place. It is called surveying and border defense, but it is actually launching border provocations..."

Hearing this, Bai Shizhong couldn't help but shout loudly.

As soon as he took the lead, everyone started shouting together. The noise in front of the Holy Church was as noisy as boiling tea. It was dark, but boiling and hot.

Bai Shizhong called his confidants to accompany him, "You will go to the scholar who read the post later and buy it. Tell him that "Fenghua Academy News" is willing to pay a lot of money for his article. The more vicious it is, the more valuable it is.


He nodded understandingly.

Half an hour later, Bai Shizhong hurried to Zhao Tingzhi's residence with a few favorite papers hidden in his sleeves.

I was led to the study and saw that everyone except Zhao Tingzhi, Wu Cai, Liu Zhengfu and others were there.

"Mr. Zhao, Bai found a few good propaganda articles, polished them up, and found a few admonishers to write a copy and submit it. Then they publicized it in various newspapers, and Zhao Shisan was sure to be held responsible for seizing the title.


Bai Shizhong said viciously.

"Okay! We literati should work together to defeat gold!"

After reading these announcements, everyone nodded.

"Well written! To the point and meaningful!"

Several people agreed to call those admonishers, copy the document and submit it in their names.

"Is there any latest news?" After finishing his business, Bai Shizhong dusted off the dust on his clothes and sat down proudly.

"Yes!" Wu Cai replied quickly.

"The latest military report. Zhang Kai mobilized elite troops on the Jingyuan Road, left Pingxia City, and passed Xiaoguan, preparing to capture the important area of ​​Duoling, surround Wei and rescue Zhao, and mobilize the Xia army's troops to rescue the trapped army in Huangzhong. The Xia army was not to be outdone, and Weizhou

Tens of thousands of elite troops from the Jingsai Military Supervisory Department were stationed at Douling, Killing Niuling, and held tight positions, refusing to give in an inch."

"Zhang Kai had no choice but to mobilize Huanqing Road soldiers and horses, intending to take Yanzhou and other places, and then encircle Wei and rescue Zhao. Unexpectedly, the Xia army had been prepared and guarded the front line of Hengshan. The Huanqing Road soldiers and horses could not take advantage of it at all.

, hesitating and unable to do anything."

Hearing this, Bai Shizhong chuckled, like a rooster that could lay eggs.

"When they meet an opponent, the leader of the Xia Kingdom is not a weak opponent. Someone must have delivered the news to them to be able to deal with it so easily."

Wu Cai said disdainfully: "If you ask me, Zhang Kai shouldn't be rescued. It's a waste of people and money! For the 40,000 soldiers and horses trapped in Huangzhong, I think it's better to die with only a few dozen people left. Or is it better?

The kind that fought bloody battles, rolled over many places, and escaped back to Songjiang. That would be wonderful. We will be more confident in impeaching Zhao Shisan!"

"That's right! That's right!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Shengtori, continue to talk about the military situation in the west." Zhao Tingzhi said, stroking his beard.

"It's Mr. Zhao. It's reported that soldiers and horses from Xihe and Qinfeng are desperately attacking Jingyuguan in an attempt to open up the passage to Huangzhong. However, there are tens of thousands of Xia troops guarding it. It is said that the Qisheng army was specially mobilized.

, extremely fierce.”

Wu Cai pretended to be mysterious and said, "Some people saw layers of corpses under Jingyu Pass. There were no less than ten thousand bodies, and they were all too late to be buried. Others saw ownerless armors, swords and guns, carloads of them passing in front of Jingyu Pass.

They were pulled down and piled up like mountains. The scene was really miserable!"

Liu Zhengfu couldn't help but ask: "Did anyone see it? Who saw it?"

"No matter who he is, someone saw it anyway!" Bai Shizhong answered alertly before Wu Cai could answer.

"That's right!"

Wu Cai and Bai Shizhong looked at each other and smiled, their eyes shining with the light that is hard to find in a confidant.

"Master, someone has submitted a letter." An old servant reported at the door of the study.

Zhao Tingzhi frowned and said, "Bring it in."

After taking the submission, Zhao Tingzhi asked again: "Do you know who it is?"

"Sir, that man was secretive, but I still recognized him. He was the companion of Xianggong Li's house. The old man once met him when he was waiting for the master at the gate of Zhongshu Province."

"Li Xianggong, Li Bangzhi?" Zhao Ting was stunned and opened the letter even faster.

"King Jian Shisi is the biggest thief in the world. He steals power and authority, ruins the country and the people. He is the biggest thief in the world! Among the thieves outside, Xia and Liao are the most urgent. Among the thieves inside, Jian Shisi is the most important. Those in Xia and Liao are at the border.

Peeping, but there is an agreement, it is also a scabies disease; those who are like thieves are greedy for power and selfish, good at starting side provocations, which is harmful to the intimate. There are internal and external thieves, and it is better to attack in sequence. If there are no internal thieves, the thieves can be eliminated.

Well, I would like to ask you to kill the thief first."

"The benevolence and forgiveness of the officials are like the feelings of brothers, and the picture is the way to correct evil and return to the right. Therefore, Jian seems to have stolen the throne to this day. It seems that at this time, he was grateful day and night, and he could change his ways. However, King Jian seemed to do whatever he wanted. Bullying others, scolding them arbitrarily, and building up the bones of thousands of armies to achieve one's own merits!"

After reading it, Zhao Tingzhi, who was full of knowledge, couldn't help but applaud!

"Such a majestic and majestic article is indeed a message to appeal to thieves. Even if I fight for this future, I will still hand over this memorial to advise the officials and wake up the ignorant and evil Gong Gong Dukes in the court!"

Zhao Tingzhi seemed twenty years younger. He could not wait to roll up his sleeves, rush to the Chui Gong Hall, and read loudly in front of the officials and ministers.

Bai Shizhong and Wu Cai looked at each other, both seeing the other's jealousy.

Who is this! How dare you take our credit?

Liu Zhengfu asked: "Mr. Zhao, I wonder who wrote this article?"

Zhao Tingzhi looked at the end of the article and found it was signed.

"Ju Ye Chao Buzhi!"

"Chao Buzhi?!" Everyone was shocked, "Why is it him? Isn't he supervising the salt and wine tax in Xinzhou (now Shangrao, Jiangxi)?"

"He is the third batch of Yuanyou's old party to be recalled. When the edict was issued a few days ago, he happened to escort the tax bank to Beijing, so he stayed in Kaifeng."

"Isn't he known as the Four Scholars of the Su family? King Jian Zhaosi heard that he had a close relationship with the Su family brothers, so he made great efforts to advise the officials and pardoned him and recalled him to the capital. This was considered a great favor to the Su family brothers. What happened to Chao Buzhi? Just wrote such a statement?"

Wu Cai rolled his eyes and quickly thought of Guan Qiao.

"Li Xianggong recommended Chao Buzhi. And he has been reviled in other places. King Jian has changed his mind and worked hard. I probably haven't heard about it yet. It may still be the impression of being arrogant and domineering before. Li Xianggong encouraged Chao Buzhi. I was so angry that I naturally came up with this magnificent article."

Bai Shizhong said with a gloating smile, "That's right! It's just that Bachelor Su and Su are about to return to the capital. Then I go to pay homage to King Jian and Zhao Sishi, how can I express my gratitude to him?"

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Chao Buzhi's heroic article was indeed powerful and provocative, and his every word was sharp and his writing was deadly. Together with a dozen other unveiling articles selected by Bai Shizhong, Wu Cai and others, they formed a huge lethality.

It was presented to the court, published in newspapers overnight, and distributed throughout Kaifeng City, causing a great sensation.

The officials remained silent, Zhang Dun remained silent, Huang Fu, Lu Huiqing, Fan Chunren and other deputy prime ministers also remained silent. Although Li Qingchen shouted loudly, demanding severe punishment for King Jian, it did not help.

When the news spread, the Tai students were furious, and thousands of people gathered in a short time.

Nearly a thousand people from various places who had been incited and provoked literati gathered together and marched toward Donghua Gate in a mighty manner.

The momentum was so great that some old people said that it could only be surpassed by the time during the reign of the late Emperor of the Temple of Heaven, when thousands of imperial students, scholars and Confucian scholars gathered in front of the Donghua Gate, begging for the abolition of the reform and denigrating the Wang Prime Minister.

Anyway, it is an extremely rare petition since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Seeing that the situation had become a success, many officials and celebrities who were still waiting on the sidelines jumped out one after another. The impeachment memorials rushed to the political hall and the palace like a tide.

There is a strong need to severely punish and denigrate King Jian, and he will not give up until his goal is achieved.

There were also common people who took the opportunity to throw rotten vegetables and smelly dog ​​excrement at Prince Jian's palace. There was a situation where people all over the city were angrily criticizing Prince Jian.

The storm is about to come, the wind is filling the buildings, and the dark clouds are pressing down on the city to destroy it!
This chapter has been completed!
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