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Chapter 112 This is the ultimate move

The generals racked their brains and thought hard.

Yang Weizhong raised something.

"Li Qianshun, the leader of the Xia Kingdom, had just used the help of the Liao Kingdom at the beginning of the year to kill the Empress Dowager of Liang, killed Wei Baobei, and had an affair with the generals of the Liang Party. Then he apologized to me and asked for peace. Although the officials agreed to peace, the two countries ceased war. ..”

Everyone listened quietly.

"However, Xia Guoliang's party is deeply rooted and it is difficult to eradicate them all at once. In addition, Li Qianshun apologized to our court and asked for peace. Many noble generals in the domestic army who were leading the war must be dissatisfied and resentful. From the military newspaper, Xia Guoliang commanded this war. Many of them are Li Qianshun's confidants, and the commander-in-chief he designated as commander-in-chief, Richard, is his biological brother."

Yang Weizhong's voice couldn't help but rise, "Obviously, Li Qianshun wants to use this opportunity to win a great victory and establish his prestige. At the same time, he will let the generals who are loyal to him achieve military merits, and then be able to promote them to key positions and control the military power for him. affairs of state."

Having said this, Yang Weizhong smiled coldly, feeling endless gloating about his misfortune.

"Judging from the first military report, the Xia army was defeated, all its main force was lost, many of its close associates were killed and executed, and the head coach Richard escaped alone. Li Qianshun, who had not been in power for a long time, had lost both his face and his majesty."

Speaking of this, Yang Weizhong's eyes sparkled.

"Someone has to take responsibility for a defeat. Many tribal leaders of Xia Kingdom and many generals of Xia Army must have been furious and even more dissatisfied with Li Qianshun. And Li Qianshun's closest confidants also suffered heavy losses. They must have been very angry with the forces that opposed him. The power of repression is weakened."

Yang Weizhong said impassionedly, "Come to think of it, this is the king's fourth strategic intention in launching the Battle of Huangzhong! Taking advantage of Li Qianshun's eagerness to establish his authority and consolidate his power, he led him to mobilize the main force of the Xia army and send troops to Huangzhong. Then he took advantage of the geographical advantages. Renhe and successive battles and victories shook the foundation of Li Qianshun and aroused civil strife in Xia."

"Wonderful!" Zhang Shuye, the host of the meeting, couldn't help shouting.

He stood at the front of the conference room and said to more than sixty generals and officers who were equally excited.

"Your Majesty once told us that war is just a continuation of politics. Killing the enemy and seizing territory is only a military purpose, and in the end it has to return to the political purpose. What is the biggest purpose of our continuous use of troops against the Xia Kingdom? It is to consume his troops. , and finally destroy his country, and restore the old land of Lingwu, so that there will be no more wars and chaos in the northwest hinterland of the Song Dynasty."

"It's great that General Wei Zhong can see this!" Zhang Shuye praised, then scanned the generals again and continued to ask, "Are there any more?"

Changsun Moli had already thought of Zhao Si's other strategic goals, but today's meeting was an opportunity to train the generals, so he remained silent.

"Let me tell you something." Wei Baoqing raised his hand to speak.

"Weizhong mentioned political goals just now, so I will add economic goals."

"Economic goal?" The generals' eyes lit up. Yes, why didn't we think of it?

"It is now August and September, which is the busy autumn harvest season in the northwest. Hexi is a small country with few people, and the people's power has been used to the extreme. The soldiers under the jurisdiction of the Twelve Supervisory Army Division are ordinary people. According to the secretary of the province, According to the intelligence records of the Xia State, 'In its military system, all those who are under sixty and over fifteen are Ding, and they are equipped with their own bows, arrows, and armor.'"

"Before, the Xia Kingdom was only five out of ten. After fighting for decades, their soldiers became less and less. By the fifth year of Yuanfeng (1082), during the Battle of Yongle between Song and Xia, the Xia Kingdom was Drawing nine out of ten can be said to be extremely vicious. It has been more than ten years since the fifth year of Yuanfeng, and there have been many wars in the meantime. The people of Xia must have suffered a lot of losses, so there should be a draw out of ten."

"This time the king launches a war in Huangzhong, it is like throwing out a delicious and fat bait. Li Qianshun, who is eager to establish his prestige, will definitely swallow it. However, this bait is not delicious and must be drawn from other military departments. The soldiers, horses, and soldiers have been transferred away, and the autumn harvests in various places in Xia Kingdom will definitely be greatly affected."

Wei Baoqing's voice was as calm as a mountain, but every word he spoke was sonorous and powerful. His idea made everyone's eyes light up and they were extremely surprised.

Liu Kai added from the side.

"When the king was inspecting the five roads along the border, he made an agreement with the senior generals such as the strategic envoys and military supervisors of each road. When the battle in Huangzhong started, the Xia Army's various military divisions began to mobilize their troops. , Fu, Linzhou, and west to Hui, Lanzhou, all in accordance with the king's military orders, sent small groups of capable cavalry deep into the enemy's territory to invade."

"The purpose is to contain the Xia army and destroy the autumn harvest!"

Liu Kai said the last sentence word for word.

Wei Baoqing nodded to Liu Kai to express his gratitude, and then continued.

"The Xia Kingdom was originally in embarrassment and its production was poor. This year's autumn harvest was severely damaged, and there will definitely be a great famine next year. And it can be imagined that after the Battle of Huangzhong, the king will definitely take the opportunity to strictly order the five roads along the border not to put a grain of grain or an inch of cloth. Human summer realm."

"The soldiers and civilians of Xia's military divisions and the herdsmen of each tribe will be extremely hungry. They have only two ways to survive. Either they go to rob the nearby tribes and people, or they go south and surrender to our court."

Wei Baoqing's words made everyone suddenly enlightened and felt that they had benefited a lot.

When Wei Baoqing mentioned economic goals just now, they quickly realized that His Highness King Jian's fifth strategic goal was to destroy the autumn harvest. But it was not as profound and "vicious" as Wei Baoqing said.

He is worthy of being the first person to follow the king. He is not usually very showy, but he is really talented and hard-working, and he is indeed very powerful.

But what they admired more was His Royal Highness King Jian.

We thought we were standing on the top of the Kaifeng City Tower, but we didn't expect that Your Highness, King Jian, was already standing on the top of Mount Huashan.

Seeing everyone's wonderful speeches, Zhang Shuye nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, everyone performed well, the discussion is over for now. Zhong Yan, you continue to read the military newspaper."

"Okay! The Xia army captured Jingyuguan first, cutting off the connection between Lanzhou and Huangzhong and the West Sea. The main force of 200,000 troops was divided into three groups and marched towards the three cities of Miaochuan, Zongge and Qingtang respectively. When the main force of the Xia army arrived, they surrendered All the Tibetan tribes surrendered to the Xia army one after another and turned their swords and guns to deal with our army."

"Our army took the initiative to shrink. Forty thousand soldiers and horses were divided into four groups. One group was led by Wang Zhen and Li Zhongxiao and retreated to Qingtang City; the other group was led by Guo Cheng and Zhang Cunyi and retreated to Miaochuan City; the other group was led by Wang Fan and retreated to Zongge City. All the way, led by Liu Fa and Gao Shixuan, retreated to Fugong and Jianzha City."

"During this period, Wang Fan saw that the Xia army was advancing in separate directions. He faced a small number of people and poorly equipped soldiers. In order to gain military merit, he attacked without permission. As a result, he was ambushed by the Xia army and was defeated. He fled in defeat. Not only did he lose four or five people Thousands of soldiers and horses were lost, and the city of Zongge was lost, so that the two cities of Qingtang and Miaochuan were separated and unable to communicate with each other."

Speaking of this, Liu Kai sighed: "Many generals in the Western Army have long-standing shortcomings. They are greedy for merit and rush forward, and are afraid of danger and timidity. Their incompetence has made the bloody battles of many soldiers in vain."

All the generals felt the same, especially Yang Weizhong, Zhao Long, Gao Yongnian and other generals who came from the Western Army, and they were even more indignant. They themselves and their fathers had been tricked by such comrades many times.

Unexpectedly, another person will appear this time. I just hope that this person will not make his colleagues miserable.
This chapter has been completed!
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