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Chapter 146: Mount Emei

It was almost dusk when Zhang Guangshun left Zhangjialou.

He waved his hands and walked leisurely on the street like an official returning home from office.

I passed by Granny He's shop and walked in.

"Zhang Guanren, has the government been dismissed?"


"Two rabbit heads? They were braised just this afternoon and are still warm." The waiter greeted enthusiastically.

"Okay, here are two."

Carrying two steaming rabbit heads, Zhang Guangshun continued walking forward. When he came to Caigu's clothing store, he couldn't help but go in and ask.

"Cai Niang, are my robes ready?"

"It's almost done. I'll pick it up the day after tomorrow and keep it to fit. Congratulations to Mr. Zhang. This new official uniform is really good-looking. I heard from the neighbors that this is a leopard uniform. It needs to be equipped with three silver flowers. Is it the left or right captain?


"He is a lieutenant colonel." Zhang Guangshun explained with a smile, "A humble official, not worth mentioning."

"Scared, Mr. Zhang is in charge of the Privy Council and is in charge of all the assassins in the world...Ah, officer, he has a high position. I don't understand the rules, so please forgive Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Guangshun knew that what Cai Gu almost said was to assassinate Pei Jun.

The officials have officially issued an edict to the whole world. The Song army, regardless of any branch of the military, is strictly prohibited from tattooing, nor is it allowed to call them assassins or thieves. Once reported and verified, they will be paraded through the streets three times with ten strokes of the stick on their backs.

Bad habits cannot be changed for a while. As officials said, the Song army will use one victory after another to reverse the prejudices of the world and gain true honor.

Smiling, Zhang Guangshun cupped his hands and said, "Please Cainiang, please worry."

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang, Caigu, I will tailor it carefully."

After leaving Caigu's clothing store, he passed by Shen Dayan's preserved fruit store. Thinking of the preserved fruits that his children had been craving for half a month, Zhang Guangshun weighed a pound of hawthorn, banana, and apple assorted preserved fruits.

When I entered my yard, I was greeted by my wife, and my children also gathered around me with laughter. Daddy kept shouting. Especially when I saw the preserved fruit in my hand, I was even more excited.

After the family had dinner, Zhang Guangshun played with his children for a while, then got up and went to the east side room to read for a while.

The new emperor has new rules. Civil and military officials cannot be superfluous. They must work and learn at the same time and make continuous progress. The Privy Council is a unit that the officials focus on, and no one from the various departments and bureaus dares to neglect it.

Military attachés do not need to memorize the Four Books and Five Classics, but it is not easy to learn arithmetic, read maps, and memorize military books. There are also newly compiled books such as the Army Meeting Code, the Infantry Drill Code, the Cavalry Drill Code, and the Military Law Collection. They must be familiar with it.


Food and salary are not as easy to get as before.

After sitting in the east side room for a while, I heard several nightingales chirping.

Zhang Guangshun quietly left the house and stood in the yard for a while. He heard nothing unusual. When he walked to the corner, he heard two gentle knocks on the door, one long and one short. He quickly opened a small door leading to the next door.

In the dark, the two people emerged from the small door, looked at Zhang Guangshun, went straight to the courtyard and walked around, then stood in the shadows of the courtyard gate and the back.

Another person came out of the small door, it was Cao Duo, who was in charge of the Internal and External Police Department and also on official duties at the West Review Post.

Zhang Guangshun bowed silently, Cao Duo also bowed his hand, and the two quietly entered the east side room in tacit understanding.

After closing the door and the two of them sat down, Zhang Guangshun got straight to the point and detailed the details of today's meeting with Li Qingluan and Li Renfu.

Cao Duo nodded and said.

"Old Zhang, when you came out of Zhangjialou today, someone was following you all the way. There are still people in the teahouse opposite, staring at the door of your house," Cao Duo said.

"Zhang is alone in Kaifeng City, and only Li Furen knows his identity. Li Qingluan is alert and somewhat uneasy."

"Li Qingluan is indeed suspicious. You have given so much information, but she still can't trust you?"

"Perhaps Xia Jun was defeated so badly last year that she felt a shadow in her heart."

Cao Duo thought for a while, nodded and said: "That makes sense!"

Zhang Guangshun couldn't help but ask, "Cao Tou, does the information I mentioned today not matter?"

"It doesn't matter. Most of them will be published in the Wanshengjun Daily in two or three months. They will be announced to the world and let Li Qingluan know in advance. The few that will not be published are not important secrets. It doesn't matter."

"That's good. By the way, Cao Tou, you come to me in person tonight, but what's the big deal?"

"It's really a big deal. Our West Campus Reading Center is going to be disbanded."

As soon as Cao Duo finished speaking, Zhang Guangshun stood up in shock.

"Old Zhang, don't panic!" Cao Duo quickly consoled him, "You are an official who decided the case personally when he was still in King Qin's residence. Why are you panicking?"

Zhang Guangshun then slowly sat down and said, "Cao Tou, why do you say it's disbanded?"

"Our officials are talking about governing the country according to law. These expedient measures will of course be dissolved and merged in the process of formalization."

"Rule the country according to law?" Zhang Guangshun was very surprised. Do we officials believe in legalism?

"It is to govern the country in accordance with laws and regulations. Follow the law as the criterion and facts as the criterion. Ding is Dingmao is Mao. We can no longer let civil servants change everything with their words."

"Oh, Cao Tou, our West Review Station has been disbanded. How will we arrange for so many brothers?"

"Most placements go to the Bureau of Judicial Investigation."

"Judicial Investigation Bureau?"

"Yes, that is a unit directly under the Ministry of Criminal Justice. It is on the same level as our Gyeonggi Police Department. It specializes in investigating major and important cases. In addition to our Western Inspection Center, some personnel from the Imperial City Department have also been transferred there, and ten of them have been transferred from me.

Several masters in solving crimes. Well, you know the first case they just concluded, Lin Yi'an's case."

"Is this the case where Lin Yi'an, the magistrate of Haifeng County, was robbed and killed by water thieves on his way to his post?"


Zhang Guangshun has seen detailed reports in the latest Tokyo Times.

Lin Yi'an of Xinzhi County was robbed and killed by a boatman on the Longchuan River on his way from Kaifeng to Haifeng. All five members of his family died.

The strange thing is that after the gang of thieves killed people and robbed money, they actually changed their identities and went to Lin Yi'an's hometown, Anji County, Huzhou. With Lin Yi'an's private seal and forged letters, they falsely claimed to be from the Haifeng County government.

It is said that he came to the Lin family mansion to collect money on the order of the magistrate Lin Guanren. Lin Guanren found a good opportunity and could be promoted to Huizhou Tongpan, but he just needed money to manage.

This group of water thieves, with their smooth words, actually coaxed Mr. Lin to take out his savings, sell off his land, and collect 40,000 copper coins, which he exchanged for gold and silver that were easier to carry.

When news came from Haifeng, Mr. Lin, who had lost both his life and wealth, was so angry that he vomited blood on the spot and passed away that night.

This kind of case is really difficult to investigate. The location involved in the case jumped from Guangnan East Road to Liangzhe Road. This alone is very troublesome. The prefectures and counties on both sides are arguing with each other, which can last forever.

However, the gang of thieves was overheard by a neighbor of the Lin family that they might be related to the Fuzhou boatmen on Jinghu North Road. They had clues, but they also involved another prefecture and county, which was even more troublesome.

As a result, the case was pending for two or three years. The Lin family sued over and over again, but no progress was made while arguing with each other.

"The Bureau of Judicial Investigation was established just two months ago, and they started working on this case without even putting up a sign. They divided their forces into two groups. They went to Jinghu North Road and Fuzhou for unannounced visits, and to Huzhou to interview the Lin family and their neighbors to record statements, and to investigate the water supply.

The thief’s appearance, accent, habits and other clues.”

"Then the two groups met in Fuzhou, while continuing to conduct secret visits to look for clues; while reviewing and analyzing the data to speculate on their possible whereabouts. The emperor's heart paid off, and he actually let them find one of the main culprits of this group of water thieves in Hanchuan near Fuzhou

, and then follow him to catch them all and bring them all back to the Ministry of Punishment for trial."

Cao Duo said with great relief, "The Bureau of Judicial Investigation has made a good fortune and gained a good reputation. The brothers have been transferred there, so it will not be a loss to them."

"The rest of the brothers, along with most of the staff of the Imperial City Division, went to the Security Bureau and the Military Intelligence Investigation Bureau of the Privy Council. You, Lao Zhang, were transferred to the Military Intelligence Bureau. Don't worry, your situation is special, and your file is

I personally handed over to Cen Meng."

Cao Duo comforted her so well.

"Cen Meng, you also know that the armed guards of the official family when they are in the mansion are the most trustworthy. I am afraid that there will be too many people and the noise will attract the attention of outsiders tonight, so I didn't come. In a few days, I will come over.

When I meet you, the code is still the same."

"I remember."

Seeing that Zhang Guangshun's mood gradually stabilized, Cao Duo continued.

"Lao Zhang, don't worry, your handover officials will personally check your files. Your files are listed as top secrets in the Military Intelligence Bureau. Without official approval, several colleagues and Privy Council officials are not allowed to review it. Moreover, the officials also

I personally gave you a code name."

"Code name?"

"Yes, your name will not appear in any documents involving you from now on. We will only use code names to protect your safety to the maximum extent."

Zhang Guangshun was moved and asked, "Cao Tou, what code name did the officials give me?"

"Emei Peak."
This chapter has been completed!
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