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Chapter 173: Fall of Liangzhou City

"How did Liangzhou City fall? Tell me clearly!" Li Qianshun asked through gritted teeth.

In front of him, kneeling was a man with tattered clothes, stained face, disheveled hair, and an unpleasant odor, like a refugee who had fled thousands of miles.

"Your Majesty, forgive me!" The kneeling man's name is Wei Ming Zhongxin, deputy commander of the Liangzhou Army.

He was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

Li Qianshun ran down the stairs angrily, circling around Weiming Zhongxin, like a vicious wolf trying to tear the prey in front of him into pieces.

The last bit of reason held his hands and feet, preventing him from attacking the cowards and deserters in his mind.

"Your Majesty, please don't be angry. The most important thing now is to find out how Liangzhou City fell." Li Qingluan, who was standing nearby, advised.

Li Qianshun turned to look at her, then glared at Weiming Zhongxin, suppressing his anger, and returned to his seat.

"Wei Ming Zhongxin, I will spare your innocence. Please tell me everything that happened in Liangzhou City."

Li Qingluan, who was beside him, also comforted him with kind words: "Your Majesty believes that you did not run away from the battle. You went through life and death in order to report to His Majesty and the imperial court. You went through all kinds of hardships before escaping from the clutches of the Song Army and returning to Xingqing Mansion."

"Your Majesty, Princess!"

Weiming Zhongxin couldn't help but feel sad. All the pain was ignited at this moment, and he fell to the ground and cried loudly.

While crying, Li Qianshun was a little impatient and wanted to scold him again. When he saw Li Qingluan gently shaking his head, he held back.

When his emotions were almost vented, Weiming Zhongxin began to tell everything that happened in Liangzhou City.

"My subordinates were responsible for guarding the east gate at that time. That morning, Li Liuhou was very alert and ordered the whole city to be on alert before dawn. Later we found out that Li Liuhou was right, and the Song army began to set up their formation before dawn."

"Wait until daybreak and see clearly the Song army's deployment. There are tens of thousands of infantry at the south gate and west gate, and tens of thousands of cavalry at the east gate and north gate. Li Liu later sent an order to all gates, saying that the main attack direction of the Song army should be from the south gate. Lord, and the West Gate as the auxiliary. So we mobilized the reserve team to concentrate behind the South Gate, and told us to be alert at the East Gate and North Gate, so as not to let the Song army take advantage of the chaos to make a sneak attack..."

Li Qianshun's face was expressionless, and he nodded secretly in his mind.

Li Yanqing is not only a member of the clan, but also a veteran general. Otherwise, he would not have been entrusted with the important task of guarding Liangzhou City. From what Weiming Zhongxin said, Li Yanqing handled the situation very appropriately. If it were anyone else, he might not be able to do as well. He is good.

But how could such a steady and reliable person, with such an appropriate response, allow the Song Army to capture Liangzhou City?

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"Weichen has been patrolling the east gate, asking the sergeants to cheer up, and asking the civilians to move armor, arrows, wood, rolling stones and other objects to the city wall. The Song army has not attacked. The east gate guarded by Weichen, The Song Army cavalry has also been gathering two miles away from the city, neither attacking nor cruising."

"After waiting for an unknown amount of time, it was about the quarter of the hour. Wei Chen suddenly realized that something was wrong. It was too quiet. Then he heard the horn sound of the Song Army, and then heard tens of thousands of Song Army shouting three times, 'Wan Sheng', and suddenly As one person shouted, the sound was overwhelming and came from the south."

Tadanobu Taina swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the muscles on his face began to beat involuntarily, as if he had some deep fear of the scene he was going to describe next.

"Hearing the sound, Wei Chen raised his head and looked to the south. He saw twenty meteors falling from the sky and landing directly on the south gate tower..."

"Meteor?" Li Qianshun couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted Weiming Zhongxin.

"Yes, Your Majesty, they are twenty large fireballs. They are very big. I can see them clearly from the east gate even though they are several miles away. They are on fire all over and dragging a long tail of black smoke. It flew across the sky and hit the south gate."

At this point, Tadashi Tadashi, who was kneeling on the ground, started to tremble all over, with fear overflowing from his eyes.

"Then what?" Li Qianshun asked dissatisfied.

Weiming Zhongxin was still immersed in fear and didn't hear it at all.

"Wei Ming Zhongxin! His Majesty is asking you something!" Li Qingluan shouted loudly next to him, finally waking up Wei Ming Zhongxin.

"Your Majesty asks you, what happens next?"

Weiming Zhongxin's strong body was shaking more and more, like leaves in the autumn wind.

He clenched his teeth and finally forced the words out of his mouth.

"The south gate tower was instantly surrounded by a large sea of ​​fire. More than ten fireballs hit the south gate tower, and the rest were scattered on both sides of it, not far apart. The entire south gate tower immediately turned into a big furnace. Wei Chen stood at the east gate On the tower, even from miles away, you can hear the sound of the fire crackling in the wind, and you can feel the rolling heat waves hitting your face."

Li Qingluan was keenly aware of the important issue, "Did you just say that Li Liuhou was on the south gate tower?"

"Yes, princess. After Li Liu, he judged that the south gate was the main attack direction of the Song army, so he went there personally to supervise the battle. The Song army's twenty fireballs devoured the south gate tower at that time. After Li Liu, there were also Deputy Commander Li and Wei The famous Supervisory Army Envoy...more than a dozen generals were drowned by the sea of ​​fire."

Li Qianshun and Li Qingluan's expressions changed.

"No one ran out?"

"Didn't run out. On the way to Xingqing Mansion, Wei Chen met a few sergeants who were lucky enough to run out from near the south gate. They said that in addition to Li Liuhou and other generals, there were more than 2,000 elite soldiers on the south gate tower. , didn’t even run out.”

After listening to Wei Ming Zhongxin's tearful words, Li Qianshun gritted his teeth and said, "That's it, you're going to abandon the city?"

Weiming Zhongxin shook his head and replied absentmindedly: "Your Majesty, I think that after Li Liu and others, they are so okay. It's all over. It's not like us who suffered in purgatory for a day and a night, watching our relatives and friends, one by one. Devoured by a fire that cannot be burned out."

Li Qingluan gave Li Qianshun a look, signaling him to calm down.

Then he said softly: "Wei Ming Zhongxin, don't hold it in your heart, say it all."

"Okay, Princess, I'll tell you everything. Twenty fireballs are just the beginning. After seeing the south gate tower turned into a sea of ​​flames, Wei Chen was hesitating whether to go for reinforcements, twenty fireballs pierced the sky again, Fly towards the south gate. This time, their landing point is pushed further back, and they are scattered about ten feet behind the south gate."

"A large number of reserves gathered there and saw a fire on the south gate tower. These Xia warriors, the most elite soldiers of the Liangzhou Army, did not turn around and disperse, but tried to rush up to the tower to put out the fire. Unexpectedly, Song The second batch of fireballs came again and hit them right in the middle."

"Three thousand reserve troops were instantly beaten to pieces by fireballs, and then surrounded by a sea of ​​fire. Before they could struggle to escape, the third batch, the fourth batch, the fifth batch... came one after another. They were smashed on the head. The fireballs of the Song army seemed to be inexhaustible, one after another, covering half a mile in each direction to the left, right and rear of the south gate tower."

"I watched from the east gate tower, watching from a distance, thousands of soldiers and civilians struggling in the south city. They first turned red, the same color as the fire. They kept twisting and struggling.

But they are all as if they were made of wax, burned by the fire, and flowed together."

Weiming Zhongxin stared straight into the void with his eyes, and murmured in his mouth, as if talking to himself.

"The entire south city was on fire, even the rammed earth and mud stones were burning. That day, the south wind blew again, and the wind helped the fire. Soon, the west city, the north city, and finally the east city, the entire Liangzhou was on fire, and it turned into

A huge bonfire. Tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians were screaming, running, and fleeing for their lives in the sea of ​​​​fire."

The tears on Wei Ming Zhongxin's face had already flowed down at some point, leaving traces on his stained face.

"The city wall that blocked the Song army became a cage to imprison the soldiers and civilians. Tens of thousands of people were inside, as if they were covered in rats roasted in an iron pot. The fire burned day and night, burning everything.

Weichen heard that there is an arsenal near the south gate, and the iron tools there have been burned into lumps of crooked iron balls, and their original appearance cannot be seen."

"The fire kept burning, destroying houses, food, and people. There was really nothing left to burn, so it slowly extinguished. After the fire, Liangzhou City became a hell, a black hell.

.At first glance, everything was burnt black, and it was hard to tell what it was. Wei Chen’s wife, children, and children were also mixed in, and they couldn’t be found. No matter what, they couldn’t be found.”

Having said this, Weiming Zhongxin clung to the ground and howled loudly, his voice sounding like a ghost wandering in hell crying.


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