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Chapter 181: Bai Majin

Su Che, a bachelor of Hongwen Academy, Minister of the Ministry of Quan and Rites, and envoy to the Northern Liao Kingdom, was sitting in a carriage, seemingly entranced by the sound of wheels outside. In fact, his mood had never calmed down since he left Kaifeng City.

Just like the churning Yellow River not far away.

Su Che never thought that he would receive this job.

Four days ago, early in the morning, people from the Secretariat and Internal Affairs Ministry came to visit me and said that the official family wanted to summon me.

After hurriedly cleaning up, he followed him into the Chongzheng Hall in a daze. The first thing he said when the officials met was: "This time I am going to Northern Liao as an envoy to congratulate the Lord of Liao on his seventieth birthday. I want to treat you as the right person."


Su Che remembers that he was so excited that he went to Liao as an envoy?

His political literacy and skills were much stronger than those of his brother, and he soon guessed that it might be related to the recent victory in Liangzhou.

Sure enough, the official told him all the purpose of his mission to Liao in a few words, and then looked at himself expectantly.

To be honest, I felt a little panicked at the time.

Su Che learned from various channels that in the new system next year, he should be the Situ of Zhongshu Province, one of the three prime ministers. Many relatives and friends congratulated him privately.

Su Che was actually very ambitious to be able to return to the Secretariat of the Song Dynasty and become a minister. Unlike Su Shi, who had given up his official career, Su Che was still full of political ambitions and intended to further develop his ambitions.

But Su Che also knew that in terms of governance ability and intrigues, he was far inferior to Zhang Dun, Lu Huiqing, Cai Bian and others. Therefore, it was in line with his wishes to become the Situ of Zhongshu Province and be responsible for compiling and formulating legal edicts.

Not only can we realize our political ambitions, but we don't have to compete face-to-face with Zhang Dun, Lu Huiqing and others.

But many years of ups and downs in officialdom told Su Che that next year's position as Situ of the Zhongshu Province would not be so easy, and there would still be difficulties to overcome.

First of all, why did the officials let the news of the candidates for the chief and adjutant officers of the three provinces out so early? There must be something interesting in this.

This time he was recommended as the envoy to the Northern Liao Dynasty. Han Shipu secretly found out that it was Zhang Zihou who fully recommended it, and Lu Jifu strongly seconded it.

What's the mystery here?

He was indeed recommended by Zhang Zihou and Lu Jifu, but it was the officials who finally nodded in agreement. What was he thinking?

Perhaps, his mission to Bei Liao was a test.

In the few months after the death of the late emperor Zhe Miao last year, Zhang Dun, Lu Huiqing, Xu Jiang, An Tao, Wen Yi, and even the three brothers Fan Chunren, all the important officials in the central government went through a test. That's why they are in their respective places now.


I still owe one game and I have to make up for it.

Su Che heard the braying of cattle outside the carriage, opened a corner of the curtain, and saw more than ten cattle carriages, piled high with tall wheat straw, advancing slowly on one side of the straight road.

"Su Ji, what are you doing?" Su Che couldn't help asking.

"Official, please let me ask."

After a while, Su Ji came back and reported.

"Officials, this is where the common people gather the wheat straw after the autumn harvest and sell it to the paper mill. There is a big paper mill over there in Linghe Town. I heard that there are big newspapers and tabloids in Kaifeng City, as well as big officials.

The newly popular toilet paper in people’s homes is all made from their straw paper.”

"Using wheat straw to make paper? I am so ignorant that I have never heard of it. Isn't it made from bark, hemp or silk or cotton?"

"The old man who drives the truck doesn't know either. He just heard that the paper mill was run by people from Kaifeng City. It seemed to be some kind of Gewuyuan."

"Gewuyuan..." Su Che couldn't help stroking his beard when he heard the name.

They are nominally "brother units" with Hongwen Academy, but in fact they are competitors. They have fought overtly and covertly many times. It's just that they were founded by officials. At the height of their prosperity, no matter how many celebrities there are in Hongwen Academy,

It's hard to resist its edge.

It's possible that those crazy people did it.

But none of this mattered to Su Che now. His thoughts quickly drifted back to the scene in the Chongzheng Palace where the officials summoned each other.

Su Zhe remembered that he was sitting in his seat, thinking for a while, pondering for a while, and then slowly said something upright and impartial, and then said that he would do his best to complete the edict.

I remember that the official's bright black eyes stared at me for a while, which actually made me feel a little panicked.

I have been watched by several officials. In the eyes of the late Emperor Renmiao, I saw forgiveness and kindness; in the eyes of the late Emperor Yingmiao, I saw shrewdness and decisiveness; in the eyes of the late Emperor Yingmiao, I saw shrewdness and decisiveness; in the eyes of the late Emperor Renmiao, I saw

He saw compassion and sorrow; in the eyes of the late Emperor Zhemiao, he saw ambition and helplessness.

What I saw in the eyes of the officials... I really can't explain.

Maybe my brother was right. What the officials saw was the starry sky in the late night in Lingnan and the sea beside the Tianya Cape Rock on Qiongya Island.

Sea of ​​stars.

I remember that when I was still thinking wildly, Guan Jia spoke, but the words he said made his back sweat.

"The land of the Song Dynasty was created by our ancestors and conquered by thousands of soldiers with bloody battles. No inch of it can be said to be redundant. If we give up any inch of land, we will be the sinners of the Song Dynasty. I don't want to be such a sinner.

Mr. Ziyou, you don’t want to be this sinner."

Every word, every word, is as sharp as Mo Xie's sword.

At that moment, he felt that all his thoughts were being seen through by the officials. He was trying to beat himself up, not to cling to the so-called loftiness.

Being noble and noble cannot stop the swords of the Khitans and Dangxiang people, nor can it protect the thousands of Li people.

Thinking of this, Su Che felt that his shoulders were heavy, and a huge responsibility was pressing down on him. He did not want to give up an inch of land, but he wanted the collusive Northern Liao and Xixia to agree to negotiate a peace, which was difficult to achieve.

If the peace negotiation fails, he becomes a bad person inside and out. The officials are dissatisfied, and the scholars also say that he is ignorant of current affairs, arrogant and rude, and has caused military disaster...

Perhaps this is why Zhang Zihou and Lu Jifu strongly recommended him.

Thinking of the difficult road ahead, Su Che sometimes wanted to give up everything, join his brother, give up his official career, and indulge in poetry.

Brother? He is very happy now, and the officials are unparalleled in their kindness to him.

The house where my brother used to live was a little crowded. The official family asked someone to quietly go beside Jinming Pond and spend a lot of money to buy a large house with excellent scenery. Afraid that if he gave it directly to his brother, he would be rejected, he bought it in the name of his old friend's daughter, Concubine Ming.

Give it to your brother.

Knowing that his brother liked to hold poetry parties, hold banquets, invite friends, and spend money like water, he called Wu Baoxiang, the eunuch who was in charge of the inner treasury's money, and confessed to him in front of his brother.

"If you want to withdraw money from Mr. Dasu's house, you only need his signature. If it is less than 10,000 yuan, you don't need to report it to me."

A few days ago, on the Double Ninth Festival, my brother held a banquet, and the official paid a private visit in disguise. He quietly came to the house, respectfully presented the gift and three glasses of wine, and then left.


All kinds of preferential treatment, even as his own younger brother, he was jealous of. Even Cheng Yichuan, who had always been honest and polite, couldn't help but sigh, this was probably a blessing that Su Dongpo had earned after a rough life.

However, I don't want to die in the mountains and rivers, and I also want to create another career.

"Mr. Ziyou, the world is difficult and the country is rough, so we need people like you and me to shoulder the burden and move forward. Although there are thousands of people, I will go. Mr. Ziyou, this is the responsibility given to us by history."

When he was saying goodbye, Guan Jia held his hand and said something that came to his mind.

Moving forward with a heavy load, historical responsibility... These words really make people feel excited and excited. Yes, only those who have the world in mind and are not afraid of hardships and dangers can dare to jump into the rolling flood at Baikeliu resolutely.

Su Che took a long breath, as if letting out the depression in his heart bit by bit.

"Su Ji, where is the front?"

"Official man, in front is Hua County."

"Huaxian County, Baimajin! 'The general sends out a white horse to cross the Yellow River on a banner'." Su Che suddenly felt that his chest was filled with something.

Chapter 181 Baima Jin
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