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Chapter 190 Liao State Situation

Su Che, Li Kui, and Li Gefei returned to Nanjing Sifangguan, washed their faces, drank two sips of hot tea, and involuntarily let out a long sigh of relief.

The confrontation in the Xian Temple made them tense to the extreme. They suddenly relaxed, as if all the energy and energy in their bodies had been sucked away. But they felt a strange excitement.

An unprecedented vassal management strategy!

When I was on an envoy to the Liao Kingdom and negotiated with the Liao Kingdom's monarchs before, had I ever used so many methods? But judging from the current situation, the effect is very good.

Liu Cunyi had been waiting for a long time and led Liang Shicheng and Li Jian into the house.

"Little Mr. Su, Mr. Si He, Mr. Uncle Wen, Superintendent Liang, and Li Shiwulang are waiting to inform the three of them of the situation."

Su Che's face became solemn. If Liu Cunyi represented the Secretariat, then Liang Shicheng represented the official family, and Li Jian represented the Privy Council and the military. They all had missions. Not long after entering Nanjing, the two of them started to get busy.


"Xiao Gong Su, two gentlemen, a certain family will talk about it first." Liang Shicheng nodded to Li Jian and spoke first. He had a very friendly smile, his voice was calm, and it was as clear as when tapping a copperware.


Su Che looked at this chamberlain who also had a long face.

A long face is a characteristic of the Su family. It is rumored that Liang Shicheng is his elder brother's illegitimate son, and he himself seems to be very willing to admit it. Ask his elder brother, and he himself is confused.

Alas, what a confusing account.

"A certain family paid a visit to Xiao Fengxian and Xiao Sixian, presented them with generous gifts, and negotiated several deals. After that, they were responsible for 40% of the Song Dynasty's five items of tea, salt, silk cloth, glass, and spirits exported to the Liao Kingdom.

That is, 40% of the goods are first delivered to their shops and then resold.”

Li Kui frowned, "If this is the case, wouldn't we, the merchants of the Song Dynasty, have to make a lot less money?"

Liang Shicheng replied with a smile, "Mr. Sihe, what we are talking about with him is the goods coming out of the border checkpoint. The current border of Liao Kingdom is like a fence, with wind everywhere.

The goods are less than 40%.”


"Yes. It's just smuggling from the Liao Kingdom. In the Song Dynasty, the officials were very strict, and the Forbidden Army in Hebei and Hedong was rectified, and the border was tightened. Now we smuggle less, and the Liao Kingdom smuggles more. They are all their clan ministers and tribesmen.

The caravan under the king's name purchased our goods and sold them to their Xijing, Tokyo, and Shangjing roads, and sold them to the tribes in the Northeast and Monan and Mobei, and they made huge profits as soon as they were sold."

At this time Li Jian added, "Supervisor Liang is right. The business of the Liao caravan has been very prosperous for more than a year, and the carriages for transporting goods are not enough. And after all, the craftsmen of the Liao country are not as good as my Song Dynasty craftsmen."

, The carriages built by the Song Dynasty are not as durable as those of the Song Dynasty. So these Liao Kingdom caravans simply hired our Song Kingdom’s fleet to transport them directly from the market to the Northeast and Monan and Mobei."

Good guy!

Su Che and Li Kui couldn't help but look at each other.

The two of them dared to use their decades of good reputation to guarantee that there must be well-trained technicians from the Privy Council's Investigation Bureau in these convoys. They had a thorough look at the characters, terrain, and city roads along the way.

Li Gefei said angrily from the side, "We were too humble to the Liao Kingdom and let them take all the benefits."

No one said anything, and Liang Shicheng continued to report.

"A certain family also visited Bashili, who was the most favored head of the chamberlain around the emperor's grandson. With his introduction, a certain family was able to enter the palace and pay a visit to the emperor's concubine Xiao Duolilan and his concubine Xiao Guige.

After a certain family presented southern pearls, gems, perfumes and precious mirrors, everything was settled. They all listened to what a certain family told me about the difficulties of the Song Dynasty, and agreed to talk about it in front of the emperor's grandson."

"...The remaining clan members, totaling twenty-six people...all the six boats of gifts we brought have been given away..."

What are the difficulties of the Song Dynasty? No matter what the difficulties are, in the face of such a generous gift, these Liao clan members should have listened.

Su Zhe and the others were filled with emotion. They never imagined that the Khitan Liao Kingdom, which once roamed across the southern desert and northern grassland, and repeatedly went south to the Central Plains, causing turmoil in China, had become like this.

small book booth

However, the evil wolf of the Liao Kingdom will become weaker as it becomes more decadent, which is a great thing for the Song Dynasty.

"The money has been received, and these clan members are willing to help. However, the matter is so important that they dare not guarantee it. There may be recurrences, so I have to ask Mr. Su and the two gentlemen to make preparations in advance."

Su Che, Li Kui, and Li Gefei looked at each other, nodded, and said politely: "We understand, thank you for your hard work, Director Liang."

It was Li Jian's turn to come forward and report.

"A certain person went to the restaurants and tiles of Nanjing and looked around, and heard many secret rumors about the officials of the Liao Dynasty."

"It is said that Yelu Asi, the privy envoy of the Northern Court, was the half-brother of Yelu Yixin, the treacherous official of the Liao Kingdom. Yelu Yixin was executed, but he was safe and sound. He continued to be trusted by the Lord of Liao. Even when dealing with Yelu Yixin's party members,

He accepted bribes and helped get away with many people. Yeluasi is very good at maneuvering, and I heard that he is also very trusted by the emperor's grandson."

Liang Shicheng added, "That's right. This Yeluasi is not only trusted by the Lord of Liao, but also by the emperor's grandson. Bazili said that he and Xiao Fengxian are the right-hand men of the emperor's grandson."

"Right-hand man? With two people like him as his right-hand man, the Liao Kingdom...hehe."

Su Che sneered a few times.

"But this person can focus on solving the problem and get our support." Li Kui suggested.

Su Che nodded.

"Someone also found out that although Prince Xiao Wuna of Lanling, envoy to the Privy Council of the Northern Court, was loyal to the emperor's grandson and tried his best to assist him, he was too upright and was rejected by the emperor's grandson."

Li Jian continued.

"That's right. Bachili told a certain family that Xiao Wuna has aroused the extreme disgust of the emperor's grandson. I don't know how many times he told him in private that once he ascends the throne, he will be sent to Tokyo Road to stay far away."

Liang Shicheng added another sentence.

Su Che, Li Kui, and Li Gefei were all speechless. All the foolish kings in the world all follow the same routine.

Li Jian continued to report, "Someone also inquired that the Privy Council of the South Courtyard made Li Yan's Ji Xian very beautiful, and the Lord of Liao often summoned her to the palace. Li Yan was not ashamed, and he fully confessed to his wife and served the Lord of Liao.

Therefore, Li Yan gradually gained the respect of the Liao Lord and was promoted to a central minister."

Su Che and the others were stunned. After a while, Li Gefei said in disbelief: "It is really a country of barbarians and beasts."

"But Li Yan deserves special attention. Not only does he have the trust of the Lord of Liao, he is also good at dancing and has grabbed a position with the emperor's grandson early on. What's more noteworthy is that everyone in the Li family is talented, especially him

That nephew Li Chuwen is so good with Xiao Fengxian that he wishes he could wear a pair of trousers."

After listening to Li Jian's words, Su Zhe was silent for a while and said decisively: "Li Yan has a good reputation! We use the name of publishing a collection of poems to please the Lord of Liao. We can also bring Li Yan along and help him publish a collection of poems."



Liang Shicheng, Li Jian, Liu Cunyi and others retreated, leaving only Su Che, Li Kui and Li Gefei in the room.

With a worried look on his face, Li Gefei said quietly: "Little Su Gong, brother Si He, this mission to the Liao Kingdom... It's really hard to describe in a thousand words. To use a sentence in the newspaper, my integrity is broken.

One place!”

Li Kui smiled and said disapprovingly: "Brother Wen, there is no need to worry. What we are looking for is the peace of the Song Dynasty and the tranquility of the people. We are not asked to grovel or betray our trust. We are just using some small tricks, which are not worth mentioning. Li

I am not ashamed, but proud!"

"A little plan? Xiao Su Gong, brother Si He, presented a copy of "Jiangnan Famous Gardens". It won't be long before the Lord of Liao will build a lot of buildings in Nanjing and build gardens. There are many nomadic tribes in the Liao Kingdom, and these hard laborers

The mission will all fall on the people of Liaodong and Yanyun states."

Yes, all these measures are desperately encouraging the monarchs and ministers of the Liao Kingdom to be extremely extravagant and consume the national power of the Liao Kingdom.

The corruption of the government and the greed of officials made things worse for the people of the Liao Kingdom. Social conflicts were getting deeper and deeper. In addition, the large and small newspapers secretly flowing in from the Song Dynasty were fanning the flames. It is conceivable that in the next five or ten years, the political situation of the Liao Kingdom would be...

It must be chaos.

"It's just a pity that the people have suffered so much," Li Gefei said with compassion.

After being silent for a while, Su Che said leisurely: "Since we know the hardships of the Liao Dynasty, we must remember the goodness of the Song Dynasty!"

Li Kui and Li Gefei stood in horror, staring at Su Che with bright eyes. After a while, they slowly returned to their seats.

There was silence in the room, as silent as a temple.
This chapter has been completed!
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