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Chapter 14 My Team Begins to Build

It was Liang Congzheng who stopped Zhao Si this time.

"My Royal Highness, Prince Jian, I was sent to look for you and went to the palace and other places. My boots are worn out and my feet are sore."

Sure enough, the friendship was different after sharing money together, and Liang Congzheng's tone became much more easy-going and approachable.

"Haha, thank you for your hard work, Liang. Let's go earn some money for boots together sometime." After joking, Zhao Si asked, "Brother, what's the matter with me?"

"It should be the official list of Zan Yi and ministers submitted by His Highness, and the officials have made a decision." Liang Congzheng replied in a low voice.

This friendship is really on point!

This friend is not in vain.

"Thank you Liang Yaban." Zhao Si then whispered again, "Mr. Botong, after my repeated requests, I have agreed to temporarily accept my nephew as my sect. But the rules are very strict, will Liang Yaban be willing to let him go?"

"As long as he becomes a talented person, there is nothing he would be reluctant to give up. Even if his dog's leg is broken, it doesn't matter. According to the rules of the country, a lame person can also be exempted from the exam, but he will be ranked last in the palace exam."

After listening to Liang Congzheng's words, Zhao Si could only sigh. It's really pitiful for parents in the world to be so ruthless in order to hope that their children will succeed.

"That's good, Liang Yaban, as long as you elders can hold on, your nephew will naturally be conquered by Mr. Botong. If you study hard, you might not be able to do the roll call at Donghuamen."

"If we could be called upon by the Donghua Gate, we would have accumulated great virtue for ten lifetimes, and the Liang family's ancestral graves would be covered in smoke."

Seeing Liang Congzheng being so excited that he shed tears, Zhao Si cursed in his heart, I just flattered you so casually, but you still took it seriously!

If your shitty nephew can do a roll call at Donghua Gate, I will eat three buckets of Xiang live in front of Donghua Gate!

You are a eunuch, will those literati let your nephew squeeze into their circle?

Your ancestral graves are smoking and burning, and it’s useless!

Liang Congzheng quickly calmed down and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, Your Highness, I know what to say, and any news will come out naturally."

"Then I would like to thank Liang Yaban first."

During the conversation, the two secretly reached a tacit understanding and formally formed an alliance.

Liang Congzheng took a fancy to Zhao Si's importance in the eyes of the officials.

These days, Zhao Si has changed his mind, and what he says and does makes the officials very happy.

Liang Congzheng stayed with the officials day and night, and was good at figuring out their thoughts, so he could sense that Zhao Si's importance in the hearts of the officials was not low but important.

This made Liang Congzheng reposition himself in his mind towards King Jian. He tried his best to make friends with him, hoping that he could help consolidate his position.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is also deeply involved!

Zhao seems to need someone like Liang Congzheng who can closely observe the joys and sorrows of the officials, inform him of the news, and say a few just words for him at the right time.

Hit it off immediately!

In the Yanhe Hall, the officials were still wearing their bright red robes and stiff-winged official hats. They were sitting behind the desk, looking a little tired. They must have been reading memorials for another day.

"Meet Sixth Brother."

"Brother Thirteen is here, bring yourself a chair."

"Thank you Sixth Brother."

"Brother Thirteen, after so many choices, why did you choose Zhang Shuye, the magistrate of Chenliu County, and Liu Kai, the magistrate of Longcheng, to be the royal ministers and ministers?"

Zhao Si glanced at the official and found that there was no displeasure on his face, but curiosity.

"Sixth brother, Mr. Ji Zhong and Mr. Zhong Yan, all came from well-known families and were well-educated. They all held various local posts and had outstanding political achievements. They are good ministers and capable officials. Thirteen has no literary talent and cannot talk too much. He just wants to be a good minister and capable official.

Officer, help Sixth Brother do more practical things."

"So Thirteen would like to invite Mr. Ji Zhong and Mr. Zhong Yan to serve as lecturers for the royal palace and to learn more practical practices from them."

Looking at Zhao Si with a sincere face, the official's heart moved and his eyes flashed, as if he was pleased and moved.

He smiled slightly and said, "Thirteenth brother, did Mr. Ji Zhong serve as a clerk in Lanzhou and join the army, and served as a soldier in the western border? There is also Liu Zhongyan, because he was the magistrate of Longcheng, Qinzhou. He was not only able to manage civil affairs, but also

He also knows about military affairs."

Zhao Si smiled in surprise, "I still can't hide the little thoughts Thirteen has hidden from Sixth Brother."

The official pointed at Zhao Si and laughed loudly, and then said cheerfully: "Okay! Gentlemen Ji Zhong and Zhong Yan will give lectures to Prince Jian's palace. I am sure."

"Thank you, Sixth Brother!"

The official became more and more delighted, took out a document and handed it to Zhao Si.

"Brother Thirteen, look at this. I have a six-hundred-mile imperial pen to send urgently to the Western Army, stating the purpose of transferring the general to Beijing. This is the reply letter from the six generals."

Zhao Si frowned slightly after reading the book signed by six of the masters, Yao Xiong, Liu Fa, Yang Weizhong, Zhao Long, and Gao Yongnian.

He raised his head and said bluntly to the officials: "Sixth brother, what the six generals said is true. Although the Imperial Forbidden Army has been reduced and weakened by my father, over the years, it has become a mixed bag and the quality of the soldiers has deteriorated."

"Thirteenth saw a memorial stating that Emperor Taizu had set a rule that the recruitment standard for the Imperial Guards was 5 feet 7 inches 1/3, and that for the Dragon Guards was 5 feet 7 inches 1. However, during the reign of Shaosheng, the two armies were at odds with each other.

There are too many quotas and insufficient recruitment. The Privy Council specially requested that the rights of those under twenty-five years old be reduced by two fingers, and that of those under thirty years old be reduced by one finger."

Seeing that the emperor's brother was listening attentively, Zhao Si felt reassured, straightened his waist, and continued to speak loudly: "This is still on the surface. The memorial said that secretly, officials were recruited for favoritism and fraud, and the smallest ones were three or four fingers shorter in stature.

, as long as they are young and strong, we will recruit them; those who are serious may consider the old and the young as strong, or the sick as strong. Nowadays, most of the Gyeonggi Forbidden Army are weak and unqualified, and they are just collecting food and pay."

"The soldiers are so miserable that six generals are required to reorganize the military and train elites. It is indeed difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice."

The official nodded, with a solemn look on his face, and said with approval, "Brother Thirteen, you really pay attention to military preparations, and you speak clearly and meaningfully."

"I have also consulted General Junrui, the deputy commander-in-chief. He has a straightforward temper, and his words are even worse than this. With his years of experience and talents as a veteran general, he can only organize the dormitory squad and dare not touch the imperial army."

At this point, the officials looked worried and sighed, "If things continue like this, what should we do?"

These days, Zhao Si repeatedly considered the emperor's military ideas.

It was the father's will to persist in using troops in the northwest until the Xia Kingdom was conquered and Hexi was recovered, and the emperor's brother continued to do so after taking office.

We are currently negotiating peace with Xia, but everyone knows that this is just a break for the next war.

But insisting on using troops in the northwest will cause a big problem.

Now the Western Army has become a powerful force that is unparalleled in the world, and it will be even stronger in another ten to twenty years.

Zhao Si checked the information and found out that the Western Army was nominally the forbidden army of the Sixth Route of Shaanxi Province, but it contained a large number of utility troops, rural soldiers, and Tibetan soldiers. After decades of tempering in the flames of war, it not only became a strong army, but also became almost independent.

Yu imperial court's imperial system.

However, the Imperial Guards in Gyeonggi Province are so weak that they are like a puddle of mud and cannot be lifted up even if they want to.

This violates the ancestral law of strong trunks and weak branches, and becomes weak trunks and strong branches.

This made the emperor's brother very anxious. This was also a great opportunity for him to join the Gyeonggi Forbidden Army and gain military power.

Zhao Si thought it over carefully in his mind and put forward his own suggestion.

"Sixth brother, when Mr. Zhong Yan was selected for the Thirteenth, I saw a document he forwarded to the Privy Council through Qinzhou at the end of last year, saying that the Tibetan tribes resettled in Xihe and other places did not reward their merits, exploited them wantonly, and had deep grievances.

, for fear of chaos and disaster.”

The official nodded. He knew that the Xihe tribe that Zhao Si mentioned was the Tuyuhun, Dangxiang, Uighur, Qiang and other tribes that surrendered after the imperial court opened the Xihe River. At its peak, there were 300,000 tribes.

In the prefectures and counties of Xihe, Qinfeng and other roads.

These people rebelled and attached themselves at times, which was a very unstable factor in the western frontier.

"Mr. Zhong Yan requested that these Tibetan tribes be treated equally, and those who have meritorious service must be rewarded, and both kindness and power should be given to them, so as to control their hearts and use them as motivation."

Having said this, Zhao Si seemed to be hesitating after listening.

The sunlight filtered in from the window frame and cast a shadow on Guan Jia's thin face, making him look even thinner. The same sunlight cast on Zhao Si's face, but a layer of golden light appeared, making him appear even thinner.

More handsome.

The official looked at Zhao Si's face, dazed for a moment, then straightened his body and said loudly: "Brother Thirteen, if you have any ideas, just tell me."

1. The ruler of the Song Dynasty is five feet seven inches long and is about one meter seventy-eight meters long. Five feet seven inches long is about one meter seventy-seven inches long.

2. One finger is about half an inch of the Song Dynasty ruler, which is about 3.1 centimeters.

3. Yao Lin, courtesy name Junrui, was born in Wuyuan. He was the younger brother of the famous general Yao Si. He was so famous that he and his brother Yao Si were called "Two Yaos" in Guanzhong.
This chapter has been completed!
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