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Chapter 200 New Student

Walking into the private room, Ming Zhaoxia asked curiously.

"Thirteenth Lang, what are we doing here?"

"Receiving guests is more important than teaching."

"Teaching, what teaching."

"On-site teaching. Tan Shiji will bring a few students here, and I... I will give them on-site lessons here and talk about the ideas for the construction of Kaifeng City."

"Thirteenth Lang is really a good teacher." Ming Zhaoxia chuckled.

"Teaching others is actually the best way to learn, especially practice and case teaching. First of all, you have to be familiar with the professor's knowledge; secondly, you have to refine it and make it your own, and then you can talk about it;

What’s more important is that you encourage students to speak freely during teaching, so that you can gain insights into the same thing from different angles.”

Yawen library

After a while, Li Fang came in with Tan Shiji, Li Gang and two young men.

One of them was eighteen or nineteen years old, with his head held slightly high, and he always maintained an attitude of neither humbleness nor arrogance as he walked and looked around. It was those eyes that liked to squint slightly, as if in this way he could see people more clearly.

The other one was only fifteen or sixteen years old, round and chubby, with the childish look on his face not completely gone. His small eyes were always trying to open as wide as they could.

"Why don't you meet the officials soon?" Tan Shiji and Li Gang first greeted Zhao Si, then turned around and said.

The two young men were surprised and happy, and were speechless for a moment. But they soon came to their senses, and respectfully raised their hands and said: "The common man Zhu Shengfei/Zhao Ding has met your Majesty."

"I am here for a private visit incognito. You can call me Thirteenth Prince or Zhao Guanren. This is my noble concubine. You can call me Zhaoxiajun."

"I obey the order...here!" Zhu Shengfei and Zhao Ding just finished saying "I obey the order" and remembered the regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Secretaries. When talking to officials, you don't have to say "I obey the order and follow the edict" when responding, just say "hey".

So he quickly added.

"Bangcheng, how did you recruit these two young talents?"

Zhao Si asked with a smile.

He knew Tan Shiji's temperament and knew the importance of advancement and retreat. He would not bring anyone who was not an outstanding talent to him.

"Official Zhao, this is Zhu Shengfei, whose courtesy name is Zangyi. He is from Shangcai in Caizhou. His father is a merchant. He is ambitious and resourceful at a young age. Last year, when Su Gong returned to Beijing and passed by Chenzhou, he passed by Chenzhou after hearing the imperial edict.

He ran to Chenzhou and clamored to become a disciple. Da Su Gong originally thought that he was here for him, and he excitedly wanted to test him with questions."

At this point, Tan Shiji laughed, "But Zhu Zang said that he did not learn poetry and songs, but only the knowledge of helping the world and reassuring the people. He came to worship Xiao Su Gong as his teacher, which made Da Su Gong very embarrassed. But Xiao Su

After the public interview, he thought he was a genius, so he took him back to Kaifeng City, and later recommended him to take the Chengdu University admissions exam, and he passed the exam in one fell swoop."

Zhao Si couldn't help but burst into laughter, pointed at Zhu Shengfei and said: "So it turns out that you are the Shangcai Xiao'er that Mr. Dongpo mentioned!"

Zhu Shengfei said sternly: "Reporting to Mr. Zhao. I was born in the common people, and I am well aware of the hardships of traders and merchants traveling. I would like to learn a thing or two, relieve the people's power, and serve the country. Therefore, I only want to worship Mr. Su as my teacher."

"Mr. Ziyou's moral articles are outstanding in the world, but his economics is still a little behind. You should study with Uncle Jiang Ying, the governor of Qinchuan County. But first, you should study hard at Chengjun University, and then follow Bangcheng and practice for a few years.

It’s time to start training.”

Zhu Shengfei couldn't help but have a look of surprise on his face, he raised his hands and said respectfully: "Thank you... Mr. Zhao."

"Official Zhao, this is Zhao Ding, a native of Wenxi County, Ziyuan Town, Jiezhou. He lost his father when he was four years old. He was educated by his mother, Fan, and has extensive knowledge of classics and history. He is praised by the countryside. Qinchuan County was newly established.

In the middle of the river, Jiezhou was placed under Hedong. The Hedong Economic Envoy Zi Zhonggong (Lin Xi) inspected Jiezhou and heard its name."

"Zhonggong went to take the exam in person. He liked his talent very much and recommended him to Houqinggong (An Tao). After the interview, Houqinggong recommended him to take the Sungkyun University admission exam, and he passed the test."

"So that's it, they are all young talents." Zhao Si praised, turned to Zhu Shengfei and asked.

"Zhu Zangyi, your father is a merchant, so tell me, what are merchants most afraid of?"

Zhu Shengfei thought for a while and quickly replied: "The situation is precarious."

"The situation is precarious! Well said!" Zhao Si nodded and said happily.

"Businessmen need capital to sell goods, and they also need to bear many risks. After making some money, they are worried about extortion by subordinate officials. If something goes wrong, the family will be destroyed. So the merchants were lucky enough to make a fortune, and they also tried their best to buy land.

, make friends with the powerful, provide for children and nephews to study, and obtain fame. There will be no expansion of production or capital operation at all... The fundamental reason is that this is a precarious situation. "

"Your Majesty... Zhao Guanren and the common people believe that the people are the foundation of the country and agriculture is the foundation of the people. We should strengthen the use of this section, and the strength and industry should be proportional... consolidate the foundation and benefit the people."

Zhao Ding suddenly said.

His words surprised everyone.

Ming Chaoxia asked in surprise: "You studied Luo Xue?"

After asking, he looked at Tan Shiji and Zhao Si curiously.

Everyone in the Secretariat Province knew that the officials disapproved of the "Luo Xue" advocated by Mr. Er Cheng, and even expressed disgust in his words. Tan Shiji actually brought a student who admired Luo Xue to ask for advice from the officials.

This is interesting.

Zhao Ding lowered his head and replied somewhat shyly: "As for Mr. Zhaoxia, the common people respect Mr. Er Cheng." After saying that, he didn't know what he was thinking, and suddenly raised his head and asked Zhao Si nervously.

"I heard that His Majesty is dissatisfied with Luo Xue and intends to imprison and eradicate it. I dare to ask, is it true or false?"

"You are students of Sungkyun University. Do you know what the motto of Sungkyun University is?"

"Establish a heart for heaven and earth, establish a destiny for the people, and create peace for all generations!" Zhu Shengfei and Zhao Ding replied in unison.

"Do you know the motto of Biyong University?"

"Study things to learn, and apply what you learn." Zhao Ding replied.

"Yes, apply what you have learned!"

Zhao Si said categorically.

"I will not imprison anyone's theory just because it does not conform to my heart. Sparks are generated in collisions, and truth is self-evident in debates. I have gathered talents from all over the world and merged them into a mighty trend, an endless trend of the times.

Those who go with the current will prosper, and those who go against the current will perish. I will not restrict and commend any theory and let the tide of the times eliminate the choices."

Zhao Ding said in surprise: "Your Majesty is not against Luo Xue?"

"Seek common ground while reserving differences. Some of the Luo School is good, and some I don't like. Even for the rule of virtue, I am not opposed to it. Virtue promotes good, and law prohibits evil. Morality is used to regulate daily behavior, and law is used to prevent sin and evil deeds.


"Your Majesty, the common people have heard that you don't like to 'subjugate human desires according to the laws of nature'?" Zhao Ding continued to ask cautiously.

"Yes. I also know the original meaning of this sentence. Normal human desires are within the laws of heaven. Only those desires that are beyond the scope and are unreasonable are human desires that should be destroyed. However, this sentence can easily cause misunderstandings, which can lead to the wrong path.


"May I ask what your majesty thinks of human nature?" Li Gang asked cautiously.

‘The reason for life is that you are hungry but want to be full, you are cold but want to be warm, and you are tired and want to rest.’ This is human nature, and it is hard to get rid of it.”

Li Gang, Zhu Shengfei and Zhao Ding looked at each other and asked in surprise, "Your Majesty, do you believe in evil by nature?"

"Because we know evil, we are extremely eager for good. Because we know how ugly human nature is, in addition to self-discipline, we also use strong rules to restrain it."

Speaking of this, Zhao Si said meaningfully: "There is truth, goodness and beauty in this world, as well as falsehood, evil and ugliness, so we not only need morality, but also law. Because falsehood, evil and ugliness always use unscrupulous means, truth, goodness and beauty are always at a disadvantage. We cannot We only use morality to protect it, but we must also use a more powerful weapon - state violence to protect it, in order to guard the last hurdle of human nature."

Li Gang, Zhu Shengfei, and Zhao Ding were listening in rapt attention when suddenly there was a noise coming from downstairs.

One year ago, a man shouted loudly: "I just like you and I want to marry you and go home!"

Then a female voice called out, "Are you going to buy me or marry me?"
This chapter has been completed!
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