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Chapter 2 Thousands of Riders Advocate the New Song Style (2)

The seventh edict was awarded to Yang Keshi, Bao Lingdan, Xu Guangliang, Zhang Shiyun, Su Xie and Xu Lin, and to fifteen others including Yao Lin, Gao Shixuan, Wang Zhen, Liu Fa and Hu Luxiong.

The Medal of Loyalty and Military Medal was awarded to Zhong Pu, Zhe Keshi, Zhong Jianzhong and the forty-seventh Medal of Loyalty and Military...

The eighth edict awarded the Song Army's First Guards Division the honorary title to the Song Army's First Guards Division, which was the first to rush into Liangzhou City in the battle to recover Liangzhou; it was the first to rush into Yinzhou and defend it.

The three-month-old Jia 7th Infantry Division was awarded the honorary title of the Second Guards Division; it attacked Liying City and defeated the Shatuo Army. Then it crossed the Yellow River south and defeated the Suzaku Qijing Suyi Division of the Xixia Xishou Army Division.

Awarded the honorary title of the first jockey.

The ninth edict officially announced that the spring examination of the Ministry of Rites will continue, but only 320 people will be admitted. After that, the examination of the Ministry of Rites will undergo major changes, and the specific details will be announced by the Ministry of Rites. At the same time, the Yinbu and other examinations will be permanently stopped from now on.

The road to officialdom.

Finally, there was a banquet with hundreds of civil and military officials, envoys from various countries, surrendered ministers, representatives from all walks of life... there were more than a thousand people in total.

The area between Daqing Hall and Daqing Gate is quite open, and the weather is beautiful today, with no snow or rain, and a warm winter day.

Those with high status were in the palace, the elderly and infirm were holding hands in the east and west, and the rest were sitting on the ground in the open space.

The banquet is a sharing system. Each person has a table in front of him, with four plates and three bowls of different sizes placed on it.

On the plate were fried quail, signed chicken, yuan fish, and Xijing bamboo shoots. The three bowls were Qunxian soup, mutton soup, and rice. They were accompanied by two Hu cakes, a plate of Nanhai assorted preserved fruits, and a cup of Guiqiong liquid.


At the beginning, everyone inside and outside Daqing Hall held their breath, or were very reserved, or ate and drank their food carefully.

Zhao Si stood up, raised the wine glass in his hand, and said loudly to everyone: "Gentlemen! Let us drink this cup together. May the world be peaceful and the people live and work in peace and contentment!"

Yelu Chun said happily: "The Emperor of Song Dynasty said well! May the world be peaceful!"

Zhang Dun and others also stood up and said with emotion, "May the world be peaceful and the people live and work in peace and contentment! I will drink with your Majesty!"

Everyone in the palace stood up involuntarily, raised their wine glasses, and said in unison: "I will drink with your majesty. May the world be peaceful and the people live and work in peace and contentment!"

The sound spread outside the palace, and everyone stood up after hearing the sound, saying in unison: "I and other ordinary people drink with your Majesty. May the world be peaceful and the people live and work in peace and contentment."

The sound was like a huge roaring wave, soaring into the sky.

Brother Richard stood among them, with mixed feelings. Deep in his heart, he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear. What kind of magic did the official family of the Song Dynasty use to create such an atmosphere of unity and unity?

On the second day, Yelu Chun and other Liao envoys were preparing to go to Xiangguo Temple to offer incense as usual. However, Xiangguo Temple had a bad reputation. Not only was it closed down, but the monks were also diverted to other places.

I had no choice but to go to another famous temple, Taiping Xingguo Temple, to burn incense and worship Buddha.

On this day, as usual, military ministers who were good at archery were selected to shoot arrows in the South Imperial Garden to show their military readiness, and then gave them a banquet.

Zhao Si changed this rule.

Early in the morning, he wore a red lacquered Shunshuishan Wenxiong-armed tiger beast armor, a sun-moon phoenix-winged hood, a bright red cloak, a long and a short Bailian waist knife, and rode a bright red horse.

The horse, under the escort of Chiqi Yicong, galloped into the South Royal Garden.

Behind him, there are two big flags, the one on the left is a big flag with the word "Song", and the one on the right, on the bottom of the white flag, is a golden phoenix with its wings spread out, drawing two semicircles together, and it is standing on the raging

In the red fire, Nirvana is reborn.

This is Zhao Si's expectation for the Song Dynasty.

Behind these two big flags is the long vertical flag "Si Ru".

The South Imperial Garden is completely different today. In the middle of the north, there is a row of ramps, which can seat thousands of people from top to bottom. Those who attended the New Year's Day greetings in the Daqing Hall yesterday were all sitting here to watch.


There were two large railings on both sides, and tens of thousands of people poured in here early. Tens of thousands of guards formed three lines of defense, and tens of thousands of patrol police patrolled everywhere.

To the south is a large open space, where thousands of soldiers are standing neatly. Their armors are bright and flags are fluttering, as if the Qilian Mountains are entrenched here.

The wind moves, the flag moves, the mountain does not move.

Zhao Si rode his horse and ran to the south. Except for the eight cavalrymen wearing vermilion mountain armor from Chiqi Yi, the rest of the group circled and headed for the gathering place elsewhere.

Horse hooves sounded like drums, coming all the way. A horseman came up from the square in the south. It was Yang Weizhong who led the troops who were reviewing and conferring honors to Kaifeng City.

Zhao Si pulled the reins, and the big red horse raised its front hooves, then landed heavily on the ground, raising dust and standing still.

Yang Weizhong also pulled the reins and stopped not far away. He raised the flag in his hand and shouted loudly. His voice was like a bell, which spread throughout the South Royal Garden.

"Your Majesty! The troops under review are ready to go, please review them!"


Zhao Si responded, spurred his mount, and began to trot. Yang Weizhong pulled the reins, turned the horse's head, and followed Zhao Si.

"Liangzhou Division!" Yang Weizhong raised his command flag and shouted loudly as he walked to the first square formation.

Zhao Si raised his right hand, with his palm facing the soldiers.

The officers and soldiers whose eyes had been focused on him were extremely excited and shouted in unison: "Long live! Long live! Long live!"

Zhao Si responded loudly: "Mighty!"

The officers and soldiers of the phalanx shouted in unison: "Wan Sheng! Wan Victory! Wan Victory!"

At this time, a cavalryman held a large flag with a line of large characters written on it, "First Guards Division of the Song Dynasty". Zhao Si took it and awarded the flag to the regiment commander who led the team.

"Long live my emperor! The Song Dynasty will be victorious!"

Five hundred people with red faces actually shouted with an overwhelming and overwhelming momentum.

Zhao Si quickly ran to the second square formation.

"Wudinghe Master!"

"Long live! Long live! Long live!"


"Wonderful victory! Ten thousand victory! Ten thousand victory!"

Zhao Si awarded the banner with the words "Second Guards Division of the Song Dynasty" to the regiment commander who led the team.

"Long live my emperor! The Song Dynasty will be victorious!"

Then comes the third phalanx, the cavalry phalanx.

"Suzaku Hatai Jukuichi Division!"

"Long live! Long live! Long live!"


"Wonderful victory! Ten thousand victory! Ten thousand victory!"

Zhao Si awarded the banner of "The First Knight of the Song Dynasty" to the leader Qian Hu. The five hundred cavalrymen drew their sabers and raised them high. The cold light shone like waves crashing on the shore.

"Long live my emperor! The Song Dynasty will be victorious!"

The remaining square formations are the Qilianshan Division of the Jia3 Infantry Division, the Tiandushan Division of the Jia1 Infantry Division, the Baimachuan Division of the Jia4 Infantry Division, the Hengshan Division of the Jia6 Infantry Division, and the Second Suzaku Qijingsu Division of the Jia6 Infantry Division who participated in previous battles and made many military exploits..


These phalanx troops who were reviewed on behalf of their headquarters were extremely envious when they saw the glory of the three armies in front. But their eyes were not only filled with envy, but only desire. Because they knew that the headquarters was not awarded the honor because they did not fight.

Brave, but they were unlucky.

Next time, this honor will be snatched by them.

After the review, Zhao Si rode his horse to the viewing platform. The officials and citizens, who were so excited by the fiery atmosphere just now, raised their hands in the air and shouted "Long live".

Zhao Si changed out of his armor in a remote pavilion and put on a five-clawed dragon and flying fish costume, and a gold silk hat with soaring eagle feathers. He sat on a horse, confident and resolute, and looked heroic and mighty.

Just like he did to the reviewing officers and soldiers, he raised his right hand with the palm of his hand facing the crowd, causing another round of cheers.

Zhang Dun and Yao Lin took the lead and led the civil and military officials, soldiers and civilians on the viewing platform to salute Zhao Si together.

Zhao Si raised his hand in return, then dismounted and walked onto the podium in front of the viewing platform.

At this time, Tongzhi Privy Councilor Xu General and Secretary Provincial Minister Cai Bian were already waiting there.

General Xu looked around and said loudly: "The medal awarding ceremony begins!"

"Yang Keshi!"

Yang Keshi heard the news and walked up to the ceremonial stage. He led the armored cavalry and rushed straight to Brother Richard's Chinese army tent, giving the Xia army the final blow.

When the Xishou Army was besieged and destroyed, he took the lead again, killing fourteen generals of the Xixia Army and defeating their main force.

After discussing the military merits, he was awarded the title of Grand Concubine and the Order of Hussars.

He was dressed in Feiyu uniform and stood in front of Zhao Si. He pursed his lips hard and his eyes almost bulged out. His iron tower-like body was actually swaying, as if he was drunk and would fall on the stage accidentally.

This chapter has been completed!
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