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Chapter 23: The Way of the Buddha Fears the Power of Heaven (2)

As soon as Zhao Si walked into the first gate of Jiayiyuan, he heard the sound of chanting sutras coming from inside. He raised his eyebrows and thought about what those eminent monks wanted to do.

He immediately stopped and asked the military attache to make arrangements. Then he turned around and went to the toilet first, which was convenient and delayed for some time.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, the military attache reported that the arrangements had been made according to the order. Then Zhao Shi walked towards the second door of Jiayiyuan calmly.

Just as he entered the gate leading to Guangyi Hall, sixteen horns were blown.

The strong and long trumpet sound was played when the Song army attacked Hehuang, Lingbo Mountain, Yinzhou, and Liangzhou. It was like a volley of arrows fired from ten thousand bows, roaring and sweeping everything. Just now.

The sad chanting sounds of the plants and trees are like candles in the wind, shaking and dying.

The crowd was awakened by the sound of the trumpet and looked towards the east gate. They saw an official dressed in a vermilion five-clawed dragon python robe and a large hat with carved feathers pointing towards the sky, walking towards this direction.

The morning sun came from behind and reflected on him, as if he was wearing a colorful cloak of rays of light. In addition, he looked at all living beings from the side, as if a god descended to earth, with unstoppable power.

If the sound of the Buddha just now was only an auditory impact, now the officials came with the majestic trumpet sound and wearing a cloak of glow, but it was a double impact on the eyes and ears.

What a coincidence.

Just now, the virtuous and eminent monks chanted Buddhist sutras that they spent their whole lives practicing, which cleansed the minds of most people present and aroused their awe for the Buddha and God.

Then Zhao Si arrived as if a god descended from heaven. Everyone whose hearts were greatly shocked couldn't help but knelt down and chanted: "Long live the emperor!"

Zhao Si walked among the soldiers, civilians, officials and people, stood on the steps of Guangyi Hall, raised his right hand and said loudly: "Everyone, please be safe!"

Someone took the lead, and everyone followed the trend and shouted long live.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

Zhao Si stood on the steps, accepting the cheers of hundreds of officials and people. More than a hundred eminent monks sat in Guangyi Hall behind him, completely becoming the background.

After appeasing nearly a thousand people in the auditorium, Zhao Si walked through the monks and walked straight to the first seat, where he accepted the greetings from Zhang Dun and other ministers.

Then one hundred and sixty-nine great monks stood up and paid homage to Zhao Si together.

When the ceremony was over, Zhao Si motioned for everyone to return to their respective places.

"Just now, I heard the voices of the great monks reciting sutras in the outer courtyard. It is true that the grass and trees are in sympathy, and the heaven and the earth are compassionate to people. It seems that you are all virtuous and eminent monks who care about all living beings in the world and want to relieve the sufferings of all people. So today's meeting is very special.

It’s easy to talk. Because the goals between us are the same!”

Hearing this, Zhang Dun and others almost laughed out loud. But the great monk Wu Xiang felt regretful and resentful. Especially Wu Xiang, he insisted on negotiating honestly with the officials, and every point gained was a point.

However, Zhihai, the presiding officer of Foguang Zen Temple in Wutai Mountain, insisted on causing an incident like today. He said he wanted to let the officials and important officials in the court see the power of Buddhism's unity of heart. The only way to do this was to coerce the majority of believers and threaten the officials with the support of the people.


Stealing the chicken will make you lose the rice! Not only did he not make the officials surrender, but he followed the trend and took his imperial authority to a higher level.

Wu Xiang is well aware of the resolute and fierce temperament of the officials. Today's intimidation will make him wary and even more dissatisfied with Buddhism. The subsequent measures will probably be even tougher.

Frustrated, Wu Xiang secretly glanced at Zhi Hai next to him, and couldn't help but mutter to himself, Zhi Hai, why aren't you called a retard?

Alas, I have violated the precept of anger!

Zhao Si always did things cleanly and neatly. He pointed to Li Gefei, the director of the Merit Department of the Ministry of Rites, and said: "Department of Merit, Mr. Wen Shu, please read the "Draft of the Rules for the Merits of Monks, Taoists and Nis."

Li Gefei cupped his hands and said: "Here!"

He walked to a large loudspeaker and started speaking loudly into the mouth of the loudspeaker.

"The draft code of the merits and virtues of monks, Taoism and nuns was drafted by the Merit and Virtue Department of the Ministry of Rites, and was submitted to the Council of the Ministry of Rites for review. The draft is the first version. Today I will discuss it with all the eminent monks of the Buddhist sect, and then submit it to the Shangshu Province for approval. It is temporarily issued as a decree

Trial... After Buddhism has completed its observance, corrections will be made, it will be drafted into a law, submitted to the Ministry of Public Affairs for review, submitted to the emperor for review, and made into law by imperial edict."

Not only the monk listened quietly, but also the people in the auditorium around him listened attentively.

After listening, Li Guang and Zhang Yi looked at each other. From Li Gefei's words and the information they had learned before, they had a general understanding of how the various ministries of Shangshu Province operate.

The ten ministries of officialdom, planning, civil affairs, learning, etiquette, law, agriculture, industry, Yu, and military affairs, each department can propose drafts according to their terms of reference and submit them to the respective ministries' conference halls for review. It seems to be called "over-the-bureaucracy" and then submit them to the minister.

The province is called "over the province".

After the Shangshu Province "passes the province", it is submitted to the Secretariat Province and submitted to the imperial government. If the official does not refute it within fifteen days, the Shangshu Province can issue it in the form of a "decision" to all localities for compliance.

Government orders have a time limit.

Three or five years, once the period expires, it will automatically become invalid. To be valid for a long time, it must be reviewed and approved by the Zhongshu Sheng and reported to the official. After approval, the Zhongshu Sheng will issue an edict or edict to the world and officially become a law.

, compiled into six codes.

There is no edict or edict that repeals or updates this law, and this law remains in effect.

It seems that this Buddhist rectification will be the first case of such compliance.

Li Gefei continued to read: "Article 1, Paragraph 1, of the Draft Regulations on the Merit and Virtue of Sangha, Taoism and Ni, Buddha, Taoism, Ni, and other Manichae, Jing, Lv and other sects are all called religions... missionary work

, the establishment of a sect or a sect must be registered with the imperial court, and those within the sects such as those who preach and practice must obtain an ultimatum..."

"Article 4 of Paragraph 2, Buddhist monks' residences can be called temples, courtyards, nuns' residences, nunneries, courtyards... Daoist gates... they can be called temples... and other religious buildings can be called halls, courtyards.

.No more famous temples or temples..."

"Article 12 of Paragraph 2, all religious temples, nunneries, monasteries, courtyards and halls are not allowed to own land, mountains or forests. The buildings and courtyards they build must be reported to the government and obtain permission. The location and scope of the construction must be based on permission.

It’s accurate, it’s not allowed to move beyond...”

"Article 14 of Paragraph 2, all temples, nunneries, temples, courtyards, and halls owned by all religions are public property and cannot be passed down to descendants. They need to select and recommend abbots, abbots, guests, officials, etc...."

"Article 2 of Paragraph 3, monks and Taoists of all religions need to study in Buddhist, Taoist and other colleges for three years, and pass the examination before they can be admitted as preparatory monks and Taoists. If they have not committed any illegal or illegal behavior for three years, they will be transferred to full-time positions and paid

Formal ultimatum..."

"Article 1 of the third paragraph, all temples, nunneries, temples, courtyards and halls owned by various religions are public property, and the imperial court shall allocate special funds for repair and maintenance. Monks are regarded as teaching positions, and the establishment shall be determined by the Ministry of Rites. They shall be recruited and admitted by officials.

The Ministry of Planning approves the roster, and the Ministry of Planning issues salary..."

"Article 1 of Paragraph 4: Form an Association for Buddhist Regulations and a Taoist Regulations Association... to unify the precepts of the religion, monks' codes and other regulations, and supervise the strict observance of them by various temples, nunneries, temples, courtyards, halls and monks and Taoyu... There are

Violators will be dealt with by the religious association itself..."

"Article 3 of Paragraph 4, the admission standards, training content, and daily assessment and promotion of Daoyu monks of various religions are all handled by the religious regulations association... each temple, nunnery, temple, courtyard, hall and monks

Dao Yu, those who are dissatisfied with the association's handling can appeal to the religious department of the state or county, or in accordance with the provisions of the law, they can plead to the local prosecutor or censor or file a lawsuit with the local court..."

There are many kinds of them, totaling nearly six sections and 82 articles, covering all aspects.

After listening to this, people who are interested will understand very clearly that the officials and the imperial court are trying to completely transform Buddhist temples such as Buddhism and Taoism into places that are free from the worldly world.

It also completely plugs the loopholes that local wealthy families use to evade taxes and evade taxes in these monks' residences.

You can imagine how much resistance there is.

That's why the officials boldly used the lives of eleven prominent people, including Li Qingchen, Lai Zhishao, Wang Yu, and Zhao Xiaoqian, as warnings. It's not clear yet whether it has any effect.

Li Gefei's voice sounded a little hoarse when he read. He looked around for the last time and announced loudly: "This time is a communication and negotiation between the Buddhist monks and the imperial department. Only people in Guangyi Hall are qualified to speak. Guangyi Hall

Anyone outside the group can only listen. If you dare to speak out and make false comments at will, you will be expelled immediately and be severely punished by the Secretary!"

As soon as the rules were announced, there was a lot of discussion in the surrounding gallery.

Everyone thought they could speak freely and criticize as they did in Taixue. Many people were already gearing up and eager to try, and finally announced this rule!


Someone stood up and shouted: "This is so unfair! We won't agree to it!"

Uncle Zhang stood up at night, pointed at the man and shouted: "Go out and hand it over to the Gyeonggi Police Department for investigation. We must find out all his bezoar and dog treasures!"

Several people came up and without saying a word, the person who made the loud noise was kicked out.

The famous Zhang Yan Wang looked around the crowd like a tiger and said loudly: "Once the rules are set, it will be easy to follow them. With one less person and one more observer, this meeting of the Release Sect to clean up evil and rectify the evil will be held as usual!"

Seeing that no one was making any noise, he turned towards Zhao Si, raised his hands and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, please give me a lesson!"
This chapter has been completed!
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