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Chapter 25 Why does the Golden Seal need to teach Dou Da (1)

After the conference, everyone returned to their residence. Shao Bowen, You Zuo, Yang Shi, Li Guang, Zhang Yi and other disciples couldn't wait to ask Cheng Yi.

"Teacher, what exactly is the official avenue you are talking about?"

"What's the name of the place you went to today?"


"What does it mean?"

"There is a saying in Shangguan Yi of the former Tang Dynasty in his "Persuading the Enlightenment of Zen", which says, "Collect the good advice of the public ministers and read the slanderous words of the gentry." It should refer to the meaning of good suggestions.

"Jia Yiyuan, can it mean the place where everyone comes up with good opinions?" Cheng Yi asked.

"Yes." All the disciples nodded.

"Where is the Jia Yi Yuan hosting the conference to rectify the evil?"


"What does Guangyitang mean?"

"The idea of ​​brainstorming."

"There are other halls in the Jia Yi Yuan, which ones are they? What are their meanings?"

"There is Jixian Tang, whose meaning is self-explanatory; and there is Jian Ming Tang, which means listening to both will bring light, and partial belief will bring darkness..."

Several disciples became more and more confused while answering Cheng Yi's questions.

What exactly does the teacher mean?

Looking at the expressions of all the disciples, Cheng Yi breathed a long sigh of relief and said leisurely: "I never thought that the official family would have such a broad mind and such foresight. In fact, the great road I am talking about is just one word."

"What's the word for discussion?" The disciples seemed to understand this little bit, but they still didn't understand it. They couldn't help but stand up and cupped their hands and said, "Teacher, please give me some advice."

"Sit down!" Cheng Yi waved his hand and motioned for several disciples to sit down.

"Is this Buddhist sect's cleansing and correcting conference a 'big meeting'?"

"Discuss, discuss, discern and make a choice. Teacher, this Buddhist sect's elimination of evil and rectification conference, representatives of the imperial court and Buddhism sat together, and there was indeed a discussion and debate. After discernment, it was a matter of choice and decision. It was considered a big discussion."

Shao Bowen replied.

"After this meeting, there will be a 'Tax Rectification Debate Conference' at the end of March, such as the 'Salt and Iron Conference' in the former Han Dynasty, which should also be a major discussion."

Cheng Yi stroked his beard and said leisurely: "Jiayiyuan belongs to the Zhongshu Province, and according to the "Central Official System Law" in the "National Constitution", the Zhongshu Province obeys the emperor's edict, responds to the invitation of the Shangshu Province, and takes the wishes of the people

... negotiate for a clear understanding, eliminate the bad while retaining the good, and draw up the laws..."

"And what is the law? It is the standard for governing the country. We listen to the opinions of all parties, identify the true meaning, eliminate the unnecessary and retain the essential, and finally determine it as the law and regard it as the norm... My teacher said this, do you understand?"

Li Guang was excited and said first: "Teacher, do you mean that the current method of government governance is to discuss it with everyone, solicit opinions from all parties, establish norms, and then abide by them?"


Yang Shi, who had lowered his head to think for a while, now raised his head and said leisurely.

"Before, I often read in newspapers and magazines that 'unify our minds, unite and forge ahead', and I was a little surprised at the time. Party strife has been going on for a long time in our country. From the Qingli Reform, to the Xining Reform, and then to the Yuanyou Reform, the party strife has become more and more intense.

It has reached the point where you are fighting to the death. In this case, how can we talk about 'unifying our minds, uniting and forging ahead'..."

"I thought it was just wishful thinking before... Now that I think about it, it's my short-sighted assumption. With discussion as the core, determine the norms, and then within this framework, 'unify our thinking, unite and forge ahead'. After the laws and regulations have been negotiated,

If you dare to go back on your word...our officials are not that easy to talk to. 'So if you punish them instead of teaching them, the punishment will be complicated and evil will prevail; if you teach but not punish them, then the traitors will not be punished'."

Cheng Yi stroked his beard and said, "Yes. Today, at the Buddhism Cleansing and Correcting Conference, the officials came in person, intending to sit in the middle and arbitrate. Although the internal debate was not perfect, it finally came out first.


Shao Bowen echoed: "If everyone is not allowed to hold their own opinions, it will cause them to act in their own way and it will be difficult to reconcile the opinions of the public. If everyone is allowed to express their own opinions, it will inevitably lead to the same party and oppose the differences, which will delay the state affairs. The officials are doing things like this. They must have thought deeply. First, each express their own opinions, debate the true meaning, and then make a binding document.

Standards. Then follow them and work together."

Li Guang said hesitantly: "In this way, party strife can be avoided? I can't see it, right?"

Zhang Yi rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Party disputes are definitely unavoidable. It's just like this in officialdom, first be villains and then be gentlemen. Arguing and arguing on the surface can be done during the collegial meeting. Once the rules are set, then

If there is any disagreement, both the officials and everyone can be punished. Moreover, in my humble opinion, the various behaviors of the officials seem to be guiding the military, civilians, and officials to adapt to a new way of governing the country."

Cheng Yi touched his palm and said: "Uncle Si is absolutely right! All the actions of the officials are to guide the military and civilians to adapt to a new way of governing the country, and more importantly, to adapt to the Tao he established!"

"The Tao established by the officials?" The disciples were shocked, "Teacher, what Tao?"

"The law will be decided upon, and the action will be done without hesitation." Cheng Yi said, "This is what I thought of. You can also summarize it based on your own thoughts."

"Teach first and then punish, be honest and aboveboard." Shao Bowen said.

"Government is never complicated and does not seek simplicity." Yang Shi said.

"Externally, we should promote our power; internally, we should put discussion first." Li Guang said.

"Each one performs his own duties and specializes in skills." Zhang Yi thought for a while and finally replied. Not only did his words surprise Cheng Yi, but several other disciples also turned to him curiously.

"Uncle Si, why do you have such an idea?" Cheng Yi asked.

"Senior Brother Yang just said that official administration is not tired of complexity and does not seek simplicity. It must be seen from the expansion of the six departments of the Shangshu Province to ten in the new official system."

After listening to Zhang Yi's words, Yang Shi nodded in agreement.

"Teacher, brothers, I have carefully studied the new official system of the official Zhengdan Song. Taking the Shangshu Province as an example, there are directly affiliated agencies such as the Central Bureau of Governance, the Advisory Bureau, the General Affairs Bureau, and the Audit Office, plus ten departments that govern national affairs.

Ministry. Each ministry has an executive office and a council hall. The executive office is responsible for transmitting information, and the council office is responsible for collaborating on the actual situation, formulating plans for the ministry, or making recommendations for the provincial government."

"Let's look at the ministries. The Ministry of Civil Affairs is responsible for the recruitment, training, examination, appointment, dismissal, relocation and demotion of central and local officials, as well as the establishment and staffing of institutions in the three provinces and local counties, prefectures and counties. There are departments such as civil administration, examination, and staffing.

The Ministry of Planning is in charge of finance and taxation. For example, the three departments before Yuanfeng's reform were the departments of establishment and expenditure, taxation, treasury, and military pay."

"The Ministry of Civil Affairs, branched from the Ministry of Household Affairs, is in charge of household registration, people's livelihood and welfare and other affairs, and has departments such as household registration, health and welfare, and welfare; the Ministry of Education, branched from the Ministry of Rites, is in charge of education, culture, science and technology, and has state education, higher education, and vocational education.

, Science and Technology, Literary Collection and Cultural Compilation Department; the Ministry of Rites is in charge of sacrifices, diplomacy, religion and publicity inspections, and organizes county and national examinations. It has Taichang, Lifan, Merit, Xuanyue and other departments and the Examination Yuan


"Examination Yuan..." Shao Bowen interjected, "It stands to reason that the Ministry of Education is in charge of school education and should also be in charge of examinations. But the officials let the Ministry of Rites retain this position. Is it following tradition, or..."

"Let's weigh the power of each ministry. The Ministry of Education is in charge of school education, but if it is also in charge of examinations. It will teach and take exams by itself, which will easily lead to criticism. Therefore, the officials followed the usual practice and let the Ministry of Rites continue to be in charge of examinations. They also set up a special examination institute, headed by the right minister.

Palm." Cheng Yi replied slowly.

The disciples' eyes lit up. Their teacher was actually very concerned about the Tianqi restructuring of the official family.
This chapter has been completed!
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