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Chapter 28 Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are as long as an inch (2)

But Zhang Dun would never say this. Because the East School Office is just an "inconspicuous" organization under the Imperial Guard, and its duty is only to review the confidential texts stored in the Imperial Guard of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Believe it or not, this is what it does.

Zhang Dun thought for a while, and finally said calmly: "The officials trust me, and I know this very well, and I am grateful."

Zhao Si smiled and stopped pursuing the matter.

Zhang Dun changed the subject and said: "Guan, how do the Security Department of the Ministry of War carry out such a heavy work?"

"In addition to the Surveying and Mapping Bureau and the Border Bureau, the Security Department of the Ministry of War also has a security police force to protect the internal security of our Song Dynasty. I originally planned to place it in the Police Department, but later someone suggested that the important powers were too concentrated in the Police Department.

So I changed it to the Security Department of the Ministry of War."

It's nothing more than decentralization of powers, checks and balances, Zhang Dun knew it well.

Zhao Si continued: "The draft reform of the official system announced last year is a test for the officials and people of the world. You know this clearly. You are also one of the few people who know the final plan. It's just the first day of this year, "National Sports University"

The new reform plan for the official system announced in the imperial edict has been revised and revised, and many adjustments have been made. The reason for this is also known to the Prime Minister."

"The veteran knows the painstaking efforts of the officials. Everything needs to be started from scratch and needs to be constantly fine-tuned based on the actual situation."

"As long as Prime Minister Zhang understands it, the big framework has been set, and fine-tuning and modifications will not affect governance. Therefore, the most important thing for our monarchs and ministers is to follow the policy outline and implement it step by step. A meeting on land and water transportation construction planning will be held tomorrow, Prime Minister Zhang


"Don't worry, officials, I'm ready."

"Okay! If we want to be rich, we must build roads first! If we want to make the Song Dynasty strong and prosperous and the people prosperous, and industry and commerce develop greatly, we must make good plans for the construction of land and water transportation, and then do it in a big way! This is an important and long-term matter

It’s work, so we must get started first!”

In the main hall of Chongzheng Hall, a huge map hangs between two beams on the left side of the hall.

Zhao Si, Zhang Dun, Su Che, Fan Chunren, the left servant shot Lu Huiqing, the right servant shot An Tao, Huang Fu, the Minister of Planning Cai Jing, the Minister of Works Xu Jiang, the Minister of Power and War Guo Zhongxiao, the secretary and provincial minister Cai Bian,

Sun Moli, the chief servant of Zuo Sanqi, was sitting around in front of the map.

Around him, Tan Shiji was accompanied by more than a dozen secretaries, some of whom were responsible for taking notes, and some who were responsible for distributing materials...each performing their own duties.

"Today we are discussing the five-year plan for land and water transportation construction formulated by the Ministry of Industry...Xu Qing, please tell me." Zhao Si spoke first.


Xu will take a long thin wooden stick from a secretary, stand in front of the big map, and start explaining.

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister Zhang, Su Situ, Fan Sikou, and colleagues, according to the five-year policy outline of Shangshu Province, the Preparatory Office of the Ministry of Industry has drafted a five-year plan for land and water transportation construction in the Song Dynasty. This department will start with land road construction..."

"The construction of land roads mainly involves the construction of direct trunk roads. The Standardization Office of the Ministry of Industry and Engineering has drafted it and is submitting it to the province. After approval, it will be officially promulgated as a ministerial standard. The direct trunk roads are national-level trunk roads. In the drafted ministry standards

The standard is a Class A road. It is ten meters wide and can drive two carriages on the left and right at the same time, plus there are two meters in the middle and one meter on the left and right edges..."

The two secretaries unfolded a half-foot-square sketch and showed the "rendering" of the straight road to everyone.

Guo Zhongxiao raised his hand curiously and asked: "Xu Shangshu, interrupt me, how are these ten meters calculated?"

"Guo Shangshu, the width of each carriage is one and a half meters. This is the standard set by the ministry..."

"One and a half meters... Oh, it should be the width of two horses running side by side. That's it." Guo Zhongxiao suddenly realized.

Xu Jiang smiled and continued, "According to the Class A highway standards, the road surface is higher than the ground on both sides, and a long straight tree is planted every two feet outside the edge. There must be a sidewalk outside the tree, and there must be a sidewalk on the left and right sides outside.

There is one drainage ditch each. The roadbed is tamped with solid soil. The middle layer is mud and gravel mixed with lime soil, half a meter thick, and tamped down. The top layer of mellow soil, one third of a meter thick, is tamped down..."

"In the next five years, the key transportation construction project of the Ministry of Industry is to build six direct trunk roads on land. Three vertical and one horizontal. The three vertical and left vertical trunk roads start from Taiyuan City and go south through Qixian, Jiexiu, Linfen, and Jiangzhou.

, cross the Yellow River with a pontoon bridge at Yuanqu, and enter Longmen Town in the west of Luoyang City. Continue south, passing Yingyang, Ruzhou, Nanyang, Xiangyang, Changlin to Jiangling. It is named Yanfeng National Highway, also called Taijiang Highway."

General Xu took a slender wooden stick and pointed on the map.

"The Central Trunk Road starts from Zhending, Hengzhou, passes through Gaoyi, Xingzhou, Handan, Anyang, crosses the Yellow River with a pontoon bridge at Baimajin, passes through Xiyuetai Town, Kaifeng City, goes south, passes Yingzhou, Xinyang, and Xiaogan to Hanyang, Ezhou. Take

It is named Qiangyu National Highway, also known as Zhenhan Highway."

"The right longitudinal road starts from Licheng of Qizhou, goes south to Fengfu Tai'an, Yanzhou Xiaxian, Tengxian, Xuzhou Pengcheng, Suzhou Fuji, and then divides into two roads, the left road goes south to Luzhou, and the right road goes straight to Liuhe County on the north bank of Jiangning City

Xuanhua Town. Named Rouzhao National Highway, also called Qihe Highway."

"Yi Heng starts from Haizhou in the East China Sea, passes through Pengcheng, Songzhou, Chenliu in Xuzhou, passes through Xiyuetai Town in Kaifeng City, then passes through Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Xin'an, Shaanzhou, enters Tongguan, passes through Huazhou, Jingzhaofu, and Xianyang

, Fufeng, Qizhou Fengxiang, until Weizhou. It is named Kundun National Highway, also called Haiwei Highway."

After hearing General Xu finish reading, it took a long time for everyone to dare to speak.

"This is a hugely expensive project," Su Che said slowly.

"It is also a project that will last forever." Xu Jiang replied immediately.

Fan Chunren asked solemnly, "How can it be implemented if it is so costly?"

"Our plan is to complete the construction within ten years. In the first five years, we will complete the two direct trunk roads, Panfeng National Highway and Kundun National Highway, and in the next five years, we will complete the two direct trunk roads, Qiangyu National Highway and Rouzhao National Highway."

Xu Jiang replied.

"Are you recruiting civilian husbands?" Su Zhe asked solemnly.

"No," General Xu looked at Zhao Si and Zhang Dun, and replied: "First, call the labor camp. The labor camp is composed of Xixia Dangxiang prisoners of war, criminals sentenced to labor, etc., estimated to be around 150,000 to 200,000;

The first is to contract the project to construction companies in sections through bidding, which requires about 300,000 laborers; the third is to mobilize military and civilian officials and civilians to perform voluntary labor..."

After a moment of silence, Fan Chunren asked aloud: "How to allocate money and food?"

At this time, Cai Jing, the minister of the Ministry of Planning, responded: "The first phase of the three-vertical and one-horizontal road construction plan, that is, the construction budget for the next five years, was drafted jointly by the Department of Planning and Construction and the Construction Department of the Ministry of Works. It requires a total of one

17.2 million yuan... will be spent over five years. As for where the money will come from..."

Cai Jing paused for a moment, "The three taxes on wine, salt, and tea will squeeze out 10 million guan in five years. The three taxes on wine, salt, and tea will bring in an average of about 16 million guan every year, and squeeze out 2 million guan each year.

Come on, you can still do it."

Cai Jing still has something to say. At the end of March or early April, after the "Tax Rectification Debate Council", the first and important step of economic reform should be determined, tax reform.

As Minister of Planning, he has long known about the tax reform plan. According to the new plan, taxes will increase by a large amount in the next few years.

But it's still unknown right now.
This chapter has been completed!
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