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Chapter Thirty-Three: There Are Not Many Channels for Fame (1)

Zhang Kangguo replied: "Students are allowed to study with the fourth-grade freshmen, which is also called repeating. However, during the repeating period, many preferential treatments from the court are cancelled, and the family needs to bear the burden. The law stipulates that each student can only repeat three years and four college entrance examinations at most.

If you haven't passed, you will be forced to be recruited by various professional schools."

"Professional schools? Zhang Shibo, what exactly do these schools study?" Li Wei asked.

"It is a school for learning various skills, which belongs to the scope of vocational education. For example, a smelting school where you learn to smelt copper and forge iron; an agricultural school where you learn intensive farming; an animal husbandry school where you learn to raise cattle and horses; a shipping school where you learn to sail and sail; and you learn how to do accounting.

An accounting school; a textile school to learn spinning and weaving..."

Li Wei, who understood, couldn't help but frown and said, "Shibo, this doesn't seem to be a serious school."

"Yes. These are just training of skilled personnel. The original intention is to cultivate professional technical backbones for all walks of life. But now we are ready to innovate, and there is a huge shortage of talents. The Ministry of Civil Affairs has issued a special document stating that in the future

Within three years, graduates from various professional schools can be recruited into various county government affairs bureaus."

"That's it." After listening to Zhang Kangguo's words, Li Wei suddenly realized, "Last year, I received a letter from a friend in my hometown, saying that many of my former classmates, as well as clerks in the county government, had applied for the vocational school recruitment held in Luli.

Take the exam."

"That's right, last year it was all roads, and this year it's all counties. For three consecutive years, vocational school recruitment examinations with no restrictions on thresholds and age were held. Those who are aspiring and outstanding are admitted to the school. After one year of study, they will be admitted to the school.

You can become a teacher, or join the government affairs bureau of the county government, and become a formal official with the imperial establishment. Even if you don't want to be an official, you can learn a skill and be enough to support your family."

Zhang Kangguo explained, "This is a great opportunity to give low-ranking scholars and petty officials from all over the country the opportunity to join the government and officially become full-time officials. After three or four years, the national education and higher education systems will be perfected, and officials must graduate from various institutions of higher learning.

, the opportunity was missed.”

Chen Xiu and Li Wei looked at each other and said in unison: "We still want to be admitted to university."

"It's not easy to get into college. In your subject, the number of people who can be admitted to Chengdu and Biyong universities may not be too many. Most of them should be admitted to Kaifeng Normal University or Luoyang Normal University and study for two years.

Then he officially became a teacher.”

As soon as Zhang Kangguo finished speaking, Li Wei said a little unfairly: "I waited hard for the scientific examination, enrolled in some normal college, and finally became a teacher. What is the difference between me and those people who suddenly entered some vocational school and became teachers after graduation?


Zhang Kangguo and Yu Wencuizhong looked at each other and smiled meaningfully: "It's different, there's a lot of articles in it. Which institution did you graduate from? This is called academic qualifications. There are high and low levels. Biyong, Chengjun, etc.

The university is a national Category A university; Guzong College, Shengchen College, Sihui College, Kaifeng Normal University, and Luoyang Normal University are national Category B universities."

"Yuzhang University in Jiangxi County, Donghai University in Yangzhou, Jinling University in Jiangning Prefecture, Gusu University in Jiangdong County, and Kuaiji University in Liangzhe County are all county Category A universities... County Category B universities and the following are majors

After school and vocational school, there is middle school.”

Speaking of this, Zhang Kang Guoyu said profoundly: "According to the Civil Service Selection Regulations of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, those with higher academic qualifications are better promoted and promoted than those with lower academic qualifications. And when you advance to a certain official level, academic qualifications become the threshold.

.Besides, you two good nephews should not look down on the teacher."

"According to the new official system, formal teachers are special civil servants and enjoy the same treatment as other civil servants. The official rank of a chief professor in a university is equivalent to that of a magistrate. The official rank of a national Class A university is equivalent to that of a right servant..."

"If a teacher does well, he can be promoted to principal, clerk and director of the Cultural and Educational Bureau, and then to chief registrar and county magistrate... Do you understand?"

Chen Xiu and Li Wei looked at each other, hope rising in their hearts, and couldn't help but ask: "Can you become an official if you are admitted to Chengjun and Biyong universities?"

Zhang Kangguo smiled and shook his head, "It's not that simple. Whether it's a normal college, Chengjun or Biyong University, after two years of study and graduation, you need to take another civil service selection exam, also called the national exam. There are special officers and political officers.

and the third category examination for judicial officers.”

"Special affairs officers are teachers. They are divided into middle school and primary school teachers according to their grades. They are uniformly trained in the special education classes of teachers' colleges in each county for half a year and are divided into subjects. Political officers are what we usually refer to as officials. Those who have average scores after passing the exam are distributed

Each county will organize special education classes for half a year, and after completion, they will be distributed to various states and counties."

"Those who have excellent scores in the political officer category examination will study in the Yilun Pavilion for one year, and then be assigned to ministerial offices in various provincial ministries or chief secretaries in counties based on their academic performance... After passing the judicial officer examination, they will first study in the Yumo Pavilion for one year, and then

Those who pass the examination will be awarded the status of Xie Lü Lang. With the status of Xie Lü Lang, you can apply to join the prosecutor's office and the Dali magistrate, or you can suspend your service and become a litigation advocate."

"Apply for employment? Can Xie Lulang apply to be a prosecutor and judge?" Li Wei asked dumbfounded. No wonder some people are envious of those who enroll in the School of Law and Politics and the Yumo Hall. It turns out that they know this inside story.

Zhang Kangguo turned to Yu Wencuizhong and said, "Zhongda, you are familiar with Xielu Lang's regulations. Come and explain them to the two young men."

"It's not that simple. Only if you have been a (procuratorate) censor for more than three years, will the county magistrate's court select you as a judge. Only if you have been a litigant advocate and have experienced actual cases, will you have the opportunity to solve the problem faster than others.

From the deputy censor of the Procuratorate to the censor (procuratorate), to the middle censor. If you reach the middle censor, you can become a judge to gain fame, and when you retire, you can become a well-known litigation advocate to seek profit."

After listening to it, Chen Xiu couldn't help but gasped, "It's so complicated and complicated, I'm afraid it won't be that easy to be an official."

"That's right. The core of the new official system is to abolish the bad habit of determining the future in the previous imperial examination system. National education, higher education, specialize in skills, and apply what you learn. Only talents trained through this education system are qualified to do

The official and civil service selection examination is just a threshold to screen out some people who have good grades in normal times but have a bad attitude in times of emergency."

Yu Wencuizhong spoke with deep emotion. These words seemed to be his thoughts while studying in Yumo Hall these days.

"If you pass the Civil Service Selection Examination, no matter how good your test scores are, you may not be able to stand out. Education, ability, resume, worldly connections, support from noble people... Only when all these factors are mixed together, and coupled with luck, can you rise to the top.

Officials under the new official system can no longer just recite poems and lyrics, but just write first-hand articles."

"It brings together the smartest and most talented people in the world through years of study and layer-by-layer selection, and then through systematic training and institutionalized competition, it finally selects a group of top people.


Li Wei looked at Yu Wencuizhong in surprise. He never expected that the new official system after the reform would contain such deep knowledge.

Seeing the shocked look on Li Wei's face, Yu Wencui smiled and said, "I didn't realize these words, but from Mr. Chang who taught us logic and programming."

He said with admiration, "My teacher is one of the first people to enter the secretarial department and follow the official family. He is extremely talented in law. He is now the chief professor and secretary of Sungkyun University's Fengyun (Legal and Political Science) College."

, concurrently serves as the chief professor of the Yumo Academy and the Zuo Professor of the Yilun Academy, and is also the Shaoqing of Dali Temple in Menxia Province and the executive director of the Dali Temple Collegiate Hall."

"In addition, he was hired by Zhang Xiang as the chief legal advisor of the Shangshu Provincial Advisory Bureau, and was appointed by Situ Xiaosu as the Zhongshu Provincial Review Office to Shizhong, specializing in helping the Zhongshu Province review the compliance of the draft laws.


What a great man! Listening to the string of titles, Li Wei felt a little envious. If he worked under such a talented family, would he be able to achieve great success?

As soon as he thought of this, Li Wei felt wary.

Li Cunzhen, what's wrong with you? You are a disciple of your ancestors and a disciple of Confucianism. You must attach great importance to the classics and doctrines. How come you are greedy for power and profit?

But why did I study so hard for twenty years in my humble life? Isn't it just to become famous in the world and attract the attention of the emperor, and then to serve as a courtier, to rule the country and bring peace to the world?

Now that the rules for becoming an official have changed, should you follow suit? Mr. Bin and Mr. Zhongda said it well, now is the time for big changes, and it is also the best opportunity.

If he wastes a few more years and waits until the talents trained under the new education system, or the scholars who have changed their family background and gradually adapted to the new method of selecting officials, emerge in large numbers, he may not have another chance.

Should we continue to adhere to the principles of the sages and sages, or should we make timely changes?

On the one hand, there are the concepts that have been instilled since childhood, and on the other hand, there is the bright future that he has always longed for. Levi is extremely conflicted in his heart.
This chapter has been completed!
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