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Chapter 19: I am the government's dog-headed military adviser

"Brother Thirteen, do you have any suitable recommendations for the officials sent to Shaanxi Sixth Road to investigate unfair merits and rewards?"

The official asked with a smile.

"Sixth Brother, there are so many admonishing officials and Qingliu in the court, we should be able to choose a few who are upright and upright." Zhao replied evasively.

The officials didn't care at all about Zhao Sigeng's straightforward words, but laughed.

This may be the reason why he prefers to discuss military and state affairs with Zhao Si more and more.

Not only does he have something to say, he is also very straightforward. He says whatever he needs to say.

Unlike many officials in the DPRK, who clearly have something in mind, but they still have to make all kinds of twists and turns, doing tricks that make you guess. If you don't like it, they will jump out and give advice, and you can win.

The reputation of direct remonstrance.

He took advantage of all the good things inside and out.

"You must recommend a few people to me." The official said "arrogantly".

Zhao Si tilted his head and thought for a while.

"Sixth brother insists on my recommendation, so I will recommend two people. The first is Zongze Zongrulin, the newly proposed magistrate of Longyou County, Quzhou, and the second is Guo Yongguo Shensi, a judicial officer in Danzhou."

"Then tell me why you recommended these two people."

The reason? Because these two people are famous for their uprightness and iron-headedness. Especially Zongze, he is a man of steel and iron who cannot be beaten flat or crushed, and who stands tall and strong.

I originally wanted to ask him to be the royal palace's chief minister, but after thinking about it carefully, I couldn't do it.

This old master is a heirloom of Gengdu, a typical Song Dynasty literati. Although he is very talented, loyal and upright, his bad thing is that he is too upright and stubborn.

Such a person, after he ascends the throne, can use it to deal with treacherous ministers, and he is an invincible weapon.

But now that I keep it by my side and use it as a teacher, I am simply looking for trouble for myself.

On the road to fighting for the throne, many of the things he did were hidden from the light. If only this old master knew about it, it would be all right!

Guo Yong is also a similar character.

He is good at punishment and is someone who can be put to great use, but he cannot be recruited right now.

Since the emperor wants to recommend candidates himself, he recommends these two.

With the imperial brother's edict, colleagues in Shaanxi Sixth Route should be able to appreciate the uprightness and iron-headedness of these two men.

If I don’t have the blessing to bear it, I’ll leave it to you.

Zhao Si calmed down and began to talk about his reasons.

"The resumes of Ru Lin and Mr. Shen Si are both recorded in the official department. Brother Six will know it at a glance. Thirteen will tell you what impressed you deeply about them."

"In his policy statement for the palace examination in the sixth year of Yuanyou, Mr. Rulin bluntly criticized the imperial court for credulously believing Wu Chuhou's frame-up and exiling Cai Que, believing that 'the disaster of cronyism began from this point on.'"

When the officials heard this, their expressions changed slightly.

The Empress Dowager Gao was in charge at that time, and the conservative ministers returned to the court one after another. They wanted to completely repeal the new law, but Cai Que, the leftist prime minister who belonged to the reform faction, was determined not to allow it.

The two sides began to fight openly and secretly.

In the end, Cai Que was unable to defeat many opponents with one fist, and was demoted from the capital. He died and was demoted to the post within a few years.

After the emperor's brother came to power, he was given the posthumous title of Grand Master and given the posthumous title of Zhonghuai.

Seeing the expression on the emperor's brother's face, Zhao seemed to know that with just this sentence, Zongze had already gained official recognition.

Then keep up the good work.

"In the eighth year of Yuanyou, Mr. Rulin was sent to Guantao County, Daming Prefecture, to serve as county captain and county magistrate. In less than a month after taking office, he quickly and properly handled the backlog of litigation cases in the county over the years, which fully demonstrated his talent.


"In the second year of Shaosheng, Mr. Lu Gong ordered Mr. Rulin to inspect the construction of the Yuhe River. At that time, Mr. Rulin lost his eldest son. He endured the grief and went on the mission. After hearing this, Mr. Lu admired: 'You can be said to be a man who forgets his country and his home.'


"It was freezing cold. During his inspection, Mr. Rulin found many migrant workers lying frozen on the roadside. He immediately wrote to the supervisor, suggesting that the construction should be postponed until the weather warms up next spring, and he said that he would be responsible for it." Lu

The Duke seconded the proposal, and the court finally agreed to postpone it. The river channel was built in the spring of the following year, and many people survived."

"You are indeed brave enough to do your job. Thirteenth Brother, the Duke you are talking about is Lu Huiqing?" the official asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, it is Lu Gong, the great scholar of Zizhengdian Palace, who knew Daming Mansion at that time."

"This son is extremely cruel, and so is his younger brother Lu Shengqing." The official murmured, as if remembering something from the past.

Zhao Si was overjoyed and finally got to the point.

Recommending Zongze and Guo Yong is just an introduction, and more importantly, it is now about provoking a fight among civil servants.

Liu Kui worked too hard and asked him to impeach Xing Shu, but it has been half a month and there has been no action.

It is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. If you don't move, I will add fuel to your fire.

Zhao seemed to search through his memory and said slowly.

"Brother Six, I have read the document in the Secretariat. I remember that this was said to Prime Minister Zeng in November of the second year of Shaosheng, after Duke Lu entered the palace to report on the time."


"I still remember that I once replied, 'Your Majesty's wise insight will bring blessings to the world!'"

The official smiled and said nothing.

"Sixth brother, I have never met Mr. Lu, but I have admired him for a long time. I don't know when I will have the opportunity to meet him and see what is so ferocious about him that he actually makes Prime Minister Zhang and Prime Minister Zeng so fearful."

Lu Huiqing was a member of the same reform party, but he almost defeated the reform leader Wang Jinggong. He was a high-ranking person who fought within his own faction.

I just want to introduce him into the court as a catfish and make you gentle sardines move.

The official's expression changed and he asked: "Brother Thirteen, why do you say that Prime Minister Zhang and Prime Minister Zeng are afraid of Duke Lu?"

"Sixth brother, I read the records. In February of the second year of Shaosheng, Lu Gong begged to stay in the capital. Sixth brother consulted all the ministers. Prime Minister Zhang was noncommittal. Both Prime Minister Zeng and Han Zhongyan (Han Zhongyan) said that a gentleman can advance and retreat freely, and Gong Lu

Begging to stay is a shameless act. So Sixth Brother took the opinions of all the ministers and issued an edict to let Duke Lu leave Daming Mansion."

"In November of the third year of Shaosheng's reign, Lu Gong was transferred to Shangshu, who was the governor of Yan'an Prefecture. He asked to go to Beijing to report on his duties and explain the situation of the battle on Yanyan Road to the court. The sixth brother consulted the ministers, but they all said that it was not possible. So the sixth brother issued an edict to let Lu

There is no need for me to return to Beijing, I just need to settle matters."

At this point, Zhao Si glanced at the official with a solemn face and continued: "But the records of the secretaries of the Provincial Political Hall and the Privy Council clearly stated that Zhang Xiang reprimanded Lu Gong for not knowing the priorities of side affairs; Li Xiang (Li Qingchen) said

When Lu Gong came to the capital, he had the intention of "pushing out Kui Bing", and he was afraid that he would replace him; Zeng Xiang said, "If you don't have any worries, Kui Bing will not be able to suppress evil easily."

"Sixth Brother, Thirteen has little education. What kind of rare thing is the 'Yukui handle' mentioned by several ministers? Are you so afraid that Mr. Lu will come back and snatch it away?"

The official laughed when he heard this, pointed at Zhao Si and said: "Thirteenth brother, I told you to study more, but you didn't listen. Yi means to take away, and Kuibing means the power of the government."

"Oh, Brother Six means that the ministers are afraid that Mr. Lu will come back to seize power. I really don't understand. Mr. Lu is also a reformer and comes from the sect of Wang Jingong. What are Mr. Zhang and the others afraid of?"

When the official heard this, his eyes sharpened, and he suddenly asked: "Thirteenth brother, what do you think of Lu Huiqing's betrayal of Wang Jinggong?"

The drama is coming!

Zhao Si thought for a while and replied firmly: "Brother Six, I think it is a good thing."

The official had long been accustomed to his unexpected words, so he asked with great interest: "Oh, Brother Thirteen, tell me the truth."

"Sixth brother, you know that the two people in charge of my house are Li Gong and Yu Huatian. Li Gong is steady and cautious, while Yu Huatian is young and energetic. They have worked together for many years and are loyal to me. But they have always been in harmony with each other, secretly.

They are trying to undermine each other. In fact, this makes me feel relieved. If they are of the same mind, they can't fool me even if they join forces."

Zhao Si looked at the official's face and continued: "Brother Six, I reflected on my past, why I was arrogant and domineering and acted wantonly. Mostly because of your protection, Brother Six, the people below are flattering and fawning. No one

Advise or dissuade. Over time, you will become extremely arrogant and conceited."

The official looked at Zhao Si and said meaningfully: "Brother Thirteen, there is something in your words."

"Hey, Sixth Brother, let me make it clear. As the saying goes, 'When the Yellow River is clear, saints will emerge'. This means that there are too few saints in the world. Most people in the world have advantages and disadvantages. I read the documents, from Wang Jinggong to Zhang

Prime ministers are always cautious, diligent, courageous in their duties, and loyal to the country from the beginning."

"But once a highly respected minister takes over the leadership position, he becomes stubborn and arrogant, unable to listen to even a single word of advice. Because in their view, these objectionable words are a provocation to their authority.

As a result, all the energy is spent on fighting for power and gain, delaying business, and allowing the party to fight and disrupt government."

The official's face was full of surprise. He never expected that Thirteenth Brother, who had always been chivalrous, open-minded, and martial-minded, would actually say such insightful words.

"Brother Thirteen, is this what you are thinking?"

"Yes, this is what I have been thinking about these days when I browse documents in the Secretariat and learn from my father Huang Xining's reforms."

The official nodded approvingly and continued to ask: "Then what do you think should be done?"

"Checks and balances, each minister holds his own power, fights without defeating, fights without defeating."

"Strive without defeat, fight without defeat. Doesn't that mean the court will fall into endless internal fighting?" the official asked with a frown.

"Brother Six, all the power is in your hands." Zhao Si reminded.

The official suddenly realized it and remained speechless, but the expression on his face became more and more exciting.

"Brother Thirteen, I am right when I say that you are as wise as a fool and have a lot of understanding."
This chapter has been completed!
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