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Chapter 53: Beacon Fire Taihang North Road (3)

There was a loud noise in the middle of the night, and the entire Yaoshan County jumped a few times and then shook.

Li Miele, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened from his dream. He suddenly sat up on the bed, stared at his eyes, and looked around.

The roof beams and window frames were still rattling, and the entire night was like a piece of silk being torn apart violently. The hissing sound of tearing was like the reverberation of the beams for three days, floating tremblingly in the air.

What happened?

Li Miele listened nervously for a while in the dark night, and suddenly heard a sharp copper whistle. The sound was like a sharp arrow, suddenly shooting out of the night and hitting his ear.

The attacking whistle of the army made Li Milue shiver with fright. He was once a member of the Hebei Forbidden Army, and after undergoing the new order, he ran away secretly because he couldn't bear the hardship. Finally, he understood the meaning of the whistle. .

Li Miele jumped out of bed, put on his clothes in a hurry, put on an iron helmet, picked up a knife, and ran out of the room in a hurry.

He was tying his clothes in a panic along the way and kicked the door as soon as he saw it. When he ran to the middle of the courtyard, a dozen of his followers finally ran out in a daze, and several of the monks asked.

"Big boss, what happened?"

"Did you hear the sound?"

"I heard it, was it thunder?"

"Thunder? It's thunder for you. Thunder makes such a big noise." Li Miele cursed loudly, "Hurry up and get your weapons and follow me."

If he hadn't wanted to find a few more people to back him up and provide cover, Li Milue would have run away long ago.

After waiting for half a cup of tea, Li Miele ran out of the Lin family compound with more than twenty henchmen armed with swords and guns.

At this time, there began to be movement in Yaoshan County. People were awakened everywhere. Some stuck their heads out of the windows, and some ran out of the house, looking curiously and asking each other.

What happened?

After passing an intersection, Li Miele saw Bao Changchang running out of the yard of another wealthy family with more than a dozen people.

The two nodded tacitly, got together and whispered: "The sound is coming from the south."

"Where to run?"

"To the west. To the west is Qianyan Mountain. There is a ravine there that leads directly to Dunyu Mountain. If you run into it, you will find a way to survive."


The two of them made an agreement and ran along the street towards the west gate with their men.

Not far away, I saw a man running over with fifty or sixty people in a hurry. When he saw Li Mi Le and others, he was surprised and said: "Big Chief, you are here!"

"What's wrong?"

"The three leaders heard that there was movement at the south gate and took their people there. They also asked me to look for people everywhere and send reinforcements there."

Li Miele said with a serious face: "Okay! Wei Chiguo did the right thing! The four leaders and I went to mobilize troops and horses, prepare ordnance, and go over immediately for reinforcements. You, take your brothers and go to the south gate immediately to support the three leaders."

After receiving the praise from the big leader, these small leaders smiled happily and rushed to the south gate with nearly a hundred people. They rushed to the street and turned their backs, and saw the figures of the big leader and the four leaders disappearing to the west. I feel a little strange.

Why are you going west? Aren't the main forces and soldiers concentrated in the county government area? That's in Beicheng.

Half a mile away from the south gate, I saw Wei Chiguo running back in panic with ten people.

"What's wrong, four leaders?"

"What's wrong? I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, so I ran and talked. The army blew a big hole in the south gate, and thousands of people rushed in from there. As soon as I came over with my people, I was hit by arrows. More than half were killed or injured.”

"What? The officers and soldiers rushed in?" The little leader was shocked, "Aren't they trying to recruit us?"

"Recruiting is a bastard! We were fooled by Li Wanyi. This straight bitch talks nonsense and doesn't tell the truth at all. He uses us as a trap to fill a hole."

Wei Chiguo was so angry that he even called out Li Maitreya's original name.

"Chief, I saw the big leader and the four leaders running to the west..."

"What a dog, they run very fast!" Wei Chiguo rolled his eyes, "Let's run north to Zanhuang County and join Li Daguan's people."

"Will Yuan Li take us in?"

"Don't want to take him in? Then let's break up. They encouraged us to revolt in the first place and sent them food, weapons and weapons. If I was caught, they wouldn't be able to do anything good!" Wei Chiguo yelled, "Don't worry.

If Mr. Li doesn't want his family to be raided, he will definitely take us in. He has many villages and has two to three thousand tenants. If you hide it casually, how can the army find it?"

"Okay, let's stay alive with the leader."

"If you want to live, come with me," Wei Chiguo said sincerely as he rolled his eyes and saw that these dozens of people were the perfect ones to block the way.

"Hurry up and go north. Don't worry about the injured people and leave them aside. If we are too slow and the army blocks the north road, we will die."

The minions who had been supporting a dozen injured people just now let go immediately.

The wounded were sitting on the floor, and some were pleading: "Nephew, I am your third uncle, you can't leave me alone."

Some yelled angrily: "You heartless ones, I am your uncle, your biological uncle, blood is thicker than water! You two white-eyed wolves."

Others hugged the legs of their companions and begged: "Please, just take us out of the city. I will definitely repay you for your kindness."

Wei Chiguo just looked back and continued walking forward with a few confidants.

Seeing that they had gone a little far, the minions who were disturbed by the wounded became impatient and ran forward without caring about their third uncle or uncle.

The one whose legs were being hugged gritted his teeth, pulled out a knife and stabbed him randomly, and then said fiercely: "When a disaster is approaching, we should all take care of ourselves."

Li Miele and Bao Zengzhang came to the west gate and saw that the city gate was open. The rebels who had been close had already opened the door. I don't know how many people ran out. Now those who followed were the brave common people.

I saw people everywhere outside the city, like a group of headless flies running around in the dim sky.

When Li Miele and Bao Changzhang saw such a panic, they were secretly happy and shouted: "The officers and soldiers are coming, run to the west! It will be safe if you run into the mountains."

When the rebel soldiers and civilians who were running around heard this, they seemed to have seen a guiding light in the dark night. But many people were confused and couldn't figure out where the west was.

"This way, this way!" Someone pointed in one direction and said, "You guys, run away quickly! This time the army will not recruit people, they will kill everyone on sight, regardless of kindness or coercion."

The group of people in the wild finally had a correct direction and ran wildly towards the west with a roar. They were rebels and ordinary people. They were all wearing similar clothes and could hardly tell the difference. They were all like lost dogs, panicking and not choosing their way.

Suddenly officers and soldiers appeared in front. They were holding spears more than ten feet long and lined up in three rows.

The people in the front row squatted half-kneeling on the ground, pressing the tail of the spear with their right foot, holding the spear tightly with both hands open, and stabbing diagonally forward. The two rows behind raised the spear,

Pierced from the shoulders of the front row, a forest-like array of spears was formed. The sharp spear points made people shudder in the cold morning wind.

Behind the spear array, stood the crossbowmen. The bows were drawn, the crossbows were strung, and they were all loaded with arrows, pointing this way. Several officers held up large iron trumpets and shouted loudly to this direction.

: "Stop running! Stop running! Stop! Squat on the ground! Squat on the ground!"

Hearing this, some people stopped and squatted on the ground, and some simply lay on the ground. Most of them were ordinary people.

Some people stopped, but refused to squat down. They were still looking around, looking for other ways to survive. Most of them were rebels.

Li Miele and Bao Changzhang were mixed in the crowd. Seeing that the situation was not good, they quickly shouted: "Charge forward, they don't dare to kill the common people. They will pay for their lives if they kill the common people."

The rebels' eyes lit up, and some of them boldly continued to run forward, shouting as they ran: "We are common people! Don't kill us!"

Seeing these people getting closer and closer, the officers and soldiers just held the tin trumpets and shouted to squat down, but did not take action.

Li Miele and Bao Zeng, who were hiding behind, felt happy and shouted even louder.

"That's right, officers and soldiers don't dare to kill ordinary people! Hurry up and rush forward. If you rush out, you will have a way to survive!"

Most of the rebels who had stopped to watch were overjoyed and rushed forward after them. Some ordinary people even stood up and stayed behind, rushing forward together.

I saw that the crowd was getting closer and closer to the spear array, with the distance being only twenty feet, and the spears were trembling, as if they were about to be put down at the next moment.
This chapter has been completed!
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