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Chapter 67 Merry Always Gets Beat by the Rain (2)

In the Changqing Tower, there was another group of people who quickly moved away from mourning for Mr. Dongpo and turned to prospects and worries about state affairs.

However, what they were worried about was not the state affairs of the Liao Kingdom, but the state affairs of the Song Dynasty.

These people are mainly Secretary-General Yousanqi Changshi Tan Shiji, and they include Yu Wencuizhong, the head of the Secret Bureau of the Secretary-Province, Li Gang, the counterpart of the Kaifeng Prefecture, Yu Wenxuzhong, the general secretary of the Political Propaganda Bureau of the Privy Council, and Li Li, the director of the Security Department of the Ministry of War.

Jian, Deputy Chief of the Treasury Department of the Ministry of Planning Ye Xun, Deputy Chief of the Taxation Department Zhang Yi, Deputy Chief of the Selection Department of the Ministry of Personnel Zhu Shengfei, Deputy Chief of the Liguan Department of the Ministry of Rites Li Guang, Deputy Chief of the Examination Yuan Zhao Ding, Director of the Ministry of Industry Li Wei,

Chen Xiu, the head of the Ministry of Personnel, and others.

They are all young heroes who have risen rapidly in the Song Dynasty in the past two years, and are romantic people who are valued by the officials.

"Yuan Du Gong (Cai Bian) took over as the provincial minister, and there was a lot of controversy in the court. Many people preferred Fan Shugong (Fan Chunli)."

"Uncle Fan, Shen Yi, was an upright man. He was the third son of Wen Zhenggong and the younger brother of Fan Zhonggong. His official conduct was upright. The official family also preferred him to take over the position of Sikou. However, Uncle Fan, his brother Fan Zhonggong, became an official as Sikou. He died less than a year ago and took over the position.

, just to attract criticism, insist on not accepting it.”

"Uncle Fan is still a bit pedantic."

"Haha, pedantry is not pedantry, but his uprightness and determination are true. He took over as the censor of Zuodu and took charge of the supervision of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. The officials in the capital were in awe. I heard that even Prime Minister Zhang asked others to remind him at all times,

Don't go beyond the rules and regulations, I'm very afraid of Uncle Fan."

After a burst of laughter, someone commented: "Will the Yuandu Guild be the next prime minister?"

"It's very possible. Given Zhang Zaizhi's age, he will definitely retire after this term. Counting and counting, there are only a few people who will take over as Zhang Prime Minister. Situ Xiaosu Gong, Zuopu She Jifu Gong

, Mr. Pu Gong, the senior political advisor on the left, and Mr. Yuandu."

"It's just that Little Su Gong, Jifu Gong and Shipu Gong are all too old. They are older than Zhang Xiang. The state affairs are so heavy that they may not be able to support themselves physically and mentally. After counting, only Yuan Du Gong is the most suitable."

"Besides, he was born in the Ministry of Secretary Affairs, so he is the most suitable person."

"That's right."

"I heard that both the right ministers Tianjue Gong (Zhang Shangying) and Botong Gong (He Zhizhong) are interested in the position of Prime Minister?" Someone quietly broke the news.

"These two..." Everyone here is close to the official family, and they know a little about the official's attitude towards these two people.

"These two are more tactful than courageous. The five years of the next prime minister's term are a critical moment for summarizing the new policies of the previous five years and deepening the reform. The officials should not let these two take office." Tan Shiji shook his head.

Gently bypass this topic.

"Yes... In the past two years, there have been constant turmoil in various places, and the New Deal has to be pushed hard. Prime Minister Zhang's hair has become a lot grayer."

"Some people are complaining that the officials are too cruel to the scholar-bureaucrats."

Li Guang's sudden words made everyone shut up, and the room became extremely silent for a moment.

Faced with everyone's gaze, Li Guang did not panic at all, and Shi Shiran said: "Everyone is well aware that the people's sentiments are like this. Although these local complaints are not enough to affect the political situation, it is not good for them to spread everywhere and affect the local area."

"Tai Ding is right. But many people only see the harsh side, but not the caring side. After measuring the land, you only need to pay taxes according to regulations, and you are still a wealthy family. Is there anything perfect in this world? Former Han Dynasty

The state and county's tyrannical approach to the local area is cruel. Our government...as long as we abide by the law and obey the law, we will do everything we can." Zhang Yi said.

"Especially since the government has repeatedly ensured that legal property rights are inviolable, this is the key." Ye Xun added at the side.

"Although many people don't really believe it, we have finally taken a crucial first step. The security of property rights is not clear, and merchants and wealthy families are unwilling to invest anymore to expand industry and commerce. It is precisely the protection of property rights that has been repeatedly emphasized. In the past two years,

All kinds of investments are booming."

"Merchants and wealthy families are willing to take out the money they have hidden at home and invest in the construction of straight roads, the opening of factories, the opening of trade routes, etc. In the past two years, we have seen the rapid development of various constructions. The straight roads have been built and transportation has become faster.

Factories are opened, and various goods are being produced. Trade routes are opened, and profits are greater... This is what the officials call a virtuous cycle of investment-profit-reinvestment. Even those national debts will last a year.

Sales are better than they have been in a year.”

Ye Xun glanced around the crowd and said firmly: "So I say that in order to have such a situation at present, the determination and guarantee of the inviolability of property rights is the key to life. If private property rights are not protected, they will be violated at any time.

Not only the merchants were uneasy about the deprivation of people, but also the literati and officials from local aristocratic families. It was only after seeing this that the knowledgeable people gradually accepted the new policies of the officials."

Everyone nodded.

Yes, scholar-officials are also afraid that their private property cannot be protected. Although they claim to "gover the world together," aristocratic families always have their ups and downs. Who can guarantee that high officials will be born from generation to generation?

The fathers were in power for a while, but the children and grandchildren had no future, so they became the prey of those in power. If private property could be guaranteed, it would at least ensure that the children and grandchildren could pass on the family business even if they were mediocre.

"Actually, there is another point. Regardless of military or civilian officials, the weak are the most despised, and the strong are the most respected. They rarely feel grateful for the property that is freely given. They take it away first, and then give it to others; or others

Being deprived and retained, one will only shed tears of gratitude in his heart. Despising weakness and fearing power are the rules of these people."

Yu Wenxu, who was sitting in a corner, slowly said a few words, making everyone's expressions become a little complicated.

Yu Wencuizhong coughed twice quickly to remind his brother not to show off his sharp edge.

The Yuwen brothers were outstanding figures in Shu. They were quickly appreciated by Su Gong and Su Gong, and they were recommended and promoted. They quickly rose up and became the backbone of the younger generation of the Shu Party.

Yu Wenxuzhong's original name was Huang Zhong, but his current name was changed by Mr. Dongpo. He also took the opportunity of his birthday to introduce Yu Wenxuzhong to the officials who came to celebrate his birthday.

But the more proud you are, the more you have to hide your strength and bide your time.

Now the biggest pillar of the Shu Party, the Great Su Gong, has passed away. Although the younger Su Gong has literary talent, his political talent is limited. Situ may be the pinnacle of his official career. The position of Dazai may be hopeless. In this case, as a Shu Party member

The new generation of backbones must be more low-key and cautious.

Hearing his brother's cough, Yuwen Huangzhong smiled and continued: "If a country has no army, no order, no respect for the government, and no discipline in spirit and action, even survival may be a problem, let alone

Don't mention the rise of peace and prosperity. I have read so many historical books, especially Sima Gong's "Zizhi Tongjian", and the more I read, the more confused I become."

"Confused about what? Confused about the rise and fall of past dynasties, what is driving it? Is it destiny?"

Hearing this, everyone's faces straightened up, and Yu Wencuizhong wanted to rush forward and cover his brother's mouth.

In the four years since the official ascended the throne, although they have severely cracked down on the censors who talked nonsense and impeached people based on rumors, they have not suppressed the way of speech. Instead, they have relaxed it, as long as they debate according to the rules.

There is a great debate on Buddhism, a great debate on taxes...anything can be debated and debated.

But we haven’t let it go enough to talk about destiny!

"After studying the imperial writings and many imperial edicts of the government for the past two years, I suddenly realized that the rise and fall of dynasties did not depend on destiny, but on human willpower..."

Everyone was shocked, but when they tasted it carefully, they found it meaningful.

That night, Zhao Si had dinner in Shengci Palace as usual.

There were more people dining together now. Queen Zeng and Concubine Ming were with the eldest and second princesses, Concubine De was with the eldest prince, and Lady Zhaoyi and Liu were pregnant, sitting on the left and right.

Looking at the hall full of descendants, Mrs. Zhu's eyes turned into crescent moons with laughter. She suddenly thought of something important and said to Zhao Si: "The official family, the matter of Empress Xiansu (Empress Dowager Xiang) entering the mausoleum has been decided."


"It's settled." Zhao Si replied respectfully, "After discussion with Su Situ and Cai Sikou, the Prime Minister decided to enter Yongyu Mausoleum's East Sub-Mausoleum. It's just that the East Sub-Mausoleum...and the West Sub-Mausoleum are both new.

The project needs to be re-planned and rebuilt. I have issued an edict to allocate 1.6 million yuan from the inner treasury for construction."

Empress Dowager Zhu nodded happily, "The etiquette and laws are there and cannot be discarded lightly. Although Queen Xiansu has no heirs, she is the queen officially canonized by your father during his lifetime. Although I have two sons as emperors, the etiquette and laws are like this, so I should live happily.

West Vice Tomb."

"Mother is reasonable, and my sons and ministers also know it."

Zhu's eyebrows are also more compassionate, somewhat similar to the white-robed Guanyin in the portrait.

She sighed softly: "Queen Xiansu..."

She was fine, so why did she fall ill and pass away? After looking at her son Zhao Si and daughter-in-law Zeng, Mrs. Zhu didn't want to stir up this topic.

Now the harem is very harmonious.

Queen Xiansu died of illness last year, and the courtiers below took advantage of the situation and wrote letters one after another to demote her and bury her in a corner of Yongyu Mausoleum as a concubine.

Zhu rarely summoned Zhang Dun, Su Che, and Quan Si Kou Fan Chunli to denounce this argument. He insisted that Xiang be admitted to the Yongyu Mausoleum as a queen.

But the officials have remained silent in rare cases. Who dares to speak out on this matter?

Finally, after many discussions, it was decided that the Yongyu Mausoleum would be built with two additional tombs, the east and west auxiliary tombs. The Xiang family would enter the west auxiliary mausoleum, and the Empress Dowager Zhu would enter the east auxiliary mausoleum a thousand years later.

Zhu insisted on refusing and only wanted to go to the West Vice Tomb. Finally, in front of all the ministers, he invited the officials and gave personal instructions before settling the matter.

After the death of Empress Dowager Xiang, Zhu was the only empress dowager in the palace.

The Liu family of Chong'en Palace had experienced the soft knives of the Queen Zeng twice, but they also temporarily stopped.

What else is Zhu dissatisfied with?

She thought of another thing, "Guan family, you and the people below must tell you not to be evil when building the east and west auxiliary tombs. The east auxiliary tomb is not connected to the main tomb, and only the west auxiliary tomb is connected."

The etiquette and laws have been followed, so why do you need to engage in such unseemly tricks?"

"Mother is absolutely right. Since you promised to abide by the etiquette and laws, you must abide by them well. You must not play this kind of trick of doing one thing on the surface and another on the ground." Zhao Si agreed.

Mrs. Zhu nodded, looked at Mrs. Zeng and Mrs. Ming, and looked lovingly at the little girl in their arms, "How are the eldest sister and the second sister these days?"

"If you go back to the Queen Mother, everything will be fine."

"That's good. The disinfection and epidemic prevention methods implemented by the government are quite effective. The eldest sister, the second sister, and the eldest brother can all grow up healthy. I am happy to see them."

After finishing the meal with him and teasing his children, Zhao Si turned to Chongzheng Hall.

You are a genius, remember in one second: Red Oasis:
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