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Chapter 23: The Two Enemies

After Zhao Si asked, he stopped talking and waited quietly for Changsun Moli's answer.

I have already made a bid, let's see how Changsun Moli counter-offers.

"I have heard that Thirteenth Lang has a good relationship with Mr. Dongpo and Mr. Wen Ding?" Changsun Moli returned the favor gently.

If you want me to reveal your bottom, Your Highness Prince Jian, you also need to reveal something.

"Haha, it's true. Xiao Wang has always admired Mr. Dongpo's temperament and Mr. Wen Ding (Su Che's) literary talent. He once wanted to worship him. Unfortunately, he didn't have the chance. By the time Xiao Wang understood Mr. Dongpo's poems, he was already wandering around the Cape of Lingnan.

Being homeless, I can only exchange letters, and God will hand them over to writing paper."

After listening to this, the eldest grandson, Moli, paused for a while, raised his head and asked, "Does the Thirteenth Master know if Han Tong is the Duke of Han?"

"I don't know, who is the hero?"

"Han Gong is my ancestor. When Emperor Taizu wore the yellow robe, Han Gong didn't know the destiny and wanted to gather his troops to fight stubbornly. Not wanting to be noticed by the dog thief Wang Yansheng, he chased him to the mansion and wiped out the whole family. Later Emperor Taizu posthumously awarded the ancestor the title of Zhongshu Ling


"Han Gong had a son named Han Wei, who was known as 'Tutu'er'. He was known to be resourceful, but when he knew something was wrong, he prepared a plan to fake his own death and escaped with his life. In order to avoid the danger of death, he changed his surname to the eldest grandson, which continues to this day."

When Zhao Si heard this, he found that there was such a twists and turns of his life story?

But the meaning behind the words was that his ancestor Han Tong gathered troops to oppose Emperor Taizu's Huangpao Jiajian, and firmly supported the former Zhou Shao Emperor. He was regarded as a rebellious minister of the Song Dynasty.

The posthumous Zhongshu Ling was probably given by Taizu after seeing Han Tong's entire family die, and was used to win people's hearts.

More than a hundred years have passed, and the identity of Han Tong's descendants seems a bit complicated and embarrassing.

The ancestor was given a gift by Taizu, so it is not considered a traitor. But I am worried that you will come to avenge me, so no one dares to use it seriously.

But Changsun Moli was willing to take a certain risk and tell himself his complicated and bizarre life experience, which was considered a form of surrender.

"Brother Xuanming came into the world, could it be that he wanted to avenge his ancestors?" Zhao Si asked.

"The king of thieves who harmed our ancestors has long been extinct." Changsun Moli replied calmly, "I came into the world because I realized that if the Song Dynasty did not get rid of its shortcomings and turn things around, I was afraid that a disaster would befall me. I felt unwilling to do so.

Find an opportunity and try your best."

Zhao Si's eyes lit up, he knew the details and knew the general situation, it was indeed not simple.

"The Great Song Dynasty suffered from serious illnesses, and it is true that the same law cannot be changed. But reform is not what Wang Jinggong did." Zhao Si pointed out his point of view simply and clearly.

"Then how will it change?" Changsun Moli's eyes lit up and he asked quickly.

Zhao Si thought for a while and said: "The basis of Wang Jinggong's reform is to enrich the people and strengthen the army. But what he is doing is a stock change, not an incremental change."

"If you change the rules in the existing system, you will eventually be constrained by the rules. Only by establishing new rules in the incremental process can you constrain others."

Changsun Moli and Zeng Baohua both looked like they sounded reasonable, but why didn't I understand?

The two looked at each other, and Changsun Moli asked solemnly: "Your Highness King Jian, what do the stock and increase mean?"

"Well, let me give you an example. Our family in the Song Dynasty has twenty people, including four nobles and sixteen ordinary people. It produces one hundred shi of grain a year."

Upon hearing this, Changsun Moli and Zeng Baohua nodded their heads like chickens eating rice.

"Now that the four nobles are given eighty shi of food, they will naturally have no worries about food and clothing and live happily. The remaining sixteen ordinary people are given 20 shi of food. They must be scrimping on food and clothing, which is very difficult. In case of natural disasters or man-made disasters, life and death will be very difficult.

If you are sick, it will be even more difficult."

"The life of the nobles became more and more comfortable, and the life of the ordinary people became more and more difficult. In the end, the ordinary people felt that their lives could not go on, and they were ready to tear down the house and turn over the table. At this time, someone came out and said, we want to change the rules, and the four nobles divided 60

Shi, sixteen ordinary people share forty shi of grain. This is stock change."

Of course, Zhao Si still had some words that he had not said.

Wang Anshi's reform was not that simple.

He changed the one hundred shi of grain to the nobles' 50 shi, the common people's 30 shi, and the court's 20 shi.

However, Zhao Si's words made Changsun Moli's eyes light up, just like the big palace lantern hanging on Donghua Gate in the dark night.

"According to what the king said, Wang Jinggong's stock-in-trade changes were like pulling chestnuts out of the fire. The nobles had less food and were unhappy. The ordinary people still had not enough to eat and were still dissatisfied. In the end, both sides could not be pleased. How wonderful! The king explained Xining's reform in one sentence

, the endless debate, the back-and-forth truth.”

The eldest grandson, Moli, clapped his hands and exclaimed.

Zhao Si also praised the eldest grandson Moli in his heart. He heard the meaning of his words, and he understood it very clearly.

Zeng Baohua kept hitting his palms with a folding fan and urged: "Thirteenth Lang, please tell me, what is the charter for incremental change?"

"Incremental reform is to change the output of this family from one hundred dan a year to two hundred dan or three hundred dan a year. Many problems will be solved. When allocating the newly increased grain production, it can be easily

Establish new rules."

Hearing this, Zeng Baohua's brows knitted together and he spoke.

"Wang Jinggong believes that wealth can be increased through financial management. But Sima Wen Gong believes that the world's wealth is fixed, and financial management is tantamount to excessive expropriation, which is more harmful than raising taxes. Judging from the current situation, Sima Wen Gong's words seem to be more reasonable.


Of course, what Sima Guang said seems more reasonable. Under the current technical conditions, it is very difficult to improve agricultural productivity.

After all the hard work and good weather, you can only get an extra three to five dou. Treating it as a financial management product to increase wealth is really a dead end.

Therefore, Xining's reforms made the people poorer and poorer.

Enriching the country but not enriching the people is called equalizing wealth but is actually amassing wealth.

The nobles "defended to the death" their rights and interests. They should have only received fifty dan, but they got back 60 dan.

The imperial court took twenty stones, and after tasting the benefits, it wanted more, so it took thirty stones directly.

So the people who suffer in the end are the people. Before the reform, they could still get 20 shi, but now they can only get 10 shi. Can they not be embarrassed?

"That's because Wang Jinggong and Sima Wenggong only focused on the land under their feet and only focused on farming."

"Thirteenth Lang, what's the meaning of this?"

Changsun Moli and Zeng Baohua asked at the same time.

Looking at the eager expressions of the two people, Zhao Si smiled inwardly. After all the hard work, I finally caught two big fish.

After more than two hours, Zhao Si headed back home.

Sitting on the horse, he couldn't help humming a ditty proudly, "I really want to live another five hundred years!"

In Zhao Si's view, the political philosophies of Changsun Moli and Zeng Baohua were those who believed that the Song Dynasty indeed needed reforms, but they could not change blindly.

It is similar to the ideas of Dongpo and Wending Su brothers, but it is more radical.

But the essence is the same.

They can understand the sufferings of poor people and stand in their shoes, hoping to truly eliminate the evils and let the people breathe a sigh of relief and live a good life.

It's not completely consistent with my own philosophy, but I can find enough common ground.

That's enough!

In addition, Zhao seems to have gained something unexpected.

My elder brother-in-law is also a genius.

There are many relatives and friends, who were either Jinshi or became officials because of Zuyin. After taking office for a period of time, the government affairs were in a mess. Seeing that the superiors were coming to inspect, they were numb.

So Zeng Baohua was invited and entertained with delicious food and drinks. The official seal was also given to him, and he fully cooperated.

The eldest uncle has done three things, five times and two times, prison lawsuits for farming and mulberry trees, money and grain taxes, water conservancy and river conservancy, relief and education, and many other civil affairs. In his hands, he was just like the folding fan, being played around.

The backlog of government affairs can take as little as three to five days, as long as ten and a half months, and they will all be sorted out clearly for you. Even if the inspection comes, it can still meet the "three best" standards.

Then Zeng Baohua smiled and accepted the requester's salary for one year, then returned to Kaifeng City without any hesitation, and continued to be his romantic talent and wealthy son.

No wonder I often heard that he went out to Beijing to travel around. It turned out that he was going to make money.

Talent is indeed talent.

There is also the eldest grandson Moli. His ancestor Han Gong lost his family because he opposed Emperor Taizu, but he wanted to assist the descendants of Emperor Taizu. Does this count as making a decision that goes against his ancestors?

Interesting, really interesting!

1. In the second year of Shenzong Xining's reign (1069), the "Exams for School Magistrates and County Magistrates' Examinations" published in the Examination Academy's Examinations took "Four Good Things and Three Most Excellent" as the exam standards, among which "Four Good Things" were the old system of the Tang Dynasty. "Three Good Things" were the old system of the Tang Dynasty.

"The most" is: "There is no injustice in prison lawsuits, the most important thing is to urge people to do things without disturbing them, the most important thing is to cultivate mulberry trees, and the most important thing is to encourage teachers to build water conservancy projects. The most important thing is to get rid of traitors and thieves, so that people can find a safe place, and to provide relief to the poor and prevent them from being displaced."

Raising the best.”

In August of the fourth year of Yuanyou (1089), a new "Three Most" standards were formulated: "There will be no injustice in prison litigation, no harassment in the prosecution, no mistakes in taxation, consistent promulgation and edicts, neat bookkeeping and neat records, and uniform service."

Leveling is the best for managing affairs; farming and mulberry cultivation, there is no open land in the wild, water conservancy construction is built, and the people rely on it, which is the best for advocating science; eliminating traitors and thieves, giving people a safe place, providing relief to the poor, and preventing them from being displaced.

Moving and being able to induce people to return to work is the best way to support them."
This chapter has been completed!
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