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Chapter 80: Swords overwhelm rivers and mountains while singing (4)

After reviewing the Suzaku Banner cavalry, Zhao Si came directly to Gao Shixuan and Wang Shunchen.

"You just had a shooting competition, who won?"

"To answer your Majesty's question, I can't say who won, because this competition has caused confusion." Gao Shixuan replied with a smile, and then gave a rough outline of the situation.

"Is he Lao Xu's brother-in-law?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. This boy has been cruising around the outside, waiting for an opportunity. After turning around in a circle, he predicted that the cavalry flying geese in front would go in a certain direction, so he waited there and trotted back. Wild geese

Once released, he has quick eyesight and quick hands, and can shoot at a distance of more than twice as long."

Privately, Gao Shixuan was full of praise for Borji Jin Changkong's archery skills. In particular, this boy was able to keenly predict the direction of the cavalry. This talent in predicting and intuition amazed a battlefield veteran like him.

"Lao Gao is right, this guy is good at everything, but he doesn't abide by military laws. That's not good, no matter how good he is." Wang Shunchen agreed from the side.

Zhao Si understood in his heart, "This is a rebellious prairie eagle."

"That's right, Your Majesty, you must endure him and rein in his temper. Otherwise, the trouble he will cause will make Lao Xu sad to death."

After listening to Gao Shixuan's words, Zhao Si also smiled, "My recipient of the Cavalry Medal is a henpecked lion. Of course his brother-in-law will do his best to protect him."

He rode his horse and slowly walked up to Xu Guangliang and Borji Jin Changkong, who had dismounted and were standing there respectfully with their heads lowered.

"Boy," Zhao asked with his horsewhip pointing at Borjijin in the sky, "how old are you this year?"

"Sixteen years old."

"Good boy." Zhao Si praised, "You disrupted the competition and violated military orders, so you should be punished. In this way, I will punish you to lead my horse, feed the horse, and clean the horse manure for one year. Are you willing?"

Xu Guangliang suddenly raised his head, his face full of surprise, and he couldn't believe it for a moment. He turned his head and saw his brother-in-law who was stunned there. He was so angry that he raised his foot and kicked him.

"Your Majesty asks you something, answer it quickly!"

"I am willing to be punished!" Borji Jin Changkong replied honestly.

"Okay! Follow me from now on." Zhao Si turned around and looked around, and asked, "How far is it from Ju Yanhai?"

"If we get back to Your Majesty, we still have more than twenty miles."

"Oh, that's very close. Is this Donghaizi?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, not far ahead, the Zhangye River divides into two forks, flowing into Xihaizi and Donghaizi respectively." Gao Shixuan replied.

"The Bureau of Surveying and Mapping said on-site inspections that Donghaizi and Xihaizi have shrunk by nearly two meters compared to 30 years ago."

Zhao Si raised his riding whip, pointed forward and said. Behind him were Chang Sun Moli and other staff who followed him.

"This won't work. We can't just focus on land reclamation and land reclamation. How much food can be grown in the Hexi Corridor? I have stopped Hexi County's plan to divert water from the Zhangye River to carry out large-scale farming in the Ganzhou area."

"The gain is not worth the loss! It's not worth destroying the oasis downstream and the Juyan Sea for so much land. There is desert to the east and Gobi to the west. It is very fragile and must be protected. I have already told the Minister of Finance that the Qilian Mountains

The forest stamps and water stamps, especially those in the Zhangye River Basin, are more expensive than other places."

"At the same time, we will release some of the benefits to the local tycoons in the southeast, and encourage them to keep up their efforts, spend money and food, and invest in the Qilian Mountains and Zhangye River in Hexi. This mountain and this river are the foundations of the Qilian Mountains and Zhangye River in Hexi County.

Blood vessels must be well protected."

"Your Majesty's painstaking efforts are all understood. I will send them back to Kaifeng City as soon as they are sorted out." Changsun Moli replied on behalf of his staff.

"Hmm. By the way, where are these two guys, Hu Luxiong and Zhao Long?" Zhao Si shouted.

Hu Luxiong was responsible for counting the men and horses for this recruitment, and Zhao Long was responsible for receiving the supplies.

"My subordinates have already sent someone to call them." Gao Shixuan replied quickly.

Soon, Hu Luxiong and Zhao Long rushed over from the north with a few followers. They walked up to them, reined in the reins, jumped off the horse, raised their hands and said, "Hu Luxiong/Zhao Long has met your Majesty."

"Hu Luxiong, I ask you, have the first batch of recruits for the Suzaku Banner arrived?"

"Reply to Your Majesty, we are all here. There are four thousand households of ten thousand households on the left side of the wood deer wing, two thousand households of ten thousand households on the right; four thousand households of ten thousand households on the left side of the golden sheep wing, three thousand households of ten thousand households on the right side, and three thousand households of ten thousand households on the right side of the earth deer wing.

There are three thousand households of ten thousand households on the left and two thousand households of ten thousand households on the right; there are three thousand households of ten thousand households on the left side of the sun and horses, and four thousand households of ten thousand households on the right; there are three thousand households of ten thousand households on the left side of the moon deer wing and two thousand households of ten thousand households on the right.

There are 1,000 households, a total of 30,000 main households, and the accompanying 30,000 deputy households, all of which were collected today."

Hu Luxiong replied loudly.

"Xuanwu Banner Yue Yanyi left ten thousand households and one thousand households, together with the accompanying deputy households, all of them were ordered."

Zhao Si asked again: "Zhao Long, have the 6,000 high-wheel carriages, 20,000 pack oxen, 10,000 camels, and 300,000 sheep been delivered?"

"Reply to Your Majesty, 7,500 high-wheel carriages, 23,000 pack oxen, 11,000 camels, 350,000 sheep, as well as a number of soldiers and armor, a number of swords, guns, bows and arrows, a number of bags of flour, and salt

Several kilograms of tea...were all delivered by the Munitions Administration in conjunction with the four counties of Hexi, Qinchuan, Longyou, and Xihai the day before yesterday. My subordinates are in the process of distributing it to everyone."

Zhao Long replied immediately.

"Okay!" Zhao Si nodded, "We will start reorganizing into the army tomorrow, and then we will hold a bonfire party tonight so that everyone can have a good night's relaxation. From tomorrow on, everyone will devote themselves to the Northern Expedition."


"Zhao Long, you are responsible for organizing this bonfire party and distributing drinks and food. Remember, don't cut down the poplar trees and collect the dead branches that fall on the ground. Remember that the carriage brought a lot of firewood, so use some of it first.

There are also dried cow dung and sheep dung, which are all piled up and burned. When we go to Mobei in a few days, there won’t be so many trees to cut down, so we can only burn dried dung. Let’s get used to it first.”


"Hu Luxiong, you are responsible for arranging on-duty security and light and covert sentries. Yang Weizhong, you are responsible for guarding the pass."


Everyone gathered around Zhao Si and rushed to the shore of Juyan Lake. It was already dusk.

A round of setting sun hangs in the west, as if it is extremely nostalgic for this great mountain and river, and is unwilling to return to the earth. Its figure leaves a long shadow on the Juyan Sea, rising and falling with the waves, like a long red line.

The satin was trembling slightly.

In the southeastern sky, the more than half-full moon hangs there, swaying like a lantern hanging on the red door of a wealthy family. The eastern half of the sky, which has turned into indigo, has become the curtain behind it.

Thousands of piles of firewood were set up and the fire was lit. Tens of thousands of Suzaku cavalry were sitting around, looking at the roasted sheep on the fire, smiling happily.

small book booth

Red flames danced on their dark faces along with laughter.

They all held the distributed drinks and freshly made bread in their hands, laughing and chatting with their companions.

Zhao Si reined in his mount and was about to dismount. He saw Borji Jin Changkong, who had been following him, dismounted first, ran to the stirrups, bent down with his hands down, and turned his back into a meat stool so that he could

Zhao Si dismounted.

Zhao Si was stunned for a moment, then raised his riding crop and whipped Borji Jin Changkong's back several times.

"Get up, stand up straight!"

Zhao Si shouted, and Borji Jin Zhangkong straightened up, a little at a loss.

"You are my warriors. You live and die for me and for the Song Dynasty. I and the Song Dynasty will repay you with dignity, glory and prosperity! You are all men who stand upright and no one can trample on your spine, not even me! Remember

Is it done?"

Zhao Si's words were like a bell ringing in gold and jade, echoing in Borji Jin Changkong's ears and heart. He understood completely and nodded fiercely. His eyes were shining like thousands of bonfires on the shores of Juyan Sea.

So bright that all the stars in the sky have lost their luster.

At this time, a song floated leisurely, slightly vibrating the gauze-like night. There was an intoxicating atmosphere everywhere, as if the richest wine in the world had been poured into the Juyan Sea.

"Qilian Mountain, he is a warrior, wearing the armor of morning glow; Xihai Lake, you are the most beautiful girl, and I love him the most in my heart. I rode a white horse, ran across Xihai Lake, and climbed over Qilian Mountain, holding a snowflake in my hand

Lotus. Snow lotus, I want to take it to the grassland, let it and I become a legend on the grassland..."
This chapter has been completed!
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