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Chapter 83: The Loyal Officials of the Frontier City Strategize (3)

Li Furen, who had rushed back to Xia State with Li Qingluan and Zhang Yuanqing, was quietly alone in a courtyard room of the Xiazhou defense envoy's residence, lighting a tallow tallow wax, and the huge candlelight illuminated the room. Bright.

Only the illuminated areas are brighter, but behind the table, chairs and screen, there are many shadows, making it look even darker.

A bright world and a dark world blended together in this room. Li Furen wandered around the room uneasily, walking in the light for a while, walking in the dark for a while, and being swallowed by the darkness for a while. , and after a while he emerged from the darkness.

The candlelight was rising suddenly, exhaling wisps of green smoke, which reflected on the window frame on the wall, as if some spirit was dancing in a seductive manner.

Surrounded by the pitch-black night, it looked particularly eerie.

Li Furen suddenly stood still and stared blankly at the door.

The left side of his face was illuminated by the candlelight, and the right side of his face looked particularly gloomy. The expression on his face was like the candlelight, constantly swaying.

The Dangxiang Pingxia tribe in Xiazhou is one of the tribes that originated in the Xixia Kingdom. The Li Furen family came from this branch and can be regarded as a distant branch of the clan.

Since the Xia Kingdom moved to Lingzhou and Xingqing Prefecture, most of the clans have moved there one after another. The Pingxia tribe left behind is dominated by the Li Furen clan. He is also the hereditary defense envoy of Xiazhou and controls a very important branch inside and outside Xiazhou. armed forces.

Now at this delicate time, it is particularly critical.

"Master, Mr. Li Guan, the Henan transshipment envoy, is here." A companion announced outside the door.

Li Furen's body trembled violently and he quickly came back to his senses.

"Is he - a person?"

"I only brought five or six followers."

An unusually complicated expression flashed across Li Furen's face, which seemed like a wry smile and self-deprecating, "He really trusts me, who is also a member of the clan. Please come in."

Li Renli, dressed in Hanfu, with a leather armor wrapped around his upper body and a headdress facing upward, hurried in.

"Brother Fu Ren, something bad has happened! This bastard Zhang Yuanqing wants to surrender to the Song Dynasty!"

As soon as people entered the door, they opened the door with a loud voice.

Li Furen rolled his eyes, with a look of surprise on his face, "How is that possible! Governor Zhang has been a loyal and loyal member of our Xia Kingdom for generations, how could he do such an unfaithful and unjust thing!"

When Li Renli came in, although he kept shouting, his eyes were fixed on Li Furen's expression. He was also very surprised when he saw him, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now that the Song Dynasty is powerful, hundreds of thousands of Song troops are marching outside the city. Although Zhang Yuanqing's ancestors made great contributions to Emperor Jingzong (Li Yuanhao) by advising him, but times have changed, he also has to think about the dozens of Zhang family members. We Li and the Weiming clan cannot surrender, how come he, a Han official, cannot surrender?"

After listening to Li Renli's words, Li Furen looked like he suddenly understood, and nodded repeatedly: "Shuai Cao is absolutely right! I didn't expect that Zhang Yuanqing, an old master who was full of loyalty, courtesy and shame, would also do such a disgraceful thing. It's just that he has already done everything he can. It’s difficult to deal with the military power in the city.”

He looked over with a worried look, and Li Renli quickly comforted him: "Weiming Puji has thousands of elite soldiers, and at the same time, he has secretly contacted twenty or thirty loyal people. We just need to wait for the situation to change. Now the defense envoy has The soldiers and horses of the Pingxia Division are the key and play a decisive role in determining the overall situation."

At this point, Li Renli stood up and Kang said passionately: "The defense envoy has three thousand elite soldiers of the Xia tribe in the city. As long as you raise your arms and call, Weiming Puji will respond immediately. He will contact me secretly."

Many loyal people will surely rise up to respond, and by then they will be able to capture Zhang Yuanqing and his gang of traitors in one fell swoop!"

Li Furen patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, Marshal Cao! He gathered his troops in the middle of the night, attacked at dawn, and directly broke into the state government office and took away Zhang Yuanqing and these bastards."

Li Renli was overjoyed: "At this time of national calamity, the defense officers are loyal and courageous. I must report it to the king of the country and reward him heavily."

Li Furen waved his hands modestly: "What I did is what I should do. It's just that Zhang Thief and others are easy to catch, but the Song Army outside the city is a serious problem. Let's go to Shizhou. The Song Army's forward will definitely arrive at Xiazhou City tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

What will happen then?”

Li Renli hesitated and said: "The people of the region do not rely on the boundaries of the frontier, the country does not rely on the dangers of mountains and rivers, the country does not rely on the dangers of mountains and rivers, and the power of the world does not rely on the benefits of military revolution. Those who have gained the right will get more help, and those who have lost the right will have less help..."

He said the same words again, and then encouraged: "Xiazhou City is a majestic city in the northwest. It is tall and strong. As long as we are fully prepared and work together, we will be able to defend the enemy from the city."

Li Furen looked at Li Renli's speech and suddenly felt as if he had returned to Kaifeng City and saw those high-spirited scholars of the Song Dynasty who were guiding the country.

These people are just like Li Renli. As long as they have justice in their hearts, they can be like divine help and defeat all enemies. But Li Furen, who has fought on the battlefield for more than ten years, knows that when swords, guns and arrows are lost, there is no difference between justice and justice.

He frowned and said worriedly: "Commander Cao, His Highness the King of Jin (Brother Richard) has stationed heavy troops in Xiping Mansion (Lingzhou). Now the Song army is raging in Henan. It is difficult to rely on the few troops in Xiazhou city alone.

Make a difference. Has His Highness said when he will go south to reinforce Xiazhou?"

Li Renli hesitated for a long time, and finally said unbearably: "The defense envoys did not know that the Emperor of the Song Dynasty actually ordered one hundred thousand Suzaku cavalry to leave Yanhai and detour to the Liao Kingdom on the Jingdao Road, with the intention of jointly attacking our Xingqing Mansion from the north.

Therefore, the three armies of Heishan Weifu, Baima Qiangzhen and Youxiang Chaoshun are guarding the important areas in Hebei and cannot move."

"So the troops and horses in the hands of His Highness the King of Jin are stretched thin. He has more than enough to defend Xiping Mansion, and he has more than enough to reinforce the Henan provinces."

Li Furen's eyes were bright and flickering in the candlelight.

Someone outside the door reported: "High official, Zhang Zhizhou is here to visit."

"Zhang Yuanqing, what is he here for?" Li Renli was a little surprised. He seemed to have noticed something and looked for clues on Li Furen's face suspiciously.

Li Furen looked indignant, "He actually dared to come! He just threw himself into the trap! Commander Cao and his subordinates immediately went to arrange it, and when they deceived him into the house, they captured him in one fell swoop. The rebels were leaderless, and they would definitely be able to

Defeated in one fell swoop!"

Li Renli was overjoyed and praised Li Furen's unparalleled loyalty.

Li Furen went out and whispered a few words to his confidants, and then asked someone to invite Zhang Yuanqing.

Zhang Yuanqing arrived quickly and when he entered the house, he saw Li Renli at the first sight and actually smiled first.

"Commander Cao is here, so that Zhang will not have to look for you everywhere." After saying that, he turned around and said to Li Furen: "Li Laosan, I have almost made arrangements over there. Weiming Puji and others just need to wait a moment."

Give the order and your head will fall to the ground. It's your turn."

Li Renli suddenly jumped up from his chair, trembling all over, pointing at Li Furen with cold breath, and it took him a long time to squeeze out a sentence: "Li Furen, as a clan member, you also rebelled against Xia and surrendered to Song Dynasty?"

Li Furen said coldly: "The clan? I can't afford it. In addition to being given a surname of Li, what else has our clan got? During the reign of Jingzong, our tribe still had 7,000 tents. What about now? We can only do so if we give everything we have."

I gathered together young men in their early 3000s, from twelve to sixty years old."

Li Renli pointed at Li Renfu, trembling with anger, "You are a thief, you are stationed in the Song Dynasty, haven't you learned a little bit about loyalty, justice, etiquette and shame?"

"It's only after I stayed in the Song Dynasty for too long that I realized that the general trend of the world has changed. Li Caoshuai, in fact, I have become a Song person in spirit, just like you."

"Who is like you! I have learned the principles of saints and sages and raised myself to greatness..." Li Renli suddenly became silent. What he said and what he believed in his heart came from the Song Dynasty. He now firmly believes that it is not the same as

Are you a Song Dynasty person in spirit?

Zhang Yuanqing said impatiently at the side: "Don't get entangled with such pedantic scholars anymore. The Song Army has already sent a message, and the army will arrive at the fourth watch."

"So fast! Then we have to move faster!" Li Furen knew that the Song Army was acting vigorously and resolutely. If it were delayed, he might not even be able to eat hot shit.

"Come here, arrest Li Renli and Mr. Li Daguan. Keep them under guard. If you escape, I will use you to pay for your life! He has done a great job! And you, hurry up and report the news to Lao Seven, Lao Ninth, and Lao Eleven.

They take action! Time is running out!”

Li Furen explained repeatedly, his voice sounded particularly anxious in the night, as if someone was twisting a whip behind him and urging him.
This chapter has been completed!
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