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Chapter Ninety-Nine

Sahe Qilte went in front, Qu Ke took Atu'er and Oruan Dong Helie behind, and walked towards the royal tent. When they arrived at the banks of the Halahelin River, they were stopped.

Three thousand troops from the headquarters stayed here, each with a dozen personal followers, and continued walking towards Yanran Mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, I saw a huge tent with three big flags in front. The one in the middle was the Phoenix Nirvana Flag, the left was the black Xuanwu Flag, and the right was the red Suzaku Flag. Next to it, there were two vertical flags.

, each has a line of words written on it.

"It's as fast as the wind" and "it invades like fire".

It's just that at this time, Sahe Qierte and the other two people didn't know the meaning of these three big flags, nor did they understand the meaning of the words on the two vertical flags.

In front of the big tent, stood a tall man, wearing a scarlet dress, with a top and a lower skirt. The clothes were tight and narrow, and the lower skirt was also shorter. There were countless pleats around the waist. The style was actually similar to the Mobei military uniform.

Very similar.

But it is much more gorgeous, with golden patterns embroidered on the chest, arms, and lower lapels, including birds and animals, and a white jade belt tied around the waist.

Wearing a large black silk mesh hat with an eagle feather on top, he stood there and seemed to be integrated with the Yanran Mountain behind him, overwhelming everyone and everything.

"I finally met the three great leaders." Zhao Si spoke first.

On the way, after being reminded by the interpreter Brutaire, Sahe Qierte, Qu Ke, A Tuer and Oruan Dong Helie quickly knelt down on one knee, touched their chests with their right hands, and lowered their heads in greeting.

"Sahe Qierte/Qu Keba Atu'er/Oluan Dong Helie pays homage to His Majesty the Supreme Emperor of the Song Dynasty."

Zhao Si stepped forward, stretched out his hands, and helped the three of them up one by one.

"Please come to the big tent and sit down to discuss matters."

The big tent is very simple. It is not filled with blankets studded with gold and silver jewels, silk as smooth as tallow, and other precious things like Mogusi. It is also not filled with many things like Huerzhahusi.

Various swords, guns, bows and arrows.

There were only a few lamp holders on the ground in the big tent, with tallow candles stuck on them. A felt blanket was spread above, and a table was placed. There were three blankets and tables on each side of the tent.

Sahe Qierte, Qukeba Atuer and Oruan Dong Helie were introduced into the big tent and asked to sit down on the left side. The three of them came in one after another and sat down on the right side in turn.

"This is my secretary, the provincial minister, eldest grandson Moli; these two are my generals, Gao Shixuan and Hu Luxiong."

Zhao Si introduced the three people sitting on the right, then moved to the upper seat and sat down. Next to him, in the lower seat, sat the interpreter Brutaire.


The attendants brought steaming boiled tea, one bowl per person, and placed it in front of their respective small tables. In addition, each of them also placed three small plates with some preserved fruits on them.

"These are preserved fruits that are specialties from the South China Sea and Lingnan. I'll make some tea for you." Zhao said politely.

Sahe Qierte and Qu Ke looked at each other, Atuer and Oruan Dong Helie. After exchanging glances, Sahe Qierte said: "Your Majesty, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty, please take the trouble to come to Kuhan."

What are you looking for in the Mobei Prairie? I wonder if the three of us can be of any help to help His Majesty the Emperor find it."

After listening to Brutaire's translation, Zhao Si nodded and said loudly: "I'm not here to look for anything, but to bring hope!"

Zhao seemed to have said the word hope in Tatar. The three of them were stunned and asked hesitantly: "What is the hope that His Majesty the Emperor is talking about?"

"I know that the Khitans exploited all the tribes in Mobei and divided and conquered them. They bribed a group of minions, and the Tatar people were their most ferocious wolves. Then they paid close attention to the grassland to see who became stronger and emerged.

Whoever comes first will be beaten. If there are both front and back, there will be stabbings, Yefugua and Kelebu, they will all suffer the same fate."

"You surrendered to the Khitans, and all you got was oppression, bullying, war and death. The bloody facts happened over and over again before your eyes. I don't need to say more."

Having said this, Zhao Si proudly said: "What I bring is hope. The peace that the Khitan people cannot give, I will give it to you! The order that the Khitan people cannot give, I will give it to you! The fairness that the Khitan people cannot give, I will give it to you!"

I will give you the wealth that the Khitans cannot give you!"

Zhao Si stared at the three Sahe Qierte and said word by word: "This is the hope I bring to you!"

Huge pressure fell from the sky, tightly pressing the three Saheqierte people. But they did not give in, holding on with their necks straight.

Saheqirt even asked: "Your Majesty the Emperor, is what we see at the intersection of the Tamir River and the Hala and Lin Rivers also hope?"

"That's right! If you want to achieve peace, order, fairness and prosperity, you must first unite! How to unite? We must eradicate the bad apples among them, and then we can achieve everything mentioned above!"

"The three leaders know what these three guys, Ku'erzahusi, Albarihuan and Tubiemaha, have done. The father and son of Mogusi and Ku'erzahusi deceived the six tribes of Kled.

Isn't it miserable enough? Only by clearing out the wild wolves and foxes with evil intentions can order and tranquility be restored to the grassland."

Saheqirte and his companions looked at each other and couldn't help but ask: "Your Majesty, what happens next?"

"I will organize the Xuanwu Banner on the Mobei grassland and divide it into seven wings. The three branches of Kele, Tubiewu and Albati have been organized by me into the first wing of the Xuanwu Banner - the Mu Xie Wing, and are temporarily divided into three.

There are thousands of households. I want three leaders to lead the headquarters to surrender and accept reorganization. The three of them will be the first thousand households. After they follow me and achieve military exploits, the positions of ten thousand households and even the army guards will be vacant."

Xuanwu Banner, Thousand Households, Ten Thousand Households, Guarding Army?

Saheqirte and the others didn't understand it very well, but after listening to Brutaire's explanation, their faces flashed and they looked uncertain.

Who is willing to hand over all his people in exchange for the illusory position of thousands or ten thousand households?

Seeing the expressions of the three people, Zhao didn't say much, but said with a smile: "There will be a bonfire party tonight. The food table has been prepared with spices, beef and mutton, and fine wine. The three leaders and the people of the headquarters, together with the new editor

On the left side of the Xuanwu flag wood, three thousand households of ten thousand households, and all the branches of the Suzaku Army, drink together!"

Sahe Qierte and the other three quickly stood up and thanked them: "Thank you, Your Majesty the Emperor."

As night falls, the stars in the sky are like a sea, and the bonfires on the ground are like stars.

At the foot of Yanran Mountain, beside Hara and Linhe, thousands of bonfires were burning. The sound of crackling flames jumped out of the fires from time to time.

There was laughter and laughter everywhere. The Zhuque Army spoke different languages ​​than the Xuanwu Army and the Saheyi Tribes, but with wine and meat, everything was easy.

Both parties took turns singing folk songs and expressing their happiness.

Zhao Si walked into the dinner venue with Sahe Qierte and three others, accompanied by Changsun Moli, Gao Shixuan, Hu Luxiong and others.

The place was brightly lit by numerous bonfires, and everyone who walked in could be seen clearly.

Seeing Zhao Si walking in the front, the Suzaku Army stood up in unison and faced him with admiration and love.

It was obvious at the venue that Qi Shuaishuai was standing there like a forest. They were all Suzaku troops. They stood solemnly and silently.

Sitting or standing, those who were at a loss were the three troops of Yuan Kelie, Tubewu and Albati who had just been incorporated into the Xuanwu Banner. Those sitting there, continuing to make noise and drink, were all the three Sahe Qilte soldiers.

People brought their own troops.

Seeing that his own troops were reduced to a rabble against the backdrop of the Suzaku Army, Sahe Qilte looked at each other in utter embarrassment.

"Yan Wanshi!" Zhao Si said loudly.

Following the shouts, Yan Wanshi was called out from the crowd and walked to Zhao Si, feeling uneasy.

"It was you who beheaded Hu'erza Husi?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Yan Wanshi stammered.

"Well done!" Zhao Si motioned to his attendants to give him his helmet, and then asked his attendants to fill it with kumiss.

"This is my warrior! Please give a bell! Come, drink!" Zhao Si handed the helmet filled with wine to Yan Wanshi.

Yan Wanshi took the helmet respectfully with both hands, acting at a loss. He looked at the smiling Zhao Si and the overwhelming cheers of the Suzaku Army behind him, and tears flowed down involuntarily.

Without hesitation, he picked up his helmet, raised his head and drank. After taking a few sips, he made a puff sound and coughed violently.

He couldn't drink, so he choked.

Zhao Si laughed loudly, and everyone present laughed.

Bo Ji Changkong smiled happily behind him, "Fortunately, His Majesty poured you kumiss. If the gods were drunk, they would not be able to ascend to heaven immediately."
This chapter has been completed!
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