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Chapter One Hundred and Nine

Lingzhou City in August is as hot as a stove. Especially at noon, standing in the city can make people burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

In the morning, as soon as the sun emerged from the east, it began to show its power. The temperature was finally lowered by the darkness of the night, and the cool air seemed to be lit somewhere and began to slowly heat up.

Brother Richard and Weming Anhui stood on the south gate tower, looking into the distance.

"Dingbian Town, Dongguan Town, and Nanping Prefecture were all captured." Weiming Anhui seemed to have aged more than ten years.

He was wearing a helmet, and there were still a few strands of white hair, which stubbornly came out and were fluttering in the wind.

"The Song army was very determined this time and fought very patiently. In April, they tried to conquer Wei, Yan, You, Xia and other prefectures, but they did not rush to advance. Instead, they calmed down and conquered the walls around these prefectures.

The fortresses were removed one by one. The cavalry divisions were also mobilized to fight with the Tibetan cavalry in Henan in Huangyangping, Diqinze and other places."

Brother Richard, who was speaking, looked dark and thin, as if he had been spread out on the south gate tower of Lingzhou and exposed to the sun for several months, so that he was tanned and dried.

The beard on the mouth and chin is long and sparse, like a mouse's beard, which curls up and down as the mouth moves when speaking.

"After eliminating all worries, we slowly advanced towards our Lingzhou along the Lingchuan River. The officials of the Song Dynasty personally took charge in Weizhou, and their methods and courage are different. Father Shang, I am afraid that the decisive battle is coming."

Weiming Anhui's eyes were very turbid, just like the water of the Yellow River in the north of the city. He did not answer Brother Richard's words, but just asked to himself, "There is still no movement in the north?"

"Li Liangfu sent a report from Wucihaicheng in Hetao a few days ago. The Black Mountain Weifu Army still found no sign of the Song Dynasty's Suzaku Army. He also reported that there was something abnormal in the northern grassland. For several months, the divination people there were

There is actually no caravan going south. According to the White Tatars in the east, on the Xijing Road in Bei Liao, there is a big movement in the north, as if the Khitans are sending troops to wipe out the rebellious Tatars with nine surnames."

Weiming Anhui's eyes lit up, and the turbidity seemed to have stopped and settled, becoming a little clearer.

"The Suzaku Army of the Song Dynasty ran into the Khitan people who were suppressing the rebellion?" he said hopefully.

"Logically speaking, it shouldn't be the case. The Suzaku Army of the Song Dynasty used the Northern Liao Road to go to Beijing. They should have walked close to the south and never dared to go deep into Mobei. The tribes over there are brave and good at fighting. They can easily gather tens of thousands of horses. Isn't that good?

The Song army would not have been so unwise."

As Brother Richard spoke, he took the initiative to change his tone.

"But the cavalrymen of the Suzaku Army became greedy for the herdsmen and sheep in the north and wanted to take a detour to make a profit. The Seven Wings of the Suzaku, weren't they all made up of poor Tibetan tribes and slaves in the past? It's hard to change their greed.

Nature. If we really go deep into the north, we will be besieged by the tribes in Mobei and the Khitans who are suppressing the rebellion."

The more Brother Richard thought about it, the more likely he felt that it was very possible. Otherwise, nearly four months had passed and the Suzaku Army had set out from Juyanhai. Even if they had to crawl, they would have reached the Weifu Army's territory in Hetao Heishan.

Since we haven't arrived yet, it must have been delayed by an accident on the way.

Weiming Anhui's tears flowed out, winding down his wrinkled face.

"The sky has eyes, leaving a way for us in Dabai Gao to survive."

But Brother Richard, who had thought through the entire battle situation, his face returned to its previous heaviness. The relief that briefly appeared just now, just like the coolness left by last night's night under the rising sun, disappeared in an instant.

"Father Shang, even if the threat from the north has been lifted, the Song army from the south is still approaching step by step. Mouning Keren, who is guarding Weicheng in the province, sent a notification that the cavalry of the Song army was found in the Luotuo River area to the east of him. See,

The flag is the Yanhe Cavalry Division of the Dingbian Army."

His tone became more serious, "Father Shang, this shows that the Song army swept through the area north of Xiazhou and east of Weicheng in the past three months. The herdsmen and tribes there were

, most of them were wiped out by the Song army, so they dared to take risks and go directly deep into Shengwei City."

Weiming Anhui's face also became embarrassed, and he wiped his face. The tears just now made his dusty face look like a loess plateau. Such a wipe made it even more ugly.

"To the south is the main force of the Song Army, to the east is the Song Army's cavalry, and to the west..."

"In the Helan Mountains to the west, there were signs of Song Army cavalry two or three months ago. They actually used the banner of the Helan Cavalry Division." Brother Richard added.

"The encirclement on three sides, southeast and west, was indeed a great effort by the officials of the Song Dynasty to supervise the war in Weizhou."

"The people of the Song Dynasty poured out the strength of the whole country and finally showed their great strength. It is like an airtight net that wraps you tighter and tighter, leaving you breathless. Those who had previously complained that the people of the Song Dynasty were not tough enough and had stamina

Not enough, as long as we hold on for two or three months, they will automatically withdraw their troops, why are you silent now?"

Brother Richard was also full of resentment.

He had previously advocated taking advantage of the Song army's full-scale clearing campaign in Henan to launch an attack, turn small victories into big victories, and look for opportunities to defeat the enemy.

After fighting twice and being defeated, the nobles and leaders who had their own agendas found various excuses to shirk the responsibility and refused to send troops again.

I just want to preserve my strength and sell it at a good price.

Zhang Qingyuan, Gao Shouzhong, Xue Yuanli, Liang Heyun, Wei Mingxiongda, Li Furen and other surrendered Han officials, party nobles, and even clans all received preferential treatment from the Song Dynasty.

In the past few months, "newspapers" from the Song Dynasty have been flowing into Lingzhou and Huai, Yong, Shun, Jing and other prefectures in Hexi and Xingqing Prefecture through unknown channels.

No matter how tightly they guard against scrutiny, these newspapers can always penetrate every city, introducing in detail who has surrendered to the Song Dynasty and what rewards they have received. From then on, their descendants can enjoy glory and wealth.

At the same time, he also wrote about someone who was loyal to the Xia Kingdom and stood firm in a certain city... The newspaper generally commended this person for his loyalty, and then pitied him and his family.

He himself is dead, or he will stay in a prisoner of war camp, and he does not know when he will be released. His wife, daughter, old and young are slaves. He was served by others before, but now he has to serve others. It is really pitiful...

It made people panic, and also made the noble leaders and civil and military ministers have other ideas.

If you hold on to some capital and surrender "without hesitation" when the Song army approaches the city, you can not only save the lives of the whole family, but also continue to maintain wealth.

Due to the sabotage of these powerful factions, the Song army was able to calmly capture a large number of peripheral castles and fortresses one by one, move away all the soldiers and civilians in the occupied areas, and strangle the Xia army by the throat step by step.

"Your Highness, as things have come to this, we can't be too demanding. We can only do our best to serve as a minister." Weiming Anhui comforted him. He knew these situations, but what could he do?

Arrest all those people? Then the whole situation may really fall apart.

"Your Highness, sir, your Majesty sent someone to deliver the decree?" Someone came running out of breath and said.

What does it mean to send someone to convey the decree at this time?

The chamberlain who came to announce the edict also looked tired. He must have been traveling day and night along the way.

He unfolded the edict and read in a high voice: "... King of Jin Dynasty Richard Ge was promoted to Ning Ling (King), added Shangshu Ling, served as Xingqing Prefecture Yin, and was awarded Jiuxi... Wei was named Anhui, and he was promoted to the title of Ning Ling.

The King of Wei, the envoy of the Privy Council..."

Brother Richard has a clear mind. By giving him an official title at this time, he is actually asking himself to live and die with Lingzhou City. Emperor's brother, when people die, the lamp will be extinguished, and when the time comes, the jade and stones of Lingzhou City will be burned, even if it is a Zen position

What's the use of being the emperor of Xixia for me?

Weiming Anhui also understood the profound meaning of this reward.

He took off his helmet to receive the order, and his white hair was completely exposed, fluttering in the wind, like the snow-capped Helan Mountains in winter.

"Your Highnesses, thank you. The younger one is in a hurry to go back to Xingqing Mansion for business." The chamberlain said with a smile.

Judging from his tone, he doesn't want to stay in the dangerous Lingzhou City for even a moment. But how safe is Xingqing Mansion that you are rushing back to?

Brother Richard glanced at the chamberlain coldly, stood up, and pulled the edict from the hands of the stunned chamberlain.

Weiming Anhui knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the yellow mud three times, causing the yellow dust on the ground to rise up in a circle. When he raised his head, his face was filled with tears.

"Old minister, thank you for your kindness. You can only die to repay your country and express your gratitude to the emperor for his kindness."

What the veteran said with all his strength was extremely desolate. Brother Richard, who was standing next to him, had wet eyes.

At this time, a trumpet sounded outside the city. Brother Richard helped Weiming Anhui and said calmly.

"The Song army finally started to attack. Father Shang, let's go."


Brother Richard supported Wei Ming Anhui and walked towards the south gate tower. The other generals, officers and soldiers followed closely behind him, leaving the chamberlain who announced the decree standing there alone.

You are a genius, remember in one second: Red Oasis:
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