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Chapter 138: A Round of Autumn Shadows Turning into Golden Waves (2)

Sun Fu remained silent, his beard on his chin raised up and down, fully demonstrating the incomparable indignation in his heart.

For people like him who uphold the principles of saints and sages, what they hate most are those who are deviant from the truth; the second is those who are unfaithful and unjust, and do not keep their word.

The Liao people let everyone go, and made them go through all kinds of painstaking efforts to eradicate the traitors and straighten the government. But the plan was abandoned halfway. How could they not make this old master angry?

Zhang Bangchang looked around and found that the others, led by Zheng Juzhong and Wang Fu, were surrounding Feng Jinnu to praise them, and no one paid any attention to them here.

So he whispered: "Sun Gong, Wang Gong, it's not that the Liao people are unwilling to contribute, but something unexpected has happened. Yelu Yujian, Xiao Zhonggong, Zuo Qigong, Yu Zhongwen and others jointly wrote a letter of remonstrance to Emperor Tianzuo, As a result, the leader of the Liao Dynasty, Long Yan, was furious. He gave death to some and demoted others to others. There was really nothing he could do, so he had to break the promise."

"Remonstrance?" Sun Fu asked, "What remonstrance?"

Zhang Bangchang recited the letter of remonstrance, which was handed over by Liang Shicheng to Xiao Fengxian and signed by Yelu Yujian and others.

After Sun Fu and Wang Shiyong listened, the hairs all over their bodies stood up, and they felt a surge of righteousness, like a white rainbow piercing the sun, rushing straight to their foreheads.

"There are still such loyal and virtuous people in the Liao Kingdom! Only a loyal and loyal minister can write such a noble and upright remonstrance!"

Sun Fu sighed with tears in his eyes.

Wang Shiyong wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his hands and said sincerely: "The Northern Transmission of Classics and Meanings has finally cultivated a group of Confucian scholars with strong character. I am not alone in my teaching!"

Thinking that they were cooperating with the loyal and virtuous people of the Liao Kingdom, and that what they were doing must be a just thing to promote Confucianism and Taoism, the little guilt they had about borrowing the Liao soldiers to go south disappeared.

Wu Min, who had been silent at the side, noticed that Sun Fu and Wang Shiyong suddenly straightened their waists and became more confident.

Zhang Bangchang was a little impatient and said angrily: "Sending a remonstrance is a good thing, but you should also choose a good time. Sending the remonstrance at this time has angered the Lord of Liao. Breaking our agreement is a trivial matter, and so on A major event has been launched, but it is abandoned halfway, for fear that the news will leak out and attract the minions of treacherous ministers."

Wang Shiyong's face turned gloomy and his eyes flickered.

Sun Fu scratched his neck and said nonchalantly: "We have righteousness in our hearts, so why should we be afraid of demons and evil spirits?"

Wang Shiyong, Zhang Bangchang, and Wu Min glanced at him and changed the subject in unison.

"Zheng Dafu, Wang Jiangming, you are still in the mood to listen to music and give rewards at this time. You are really open-minded." Wang Shiyong said, stroking his beard.

Zhang Bangchang looked with envy at Zheng Juzhong and Wang Fu, who were surrounded by people and praised them, and said bitterly: "They two have voted for the Ming Dynasty. His Royal Highness the King of Wu is very humble, courteous to the virtuous, and treats the virtuous staff with great respect." He is truly worthy of being a wise king."

"Becoming an Immortal in One Step"

Yes, why can I only run under the door and not get into the inner core? If I can't get into the inner core, I can't make money from King Wu. I'm really worried!

After the Dunyushan conspiracy, Hebei was undergoing a major purge, and Zhang Bangchang's tribe was implicated. His future was uncertain, so he made up his mind to sell his belongings and go to Kaifeng City to "study". In fact, he was looking for a way out.

After being introduced by someone, I got acquainted with Wang Fu and became a member of King Wu's party.

It's just that he is only in his twenties, has no reputation, and has no capital. Naturally, he can only become a peripheral member. He has no chance to enrich his own pockets like Zheng Juzhong and Wang Fu. Being able to participate in such a major event can be regarded as his cleverness and ability to infiltrate the business.

Sun Fu stroked his beard and said: "Now it seems that the late Emperor Zhemiao was seriously ill and lost his mind. How could he pass the throne to... The tripod should be passed to His Highness King Wu. If he becomes an official, he must be an upright person."

Yingchao, uphold the principles and uprightness!"

Wang Shiyong's face changed slightly, and he whispered: "Mr. Sun, now that traitors are in power, with eyes and ears all over the place, be careful, be careful!"

Sun Fu also knew how powerful he was, so he stopped talking about these things and moved on to other things.

"The country of Xixia has a rare opportunity to negotiate peace with our dynasty. We should treat each other with sincerity and benevolence, and then use the principles of sages and sages to subtly influence us. We will naturally abandon violence and follow good. From then on, the two countries coexist in harmony, just like the two countries of Song and Liao.

, continue the good story for another hundred years.”

In Sun Fu's mind, why was Xixia founded the country, why did it always plunder the northwest, and whether the last peace negotiation was out of sincerity or because he was hurt? He didn't care about it, and he didn't think about it.

In his opinion, all the principles in heaven and earth cannot be derived from the Four Books and Five Classics. The Xixia people were violent and unruly because the Song people did not educate them enough.

Wherever sincerity comes, gold and stone are the same! Is there any stone in this world that cannot be covered with heat? It’s just that we people in the Song Dynasty are not sincere enough!

Wang Shiyong, Zhang Bangchang, and Wu Min remained silent and listened quietly.

There was no taboo in discussing the relationship with Xia Guo, and he could speak freely, so the three of them did not stop him.

Sun Fu continued, minding his own business: "But the officials listened to the slander and insisted on fighting violence with violence! They resorted to violence for a while, just to leave a name for history. They devoted the whole country's efforts to pursue their own desires. How can the people of the northwest deserve it? What can the people of the Central Plains do?

Why? But now the fields are deserted and farming is not flourishing. Next year there will be great chaos. This is a man-made disaster!"

Wang Shiyong echoed a few words from the side: "Yes, the officials organized and trained the new army, and the traitors flattered and boasted, and praised it as the world's most powerful army. As a result, they raised 500,000 troops to deal with the small country in the corner of Xixia, but progress was slow for more than half a year.

As Sun Gong said, wasting all the people's energy in order to gain a false reputation, how is it different from Han Wu?"

Zhang Bangchang was adding fuel to the fire.

"So what if Xixia is conquered? The country is poor and the people are poor. How to fill the huge hole left behind? It must be the use of treacherous ministers and cruel officials such as Sang Hongyang and Jiang Chong to collect people's wealth and drain their bones and marrow. The people of the world are so unfortunate.


Sun Fu's eyes lit up and he said approvingly: "Zi Neng's words are quite insightful and hit the nail on the head. The current situation is very similar to the extreme wars during the Han Dynasty, arrogance and tyranny, exhausting the country, and the soldiers on the other side. I

We should follow the example of the sages, work hard, fight against the traitors, swear to the death to correct the path of justice, and then return to the throne."

When Wu Min saw the opportunity coming, he immediately added: "What Mr. Sun said is absolutely true. Now that Liao soldiers and other foreign aid are not available, I am worried that many like-minded people will be discouraged."

"No!" Sun Fu replied very firmly, "Chen Shi (Chen Cisheng), Chen Yingzhong (Chen Guan), Ren Deweng (Ren Boyu) and others are all virtuous and gentlemen. They are loyal in their hearts, how can they be discouraged?"

Wu Min was surprised and happy, "At that time, Duke Ying, Duke Ying and Duke De Weng were all famous loyal ministers in the world. They actually stood on our side. What a great help!"

Sun Fu stroked his beard and said proudly: "A certain person had a good relationship with the three of them. At that time, Chen strongly opposed the use of warfare and proposed six policies: "taoism, learning from ancient times, self-cultivation, benevolence to the people, advocating thrift, and frugality."

The family was kept in a high cabinet, and even Zhang Dun sneered at him. How could he not be ashamed and annoyed!"

"Chen Yingzhong and Ren Deweng had always been strongly opposed to the treacherous Prime Minister Zhang Pifu. They were impeached many times during the reign of the late Emperor Zhe Miao, and they have listed his misdeeds. It's just a shame that the late Emperor believed his slander and did not listen to his loyal advice, which led to today's disaster.

..Nowadays, the officials are even more fond of the treacherous prime minister, and they actually deposed him from the admonition platform and blocked the way of speech. Throughout the ages, this is the case for cowardly kings and treacherous ministers!"

After hearing Sun Fu's extremely indignant words, Wang Shiyong and Zhang Bangchang had uncertain expressions on their faces.

Wu Min, however, clapped his hands in approval and said a few passionate words along with his words, which brought out all the worries in Sun Fu's heart. He talked endlessly about how he and other people with lofty ideals planned to correct the path of restoration and recovery.

Chaozuna's plan.

When it came to the end, even Wu Min, a loyal observer, couldn't help but dissuade him: "Mr. Sun, there are many talkative people here, so it's better to be cautious."

Sun Fu's face was flushed with anger, but his reason told him that he should be cautious about some things.

In the end, he could only say angrily: "The world is so big, but there is still a place for us righteous people to explain our principles and express our loyal words freely!"
This chapter has been completed!
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