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Chapter 148

The second person on the list recommended by Old Master Fan is General Xu.

This is because Old Master Fan has accepted many new ideas through the subtle influence of the officials in recent years, and he does not resist the Apocalypse New Deal as much as he did the Xining Reform.

So he recommended General Xu, a moderate from the New Party.

The third person is Han Zhongyan. In the opinion of Old Master Fan, this is the most suitable candidate. This person also belongs to the Conservative Party.

During the Yuan You Genghua period, Sima Gong, Xiao Lu Gong (authored by Lu Gong) and others successively tried to kill the new law. Fan Jigong, Xiao Su Gong and Han Shipu tried their best to oppose being beaten to death with a stick and demanded that the new law be screened and the good ones be retained.

Next, remove the bad ones.

Nowadays, some people are brazenly commenting on the cowardice and incompetence of Han Zhongyanyong, the right minister of Zhongshu Province. In fact, this is very unfair.

In Cai Bian's view, Han Shipu was a tolerant and virtuous man. Although he was not as upright and stubborn as the Fan brothers, he was clear, sincere, fair and honest, which was another style of life.

Cai Bian secretly speculated that Old Master Fan must have felt that in recent years, the officials and Zhang Zihou had used violent means to implement the Apocalypse New Deal, causing considerable harm. Therefore, he recommended Han Zhongyan to neutralize and alleviate Old Master Fan.

Perceived hostility.

Zhao Si also heard the profound meaning behind Fan Chunli's recommendation of these three people. He sat at the top and thought silently for a while, then nodded to Fan Chunli and said, "I understand Uncle Fan's good intentions."

Hearing what Zhao Si said, Cai Bian couldn't help but sigh.

Cai Bian has been with the official family for several years, and he is a top person who has insight into people's hearts. He can still figure out some of the holy meaning.

Han Zhongyan was not qualified to be the Grand Prime Minister or the general in charge of state affairs, because he did not meet the requirements of the official family. However, he could definitely serve as a left-right servant and serve as a buffer between the two provinces of Shangshu and Zhongshu, as well as local counties.

Now that he has arrived, General Xu Chongyuan is one step closer to the position of Dazai. Because he now has the recognition and recommendation of Zhang Dun and Fan Chunli.

Zhao Si turned to Su Che and asked sincerely: "Little Su Gong, who do you recommend?"

When Fan Chunli recommended him just now, Su Che's face turned red. He was not excited, but ashamed. He was self-aware and knew that he was studying with the prince and was just a foil.

If Fan Chunli, an upright and honest man, had not recommended him, Su Che would have suspected that he was deliberately humiliating himself.

He witnessed the entire implementation process of Tianqi's New Deal in the past few years, and saw the methods used by the officials and Zhang Dun to implement the New Deal. He knew clearly that he did not have the skills and courage at all.

Gradually, Su Zhe became depressed. What's wrong with being the convener of a meeting? It suited his temperament.

Su Zhe was neutral and prudent. At the Zhongshu Provincial Legislative Conference, when all parties were arguing, he was not impatient or annoyed. He kept the demands of all parties in mind. After the meeting, he met privately one by one to mediate.

He belongs to a literary great, with all his qualifications and reputation. When he was relegated a few years ago, he and his brother advanced and retreated together, supporting each other. In times of adversity, friendship was strong and there was no lack of resentment.

Who among the scholars in the world does not respect him?

So when he sat in the middle, even if representatives from all parties had great opinions, no one dared to act arrogantly in front of him.

During the third reading of the law, he wrote the draft revisions, and after the vote passed, he wrote the corrections.

His writing style of precise discussion and concise rhetoric is vividly reflected in his writing. A boring law can make him write concisely, accurately and with great literary talent, which has become a text model and ceiling for later generations of law.

So Su Zhe would rather continue to be a Situ with a nominal name but no real power. Now Zhao Si consulted about the candidate for Dazai, and he named his candidate without hesitation.

"Your Majesty, I recommend Xu Chongyuan and Han Shipu."

Except for removing himself, the candidate recommended by Su Che was exactly the same as Fan Chunli.

Zhao Si lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head and said: "What I mean is that Lu Jifu, the left servant, was transferred to Zuo Zizheng of the Zhongshu Province; Huang Gong (Huang Fu), the right servant, was transferred to Chengjun University to offer wine, and An Gong (

An Tao) was transferred to Biyong University to offer wine. Privy Council envoy Xu Gong (Xu Chongyuan) was transferred to Zuopushe, Right Assistant Minister Han Gong (Han Zhongyan) was transferred to Youpushe, Cai Yuanchang, Minister of Planning, was promoted to Youpushe. Hanyang County Duke Yao Gong

(Yao Lin) took over as Privy Council envoy."

After saying that, Zhao Si's eyes swept over everyone's faces one by one, and asked in a deep voice: "My lords, what do you think?"

Everyone understood immediately.

The officials have decided to use General Xu to take over as Dazai. Han Zhongyan, as his first deputy, will be replaced by Zuo Pushe, and then one or two right servants will be replaced. Together with Cai Jing, they will fill in the new Shao Zai.


This matter is of great importance, and everyone must think about it carefully in their hearts.

Xu will serve as the chief minister, Cai Jing will serve as his right servant, and Zhang Dun will do everything he can.

General Xu was his approved candidate, and now it seems that he has indeed received the acquiescence of the conservative party headed by Su Zhe and Fan Chunli as he expected, because he is a moderate of the new party.

That's enough.

In the Apocalypse New Deal, I am one of the first to attack the camp. I must be strong and sharp in order to fight my way through the obstacles. Now that the city wall has been climbed, the prime minister needs to be more steady and steady in addition to continuing to be tenacious and courageous.

Xu will be able to take on this important task.

Han Zhongyan will hand over Zuopushe. After thinking about it for a few times, Zhang Dun suddenly discovered a problem. According to the official arrangement, the next "leadership team" of Shangshu Province will be all new party, and Han Zhongyan, a conservative moderate, will be added.


Conservative Party moderates? Han Zhongyan, Su Che, Fan Chunli, the deceased Su Shi, Fan Chunren and others all belong to this group.

There is also a group of people in the conservative party, such as Sima Guang, Lu Gongzhu and others, who are die-hards who want to kill them all. After the death of these old guys, the court was led by Ren Ji, Chen Cisheng, Chen Guan, Ren Boyu and others, and the people were led by Cheng

Led by Hao Luoxue and others, they are inherited from the same line and belong to the conservative die-hards.

However, Ren Ji, Chen Cisheng and others were suppressed and eliminated by the officials and were marginalized; Cheng Hao's Luoxue also had to divide and change under the great waves.

In the ruling and opposition parties, the die-hards can hardly be seen and their voices cannot be heard.

What about our New Party radicals who insist on reform?

Zhang Dun's heart was filled with turmoil.

I used to belong to the radical faction, and I would fight and kill anyone who dared to oppose the reform. However, after the officials came to power, under his subtle influence, I rarely killed anyone, but the New Deal was being implemented smoothly.


Clear goals, unify ideas, use laws to regulate and restrict administrative behavior, official training courses, new examination laws, new law pilots, exploratory reforms...

A series of nouns flashed through Zhang Dun's mind, and by the end, a faint smile appeared on his lips.

Lu Huiqing was transferred to Zhongshu Province and became an official himself, which meant that the radicals of the New Party also quietly exited the stage. In the court, the remaining ones were moderates, the conservatives and the moderates of the New Party, or those who were pragmatic and idealistic.


Unknowingly, the officials renovated the Song Dynasty temple.

Fan Chunli opened her lips, something was stuck in her throat, and she felt uncomfortable if she didn't say it.

Yao Lin appointed a military general as the envoy to the Privy Council. Fan Chunli thought it was inappropriate and violated the ancestral precepts of restraining military generals.

But after thinking about it, he swallowed his words. During the reign of Emperor Renmiao, the famous general Di Qing was promoted to the Privy Council, and his father was one of the pushers.

Seeing that no one had any objections, Zhao Si turned to Cai Bian and said, "Mr. Yuandu, please draft an imperial edict and send it to the three provinces."


Not long after Zhang Dun and others dispersed, Zhao Ji, led by Li Fang, stumbled into Chongzheng Hall.

His face was pale, as if he had come back from a ghost gate. When he saw Zhao Si, he shouted in a trembling voice: "Thirteenth Brother - Official - Your Majesty, please save my life!"
This chapter has been completed!
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