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Chapter 150: The Brother Kong Huaiju Bean (2)

Zhao Si frowned and walked to the other side with his hands behind his back. Li Fang, who was standing on one side, quickly called the chamberlain who was on duty outside the palace and carried Zhao Ji and Zhao Ji out.

Then she asked the chamberlains to open the doors and windows, holding a long-handled fan, and fanned the air outside. After a while, when the stench had subsided, Li Fang asked four chamberlains to light dipterocarps and put them in copper julepton balls.

I smoked it several times everywhere.

The rich aroma wafted throughout the entire hall, and finally the smell just now was gone.

Zhao Ji and Zhao Ji were tidied up and returned to the Chongzheng Hall with the help of the chamberlain. As soon as they were helped to their seats, they heard/saw Zhao Si walking over and kneeling on the ground again with a pop.

Li Fang and the servants bent down and retreated outside the palace. He could faintly hear his voice coming in.

"If anyone spreads what happened just now, he will be beaten to death immediately. If you hear clearly, just give me a nod. You are not allowed to agree, and don't disturb the official's lecture!"

Zhao Ji and Zhao Ji also heard Li Fang's words, rolled their eyes, and the expressions on their faces seemed to relax a little.

It seemed that the officials did not want his own life.

Zhao Si looked at the expressions of the two people and continued: "It involves serious crimes, and I told them to check it out. People like Chen Cisheng claim to be loyal ministers. Although they do things based on selfish interests and abandon the righteousness, they are honest and honest.

, it has confused the world. If the evidence is not collected and the case becomes a solid case, it will be really hard to take action."

"So it has been delayed until now. You guys, seeing that nothing has happened for a long time, do you really think that you did it without being noticed and escaped by chance? You secretly celebrated with your hands, and then came out one after another to go back to their old ways. Huh, it's really dead.

If you don’t change your nature, you will be worthy of death!”

Zhao Ji shuddered when he heard the last two deadly words.

Only then did he realize that he was a big fool and was being manipulated by the officials without knowing it. Two days ago, during the women's polo team competition, he recommended those people to the officials without hesitation.

No wonder the official's expression was very strange at that time, and he didn't understand it yet. Thinking about it now, the official must be laughing at himself for being so stupid as a pig!

Thinking of this, Zhao Ji panicked.

Zheng Juzhong and others have done a lot of dirty things. Those guys are not hard-core, and they don't need to be punished. As long as they are led around Kaifeng No. 1 Prison, they will spit out any bezoars and dog treasures.

Confession? Zhao Ji was startled. He suddenly thought that with the nature of these guys, they would blame everything on themselves, saying that they were the masterminds and they were just following orders.

As long as he can survive, the benefactor can be sacrificed.

Zhao Ji's face turned extremely pale again.

In this case, wouldn't he be the main culprit in these major crimes? Treason, regicide, collusion with foreign enemies... put together, killing dozens of members of a family three times would not be enough to satisfy the crime.

Zhao Ji trembled with his lips and was about to scream for mercy again, but Zhao Si stopped him.

"Don't ask for mercy. If I really want to kill you, you won't even be able to enter the imperial city, and you will be taken directly to the prison. By now, you can see it. I won't hide it from you. Indeed, so far,

, I have no intention of taking your lives. That’s right, I have no intention of killing you now.”

Zhao Si put his hands behind his back and looked at Zhao Ji and Zhao Ji coldly.

"First of all, no direct evidence can be found to prove that you two are related to this major case. The oath of alliance between Sun Fu, Chen Cisheng and others only has their signatures, not your handwriting; about the connection with Beiliao, Sun Fu

The secret letter given to Zheng Juzhong is also a secret letter written by Xiao Sengge brought back by Zhang Bangchang; the secret letter leaking Xixia is Chen Guan's personal letter. Although his signature is not well-known, anyone familiar with it will know it at a glance."

"He also wrote in the letter shamelessly that he violated his conscience and leaked the secret to Xia State for the sake of the people of Song and Xia Dynasties, so that they would no longer suffer from the war. But he never expected that he would go through so much trouble and hardship.

I have long been thinking of surrendering to the Song Dynasty. I deliberately made false promises to Chen Guan, Ren Boyu and others, deliberately made excuses, and insisted on writing a personal letter to Chen Guan, Ren Boyu and others."

"After receiving the letter, the senior official of the Xia Kingdom immediately surrendered the city and presented the letter as a pledge of surrender. In order to confuse Chen, Ren and others, the Privy Council deliberately listed the Han name of the senior Xia official as the government official in the battle report.

, the name of the party item was listed as surrender. False and true, Chen, Ren and others thought that the senior official of the Xia Kingdom they contacted died for the country and died with the secret."

Listening to Zhao Si slowly telling the whole story, Zhao Ji and Zhao Ji felt increasingly cold.

What the officials said was true. The activities that I and others thought were seamless and unnoticed were almost unobstructed in front of the officials' minions.

I often hear people say that everything in the Song Dynasty is under His Majesty's gaze. I don't believe it, but I have to be stubborn. Now I know how powerful it is.

It's just that the life and death of dozens of members of his family all depend on the official's thoughts.

Seeing the expressions on the two people's faces, Zhao Si continued.

"Secondly, I don't want to leave a bad reputation. No matter what, I have to keep you to show off."

In fact, there is another very important reason that Zhao seems to have not said. Through several major cases, he has thoroughly seen through the two brothers. They are ambitious but cherish life, greedy for profit but timid. They want all the benefits, and all the subordinates take the blame. Such a person

, it’s surprising that it can be done. Besides, in this major case, they never took the initiative to organize people and issue instructions. It was just that the group of "loyal people" came to the door and just acquiesced.

It's better to stay in this world and be a mascot.

"Zheng Juzhong, Wang Fu, Wang Xiaodi, Li Di, Zhang Bangchang, Sun Fu, Chen Cisheng, Chen Guan, Ren Boyu and other principal criminals cannot escape from Dapi Abandoned City." Zhao Si said word by word, "Han Wang Yi, Wu

Wang Ji, who did not know people well and believed rumors, cut off three hundred households in the city. Ji was demoted to King Shen, Ji was demoted to King Duan..."

Zhao Si personally read out the punishment for the two of them.

Although they have gone around in a circle and returned to the original title of king, Zhao Ji and Zhao Ji are overjoyed. As long as they can escape, they are willing to take away the title of king.

"I thank Your Majesty for your grace!" Zhao Ji and Zhao Ji thanked him without any words.

"When Dali Temple approves the death penalty for Zheng Sun and others, you two will go and watch the execution. They have sacrificed their lives for you, so you have to give it away."

Zhao Ji and Zhao Ji suddenly raised their heads and looked at Zhao Si in disbelief.

Watching the execution? Watching these familiar people cut into two in front of their eyes, with their heads in different places and dripping with blood... The two of them shuddered and did not dare to imagine any more. They wanted to refuse, but when they saw Thirteenth Brother

With that arrogant and cold look, he didn't dare to say anything.

But Zhao Si's words continued to fall into their ears.

"After observing the punishment, I hope that the two brothers will think carefully and stop being confused in the future. My tolerance is limited. If this happens again, you will no longer be watching the punishment, but others will be watching your punishment!"

After saying that, Zhao Si said without looking back: "Senior companion, send the two brothers back to their homes. Presumably by this time, the people who are involved in your respective homes have been arrested, so you can go back in peace."

Zhao Ji and Zhao Ji felt scared and miserable. They wanted to cry but did not dare to cry.

After what the officials said, it was really more uncomfortable than killing them. But no matter how uncomfortable it is, you have to endure it. Is it possible that you really want others to watch your punishment?

Zhao Ji and Zhao Ji had their livers and gallbladders broken, and their souls were gone. With the help of the chamberlain, they stood up unsteadily, saluted the officials, confessed their sins, and staggered out of the palace with the help.

Zhao Si looked at the two people's backs and said unceremoniously: "Brothers, from now on, you should focus on vocal music and competition. Keep yourselves clean and don't be used by people with ulterior motives anymore."

Finally, Zhao Si sent a message to the two of them, "Brothers, please go ahead and cherish it!"

You are a genius, remember in one second: Red Oasis:
This chapter has been completed!
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