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Chapter 155: The Autumn Wind Is Full of Sail (1)

"Mr. Xigu spent some time on this exploration. Hedong, like Hebei and Henan, is a pilot county for the reform of the official system. Officials at all levels of prefectures and counties below Zhili Prefecture have been authorized by the central government to directly manage prefectures and counties.

The official system of the state also allows the county government to make adjustments and improve the reform of the new official system. I have said this a long time ago. But... Hedong County alone spends the most time on the state and county official system and official management."

Having said this, Zhao Si looked at Chang Anmin and said meaningfully: "Even Mr. Ji Zhong only focused on river management, tax reform, and farmland. Hebei and Henan are not as good as Hedong in their attempts to reform the state and county official system.


Chang Anmin quickly said humbly: "Your Majesty, the actual situation of each county's administration is different, and each county governor has his own priorities. Although I have put some thought into the official system, but in terms of encouraging commerce and rectifying business taxes, we are far behind Hebei and Henan.


"Hedong is also far ahead in the Daxing factory." Zhao Si said with a smile, then waved his hand, "Okay, Mr. Xigu, we will talk about these in detail later."

After everyone sat down one by one, Zhao Si first talked to Wujin, an elderly man from Sanlipai Township, mainly asking how the people in the countryside are living now.

Ding Wujin held the crutch, grinned his mouth with few teeth, and spoke tremblingly.

The voice is trembling and the words are jumping, but overall it is still understandable.

The meaning is simply that the current officials are wise, the weather is good, last year had a good harvest, and this year there will definitely be an even bigger harvest.

Then I chatted with Li You and other elders. Their words were all kinds of, but they were similar to Ding Wujin.

Seeing Zhao Si smiling faintly and listening attentively, everyone's originally tense expressions became relaxed. A vague sound of relief could be heard in the entire lobby.

Huang Xingguo's face showed a look of pride that he couldn't hide. The other county magistrates showed jealous looks on their faces. It's really unfair. Why don't the officials stop in this county, but in Xinjiang County?

Cheap this Huang Shengzhong!

This time I have made the official happy, I am afraid that he will rise to the top, and he will no longer be my colleague, but my boss.

Huang Xingguo saw the expressions on these people's eyes and couldn't help but sneered. Do you think it was luck to choose Xinjiang County as the official residence? You have to fight for it!

First of all, it has to be in a good location. It happens to be on the road where officials are patrolling Taiyuan. However, there are many counties along the way. Why did the county government choose this county? Don’t you have any idea?

Because this county has really done a lot of practical things, and they are all solid political achievements, which can be boasted and demonstrated.

The governor of the county, Chang Daguan, the old man of Qiandi, is one of the earliest people to follow the dragon, and the person who knows the temper of the official family best. Does he dare to choose your place of residence? You can't hide your vain things.

Have you been to the official family?

Zhao Si suddenly asked again, "Last summer, the Fen River experienced a major flood. Xinjiang County is right on the river. Was it affected?"

This was not in the plan. Ding Wujin and Li You were busy waiting for the elders to look at each other, not knowing how to answer. Moreover, they were also a little panicked.

The official lives deep in the imperial city, but he actually knows that the Fen River thousands of miles away is flooded, which shows that he is well-informed and aware of everything. Will the officials just notice the adulterated words spoken by his group?

Changxiang Chinese website

To deceive an official is to deceive the emperor, and it will lead to beheading and implicating the whole family!

Seeing that the elder's face was pale and his mouth was trembling and he dared not say anything, Huang Xingguo quickly stepped forward.

There is no other way. If we don't come out and turn around, we will be in a big trap.

"Reply to Your Majesty. Starting from the fourth day of June last year, heavy rains fell in Taiyuan, Jinzhou and other places for four consecutive days. The Fen River surged, and the river suddenly more than doubled in width. Our Xinjiang is located downstream, and the river water collects in it.

.The situation was very critical at that time, and the river level had exceeded the warning mark by more than two feet."

"I immediately asked for help from the prefecture and county, as well as the garrisoned security police and the Zuojian Guards. The security police sent 500 security guards and the Zuojianwei sent a battalion of soldiers and horses to rush to the river embankment to assist us.

County flood control. Three days later, county soldiers and supplies sent by the state and county also arrived one after another..."

"The river embankments in our county have been reinforced every year. In the second year of the Apocalypse, key and dangerous locations were renovated and reinforced. Therefore, although the flood was huge, with the support of the prefectures and counties, and the vigorous efforts of the security police and left supervisors stationed there,

With assistance, our county still managed to get through without any danger. Your Majesty, Qishuiqiao Township is right between the Fen River and the south bank. The Fen River makes a big bend there from north to west, so it is a dangerous place."

When mentioning this matter, Li Youfu immediately had something to say, "Your Majesty, Magistrate Huang is right. The flood at that time was so overwhelming that it was scary. The entire river embankment was creaking loudly. I don't know what happened.

It collapsed. Everyone in the village went up the river embankment, even me, an old man, went up carrying sacks."

"Fortunately, Huang Zhixian divided five hundred policemen in black and yellow clothes and officers and soldiers in khaki clothes in our township. They were all good guys who packed soil to strengthen the river embankments. They were very efficient. With these fresh troops, we withstood the flood.


"The police force in black clothes and the officers and soldiers in earthy yellow clothes?" Zhao seemed puzzled.

"Back to Your Majesty, what Mr. Li is talking about is the security police team and the Zuo Jianwei. They wear dark blue clothes and khaki clothes. The people can't tell them apart, so they call them according to the color of their clothes."

"Oh, that's it." Zhao Si nodded.

According to relevant laws, only the County Sheriff's Office has the right to mobilize the security police, and the Left Guards can only be mobilized by the Privy Council. However, in emergencies, such as floods, earthquakes and other major disasters, states and counties can mobilize nearby security police forces.

and the garrison for help.

The security police and the garrison must respond. However, the regulations are very strict. When dispatching first, they are not allowed to bring any armor and weapons, only vehicles and rescue tools are allowed.

Secondly, after the incident, the Privy Council and the Prefectural Government will conduct a strict review, check with the local states and counties that issued the request for help, and then go to the rescue site for on-site verification...

Some people object to this clause, saying that it will easily lead to rebellion by those with ulterior motives.

Zhao Si said something, careerists are really determined to rebel. If they don't have this excuse, they will find other reasons to dispatch troops.

The duty of the military and police is to defend the country and protect the people. The enemies they face are not only invading foreign enemies, but also natural disasters that endanger people's lives. When communications are not timely, a channel must be left for emergency response so that the military and police can

Perform duties.

Zhao Si asked again: "Where is Jishan County?"

A green-robed county magistrate quickly stood up and said, "To answer your Majesty's question, I am here."

"You were the magistrate of Jishan County last year?"

"Replying to Your Majesty, I was still serving in the County Civil Affairs Department last year. Last year, the flood in Jishan County caused the river embankment to collapse, killing and injuring nearly a hundred people, and flooding thousands of acres of fertile land. The original county magistrate, left and right county magistrates, and the construction bureau responsible for the construction of the river embankment

The principals were all questioned. I just came to Jishan County to take over as the county magistrate."

Zhao Si looked at Chang Anmin approvingly and nodded happily: "That's good! The most important point of the new official system is the accountability system. It can no longer be like in the past, when there is a big problem in the place, the chief executive will write a eloquent review Book, and three more drinks as a penalty, you can get over it. How can such a good thing happen?"

"You have the power to control the life, death and misfortune of tens of thousands of local people. How impressive! But with power comes responsibility! Rights and responsibilities must be combined. The greater the power, the greater the responsibility you have!"

Zhao Si said to the officials in a solemn tone.

Everyone knows that this is the official taking the opportunity to give a warning.

Seeing that everyone was listening quietly, as if they were paying attention, Zhao Si knew that there were only a few people in this group who could really listen.

He turned to the magistrate of Jishan County and confessed: "A lesson learned from the mistakes made by others. Your predecessor was lazy and neglected his duties. You must learn a lesson."

The magistrate of Jishan immediately lowered his head, cupped his hands and replied: "I would like to obey your majesty's teachings."

"Well, Mr. Xigu, has the verdict been passed on the former magistrate, county magistrate and others of Jishan County who neglected their duties?"

"The verdict of the first instance has come down. The county magistrate was sentenced to one year and six months of hard labor for serious dereliction of duty; the left county magistrate was guilty of dereliction of duty and embezzlement and bribery, and was sentenced to fifteen years of hard labor and his family property was confiscated; the two right county magistrates were each guilty of dereliction of duty. and dereliction of duty, the verdicts were inconsistent; the head of the construction bureau was found guilty of corruption, bribery and bribery, and was sentenced to twenty years of hard labor and his family property was confiscated."

Zhao Si nodded with satisfaction. Chang Anmin was worthy of being a young minister of Dali Temple and knew how to deal with these corrupt officials in accordance with the law.

"Very good. After the second instance verdict, as a typical example, we organized all the officials in the county to learn from it. This is a living lesson. If anyone dares to neglect his or her duties and cause losses to the country and the people, this is what will happen!"

Zhao Si said loudly.

All the officials present stood up in unison, bowed their hands, and respectfully replied: "I would like to obey your Majesty's teachings!"
This chapter has been completed!
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