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Chapter Thirty-Six: Begin to Practice

It was lunch time in the canteen of Xiaoqi Camp.

The place was packed with people, and thousands of officers and soldiers of the Xiaoqi Battalion sat in their respective areas according to their subordinates.

Behind the row of tables facing the front, there was a row of people sitting. In the middle was Zhao Si, who was dressed in military uniform.

On his left are Zhang Shuye, Wang Zhen, Gao Shixuan, Hu Luxiong and others.

On the right are Zhong Shizhong, Yao Xiong, Liu Fa, Yang Weizhong, Zhao Long and others.

On the table in front of them were the same wooden bowls used by the officers and soldiers of the Xiaoqi Battalion.

The fire-headed soldier was sweating and served them vegetables. The pork belly was stewed with cabbage, which was fragrant. It was also served with two big steamed buns.

The leader of the Huotou army nodded and bowed and said: "Your Highness, everyone, if you don't have enough, please let me know. I will add more for you."

Zhao Si smiled faintly and said, "Thank you for your hard work, go ahead and get busy."

When the Huotou army officer had distributed everyone's meals, the duty officer Yang Zongmin yelled.

"All rise!"

With the sound of tables and chairs shaking, everyone, including Zhao Si, stood up in unison, just like a wheat field harvesting in autumn.

"Our mission!" Yang Zongmin asked loudly.

"Loyal to the emperor and patriotic!" Everyone responded in unison. The voice was so loud that it almost tore off the roof of the cafeteria.

"It's our duty!"

"Protect our home and our country!"

"Soldiers - ah - must obey and get ready!" Yang Zongmin sang at the top of his voice.

"Soldiers must obey, military orders must be strictly guarded, be brave on the battlefield, not afraid of death, and always move forward. One, two, three, four!!!"

In fact, everyone didn't sing very neatly. Many of the Tibetan cavalry couldn't pronounce the notes correctly and just roared along. But the momentum was fully conveyed.

"Everyone is united, get ready!" Yang Zongmin sang another military song.

"If ten thousand people are of one mind, Mount Tai can be shaken! Only loyalty and righteousness can lead to a bullfight. The Lord will kiss me, better than his parents; if he violates military orders, he will not be free. The orders are clear, and the rewards and punishments are given. If you go to water or fire, don't dare to be late.


For the second song, everyone sang with much better understanding.

Teacher Zhong and others also sang with great interest.

Yang Keshi sang with all his strength, and veins appeared on his stretched neck. His eyes were rounded, as if they were about to pop out in the next breath.

After the song was finished, Yang Zongmin shouted: "The song is over! Sit down and have a meal!"

Everyone sat down with some unfinished thoughts, carrying their own meals, and started working hard.

Only the sound of everyone's mouths chewing was heard, and it was a bustling atmosphere. No one spoke aloud, including Zhao Si.

After eating, after all the soldiers left, and after the Huotou Army collected all the dishes and chopsticks, everyone began to become active.

Yang Keshi couldn't help but said: "The food at Xiaoqi Camp is quite good."

Zhang Shuye took over from the side and said: According to the imperial court system, for the Qingsai, Xiongsheng and other armies, the sergeant's salary is three hundred cents; for the heroic, heroic, Xiaoxiong and other armies, the sergeant's salary is four hundred cents.

The average monthly ration is two stones."

"In the middle, the soldiers are like Gongsheng, Shenyong and other troops. The salary of the sergeants is 700 coins, and the monthly ration is two stones and five measures. The soldiers in the upper level are like holding the sun. The four armies of Tianwu, Longwei and Shenwu. The salary of the sergeants is 1,000 coins and the monthly rations.

Two stones and six buckets. The rest of the spring and winter clothing, several pieces of silk and cotton, and the money for the clothes ranges from 2,000 to 3,000."

Having said this, Zhang Shuye paused for a moment.

"The King has decided that the sergeants of the Xiaoqi Battalion should be given one thousand two hundred coins per month, three stones of food, one set of clothing per quarter, six bolts of silk, and three thousand coins for making clothes. In order to distinguish them from the rest of the Forbidden Army and prevent them from fighting, the King ordered

The monthly salary of the Xiaoqi camp was renamed as grain and salary. The exclusive grain and salary bureau raised funds for transshipment, and the king personally ordered the distribution."

Master Zhong and the others nodded silently.

They are all old men in the army and are very aware of the bad customs and abuses in the army.

The monthly salary, monthly rations, etc. mentioned by Zhang Shuye are all on paper.

Since the Western Army had to fight with their lives in these years, they were given enough. I heard that the Gyeonggi Forbidden Army, except for the four armies that went up to the Forbidden Army, could barely get more than half of it, and the rest were in short supply.

Give some from time to time, as long as you don't starve to death. If you encounter a greedy official, it will make things worse.

His Highness King Jian customized the Xiaoqi Camp in this way, which is considered to be a very generous treatment.

"Your Majesty, in this way, the soldiers of the Xiaoqi Camp will be blessed. However, I am afraid that it will cause criticism from other forbidden troops and make it difficult for Your Majesty." Zhong Shizhong said cautiously.

"What's the criticism? I'm familiar with those guys, and some of them have come to me and said that I favor one over the other. As I said, the officials are determined to rectify the Imperial Army and reduce redundancy and eliminate the weak. The money saved will still be returned to you. Straight mother-in-law.

You thief, if you want to get more money and food, then accept the reorganization. If you reorganize, you will have meat to eat. If you refuse to reorganize, you will only eat shit!"

Everyone laughed,

Among the planting masters, Yang Weizhong, Liu Fa, and Zhao Long looked at each other. The four of them were thoughtful and profound, and they could hear the hidden meaning in Zhao Si's cheerful words.

This is an inducement.

If you accept reorganization, there will definitely be changes, some will be laid off, and some will be demoted. Those who are mediocre and dawdling will definitely have a hard time, and they will definitely not be willing to accept reorganization.

But those who are strong and healthy think it is a good opportunity. After the reorganization, not only will the salary be improved, but there will also be opportunities for promotion, so they will definitely support it strongly.

It turns out that this is the purpose of the Model Army of the Xiaoqi Battalion!

"Your Majesty, I saw that the Xiaoqi camp has a "Soldier Internal Affairs Outline", which requires officers and soldiers to drink boiled water on weekdays, and is strictly prohibited from urinating and defecating. They must defecate in designated places. There are also beds, and the house must be clean and tidy... Is this unnecessary?"

Yanzhi asked curiously.

He and Yang Zongmin are the youngest, most curious, and have the most questions among everyone.

"Zhonggu was born as a general, so he should know the main culprits of the army's attrition. In addition to battle casualties, there are also diseases and epidemics."

After hearing Zhao Si's words, everyone nodded.

Yes, there are countless examples of epidemics in the army, too many deaths and illnesses, and defeats before fighting.

"What Zhonggu mentioned just now belongs to the "Health Catalog of the Soldiers' Internal Affairs Outline". The various behaviors in this catalog have only one purpose, which is to reduce the spread of diseases in the military. This method is based on my reference to historical records and more than a dozen consultations.

It was formulated by a famous plague doctor."

I see!

"Your Majesty, the "Outline of Internal Affairs" also states that you should get up early and go to bed early, train a lot every day, and learn to read and write essays at night. This is quite meaningful, right?" Zhao Long asked.

"That's right. We don't require every soldier to be a scholar. At least they must be literate, understand military orders and disciplines, and know what should be done and what shouldn't be done. Also, if you can read, you can tell them the story of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism.

Principles can also be used to train and select outstanding officers as officers."

Zhao's answer made everyone nod their heads again like chickens pecking at rice.

"It's no wonder that after a few days of training by the king, the Xiaoqi camp was completely different from other military camps, and its energy and spirit began to be different. It must be caused by ordinary daily rules such as hygiene and housekeeping."

Liu Fa sighed.

Everyone nodded. His Royal Highness King Jian really had good intentions.

Looking at the complicated expressions on the faces of Master Zhong, Zhang Shuye, Wang Zhen, Gao Shixuan and others secretly laughed in their hearts. When we heard His Highness tell these truths, we were not as shocked as you.

Just wait, as the training progresses, there will be more places that will shock you.

His Royal Highness King Jian has never been in the army for a day, but he can come up with these good ideas that have never been thought of by senior generals. Perhaps he is truly a "born knower".

Or maybe it was a gift from God...

"Your Highness, there is a call from the official family." Li Fang hurriedly walked in accompanied by Xue Fanzi.
This chapter has been completed!
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