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Chapter 217 Swinging Thousands of Miles Viewing Yujing (3)

After leaving the parking area, he saw the tracks heading into the distance. John was curious and went up to take a look. These two parallel tracks were actually made of iron!

For such a long period, it was all made of iron? What a luxury! The prosperity of the Song Dynasty was indeed well-deserved.

"Dago, where does this road lead?" John asked.

"The warehouse area is the territory of the Municipal Shipping Supervision." Duda replied cheerfully.

"Shifu Superintendent? That vampire devil who specializes in collecting taxes?" Yin Sak asked.

"Yes, they are responsible for tax collection, but they are not vampire devils. We have eight major city shipping inspectors in the Song Dynasty, who are responsible for collecting customs duties. The annual revenue is equivalent to 57 million yuan in silver dollars. Henan Fenhedao, Hebei Bohai, Wudi, Cangzhou

The river can be completed in three years, all thanks to the tax revenue."

"There are also Chuzhou Huaidong Port, Binzhou Dongxing Port, and the construction of the Huaihe River Flood Discharge Channel. None of them can be separated from the tariff revenue. Tariffs are taken from the people and used for the people. I don't know about other places, but in the Song Dynasty,

Billions of people believe it."

John didn't know which of Yinsak's words touched Duda's heart and made him excited. Although he didn't know what these rivers were for, he could clearly feel Duda's anger.

He quickly reassured: "Dear Da Geer, we believe it."

But Yinsak didn't believe it. He stiffened his neck and asked, "Didn't your Emperor use the money? Don't you need to spend money to fight?"

"Our official family has been on the throne for eight years, but has never repaired the palace. He only made clothes once every three years, and the number of chamberlains and maids in the imperial city were gradually reduced..."

"The Chamberlain has his own industry, and has shares in many businesses, factories, and even several banks. The annual dividends are enough to support the royal family. Every year, the Queen Mother and the Empress donate hundreds of dollars from the surplus of the Chamber of Commerce.

Ten thousand yuan will be used for Huimin Center, nursery, nursing home and leakage field..."

"Dear Da Geer, what are these places used for?" John asked curiously.

"The Huimin Center is a medical center that specializes in seeing a doctor, getting medicine, and treating people; the nursery is specializing in raising abandoned babies and orphans; the residential care home is specializing in adopting elderly people who are disabled or orphaned; the leakage field is specializing in burying the orphans.

The corpses of the deceased, as well as those who are poor and have no burial place, old, old, sick, and dead can be placed in these four places."

Hearing this, John and Yin Sak couldn't help but be moved.

The Second Roman Empire, which is now located in the southeast corner, has been fighting for years, fighting the Magyars, Pechenegs, Serbs and other barbarians in the north, fighting the Saracens and Persians in the east, and guarding against the Franks in the west.

Stabbing in the back.

How can there be peace for a day! This kind of action towards ordinary people is a no-brainer.

When we go back to the extremely rich and powerful First Roman Empire, it is natural that the rich were extravagant, lustful and immoral, but they raped the common people and sucked their marrow. In the end, the country perished because of this. Looking through the books written by people at that time, there is the Colosseum

, there are large bathhouses and straight roads, but such measures and facilities are few and far between.

John and Yin Sak were silent. After a while, Yin Sak said: "Da, I apologize to you. I really said the wrong thing. As you said, your Majesty the Emperor, in Aimin, is far from home."

Better than any emperor in the Roman Empire."

"He not only loves the people. He will definitely become the greatest emperor in the history of China." Looking at the doubtful expressions of the two people, Duda smiled, "You will understand slowly as you get to know each other. It's better to hurry up and get things done now.


After exiting the gate of the parking area, dozens of carriages were waiting. When they saw the three people walking out of the door, they all greeted them loudly.

"Get in the car and go. You can get it anywhere in the port area for only fifty cents."

"I'll leave right away, three people and sixty cents, I'll go to the ends of the earth!"


Duda went forward, found a familiar coachman, chatted for a few words, and asked John and Yinsak to get on the carriage.

The black horse was very strong. After sneezing, he stepped forward and pulled the four-wheeled carriage forward smoothly.

"Why is there a bag behind this horse's butt?" John had sharp eyes and saw something unusual when he got on the horse.

"An oilcloth bag for horse dung."

"We have great popularity in Song Dynasty horse carriages, but the horse dung smells so bad that it used to stink everywhere. When Zhang Shaozai was in Kaifeng Mansion, he had to take care of it. He put an oilcloth bag on the back of the horse's buttocks and cleaned it regularly. Who owns the horse?

If you dare to pull it on the street, the government will fine you. Now all over the country have learned this method, it is really good, it doesn’t stink so much. And it is also said to reduce the spread of diseases..."


When they arrived at a building, the carriage stopped.

John and Yinsak got off the carriage and looked up. They saw that it was a four-story building. The foundations were made of large stones, and the walls were long red blocks, neither stone nor wood.

John and Yin Sak didn't have time to ask, so they were pulled into this "Fufeng Bank Quanzhou Branch Port Office" by Duda.

It was very empty inside, with dozens of seats arranged, and a row of counters inside. Before the two of them had a chance to see clearly, a man in his twenties came in. He wore a green gown and looked neat and tidy. One of them came first.

Ru Nuo: "You three, I'm so rude! How can I help you?"

Duda chuckled: "These two are maritime merchants from the Flynn Kingdom. They got the entry papers in Guangzhou. In a hurry, they forgot to exchange silver coins and exchange coupons. Taking advantage of the break at Quanzhou Port, I came to your bank to exchange some.


"Oh, that's cool, please come this way." The man smiled and led the three of them to the other side, to the side of the row of counters.

The counter is a long table separated by iron railings, with a window in the middle that connects the inside and outside.

Someone was busy inside. When he saw the man bringing someone over, he quickly sat behind the window.

The man led the three of them here, moved three stools, said a few words to the people inside, then turned around and said: "Three of you, my colleagues will receive you next. Please take your leave. Rude, rude."


He made a rude promise and walked away.

There was also a man inside. He knew the purpose of the three people's visit, so he didn't go around in circles and asked directly: "You three, how much do you want to change?"

John nodded, and Yin Sak took out a bag from his arms, poured out more than thirty silver coins and a dozen gold coins, and pushed it toward the window.

The man took out a copper plate, put the silver coins and gold coins on it, turned around and said a few words to the back. After a while, someone pushed a car with a water bottle on it, crystal clear, and it was actually made of glass!

This made John and Yin Sak's eyes pop out. However, this transparent glass water bottle was covered with dense markings, which seriously affected its appearance.

In front of the three Johns, the man carefully poured the silver coins into the water bottle, then waited for the water to calm down and observed carefully for a while before saying a number - "eight point seven cubic centimeters".

Then carefully take out the silver coin, wipe it dry with a cloth, put it on a small scale, test it carefully, and get another weight figure.

Then measure the gold coins in the same way.

Then an older man came over, took a knife, scratched the silver and gold coins a few times, and then observed them with a magnifying glass for a while.

After finishing, I picked up the number I just measured, said a few words to the man Didi Gugu, and finally wrote down a number and turned around to leave.

The man coughed and said: "Sir, your silver totals thirty-six pieces. After removing impurities, the combined silver is sixty-nine grams. According to today's silver price, you can exchange it for a water card, which can be exchanged for thirty-two silver yuan. Gold coins... you can

Exchange it for one hundred and thirty-six yuan in silver dollars."

Having said this, the man paused and then asked: "Sir, if you think it is fair, I will exchange it for you immediately. If you think it is unfair, I will return the original thing immediately."

John and Yinsak looked at each other and then spoke.
This chapter has been completed!
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