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Chapter 39: King Jian is about to investigate

Ming Zhaoxia changed into men's clothes and walked to Zhao Si.

I saw that she had slender shoulders, a slim waist, and a long figure. Her face was like a peach petal, and her temples were like a knife. Her handsome eyes were trimmed with eyebrows, and she looked at the sky. The hands exposed by the sleeves of her robe were long and fair, as if they were carved from beautiful jade.

And an invisible murderous intention that is difficult to detect is looming in these hands.

Zhao Si chuckled, never expecting that the number one master in Prince Jian's palace was actually a woman.

At this time, Yu Huatian stood silently outside the house.

Zhao Si winked at Ming Zhaoxia, and she quickly adapted to her new role and went out to guard the door. Yu Huatian entered the room and reported to Zhao Si.

"Your Highness, I've just asked about it." Yu Huatian had a look of pride on his face.

"Xu Tongan's original name is Xu Sangui, and he has an older brother named Xu Ergui."

Zhao Si's eyes flashed and he stared at Yu Huatian.

"How did you know?"

"Your Highness, what a coincidence. I asked Liang Shicheng to go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and look through Xu Tongan's files. I didn't expect that Liang Shicheng had slept with him on a big Kang for three years, so he knows everything about him."

What a coincidence indeed.

"Your Highness, Liang Shicheng said that Xu Tong'an's original name was Xu Sangui, and he also had a brother named Xu Ergui. For some reason, the trustee changed his name to Xu Tong'an in the records of the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

"Not many people know about this, except Liang Shicheng, there are only two or three people. Last year, Xu Tongan, that is, Xu Sangui was assigned to Prince Xin's Mansion. Two or three people who knew about it also died of illness. The guardian of the mausoleum knew the details of Xu Sangui

Only Liang Shicheng is left."

"Last month, Liang Shicheng accidentally met Xu Sangui on the street. He was delighted and wanted to say hello to him. But he didn't expect him to be sneaky, so he became suspicious and followed him quietly. He saw Xu Sangui entering a house and heard a shout.

Say hello to second brother."

"Do you know the place?"

"Liang Shicheng said, go to the second alley on the left of the second alley on the left of Huaichunfang near Zhujiaqiao in the east wing of the outer city, and go into the sixth house."

It turns out that's the case. No wonder Brother Twelve didn't find Xu Tong'an. He didn't know the details and didn't know where to start. So he had to start with the palace guards, which caused a group of Forbidden Army and Xiang Army officers to be involved.

As a result, he accidentally hit the passenger car and injured innocent people.

Zhao Si pondered for a while and then ordered: "I will take people to investigate in the name of investigating the case of the Imperial Guards officer. You continue to secretly investigate the movements of Prince Shen's Palace, um, and Prince Suining's Palace. By the way, get the news about Xu Sangui's true identity.

Scatter out."

"Yes!" Yu Huatian's eyes sparkled.

Zhao Si went out and called Ming Zhaoxia to return to the hall.

"Master Gao, Lawyer Hu, Mengzi, Fanzi and me," Zhao Si began to name them.

At this time, Ming Zhaoxia coughed, and Zhao Si smiled and added, "There is also Zhaoxia, a total of six people, who are looking for Xu Tongan. Master Wang and thirty people, dressed in disguise, are nearby to meet them."

Everyone looked at Ming Zhaoxia, who was dressed in men's clothing, and the long sword at her waist, with different expressions, but no one questioned it.

Zhao Si looked around and saw that no one had any objections, so he continued: "Everyone pack up and set off in a quarter of an hour."

When Cen Meng saw Zhao Si stringing a passion bamboo horn bow, his eyes lit up with joy and he couldn't help but say something.

"Your Highness, this bow is a good bow."

"It's a good bow. It's a good bow that Xiao Zhong gave away as a gift."

"Small species? Zhongshizhong?"

"Yes. Do you know him?"

"Three generations of my family died on Jingyuan Road, and only then did I get my father's official position as the commander of the Japanese Army."

Cen Meng said sadly.

It turned out that he was also from a family of military generals in the Western Army.

Zhao Si patted his shoulder and said, "Come, follow me to adjust the bow."

Cen Meng said happily, "Okay!"

Zhao Si first strung the string and tested the strength of the bow, then stood in a T-shaped position with his head hanging straight, his chest slightly held, his shoulders stretched, his left arm holding the bow straightened, his right hand gently pulling the string, and suddenly exerting force.

Cen Meng could feel the force coming from his back, along his arms as if pushing open a door.

The bow string is stretched to five points full, and then slowly loosened, allowing the bow string to return to normal.

Cen Meng was horrified as he looked at these skillful and flowing movements. He knew very well that he would not be able to reach this level without just a few years of skill.

The prince is really talented and perseverant, and it took him only a short time to develop such skills.

Zhao Si began to wrap the horn bow and quiver with cloth to cover it up.

"Your Highness, are you going with your bow and arrows?" Cen Meng asked casually.

"You won't let me end up fighting in close quarters. So I have to go out with my bow and arrow to see if I can help."

Zhao Si wrapped up his bow and arrow and put it on his back. He really couldn't see anything. When walking on the street, the patrolling army and the imperial army would not come to check.

Xue Fanzi walked in, "Your Highness, you are ready."

"Okay, let's go!"

The group of people walked out of Caomen along Panlou Street and soon arrived at the east wing of Huaichunfang in the outer city.

The sixth household in the second alley is a house with a single door and a single courtyard. The courtyard walls are as high as one person and are made of earth.

There is a copper lock hanging on the courtyard door.

This place is relatively remote, and the entire alley is very quiet. The neighbors are either out doing business or busy in their houses.

It seemed very quiet.

The six people stopped. Gao Shixuan and others looked at Zhao Si, waiting for orders.

Zhao Si stood in the middle of the alley, standing like a green pine.

Facing the courtyard gate, he took off the bow and arrow from his back, unwrapped the cloth, and gave a gesture.

When he was holding his bow and nocking an arrow, Gao Shixuan took the lead, Hu Luxiong followed closely, Cen Meng and Xue Fanzi were separated on the left and right, approaching the house in the shape of an awl.

Ming Zhaoxia stood next to Zhao Si, holding the hilt of the sword in her hand and looking around warily.

She turned her head and saw Zhao Si posing like a standard infantry archer, with his bow ready to shoot, and she couldn't help but feel a shiver in her heart.

The prince is really willing to work hard in order to practice riding, archery, swords and guns, otherwise he would not have such a standard posture.

Gao Shixuan and Hu Luxiong stood on both sides of the courtyard door, while Cen Meng and Xue Fanzi stood in front of the courtyard wall on the left side of the door.

The four of them looked at each other and reached a tacit understanding.

Hu Luxiong took out a copper bar, poked it a few times, and the lock opened.

Gao Shixuan and Hu Luxiong were not in a hurry to push the door open. They pulled out their waist knives and leaned against the courtyard walls on both sides of the door. After adjusting their breath, they stretched out their hands and gently pushed open the courtyard door.

With a creak, the courtyard door opened, revealing an empty small courtyard.

At the same time, Cen Meng and Xue Fanzi quietly climbed over the courtyard wall and entered.

Seeing them entering, Gao Shixuan and Hu Luxiong dodged and rushed into the yard one after the other.

Zhao Si and Ming Zhaoxia looked at them, still on guard in the middle of the alley.

Gao Shixuan and the other four began to look at each room in the yard.

Zhao seemed to be able to tell from their gestures that there was probably no one in the room.

"Bang, bang", there was a sudden sound in the main room, and a black figure came out of the window facing the courtyard door.

This chapter has been completed!
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