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Chapter 257: The Duke of Zhou once came (2)

News of the Battle of the Luanhe River quickly reached the banks of the Hara and Lin Rivers via letter falcons.

Zhao Si is inspecting each thousand households to inspect the recovery after winter and preparations for spring.

In a winter with unusually heavy snowfall, there will always be disasters. But in comparison, it is much better than before. The scattered ones are all due to bad luck.

"Natural disasters are ruthless, but the Song Dynasty is affectionate. This winter, there were two major snow disasters. There were losses, but there were also emergency and health teams who worked hard to provide disaster relief, and there were thousands and thousands of households who braved the heavy snow and came to take command in person!"

Zhao Si explained.

Zhang Yi nodded and agreed: "My subordinates understand. We must keep up with the propaganda work. We must make a good comparison between the old and the new, so as to better illustrate the official theme of 'natural disasters are ruthless, but the Song Dynasty is sentimental'."

Some words don't need to be said too clearly, but the meaning of Zhang Yi's words has hit the topic, which makes Zhao Si very satisfied.

Like Changsun Moli, he felt that among the new generation of heroes, the most outstanding ones were Li Gang, Zhao Ding, Ye Xun and Zhang Yi. However, each had their own emphasis.

Li Gang had his father Li Kui as a guide, and he was more interested in military matters. Now he is gradually taking charge of establishing and developing the navy of the Song Dynasty on his own.

Zhao Ding focused on organizational personnel and judicial supervision, and Zhao Si planned to let him be Chang Anmin's assistant and disciple.

Ye Xun is good at spending money and economics. With more experience, his talents will be higher than Cai Jing's, and his mentality is much more upright, so he can use it with confidence.

Zhang Yi is talented in cultural and educational preaching.

There are also age differences among the four. Zhang Yi is already in his thirties and is the oldest; Ye Xun is in his early thirties; Li Gang and Zhao Ding are similar in age, neither of them are thirty years old.

In Zhao Si's imagination, two of the four will definitely take over the positions of Prime Minister Sun Moli and Zeng Baohua. It will take a long time, and there will be twists and turns in the process. Maybe one of the four will be in poor health, or perhaps

I had bad luck and fell behind the team.

"Zhao Yuanzhen, you are responsible for investigating the cause of the snow disaster and finding out whether it is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster. If it is a man-made disaster, we must investigate it to the end. Xuanwu Banner's new official system has just been implemented, and we need to kill a few chickens."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Yu Wenxuzhong hurried over from a distance, holding a document in his hand, which should be an urgent report.

Zhao Si saw him at a glance.

Yu Wenxuzhong is talented and talented, but he still lacks the courage to stand alone, so he should stay in the secretarial department.

"Your Majesty, urgent report from Liao Kingdom!"

Zhao Si took it and read it in two glances. The letters Xin Falcon brought were all very urgent, concise and straightforward.

He stood on the hill, looking toward the east with his hands behind his back, thinking about something. The thousands of miles of grassland, the stretching Yanran Mountain, and the flowing Hala and Lin Rivers all became his background.

"The stage has been set up. I always love the excitement and can't be absent!" Zhao Si turned his head and smiled at the three staff and said, "Send the order to recruit thousands of households from each Xuanwu Banner to fight."

"Your Majesty, how many troops and horses are required?"

"One for the principal household and one for the deputy household." Zhao replied calmly.

Yu Wenxuzhong and the other three were shocked. They were asking for the entire Xuanwu Banner to be mobilized.

"Hurry up and execute the order! By the way, find Mr. Yue Zhuo Qunyue and ask him to go out with me." Zhao Si walked towards the mount at the foot of the mountain and ordered without looking back.

"The Point Guard Is Here"

The military orders from the Propaganda Department of Xuanwu Banner were quickly spread around, first to the ten thousand households in each wing, and at the same time to each thousand households, and then from each thousand households to the principal households and deputy households, and then trained into ten people

Teams, Centurions and Thousands, gathered at the location designated by Chengxuan Division, waiting for the arrival of the army, and then joined them.

At the same time, the grain and grass supply allocation orders issued by the Propaganda Department were also sent to each of the thousands or thousands of households. The left and right people made history, recorded the affairs, and arranged them, and handed them to the thousands of households to take them along with their troops and horses.

There are also soldiers from each household who need to organize their armor, swords and bows, bid farewell to their relatives, mount their war horses, and first go to the Baihu station to report. Some principal households or Jia households will bring three or five more followers and a few horses.

Most of these followers were almsmen.

According to Xuanhui Yuan’s new conscription rules, those who have been conscripted three times, or who have been away from home for more than five thousand miles, or whose term of conscription has exceeded one year, without fault, can be transferred to a deputy household, and are eligible to earn military merits and share the spoils of war.

If you die in battle, you can also leave behind your family records - the whole family will be immediately transferred to the deputy household.

Assemble at Baihu, form a team, replace armor, swords, bows and horse gear, replenish missing arrows, and then start gathering at Qianhu's garrison. Qianhu organizes into a team of 1,000 people, and appoints soldiers to record events. Dianjun Yu

Hou, military supplies and other left-hand officials - according to the customs of Xuanhui Yuan, each thousand households' participation in the army is recorded, Dianjun Yuhou, military supplies and other officials are all held by senior hundred or Quanqian households.

Then the official roll was taken, the equipment was inspected, and the troops were paraded to observe the military appearance. After everything was correct, Qianhu led them and rushed to the gathering place designated by the Chengxuan Division. The left and right recorders were left at home to guard them - sometimes the left and right recorders would act as left officials and accompany the army on expeditions.

His duties will be temporarily assumed by his deputy.

A whole set of processes, very cumbersome, but very fast.

When Yue Zhuoqun was found, he was investigating several factories in Hening City.

Suddenly, a horn was blown from the Chengxuan Department in the city. The entourage accompanying Yue Zhuoqun on his visit and investigation hurriedly ran out and looked at the Chengxuan Department.

"You bastard, you're going to war, you're going to war!" the attendant said excitedly when he came back.

"Which wings are being recruited?" Many people in the workshop asked curiously.

"The main flag of Xuanwu is flying, and the whole flag is going out!" The attendant spoke excitedly and his voice changed.

"What a bastard! Factory owner, manager, I'm going to fight." Several workers took off their work uniforms, tossed their gloves, and threw them at their workstations, shouting.

A manager ran over and said, "It's a bad day. You're screaming, I'm going to join the army too. Pack everything up and don't delay the work of the people behind you."

Watching these dozen people finish their work in an orderly manner, say goodbye to the factory owner, and leave one by one. Yue Zhuoqun noticed that many of the workers watching had expressions of envy on their faces.

"Do you envy them?" Yue Zhuoqun asked.

"Of course I'm envious! If I go there I can earn military merit and share the spoils of war. Maybe I'll buy the family property in one go."

"Then why can't you go?" Yue Zhuoqun asked again.

"We are supporting households. The main household is not recruiting, so we are not qualified to go. Alas, there are seven supporting households under our main household. I guess it won't be my turn."

"We are craftsmen sent from Hexi County. We do not belong to the Xuanwu Banner and are not eligible to apply. It is good to join the army. As long as we are willing to work hard, we can earn back our family fortune and reputation."

At the urging of the messengers and followers who came to find him, Yue Zhuoqun left in a hurry and joined Zhao Si just to form the former enemy headquarters.

To be honest, Yue Zhuoqun was very excited. He finally had the opportunity to see with his own eyes how the Song Dynasty fought.

First of all, the first impression is that it is fast.

On the third day after Zhao Si issued the mobilization order for the expedition, he led the combat headquarters and set off under the escort of the guards and knights.

After walking slowly for five hundred miles, they had gathered 40,000 cavalry.

When arriving at the Sarikawa River and the banks of the Ryukoma River (Kullen River), Zhao Shi received another urgent report. After reading it, he thought for a long time and ordered the team to turn north, with the target changed to the former Hongyoshi's headquarters.

"Your Majesty, what happened?" Yu Wenxuzhong asked on behalf of many staff.

Zhao Si handed over the urgent report.

After Yu Wenxuzhong read it, he was a little speechless. The situation in Liao Kingdom really changed three times a day.

Zhao Si put his hands behind his back and said: "Huanghuang Daliao, I will give it some respect. Wait and see what they can come up with."
This chapter has been completed!
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