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Chapter 43 Another Village

Manager Pan was so anxious that he stamped his feet and gave orders repeatedly.

"Quickly put out the fire! Quickly report the army patrol, quickly call the fire brigade! Quickly report the horse infantry!"

Pan Tower is only separated from the Imperial City by one street. If a spark floats over and sets the Imperial City on fire, there will be more than a hundred heads above and below Pan Tower that can't be chopped off.

"What a coincidence, we just found Old Man Tan's line, and the kitchen caught fire. Old Man Tan is in all danger of death." Zhao Si sneered repeatedly as he looked at the chef spitting out his fiery tongue.

He turned to look at everyone and asked with a half-smile: "Why did our opponent get ahead of us?"

Ming Zhaoxia shrugged and said with a smile: "Maybe it was the group behind Xu Sangui who did it."

Zhao Si smiled faintly, "It sounds reasonable."

After half an hour of commotion, the fire in the kitchen was put out, and a charred corpse was pulled out, said to be Old Man Tan.

The guys said that when the fire broke out, Mr. Tan was lying in the utility room and taking a nap. He should have been trapped by the fire when he woke up and could not come out.

As for Xu Ergui, he didn't come to work two or three days ago. He said he asked for leave from Old Man Tan and had something to do at home.

"Tokyo is such a big city, with millions of soldiers and civilians, where can we find brothers Xu Ergui and Xu Sangui?"

Looking at the slowly darkening night, the tall lanterns in the pavilions and pavilions, and the tiled roofs, Zhao Si read in his mouth.

"'Thousands of lights illuminate the blue clouds in the night market, and the high-rise buildings are crowded with red-sleeved customers.' The city of Tokyo is about to enter a state of drunkenness and wealth again. The cold winter months, the scorching summer heat, wind, frost, snow, rain, natural and man-made disasters cannot give them a moment of rest."

"Thirteenth Master, this is Kaifeng. A hundred years of peace have dazzled the people here and made them bones. They always have various reasons to have fun, as if they were born for this."

Ming Zhaoxia echoed Zhao Shi's complaints and fell into silence together.

Cen Meng behind him asked coldly, "Thirteenth Lang, do you want to continue looking for Xu Ergui?"

"Of course I'm looking for it, do you have any ideas?"

"Yes. If Your Highness can trust me, please go somewhere with me."

Zhao Si turned around, looked Cen Meng up and down, his eyes flickered, and finally nodded in agreement.

Cen Meng took the lead, and the group of people walked out of Liangmen and entered the west wing of the outer city. They turned east and west and came to a hotel in Anzhou Lane. They found a secluded room to sit down and ordered some wine and food.

"Thirteenth Master, Zhang Xiu's family in Anzhou Lane is a leader in 'foot shops'. His sheep's urine is particularly delicious."

"Haha, I know this. I am also a regular customer of the foot shop. But I have never been to this one."

As soon as Zhao Si finished speaking, the two waiters brought two large basins of steaming dishes, with a strong smell wafting around them.

Those who are used to it will find it fragrant and fragrant; those who are not used to it will only find it fishy and unpleasant.

Ming Zhaoxia frowned, covering her nose with her left hand, holding back her nausea, and her face turned a little pale.

Zhao Si took out a leather bag from his arms, untied it and took out a small sachet.

"This sachet has a miraculous effect in removing fishy odor. Please take it first and get rid of it temporarily."

Ming Zhaoxia blushed slightly, took the sachet, sniffed it under her nose, and her face suddenly became much better.

Seeing that she was fine, Zhao Si turned his head, stared at Cen Meng and said, "Mengzi, it's your turn to speak."

"Your Highness, I feel that we have neglected two people."

"Who?" Hu Luxiong asked.

"Xu Ergui's wife and his three or four-year-old son."

Hu Luxiong was thoughtful, Xue Fanzi scratched his ears and cheeks, and Gao Shixuan was indifferent.

Zhao Si's eyes lit up and he motioned for Cen Meng to continue.

"Let's assume that no one is actually chasing the Xu brothers. Could it be that someone kidnapped Xu Ergui's son? The couple couldn't find it, so they sent a message to Xu Sangui and asked him to come out of the palace to help find him?"

"Or maybe someone deliberately kidnapped Xu Ergui's son and threatened Xu Sangui with the Xu family's only heir." Ming Zhaoxia suddenly answered.

These words made everyone fall into deep thought. After a while, Zhao Si spoke.

"Mengzi, you continue."

"When we searched the Xu family, we found that the things in the home were almost intact, and even the woman's underwear had not been touched. This is strange. Judging from the situation of the Xu family, no one was chasing them at that time. Xu Ergui

Even if my wife follows me and flees for my life, under the circumstances, I should at least take two pieces of personal clothing with me."

"So the younger one thinks that the Xu family and Xu Sangui encountered something important and went out in a hurry. As a result, they encountered an accident and never came home. The younger one was thinking about what important matter it was that caused Xu

Are my brothers so panicked?"

Cen Meng glanced at everyone and continued his analysis.

"After much thought, I realized that they would be so nervous only if something happened to Xu Ergui's only son, the only heir of the Xu family."

As soon as I heard this, a guard hurried over and handed over a secret report.

After reading it, Zhao Si couldn't help but clapped his hands and applauded, "Awesome! I actually asked you to make inseparable guesses."

"Master Wang sent a secret report. The people we sent to investigate the Xu family's neighborhood said that the morning before yesterday, Xu Ergui and his wife were looking for his only son everywhere."

"Later, when the neighbors went to inquire, Xu Ergui said that his son was playing at a relative's house and that nothing happened. The day before yesterday, near dusk, Xu Sangui came home in a hurry. Not long after, Xu Ergui, his wife and Xu Sangui went out, and then they were no longer seen."

After saying this, Zhao Si stared at Cen Meng and said word by word: "Tell me why you brought us here."

"Thirteenth Master, there is a Jianlong Temple not far away. The temple owner's surname is Yu, and he is known as Yu Tidian. I heard that he has profound Taoism and is a guest of high officials such as King Shen, King Shen, and the Crown Prince."

"The guests of Ninth Brother and Twelfth Brother? Really good tricks." Zhao Si smiled and motioned for Cen Meng to continue.

"There is a disciple of Yu Tidian, whose surname is He and whose Taoist name is Huang Song. He is the most trusted by Yu Tidian. He has thirty or forty helpers under him, who is in charge of the land and rent in Guanli. He is half Taoist and half secular, and the government and officials

Everyone in the market gives him respect, and he is considered a figure in the west wing of the city."

The room was silent, everyone was listening to Cen Meng's introduction.

"He has a younger brother named He Qinshou, who is known as the Black-Hearted Rat. Under the guise of his elder brother and Yu Tidian, he goes around doing business and is involved in any business that can make money. The most despicable thing is

, he specializes in kidnapping and trafficking children."

At this time Gao Shixuan spoke, "The Xu family lives in the east wing of the city, and the Black-Hearted Rat lives in the west wing of the city. They are a bit far apart."

"Master Gao doesn't know something. The kidnapping and trafficking of children is a matter of great anger and resentment. Therefore, those who do this business dare not start in the territory where they live. From the west of the city to the east of the city, and from the east to the west of the city."

Cen Meng explained.

Gao Shixuan glanced at Zhao Si, turned around and continued to ask.

"Currently, there are various signs that the Xu family's son was abducted for a purpose, and it doesn't seem like something these bastards did. Is it useful to find a black-hearted rat?"

"In the east wing of the city, someone kidnapped a child. They violated a big taboo against the Black-Hearted Rats and crossed the line. No matter what, we must find this person. They hang out in the sewers and secret passages all day long, looking for

The clues are much easier than ours."

Zhao Si nodded and agreed with Cen Meng's explanation.

"Black-hearted Rat, are you willing to see us?"

"Thirteenth Lang, I took over several businesses as a free man before, ransomed several children from Black Heart Rat, and had dealings with him. Just now I asked the clerk in the store to send a letter to Black Heart Rat, saying that there was

We have to talk about business. This thief who lives in the streets cannot even hear the word "making money".

"Okay, let's wait."

A quarter of an hour later, when everyone had just put down their bowls and chopsticks, a man with a sinister look came in and made eye contact with Cen Meng. The two made a few gestures, and the man looked at Zhao Si and his group, and finally nodded.

The group of people followed him, turning east and west, for a full quarter of an hour, and finally arrived at the entrance of a courtyard.

"Our place is small and cannot accommodate so many people." The man stopped everyone and said with a smile.

"Then the business can't be negotiated. We'll come back another day." Cen Meng said unceremoniously.

The man hesitated for a moment, then led the six people into the courtyard.

Zhao Si and others followed the man, passed through two corner doors along the corridor, and finally entered a pavilion.

The pavilion is surrounded by windows, but they are now tightly closed. There is a large Eight Immortals table and four chairs in the pavilion. There is a teapot and four teacups on the table.

The man said casually: "Everyone, please take a seat. My second husband will be right there."

After saying that, he closed the door and left.

Zhao Si sat down on the left, Ming Zhaoxia and Gao Shixuan sat on his left and right, and Cen Meng and Xue Fanzi stood behind him.

After waiting for a while, Zhao Si looked at the table, stood up and reached for the teapot, ready to pour tea.

Suddenly there was the sound of rapid footsteps outside, and a dozen or so people quickly surrounded the pavilion. Outside the window, they saw shadows of people, the flash of swords, and everyone couldn't help but hold the handles of their swords.

At this time, a high-pitched and greasy voice said proudly, "Quack, you are throwing yourself into a trap!"
This chapter has been completed!
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