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Chapter 285: The Spring Breeze Leaves the People in the West Garden (5)

Xiao Sese smiled miserably, and in turn comforted her sister and her son.

"Sister, now we are surrounded by tigers and wolves, and the situation is turbulent and strange. The three of us, mother and son, only have an illusory status and have nothing to rely on. Naturally, we must work hard to preserve the bloodline of the late emperor. No matter what the world says about the late emperor, he has no regard for his concubine.

I mean it sincerely. So no matter what, I must find a way to protect these children, so that the late emperor will not have an heir, and I will not be in vain for the late emperor's favor."

Xiao Wenshu looked at his second sister with sadness in his heart.

"What evil has happened to our family! Second sister, you are like this, and third sister is now hiding in my house, crying all day long, and feeling terrified all day long."

The third sister mentioned by Xiao Wenshu was Xiao Xifo, the wife of Yelu Yujian. Yelu Yujian was assassinated by Yelu Zhangnu and others. Yelu Dashi ran thousands of miles to eliminate the rebels, and then brought the King of Jin to join Nanjing. Xiao Xifo took his children and fled.


Although there was no formal recognition from the government, the criticism of Yelu Yujian from both the government and the public was extremely fierce. Many people openly shouted that they wanted to eradicate the remnants of the traitors, which scared Xiao Xifo and his children to hide in the home of his brother-in-law Yelu Tage.


Xiao Sese glanced at her sister and glanced at Yelu Ao Luo from the corner of her eyes.

Xiao Wenshu knew it well. Yelu Ao and Lu Ao were deeply resentful about the violent death of their father. Naturally, they had no good impression of their uncle, Yelu Yujian, one of the culprits, and rarely mentioned it in front of him.

"Second sister,"

After hundreds of years of exchanges, the Khitan people's names for their parents, brothers, sisters and other relatives are no different from those of the Song Dynasty.

"Yelü Dashi has entered the capital. He is now the hope of our Khitan people and the only pillar of Daliao. It was he who fought hard for the position of prince of the fourth brother. Do you want to talk to him..."

Seeing that his sister was silent, with an interesting expression on her face, but still a little hesitant, Xiao Wenshu continued: "Second sister, although Yelv Dashi has been defeated repeatedly in the south, in this situation, Sun Wu is reborn, and Zhuge is reincarnated, and he will also have to eat it.


Having said this, Xiao Wenshu lowered his voice.

"I heard from my officials that Yelu Dashi was defeated from Zhuozhou to Liangxiang, but the Liao Xing army in his hands suffered very little losses. This ability is really rare. Having soldiers means having roots. No matter which way the wind blows, they will

Can stand firm."

Xiao Sese said hesitantly: "I'm afraid I will be criticized."

She is now a widow and will soon be the Queen Mother, so her status is sensitive. If she rushes to meet with foreign ministers, she may be taken advantage of by her political opponents and stir up trouble.

Not to mention anything else, Miss Xiao Pu has placed countless eyes and ears in the West Garden.

"My second sister, how old are you, why do you still worry about criticism!" Xiao Wenshu complained that his sister didn't know how to adapt, "Don't worry, I will make arrangements for you, and you will not be criticized. Haha, criticism, Xiao Pu's wise daughter.

.. All the beggars and refugees in Nanjing city know about her deeds. Do you think she has any scruples? These days, let’s get hold of something real first.”

The next day, Yelu Diligu and Xiao Chengqian accompanied Yelu Dashi and Xiao Wenshu to visit the prince and Concubine Wen.

After some greetings, Yelu Dashi went straight to the topic.

"His Royal Highness, Concubine Wen, Yelu Foding has abandoned Yongguan and retreated to Changping. To the north, the Song army detoured to Wuling Mountain and Gubeikou was lost, and our army retreated to Miyun. To the east, the Song army has captured Yuyang City in Jizhou, and Qianfengdu

After crossing the Jishui River, the defenders of Sanhe County surrendered."

"To the south, the main force of the Song Army has crossed the Sanggan River and arrived at the Yongding River and the banks of the Gaoliang River. The 600,000 Song Army has surrounded Nanjing and will soon deploy troops under the city."

Xiao Sese vaguely heard the meaning of Yelu Dashi's words, and she said calmly: "Such military and state affairs are beyond the understanding of us widowed mothers and orphans. I hope His Highness Prince Liang will take the opportunity to consider the fact that the prince is the only bloodline of the late emperor.

Try your best to save one or two."

Yelu Dashi hurriedly knelt down on the ground and replied respectfully: "I have received the holy grace of the late emperor and I dare not feel guilty."

Xiao Sese quickly asked the chamberlain to help Yelu Dashi, please sit down again, and then continued: "Today Dachang Gun, the Prince Consort and the Prince of Liang are all here. Can you tell us what the regulations of the DPRK's collegial meeting are, so that we can

The three of us, mother and son, have made preparations. Whether we live or die, we all accept it, but please give us some time to put on a proper appearance so that we can meet the late emperor in the Buddhist Kingdom of the West without being hasty."

Xiao Sesu spoke sadly, Yelu Diligu, Xiao Chengqian and Yelu Dashi looked at each other, and finally Yelu Dashi spoke with difficulty.

"My dear Concubine Wen, in the current situation, the Liao Mountains are at the end of their rope. The top priority is to preserve the ancestral mausoleum of the Imperial Ancestral Temple and preserve the bloodline. I will discuss with you how to surrender to the Song Dynasty with dignity..."

Yelu Ao and Lu Ao sneered from the side: "Surrender is surrender. If you lose face, how can you surrender with dignity?"

Yelu Dashi lowered his head and looked uncertain. Yelu Diligu and Xiao Chengqian looked embarrassed.

Xiao Sese's face changed, and he scolded: "How old are you, what do you know! Someone, send the prince down to endorse it. If you don't memorize a volume of "Han Shu" today, you won't have dinner."

"Mother, even though my son is young, he still knows the etiquette, justice and shame..." Yelu Ao and Lu Ao struggled to say.

"Drag me down, drag me down quickly! Do you think you will understand the world after reading a few books? You don't understand anything!" Xiao Sese shouted repeatedly and asked the maids to drag Yelu Ao and Luo out.


"I made all the ministers laugh." Xiao Sesu said with tears, "The prince has gone through changes in the past six months, his temperament has changed drastically, and he has become so stubborn. Not to mention inheriting the great treasure and taking on the responsibility of the Emperor of Liao, even his own

It is difficult to save even a small life in this turmoil. My only hope now is to let his brother and sister live well so that the bloodline of the late emperor can be continued."

"I should do my best to protect Concubine Wen, the Crown Prince and the Princess."

"Your Highness Prince Liang, please continue."

"Yes." Yelu Dashi continued: "If you grovel like the Han officials, you will lose all dignity. Instead of living in shame, it is better to fight to the death and have some dignity to meet your ancestors."

Xiao Chengqian echoed from the side: "We also know a thing or two about the thoughts of the Han officials. They just want to take the concubine Wen, the prince, the princess, and the Khitans and Xiren clan members as gifts to the officials of the Song Dynasty.

Seeking their glory and wealth. When they are good, we will naturally be bad."

Xiao Sesu and Xiao Wenshu looked at each other and saw expectations in each other's eyes.

If this is the case, then there is great hope for preserving one's side.

"I heard that the Han ministers are highly regarded by the virtuous concubines. They have the power of the palace and the help of the Han army. They are of the same race and culture as the Song people, and are very close... I am afraid it will be detrimental to us."

Xiao Sesu said.

"Concubine Wen, don't worry!" Yelu Dashi said firmly.
This chapter has been completed!
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