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Chapter 291 External power and internal changes are slowly coming (1)

Su Xie and Xu Lin left Yue Zhuoqun's residence and went to the East Pavilion.

They received a notice yesterday that there was an official imperial edict. After the cabinet meeting this morning, it would be announced to ministers at the deputy level and above in the afternoon. At the same time, it would be formally issued to local officials at the county deputy level and above.

Su Xie and Xu Lin were both ministers of the same rank and ministerial rank, so they were invited.

The East Pavilion is to the east of Chongzheng Hall. It is the place where bachelors, bachelors and other cabinet members discuss matters and take office. Su Xie and Xu Lin entered the East Pavilion and saw that many colleagues had already arrived. After scanning around, they found some familiar people.

Zongze, the Minister of War, walked over.

"Zongbingbu, have you heard the news?" Su Xie asked first.

"What about the imperial edict?" Zongze asked rhetorically.

"Yes. What did the official imperial edict say? Did it cause such a big commotion?"

Zongze glanced at the two of them and said with a smile: "You two are hiding in Gewuyuan and Biyong University, living at ease and not caring about worldly affairs."

"My old master, what is going on?" Su Xie was worried.

The two of them got along with Zongze when they were fighting against Xixia in the northwest, so their relationship was naturally extraordinary.

Zongze rolled his eyes at the two of them, "Do you know what year this is?"

"What happened in the tenth year of the Apocalypse?"

Zongze looked enigmatic and ignored the two of them.

Su Xie and Xu Lin were not fools. After thinking about the key word Ten Years of Apocalypse, they immediately understood it.

"Master Zong, is the imperial edict from the official family about the arrangements for the new cabinet?"

"What do you think?" Zongze asked back.

That's right.

In the minds of many ministers, the new cabinet adjustment to be carried out this year is more important than the recovery of the sixteen states of Yanyun.

Recovering the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun failed this time, so you can continue next time. But if you don't get promoted due to the new cabinet adjustment this time, you won't have a chance next time.

Su Xie and Xu Lin looked at each other, as if they were watching a show, observing the expressions of those present and the ministers who were arriving one after another. They knew that as technical officials, they had an honorable status, but they would never become a bachelor.

If you are promoted to the cabinet, you can at most be transferred to the Ministry of Construction, Industry, etc., and be a minister.

Without desire, one is strong, so the two of them are in a more relaxed mood than Mr. Zong, because according to the usual practice, Mr. Zong's position as Minister of War must be moved.

He might be promoted to a servant and considered to be a junior prime minister. But Zongze knew that his character was too pedantic and upright, and he would probably be moved to the Provincial Procuratorate under his command to serve as the Zuodu Censor.

The young master or the deputy chief minister can at least be moved up.

If he is moved to the Zhongshu Province and serves as the Right Counselor, his official rank will rise in name, but in fact he will lose real power, which is equivalent to being moved down.

Although Zongze is loyal to the country, he will definitely pay attention to his own official career - if he is promoted, he can continue to do more for the court and the people; if he is not promoted, he can do less.

So I sat there, worrying about gains and losses.

The conference hall in the East Pavilion can seat hundreds of people. There is a long oval table in the middle, surrounded by seats. On both sides are rows of long tables and seats.

On the round table and the long table, name plates are placed according to the seating positions. First, look at which province and courtyard you belong to. Shangshu Province and Privy Council are on the left, Zhongshu Province, Menxia Province, Secretary Province, Gewuyuan, and Hongwenyuan.

Waiting institutions, on the right.

Then look at your official rank and real power, estimate which position you can sit in, and then go look there. If you don't underestimate or overestimate, you will definitely be able to find your famous name there.

Su Xie and Xu Lin's seats were in the third row on the right. Compared with Zongze who sat directly on the long round table, they were a bit further back. There was no way, there were too many deputy provincial-level officials in Zhongshu Province, and the Gewuyuan and Biyong University

It is a quiet yamen, not comparable to the Ministry of War.

There are twelve departments in the Ministry of Officials, Li, Bing, and Shangshu. They are the only three families that have retained the names of the original six departments, and are known as the Shangsanbu. The three departments of Shangshu all have the title of Bachelor of Chui Gongdian, without exception.

When Su Xie and Xu Lin saw Cai Jing walking in, they immediately followed them with their eyes, unwilling to leave for a moment.

Cai Jing is the favorite to be the next Dazai, and some gambling houses have even quietly opened a handicap. Cai Pushe's winning rate as the new Dazai is higher than that of other ministers.

As usual, he had a cheerful face and greeted every colleague he met politely. There was nothing unusual about him.

It seems that Cai Jixiang's position as Dazai is stable.

Su Xie and Xu Lin knew that one of the key national policies of the government in recent years was finance and economy. Cai Jing had outstanding political achievements in this area, so it was natural for him to be promoted.

In comparison, Cai Bian's arrival seemed silent. He followed Lu Huiqing and others into the conference hall. Under the cover of the dazzling glare of those in front, he quietly sat down in his seat.

The first row on the right, towards the top.

Finally, Dazai Xu Jiang walked in together with Sikong Su Zhe and Si Kou Fan Chunli. He sat down at the head of the long round table, Su Che on the left and Sikou on the right.

General Xu glanced at the crowd and saw that there were no empty tables.

"Everyone is here, let's get started."

After saying that, General Xu stood up, led all the ministers who stood up, and saluted the gold-lacquered nine-dragon chair at the front of the conference hall.

This should be done regardless of whether the officials are coming or not, to show that the meeting is being held with the attention of the officials.

After the salute, everyone sat back down.

"Comrades, I have called you all here to read out the official imperial edict." General Xu did not hesitate and went straight to the point.

"The Sword Comes"

"Promoted Cai Bian to Zuopushe, and made him a bachelor of Chui Gongdian..."

The first sentence made everyone in the conference hall feel like a string of thunder went off in their heads. Zuo Pushe and the Grand Bachelor of Chongzhengdian were the next Dazai, so why did it fall on Cai Bian?

But then I thought, why not him?

He has served as a servant and a left-hand minister, and he has also served as a right servant for two years and as a censor of the left capital of the Duchayuan for two years. According to the requirements of the new official system, he may lack a resume of being in charge of the administration of a local county.

But the officials have also made it clear that there must be a transition to the new official system, so the first three officials can take over the power.

The first three successors? The first was Dazai Zhang Dun, the second was General Xu, and the third was Cai Bian. Then who is the fourth is about to be revealed.

Everyone seemed to be wondering about something again.

General Xu continued to read, "He Zhizhong moved to the left as a counselor, and he was added as a bachelor of Chui Gongdian; Chang'an Min moved to the lower province of Dali Temple as the chief minister, and he was added as a bachelor of Chui Gongdian..."

No need to think about it, He Zhizhong will definitely be the next Sikong, and Chang Anmin will definitely be the next Sikou.

"Zongze moved under the imperial censor of the Provincial Procuratorate and became a bachelor of the Imperial Palace..."

Zongze breathed a sigh of relief and finally moved up.

However, why is the title of Grand Bachelor of Chuigongdian added now, and next year it will be changed to Yushi of Zuodu? As a rule, it will be moved to another level, and the title of Grand Bachelor of Chongzhengdian will be added.

However, in the past, the censor of Zuodu only had the title of Bachelor of Chui Gongdian, which was one level lower than that of Sikou and Chief Minister of Dali Temple, who had the title of Bachelor of Chongzhengdian.

Zongze and many others were mumbling in their hearts.

General Xu seemed to have heard these thoughts, and stopped to explain: "The officials have said that the number of bachelors in Chongzhengdian Palace will be adjusted to include two from the Shangshu Province, two from the Menxia Province, and one from the Zhongshu Province."

In the past, there were four Grand Scholars, the chief officials of the three provinces and one academy. Now that the Privy Council has withdrawn, the three provinces have added two, making the total number five.

But why did the Privy Council withdraw from the Cabinet?

In the seventh year of the Apocalypse, Yao Lin, the minister who was the first to destroy Xia, was appointed as the Privy Council envoy. At that time, the government and the public were in an uproar. This was Di Wuxiang's second. Many frustrated scholars and civil servants found new goals and impeached Yao Lin one after another, even in newspapers and magazines

Write satirical articles on it.

Within a year and a half, Yao Lin became overwhelmed and felt unwell, so he took the initiative to resign.

Do you just think Feng Yi won the round?

*In the Song Dynasty, the principal and deputy positions were combined together. For example, the chief envoy and the deputy envoy were collectively called the deputy envoy.
This chapter has been completed!
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