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Chapter 45 Ambushed

Cen Meng swung his sword to deflect the arrows flying towards Zhao Xi, and pounced forward.

At the same time, Zhao Si and Ming Zhaoxia suddenly turned to the left. Hu Luxiong and Xue Fanzi suddenly jumped to the right. They all avoided the first round of arrows.

Ming Zhaoxia had a slender sword in her right hand. She pointed it at the wooden door of the shop on the left and slashed it from above. The blade of the sword followed the thin cracks in the door and cut through the door bolt like tofu.

Zhao Si took advantage of the situation to take off the bow and arrow on his back. He opened his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot an arrow towards the second floor opposite. At the same time, he leaned his back against the wooden door, knocked open the wooden door, and ducked in.

The ambusher's second round of arrows shot out in a whoosh, staring at the figures of several people flying towards them.

The lightning flashed in the morning glow, the sword flowers flew, and the flying arrows fell to the ground with a few clanging sounds.

He ducked out of the way and followed him in.

Xue Fanzi, who was on the other side, exerted all his strength, kicked open the wooden door of the shop on the right, and ducked in.

Hu Luxiong stopped at the door and waited for the arrows to fly. Two of them flashed past his body. He stretched out his left hand and caught the other arrow. But his right hand had already taken off the bow on his back, and he put it on with a whoosh.

He shot it back, and a scream was heard immediately.

Turning around, Hu Luxiong followed him into the house, took an arrow from his back, and shot another arrow to the opposite side, causing a scream.

Xue Fanzi, who rushed into the house, drew out his two swords, held them in a sword, screamed strangely, and rushed towards the second floor like a madman.

The leader of the ambushers was in the dark, dumbfounded.

Who are these five?

It seems that the leader is still a prince. Why are there flashes of light and flint, and quick attacks and defenses? Even the big thieves and robbers on the road are not so skillful and quick.

More than a dozen people jumped down from the second floor, and six of them separated to attack Cen Meng. The rest divided into two groups and approached the shops on both sides where Zhao Si and Hu Luxiong were hiding.

Cen Meng pulled out his steel knife, took a lunge, and attacked the person in front.

This man was the leader of the ambushers. He blocked Cen Meng's powerful attack with a casual block. The rest of the people also surrounded him from both sides.

Cen Meng took a few steps back and leaned against a blue brick wall, avoiding any further trouble and concentrating on dealing with the enemies surrounding him from three sides.

Only the clanging sound of swords could be heard, like a May rainstorm hitting the eaves, continuous and loud.

After fighting for more than ten rounds, the leader gritted his teeth and roared: "You are not King Jian, you are a bastard of the Western Army!"

Cen Meng cursed without showing any signs of weakness: "Grandpa is a free man who specializes in killing pigs and dogs in Hexi!"

If you are unforgiving with your words, you will be even more fierce with your hands.

Although Cen Meng was at a disadvantage, he could still protect himself for a while.

The ambushers on both sides rushed in through the door that Zhao Si and Xue Fanzi had broken open.

The two doors on the left are open, but they can only accommodate two or three people entering side by side.

As soon as the two ambushers crossed the threshold, they saw a flash of lightning, a cold air hit their faces, and the sword tips were like snowflakes flying in the sky, covering them.

The two of them were shocked and quickly tried to fight.

It's just that the sword tip changed from virtual to real, and changed seven or eight times in a few breaths. When the man on the left thought it was a feint, the sword tip changed from virtual to real, and lightly touched his throat.

The puncture left a hole as big as a pea, and blood spurted out.

This person seemed to have been hit on an acupuncture point, unable to move his whole body, with his mouth open and making a squeaking sound like a toad's cry.

The man on the right was shocked when he knew that his companion had been hit. He stopped trying to parry with all his strength, and an arrow flew silently and hit him hard in the heart.

"Despicable little..." The person on the right muttered angrily and fell down next to his companion on the left.

The door to the right was kicked open by Xue Fanzi, allowing only one person to pass through. The ambushers on the right stood for a few seconds before one jumped out first and rushed in.

As soon as he entered the door, an arrow came from his head, flying very fast. The man tilted his head suddenly, and the arrow pierced his earring.

The visitor did not expect the second arrow to arrive so quickly, almost biting the tail of the first arrow before arriving, and headed straight to the right, as if he had expected that he would turn his head this way.

The man could no longer hide away, and the second arrow pierced his left eye socket. Because the distance was too close, the powerful arrow tip actually emerged from the back of his head.

The doors on the left and right turned out to be key points that could be blocked by one man and blocked by ten thousand others. The ambushers did not expect this and stopped temporarily to discuss countermeasures.

On the quiet street, I heard the sound of swords clashing on Cen Meng's side, which couldn't stop for a while. And on the second floor on the right, I could only hear the strange screams of Xue Fanzi, who was rushing up, accompanied by screams and screams from time to time.

Angry curses.

"Hey! Rat kids, what are you doing?"

A thunderous shout suddenly sounded in the night sky.

At one end of the long street, six figures appeared, with different heights and different body shapes. They all looked strong and strong.

The one at the front was Yang Keshi. He was like a big bear coming out of hibernation to look for food. Suddenly he saw the delicious food and rushed to the front aggressively.

Behind him were Wei Baoqing, Bai Chonghu, Yang Weizhong, Zhe Yanzhi and Yang Zongmin.

Wei Baoqing grabbed Yang Keshi, pointed at the ambusher and shouted.

"What are you doing! You are using more people to defeat less people. You are not a good man."

The one who came out was the little leader of the ambushers. He twisted the steel knife in his hand into a flower and said sullenly: "If you don't want to die, just leave quickly. The steel knife in my hand will make you want to die in vain."


"The thief who is straight is a dog thief from the Hexi family. No wonder I can smell the fishy smell just two streets away!"

Yang Keshi roared loudly, and took out an unusually long and thick wooden stick from behind. Like a tiger leaping into a stream, he jumped in front of the little boss in a few leaps, and then smashed it down hard.

The little boss quickly raised his knife to block it, but he didn't expect this man's strength to be so fierce.

His arm went numb, and the knife in his hand was almost knocked to the ground. He quickly held the back of the knife with his left hand, raised it with both hands, and then held it up.

Yang Keshi is not only fierce, but also extremely experienced.

Seeing that the little boss was on the defensive, he turned the wooden stick in his hand and hit his Tianling Gai.

The wooden stick with a thick arm came roaring with the wind. If it hit hard, the skull would definitely be broken and the brains would be splattered. The little boss was so horrified that his hands had no time to react and parry. He quickly tilted his head and hit the wooden stick hard.

Hit him hard on the left shoulder.

He only heard a clicking sound, and the little boss felt a sharp pain in his heart, knowing that his left shoulder bone had been smashed.

When it was not time to feel sorry or hesitate, he held back the pain and gritted his teeth, then swung the knife in his right hand outward to disembowel the intruder.

Unexpectedly, after Yang Keshi succeeded in one move, he jumped back suddenly, just in time to avoid the vicious move of the little boss. When he used the move enough, he suddenly jumped forward and hit him with another stick.

Zhao seemed to have heard the movement, and through the open door, he happened to see the movements of a bunch of rabbits rising and falling.

Then there was a muffled sound, and Yang Keshi's wooden stick hit the little leader's head hard, like a watermelon in a thick cloth bag being smashed open.

The remaining five people, Yang Weizhong took the lead, Wei Baoqing, Bai Chonghu, Zhe Yanzhi, and Yang Zongmin followed closely behind. They also rushed forward with a roar, holding wooden sticks, and rushed into the ambushers, like wolves into sheep.

Zhao Si took a few glances and felt relieved.

Although Yang Keshi's six men were small in number, each of them was a rare warrior. The wooden stick he found in his hand was heavy and long, and it was as heavy as an iron mace. Hitting a vital part could kill someone.

The six of them were as if they were on the battlefield and saw a mortal enemy. They rushed forward to kill them, with the momentum of going forward and dying together. The moment their opponents were timid, they succeeded.

If the opponent is not afraid and resists counterattack, they will retreat and look for opportunities or change their tactics.

The ambushers were killed by surprise, but their numbers were superior and they could hold on for a while.

Zhao Si and Hu Luxiong used their bows and arrows in a tacit understanding. When they found an opportunity, they shot an arrow, killing or injuring the target.

When Ming Zhaoxia saw that the situation had changed, she waved the thin sword in her hand, not attacking but defending, protecting Zhao Si.

After a while, Xue Fanzi, who had cleared away the remaining enemies hidden on the second floor, jumped downstairs and joined the ranks of the ambushers.

The six Yang Keshi, plus Cen Meng and Xue Fanzi, worked together, as well as Zhao Si and Hu Luxiong, whose arrows were sure to hit with one hit.

More than 20 people in the ambush were killed and retreated steadily.

When Wang Zhen and Gao Shixuan arrived with their men, less than ten people were left, and they were all killed in one go.

The leader was the most ferocious. He was trapped in a tight siege and suffered more than a dozen serious injuries. He still resisted and was finally beaten to death by Cen Meng.

Wang Zhen asked people to seal both ends of the alleyway, and personally went to inspect the bodies of the ambushers to look for clues to their identities.

Zhao Si wiped his sweat, stepped forward and asked, "Why are you here?"

Wei Baoqing said: "We met for a drink, and when we passed by nearby, Yang Dalangfei pulled us here. Then when he heard the sound of killing, he quietly came forward. There happened to be firewood piled in the shop next to it, and we each chose it.

Anyone who takes advantage will be killed."

Under the introduction of Zhao Si, he and Bai Chonghu got acquainted with the generals of the Western Army in Zhongshi Zhong. They had similar interests and hit it off immediately.

Tomorrow is a holiday, so I took Yang Keshi, Yang Weizhong, Zhe Yanzhi, and Yang Zongmin, who were not on duty, into the city to have a drink.

Yang Keshi shouted, "As I said, I can smell the Hexi thieves from a few miles away."

At this time, Wang Zhen and Gao Shixuan stepped forward and reported solemnly: "Your Highness, you are from the Hexi Family Xian Tao Hall."

"Xian Dao Hall?" Zhao Si pondered and suddenly asked, "We have been killing here for so long. Where did the Pujun and Forbidden Troops who should have been patrolling nearby die?"
This chapter has been completed!
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