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Chapter 47 Disagreement

The officials knew that although their younger brother was very smart and often came up with random ideas, he did not read much and did not understand many of the allusions in the books.

"The allusion of 'disagreement with each other' comes from the former emperor of Zhenmiao. At first, the former emperor of Zhenmiao made Wang Wenmu (Wang Qinruo) his prime minister, and his political enemy Kou Zhongmin (Kou Zhun) was also the prime minister. The former emperor of Renmiao, who was the prince at the time, Unable to understand, the late emperor of Zhenmiao explained, 'If you want to confuse each other with different opinions, that is, each of you will not dare to do anything wrong'..."

Having said this, the official realized something, looked at Zhao Si, and asked with some doubts.

"Brother Thirteen, do you agree with Fan Cigong's suggestion to recall old party officials?"

"Sixth Brother. A few days ago, I read "Different Opinions Conflict" in a certain newspaper. I asked Mr. Ji Zhong for advice, and I was thoughtful. Today, Fan Cigong mentioned the party struggle again, and I think this sentence is more important. The more you think about it, the more sense it makes.”

The official leaned back against a table and leaned back, with most of his face hidden in the shadows.

"Oh, what's the point?"

"Yuanyou changed. As soon as the conservative prime ministers gained power, they vented their personal anger. They deported those who supported the new party to a place where the epidemic was rampant. They wanted to drive out all the people in the new party. They were already bad. Follow the laws of our ancestors.”

When the official heard this, he leaned forward and his whole face was exposed to the sun.

"Oh, Brother Thirteen, keep talking."

Zhao Si breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

The first key to persuading people is not to persuade them in a defensive mood, otherwise the other party will not be able to listen to your great truth.

So Zhao Si first calmly stepped on Sima Guang, Lu Gongzu and Wen Yanbo, whom the emperor hated most, to make him feel at ease before continuing.

"Three Dukes did this, not only did they break the rule of the late Emperor Zhenmiao, but they also broke the rules of the father. No matter how aggressive Wang Jinggong and other new parties were at the beginning, the father was just Move Sangong and other members of the old party to Xijing, Daming, Yingzhou and other places, and continue to entrust them with important responsibilities."

The official couldn't help but nod his head.

"Sixth brother, Yuan You has become more mature. These people have set up bad intentions, and the dispute between gentlemen has turned into a life-and-death party struggle. Wantlessly demoting an opponent is even more suspected of 'letting out private anger and tarnishing one's reputation.'"

"'Voluting private anger will tarnish one's reputation'? Can you say it more clearly?" The official looked at him sharply and kept asking.

"I have carried out a brutal attack and driven my political opponents to the ends of the earth. They are now at peace and happy, and their personal grudges have been settled. But what about your reputation, Sixth Brother? How do people in the world see you? How do future generations see you? How do history books evaluate you?"

Zhao Sisan asked how to find out, and the official's face turned pale every time.

Yes, Zhang Dunzengbu and other new parties are very proud of demoting people from the old party again and again, but how do people in the world view themselves?

You are a villain, no one can measure up to you? Can't even reach half of the late emperor's magnanimity?

The official suddenly felt that the words in the tabloid suddenly became sharp and sharp, piercing his heart and stabbing away a block that had been solidified in his heart for a long time.

"Brother Thirteen, call all those people back?" the official asked hesitantly.

"Sixth brother, if you want me to tell you, learn from my father's methods. Set up a new Hongwen Museum in Luoyang, Xijing, and place all those people there. How much can it cost to raise them?"

Having said this, Zhao Si straightened up and looked a little excited.

"Sixth Brother, the last time I had a fight with Prime Minister Zhang in the Chui Gong Hall, it was definitely not a personal grudge. I just couldn't stand the way they acted as if there was no one around."

"Sixth brother, we see how you treat the ministers of the New Party. You are so daring and heartfelt that you want to tear your heart out. Sixth brother, you are the only one to shoulder the blame."

"But when those bastards vented their private anger and avenged their private revenge, did you ever think about it for Sixth Brother? Sixth Brother, you are the emperor and the official family of the Song Dynasty. You cannot indulge them like this. If you do well, keep doing it. If you don't do well, someone can replace you.


After hearing this, the official finally understood the profound meaning of Brother Thirteen's earnest advice.

Yes, why did my father put the ministers of the old party near Kaifeng? It was to warn the ministers of the new party.

You guys do your job well! If you don’t do your job well, I can call in someone to replace you at any time.

Why didn't I fully understand my father's intentions and methods, and instead I was fooled by the ministers?

Thanks to Brother Thirteen for the hint and advice!

Seeing the emperor's refreshing look, Zhao seemed to know that he had listened to everything he said, so he didn't say any more to avoid adding unnecessary unnecessary fuss.

After leaving the Donghua Gate, Zhao Si looked at the rising sun. The excitement and joy in his heart, just like the golden sunshine, became more and more intense.

"Zhaoxia, Mr. Dongpo will be recalled to Beijing soon." Zhao Si turned to Ming Zhaoxia, who was following him.

"Really?" Ming Zhaoxia, who was wearing men's clothing, suddenly turned her head and stared at Zhao Si. Her big eyes slowly turned red and filled with tears.

"Brother Emperor will recall a group of old party ministers in the near future. I will try to put Mr. Dongpo on the first list."

"Great!" Ming Zhaoxia murmured, tears dripping down her cheeks.

Zhao Si looked at her, resisting the pain in his heart, and continued.

"Now I need to think of a way and find a reason so that the officials can issue the edict in a legitimate manner."

"The virtuous concubine Liu is already pregnant. How about praying for the unborn prince and princess?" Ming Zhaoxia said impatiently.

Zhao Si was startled.

Big girls, we don’t dare to do this.

I knew that he must be a eldest nephew, but he only lived for a month or so and died young.

Using this as an excuse to pardon the old ministers, the emperor's brother, who was immersed in the pain of losing his son, was provoked: it was the pardon of the old ministers that led to the death of the prince!

That's a real tragedy! There's no way we can get it back.

"The tenth of this month is my father's birthday, so I will use this as an excuse...well..." Zhao Si thought of it.

"Let's discuss it when we return home!"

As soon as he arrived at the mansion, Zhang Shuye came with one person to pay him a visit.

"Your Majesty, this is Liu Kai and Liu Zhongyan, who just arrived in Kaifeng from Longcheng." Zhang Shuye introduced.

"My subordinate Chong'an Liu Kai pays homage to the king!"

Liu Kai has an ordinary appearance, except for his pair of eyebrows that hang down over his eyes, making him unforgettable.

"Mr. Zhong Yan, I have been thinking about it day and night, and finally I have found you." Zhao Si took Liu Kai's hand and said earnestly.

"Liu's talent is shallow and he may disappoint the king." Liu Kai replied calmly.

"I know Mr. Zhong Yan's talents and knowledge. I just hope that I, a reckless man, will not disappoint Mr. Zhong Yan."

Liu Kai raised his head, looked at Zhao Xi's sincere eyes, finally bowed his head and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Okay! Mr. Ji Zhong, I want Mr. Zhong Yan to temporarily take over the position of deputy director of the Propaganda Bureau of Xiaoqi Camp in the name of Prince Jian's Palace. You can take care of him more and hand over as soon as possible. There are Hexi dog thieves in Kaifeng Palace, Khitan

The evil children are running rampant, and the emperor is very dissatisfied and is determined to rectify the situation secretly. I recommend Mr. Ji Zhong to the emperor as the judge of Kaifeng Prefecture, who will be responsible for the official affairs of the Imperial Court."

"When my subordinates receive orders, they will do their best!"

At the same time, in a courtyard somewhere in the south wing of the city, a group of people were kneeling on the ground, pretending to be women holding whips, beating them angrily, and yelling curses while beating them back!

But these dozen tough men were lying on the ground, trembling, as docile as sheep, not daring to resist at all.
This chapter has been completed!
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