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Chapter 20: Shanghai of the Great Song Dynasty

Shanghai County was the most important focus of the Song Dynasty's New Deal. Hundreds of yarn mills, cotton cloth mills, silk mills, steel mills... stood at the mouth of the Yangtze River, relying on the sea, the Yangtze River and the dense water network in the Yangtze River Delta region to absorb

The manpower, cotton, silk cocoons, tea leaves in the Yangtze River Delta region, as well as coal, copper and iron ore from overseas are busy being made into products one after another, and then sold to various places.

The air here was filled with all kinds of pungent smells such as coal smoke. Yue Zhuoqun took a deep breath, looked at the endless factories in the distance affectionately, and said excitedly: "This is what your Majesty called big industry! It's really exciting.

It's so surging that even the air feels a little sweet."

Damn it! Such a pungent smell actually tastes sweet to you? Big industry, where is this? The steam engine has not been developed yet, black smoke is like pillars, dense like forests, covering the sky and the sun, that is called big industry.

However, Zhao didn't seem to refute him, nor did he stop him from visiting these factories. In front of you, Byzantium can't learn from it. Where does the iron ore come from? Where does the coal come from? Also, in addition to revitalizing industry, a stable political environment is needed.

You, the Byzantines, change emperors every day, get stabbed in the back by the Crusaders, and get hammered by the Saracens and Turks when nothing happens. Even if you are given a plan, you will not be able to hold on for a few days.

"You guys said," Zhao Si looked around and turned to ask Ye Xun, Yu Wenxuzhong, Yue Zhuoqun, Zhao Ding, deputy envoy to the right of Jiangdong County, Zhu Shengfei from Southeast Customs, and Xue Bi, the magistrate of Jiazhou.

Zhao Ding has both talents and qualifications, but he is too young, only twenty-seven years old. He has been promoted to the position of deputy chief envoy to the right, and has already received huge criticism. It is only an official appointment, and anyone who has an opinion can only suppress it.

In the belly.

Xue Bi was also too young, and his appointment as the magistrate of Jiazhou also encountered a lot of criticism. Jiazhou was established by dividing Shanghai, Huating and other counties from Suzhou, and then merging Jiaxing and other counties in Xiuzhou. It belongs to Zhili Prefecture

——Zhizhou is at the deputy county level.

Zhu Shengfei is older, already thirty years old, and with the Southeast Customs Administration, although it has a high level - it is directly under the Shangshu Provincial Customs Administration (the Zuo Shilang of the Du Branch concurrently serves as the Customs Administration), and is also at the deputy county level, in charge of Jiangdong, Donghai, Huaihe

There are four Class A customs offices and twelve Class B customs offices in the three counties of Dongfang and Jiangning. However, the mainstream officialdom has no idea about this newly established department, so it does not show its prowess.

"What is the biggest achievement of the prosperity of maritime trade and the expansion of industry?"

Listening to Zhao Xi's question, everyone fell into deep thought.

"Your Majesty, I think it is necessary to change the views of officials, civilians, soldiers and civilians on trade and industry." Xue Bi answered first.

It is true that although the Song Dynasty emphasized commerce, many conservatives still clung to the previous ideas of a small country with a small population, focusing on agriculture and neglecting commerce. Conservatives despised industry, and even in some people's minds, these were miraculous tricks.

, evil elements that must be combated.

However, after ten years of development, the government and the public have understood that industry and commerce are actually integrated. Without industrial output, commerce is lame. They traffic in crops and handicrafts every day, and it seems that they make a lot of money. However, after the layout is completed in a few years, the industrial giant

The scale of output, the number and value of commercial transactions have increased dozens of times. Looking back, we can see that it was all just playing house.

Countless people have benefited from the surge in industry and commerce, and have actually benefited from it. Naturally, their views on commerce and industry have changed dramatically. This change has emerged from the southeast, and then formed a rolling trend. Under the secret guidance of the Secretariat and other departments

, swept through the ideological circles of the Song Dynasty - the conservatives were even more defeated.

How dare you stop us from getting rich! Even the reincarnation of Saint Kong won’t work!

Zhao Si nodded with satisfaction. The people he focused on cultivating have indeed become talents. He did not say anything about increasing the revenue of the treasury and enriching the people. These are natural results, principles that everyone understands, and he would not ask such questions.

"This can only be regarded as an achievement, but in my opinion, it is not something that everyone has not thought of, but it is of far-reaching significance."

Zhao Si shook his head.

"I would like to ask Your Majesty to express it clearly." Everyone said respectfully.

"Trust!" Zhao Si said softly.

"Trust!" The smart people were suddenly pierced through the layer of window paper and suddenly understood; the less qualified people were still thinking about it, the light was not far away, but just a little bit out of reach.

"Yes. A trust means that the trustor entrusts his property rights to the trustee based on his trust in the trustee. The trustee will manage, dispose of, etc. in his own name according to the wishes of the trustor for his own benefit or specific purpose.

A kind of behavior. The basis of trust is trust, and the form of expression is contract."

Zhao Si began to explain patiently, "For example, when a merchant ship goes to sea and trades with overseas countries, it is impossible for the shipowner or cargo owner to go with him in person, and can only entrust it to the captain and manager to handle it. Tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of goods are left to the captain and manager.

Manager, you may encounter sea wind capsize or pirates on the way, and you will lose everything..."

"It's also possible that upon arrival at the destination, the cargo has changed from being a rare commodity to being worthless. In short, after going through all kinds of risks, you can return to Hong Kong smoothly, either with huge profits or with huge losses. What should you do? Of course it's easy to say that you've made money.

, what should I do if I lose money? The client blames the trustee? Ask him to compensate?"

Having said this, Zhao Si turned to look at everyone, his questioning eyes scanning everyone.

"Your Majesty, this is impossible." Ye Xun stood up and said, "Doing business has risks, and maritime trade has even greater risks. Every business must ensure that there will be profits and no losses. Who can guarantee it? No one can guarantee it, and no one can

No one dares to do this business. Such a ship owner or cargo owner can only go to sea personally, and no one is willing to help him."

"That's right!" Zhao Si high-fived, "So trust is very important. But before the Song Dynasty business, trust only stayed in the moral category. If you keep your word, you will get moral commendation, and there will be more business; if you break your trust, you will get moral condemnation, and no one will

I am willing to do business with him again. But this is far from enough. There are still many people in this world who will put interests above morality."

Zhao Ding suddenly realized, "Your Majesty, I understand. This is what Your Majesty mentioned when giving lectures before, 'The law is the final guarantee of morality, and morality is the most solid foundation of the law.'"

"That's right. A contract is the legal form of trust. And trust is the basis of all commercial activities. After ten years of business and industry expansion, most people have realized the importance of trust intentionally or unintentionally, and also recognized the importance of trust.

This form of signing a contract puts the trust of both parties within the framework of the law and uses public power to provide the strongest guarantee."

"I understand," Zhao Ding, Ye Xun and Zhu Shengfei blurted out excitedly, then looked at each other, and finally let Zhao Ding speak out in tacit agreement.

"His Majesty insists on placing Dali Temple in an independent position, allowing the Dali Temple judge to be free from outside interference as much as possible to ensure its fairness, so that everyone will abide by the contract guaranteed by the impartial authority."

"That's right. In my opinion, the biggest achievement of ten years of trade and industry expansion is that everyone realizes the importance of trust and considers it to be the most important cornerstone of the Song Dynasty. On this basis, we established and improved

A complete set of trust systems. Inland and overseas trade, banking, insurance, shipping... These are essentially trust behaviors based on trust."

Finally, Zhao Si said profoundly: "It is very difficult to build trust and it takes years and decades of impartiality; but it is extremely easy to destroy it."

"I have learned a lesson!" Ye Xun and others replied solemnly with their hands in hand.

Zhao Si visited Shanghai for four days, then returned to Suzhou, met up with the concubine and his entourage, and accompanied Liu Ji, the governor of Donghai County, who had completed a study meeting, and headed south to Donghai County along the canal.

Yue Zhuoqun stayed in Shanghai, waiting for the Byzantine envoys who should have arrived long ago according to their schedule, together with a governor of the vassal department.

Ye Xun then boarded a multi-oared speedboat and headed south to Panyu to take up his post.

You are a genius, remember in one second: Red Oasis:
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