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Chapter 23: Hai Shang

By the time Lopez woke up and came back, the sound of gunfire had stopped for a while. The sailors of the Ningxiang were throwing claw ropes to the nearest and largest Li Yueguo ship.

The artillery fires for a while, causing the opponent to lose most of its combat effectiveness, and then goes over with guns and knives. Sometimes it is easy, sometimes it is a bloody battle, and finally capturing the ship is considered a victory.

This is basically the routine used by the Song Dynasty navy to fight naval battles - this process is both military and civilian, and it was all taught by a master anyway.

Captain Liu Sixiong held a knife in his right hand and a gun in his left hand. He stood on the side of the ship and gave orders loudly.

"Stormtroopers get ready, check each other."

Dozens of sailors responded, holding crossbows, steel knives and spears.

"Men at the masthead, are you ready?"

Lopez looked up following the sound and saw four people crowded at the sentry post at the top of the mast, each holding a smooth-bore flintlock gun.

"Don't worry, Captain. I'll shoot you wherever you want later, and keep each shot in safe hands."

"Brag less and stare more. You stand high and see far. The lives of our brothers are in your eyes and hands."

"Got it Captain!"

The sailors began to lay planks between the two ships, and Liu Sixiong continued to ask.

"First mate, hand cannon team, has the hand cannon team been summoned?"

The first mate came over with four sailors. Each of them had a hand cannon with a caliber the size of a teacup. There were handles in the middle and at the tail of the cannon, which were easy to hold with both hands. There was also a belt hanging on the shoulder so that the gunner could

Holding the hand cannon steadily, the barrel has been loaded with gunpowder and a dozen mung bean-sized shotgun shells. The flintlock trigger is also ready to fire.

"Go ahead!" Liu Sixiong waved.

The first mate led four hand gunners up to the wooden planks, and Liu Sixiong and the boatswain led the stormtroopers up one after another.

"Commander of artillery, keep an eye on it!" Liu Sixiong turned around and shouted again.

"Captain, don't worry, if the enemy dares to do something bad, I will blow it to pieces!"

Lopez was a veteran and had fought in water battles. He immediately picked up a spear and wanted to follow, but was stopped by the second officer.

"You are an envoy, and you have to go to our Kaifeng Mansion. Don't go up there. You have no eyesight, and who knows what will happen. If you fail to complete your mission, we will also have to bear the responsibility."

Lopez understood what the second officer said and threw the spear aside in frustration.

He stood on the deck and looked at the captain. The first mate led the stormtroopers along the planks to the enemy ship, spread out their formation on the deck, and with the hand gunner as the forward, cautiously advanced towards the depths of the enemy ship.

The enemy ship was smashed into a mess. The foremast fell down and lay across the deck. The hard sail was like a pot, covering a large part of the deck. The stormtroopers walked in slowly. It was very ugly here.


Lopez quickly ran to the poop, where he had a wide view and saw the stormtroopers walking through the ruins. They carefully avoided the broken limbs and looked around vigilantly, wary of jumping out from somewhere at any time.

's opponent.

Walking to the middle, it was obscured by the half-hung hard sail of the mainmast. Lopez saw the stormtroopers walking in halfway, and suddenly heard an angry voice: "Straight bitch, you are hiding here!"

Then there was the roar of hand cannons, then the musketeers on the mainmast overhead also opened fire, and then there was a cry of killing.

"Kill, kill these donkeys!"

The thick green smoke that had filled the sea just now and made the ships looming slowly dissipated, and the fierce shouts of killing slowly became sparse. Li Yueguo's ship was only 300 tons at most and had more than 100 sailors. After the bombardment,

There won't be many people left. They are barely able to resist as they linger on.

The shouts of death slowly dissipated, and the ship opposite fell into a kind of silence, which made people feel a little uneasy.

"Stretcher, stretcher!" A voice suddenly sounded from the opposite side. The people here seemed to be awakened and looked a little panicked. Two sailors ran over dragging the folded stretcher. They slipped on the wooden board and almost fell into the sea.

When I got to the deck over there, I was too panicked and didn't pay attention to my feet. I slipped again on a pool of semi-solidified blood.

The two sailors rolled and crawled to the ground and quickly delivered the stretcher to its destination.

After a while, Liu Sixiong and three sailors ran over anxiously carrying a person on a stretcher.

"Ship doctor! Ship doctor!" Liu Sixiong shouted while running.

When the ship's doctor was calling for a stretcher, he got out of nowhere and stood on the side deck of the ship. He had a stubble on his face and was wrapped in a turban. He was in his thirties or forties. He was wearing clothes and pants similar to those of a sailor, except that he wore a coat outside.

A short coat with red gourds painted on it.

Liu Sixiong and four others carried the stretcher over and placed it on the deck. The ship's doctor bent down and inspected it carefully.

The sailors gathered around.

"Captain, what happened to Wang Mazi?"

"I met a boy in the cabin. I raised my knife but didn't cut it down. As a result, I was stabbed by the boy." Liu Sixiong said angrily.

"You shouldn't. Wang Mazi is a veteran. He has seen blood on his hands. Why did he hesitate?" the sailors said in a confused voice.

"Who knows what kind of evil he has been possessed by? Medical officer, how about the hemp seeds?" Liu Sixiong asked anxiously.

"He was stabbed with a hook gun, a section of his intestines was pulled out, and several parts were torn off. I can't do anything." The ship's doctor stood up and said helplessly.

"Straight bitch! Where's that bastard? I'm going to kill him!"

The artillery commander, who had the best relationship with Wang Mazi, jumped on his feet and cursed.

"As soon as the brothers rushed forward, they had already chopped the bastard down. However, chopping that kid into pieces would not save Dazi's life."

While Liu Sixiong was talking, Wang Mazi suddenly woke up while lying on his back, and his lips trembled as he wanted to speak. He quickly leaned down and listened.

He stood up with a complicated expression and looked at Wang Mazi with his eyes wide open, looking at the blue sky and white clouds, his breath gradually weakening.

"Captain, what did Mazi say?"

"He said that boy looked like his brother, so he was reluctant to take action."

Everyone said nothing and stood around watching Wang Mazi take his last breath.

At dusk, several sailors found a piece of canvas to mend the sail and wrapped Wang Mazi's body.

"Are you going to bury him at sea?" Lopez asked.

"Yes." Liu Sixiong silently watched the sailors doing everything, and responded in a deep voice, "Those of us who run ships all hope to die on the bed and be buried in the soil. But being buried in the sea and returning to our hometown is...

Our fate."

The sailors used long needles and twine to sew the canvas wrapped around the body into a long bag, and tied chain bullets to the legs - two iron bullets with an iron chain in the middle. Then they lifted them together onto a wooden board.

The boatswain rang the bell, and everyone on the ship, except those on duty, came and stood on the deck to see Wang Mazi off.

"What's Brother Wang's name? Oh, Wang Zhigang. I always call him Wang Mazi. I can't even remember his name." Liu Sixiong had already taken off his hat and said hoarsely.

"Brother, don't worry. You have invited the other brothers on board to have a drink as promised to celebrate your brother's admission to the Navigation Academy. We will buy this drink for you," Liu Sixiong continued.

At this time, the sun was setting in the west, hanging like a guiding lantern in the dark blue sky.

"Sincerity is both brave and martial, and it is strong and undefeatable. The body is dead, but the spirit is the spirit, and the soul is resolute and the ghost is strong." Liu Sixiong read loudly, which seemed to be a poem from the Song Dynasty. It was very rhythmic and very pleasant to listen to.

, but Lopez couldn’t understand it and only felt it was very tragic.

While they were chanting, the two sailors slowly raised the wooden plank on the side of the ship. The canvas bag wrapped around Wang Zhigang's body slid down and fell into the sea. Pulled by the chain bullets, it quickly sank to the bottom of the sea.

On the Ningxiang, Anhua, and other Song ships, paper lanterns were lit one after another and slowly floated into the sky. Song people called them Kongming lanterns. They raised them at this time, saying that they were used to illuminate the way home for the dead.


"Wang Zhigang, the way home has been lighted for you, don't get lost!" Liu Sixiong shouted at the top of his lungs.

Seeing the Kongming lanterns floating higher and higher in the sky, and finally like fireflies, the sailors on the ship sang softly.

"How can I say that I have no clothes? I share the same robe with you. When the king raised an army, he repaired my sword and spear, and I share the same enemy with you!"

Accompanied by the waves, the song is as soft and gentle as the sea breeze.

It was completely dark, but the crew of the Ningxiang was still busy. The entire ship was facing the dark Guangning Port, only three to four hundred meters away.

Captain Liu Sixiong stood on the poop, staring at the sea.

"Captain, what are you looking at?" Lopez asked.

"Brother Wang has turned into a fish and is about to swim back to his hometown. He will not be the biggest bastard in the South China Sea, he will be a fish full of spots."

Liu Sixiong turned his head and stared at Lopez, with tears and laughter in his eyes.

"Captain, there is movement on the shore!"

Several fires were lit on the shore, which stood out in the dark night.

"Target where the fire is, measure the distance, load the scorching bombs and explosive bombs, and hit me hard!" Liu Sixiong said viciously while putting on his triangular felt hat.

A few minutes later, the Ningxiang took the lead in firing, and soon the entire sea was roaring!

You are a genius, remember in one second: Red Oasis:
This chapter has been completed!
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